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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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"She's...finally at peace," he says before gently pulling away. "I'm going to get Riaril to heal Solaris then you and I can go to Ga-Wahi. I'd like to make sure she us buried next to her family."The Ta-Toa knocks on Riaril's door."Ma'am, would...would you let me in?" asks the Ta-Toa to the doctor.-Mef Man

IC: Riaril burst from the door, only just managing to keep Tairel from getting hit by its swinging volcanic rock. "Actually, no, I wouldn't, because it appears there's a commotion at the front desk I can hear from HERE," she said icily. The toa strode through the hospital towards said front desk.Nakumir gazed up at the alien titan. The ga-matoran was afraid of the gigantic (and quite powerful-looking) beast looming over her, but tried not to show it."Our chief doctor will be with you in a moment," she said in as soothing a voice as possible.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: JLJL: Whoa, dude! Slow down a sec. By benefit others, I don't mean we give them supplies to make their lives easier. What I mean is basically we vanquish whatever it is trying to kill them through indirect means - that is to say, direct adventures. You have to be ready to fight. You have to be ready to fight for your life. You have to be ready to die for others. I'll ask you again - Do you want in.He looked towards the northwest, where at his farthest sight not being the volcano and plains of ash, was a mountain capped with the lightest of snow, and a trail of that stretching west, creating the optical illusion of a cloud.JL: If you guys want in, we're heading to Ko-Wahi. If we're going to help the matoran, we need to know where to help, and what we face. Make your decision quick, because even now, there are things stirring, enemies rising.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC (Voi, Ta-Koro):Voi could barely contain himself. He didn't even consider the possibility of death, the whole idea sounded absurd. Plus, he had these vague memories of some great adventures... probably dreams. Still, he was ready to do whatever it would take to help others. Even if it meant fighting."Sure, I still want in", he said. "It'll be great! What will await us in Ko-Koro? Rahi?"

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"I'll take care of this," the Ta-Toa said to the Ga-Matoran. Turning to the Titan, Tairel says,"If you have any complaints with somone dying on top of you; I'd suggest you take it up with her." Of course this was impossible, but Ga'mal was no one's responsibility. If he was sue the hospital for a patient comitting suicide, he was crazy.But that was already established.-Mef Man

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IC: PlagiaPlagia stumbled back, landing on the ground, numb from shock. How could it be...'Brother...' she choked out.In a state of shock, she said to Akinii, 'Makuta is the vilest, most evil being this island has known. He's mad, and depraved, and any who claim they stand by him are just as insane.'Her eyes turned hard suddenly, and she stood back to her feet, 'Get out Rynekk. Don't let me see you again.'IC: RynekkRynekk scowled. How could she not see...'I'm insane. I'M INSANE!,' he cried, 'So, have you sided with Mata Nui then? A being whose left his people to ruin? A being who has been destroyed by darkness? A being whose only followers are a rabble of idealistic fools!?'He glowered, feelings of rage, hurt and guilt rising up in his chest like bile.-Void



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IC: Akinii"Wha...?" Akinii didn't know who this Mata Nui person was either, unsurprisingly. The Toa of Ice decided it'd be better if he didn't ask more questions. He trusted Plagia, but he wondered if there was any truth to what Rynekk was saying. Somehow I doubt it... Akinii considered telling Rynekk to leave, but decided not to for the moment: if the Toa of Fire threatened Plagia in any way, Akinii would be ready.

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IC: Solaris, Miptel, The Rel, Yerith, PordalSolaris looked up at his comrades."Guys," he gasped. "You're here.""Yeah," Mip said, grinning. "We made it. It was a long hike.""Well, I'm glad you're here," Solaris said."So am I," Mip agreed.The Rel gave a neutral grunt."I missed you to, Rel," Solaris chortled. "So do you know what happened to Ga'mal and the docs?""The doctors are messing around outside," The Rel answered. "We don't know about Ga'mal..."Once more, Yerith and Pordal were eavesdropping from the next room. Yerith felt that they should come in. So they walked into the next room. Solaris was on his bed, surrounded by his allies."Hey, you're the guy who helped me get Ghar-Knel in here," Solaris pointed out."Yes," Yerith said. "I'm Price. This is my comrade and dear friend, Soap."Pordal waved."We thought you would like to know that..." Pordal said. "Well, I think it's a bit hard to break to you but... Price, you say it.""I thought you were better at this," Yerith hissed."I am, it's just that... fine," Pordal growled. He turned back to Solaris. "Ga'mal is dead... She, uh, killed herself..."Solaris gasped. He had killed one more person... Oh, Mata Nui, he should have died. He should have let Ghar-Knel kill him. He thought that he could give Ga'mal another chance................ This was all his fault."That's..." Solaris choked out through held back tears. "That's too bad."An understatement if ever there was one.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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Tairel turns back to Ayra and asks her,"Will you tell Solaris that a doctor will be in there shortly?" Turning back to the Titan, Tairel says to him,"So, furthermore, you cannot sue a dead Matoran for falling on top of you. She is her own responsibility; not ours. So, I would suggest you go ahead and leave so I can bury my friend. Please."-Mef Man

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Tairel turns to Riaril and nods his thanks then back to the Titan."Look, I'm sorry you broke her fall, but there's no one alive to sue. Could you just...please leave us alone?"OOC: I am so tempted for Ga'mal to sit up and say that she's alive, but I'm still deciding. Because, she wouldn't had died if she did fall on the Titan. Help me out here, people!-Mef Man

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IC: Indifferent to Ga'mal, Kahua explained to Mip and The Rel. "What happened is very simple, at the beginning. He faced Ghar-Knel and won, but at the cost of all these injuries. This is Shohu."Shohu smiled at Mip and The Rel. "I'm here tracking down a crazy Makuta-serving Skakdi.""Yeah...it didn't help that the Skakdi showed up. Red. Gauntleted. Crusty armor. Acid Zamor rifle. There was a bit of a scuffle here...""Yeah, Kahua was a great help." Shohu showed the scar from being shot in the face. "Nasty acid, yes?"


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OOC: I...like it! :D

IC(Ga'mal and Tairel)

"Excuse my friend," says Tairel to the doctor. "She doesn't mean any-""Ghar? Ghar?"Everything seemed to just...stop. Ga'mal was...alive?The Ta-Toa looks down to see the Ga-Matoran's heartlight beginning to flash again while her eyes were still closed. Tairel turns around and runs to the operating room, setting her down on a second table."Ayra; you know what to get and hurry!"-Mef Man

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Tairel places the ether in a rag and simply pushes it against Ga'mal's face; forcing her to sleep, then he begins to operate. Using his Mask, he began to heal the internal wounds, but it wasn't helping. The heartlight had stopped flashing a long time ago. After about an hour, Tairel sits back in a nearby chair, gasping for breath."It's...it's no use," he says. "She's...dead." It was hard to say the words, but it was the truth. She was alive for only a split second then she was gone again; snuffed out of the island like a candle going out. "Ayra, are you coming with me to Ga-Koro?"-Mef Man

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OOC: It's the element of surprise in my posts; expect the unexpected. :P


Tairel gently pats Ayra's head as he tries to calm her down."It's okay, Ayra. It was just...his will, I guess," Tairel says. "If he had needed her to do anything else he would have kept her alive, but it was her time to go to rest. Now, we need to do bury her body and we'll have to move on. It'll be okay," he adds, trying to smile. But one never came. He was too exhausted and depressed to smile. It would probably be some time before he smiled again.-Mef Man

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IC - Kyju - HospitalThe Akrainid rolled his eyes. "Look, if I can tell, she's drifting. I have one way I might be able to help her." he said.Would his way work? How could it? It seemed reckless. Only one way to find out...

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Fyriin:Fyriin munched on the body of Ghar Knel. "Delicious.." Fyriin said as she kept munching on his corpse. She looted his weapons. "Too bad you don't have a mask," Fyriin hissed, examining the tools.IC: Ayra:"Do you.. know where she'd like to be buried?" Ayra asked, still crying as she spoke.

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IC - Kyju - Hospital"Okay, here's the deal..."The amphibian cracked his knuckles."I'm an Akrainid. I have regenerative blood. Heals any wound. Makes us practically immortal, barring age." he smiled. It wasn't a warm smile. He was kind of incapable of those."Get me a syringe or a small knife."The looming Akrainid glared down at the Matoran who was obviously frightened by him."What are you looking at?" he snapped.

Edited by The King of No Isles

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: Solaris, seeing as Ghar is dead, we can use this for a new story arc. :DIC: Kahua and Shohu sat down. They would wait the night out for Solaris to heal."So who's this Ga'mal?""Suicided. Failure. Good-natured, I guess, but crazy. She was in love with Solaris's worst enemy, and when he died she suicided. Craziest part is, he didn't love her back."Shohu frowned. "...it...happens." He decided to lie down. "I'm gonna get some sleep."Zeltroth left the shop, tearing off the tent top and rougly sewing it together. He used it as a hooded cloak, covering the scars from his fight with Tahuva. "Karz..." He shifted the cape part of the cloak to the side, covering his left shoulder and arm instead of his back. His back was fine. "Time to go visit my master." He went into a cave under the volcano. "Yes...." "I see you have returned...from that wretched village." Fallen shifted in his seat."Fallen, my master..." Zeltroth got down on one knee. "I failed you on the Turaga. My antics are...infamous.""You have much to learn, my...disciple. The island knows to fight you on sight...leaving time for me to sneak past...and do our dirty work." Fallen stood up, tearing off his bandages. "The time has come for my arrival."Zeltroth and Fallen left their cave.


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OOC: Oh yeah, I forgot to say, but Rynekk is actually a Toa of Stone.IC: Plagia Plagia glowered silently, her gaze so intense on Rynekk it could have cut through his heartlight. Why, when she had just found him?'C'mon Akinii, let's get out of here,' she said heartlessly, trying hard not to show her hurt.IC: RynekkRynekk could only stare at Plagia, incredulous. He could feel his fingers digging into his palm. His heart pounded in his ears.'Traitor!' he screamed, 'Coward!'He wasn't sure what came over him at that point, but he charged grabbing Plagia from behind.'Can't you see!? He was the one who saved me in this wretched place! He was the one who showed me the light! He's helped me more than you ever have!'-Void



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IC: [Stronin]Stronin looked back one last time at where JL and Voi was, before returning to the store that sold swords. His journeying with Henkka was over, so now he would have to pick a new thing to do, which was to work for the blacksmith that owned the store."So what do you want me to do now?" he asked as he leaned against the wall next to his new employer. "And by the way, my name's Stronin."

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IC - Kyju - HospitalHe smiled, but it was strange. Especially considering what he said."Dear Matoran...shut up before I shut you up. Permanently."Kyju smiled, but he towered over the Matoran. He could kill that one with his bare hands.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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"That sounds wonderful, but can you bring the dead to life?" asks the Ta-Toa while handing a syringe to the Titan. Turning to Ayra, he says,"We'll discuss that later. How about you go get some rest and I'll wake you if we leave." He leans forward and gives her a quick kiss before smiling at her; trying his best to comfort the Ko-Toa.-Mef Man

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IC(BK): "So many people...my revenge will never be complete at this rate."I COULD HELP YOU WITH THAT.The sounds of the voice burned into the dark knight's mind, echoing for eternity within her brain. "Wh...what?"I SAID I COULD HELP YOU WITH THAT. I AM THE ONE, THE ALPHA, THE OMEGA. AND I AM OFFERING MY ASSISTANCE."Erm...what?"EXTERMINITE IS ON THE ISLAND. WOULD YOU LIKE TO MEET YOUR OLD MASTER?"Lord Exterminite? But he should be back..."NO. HE WAS CHASING CARDINAL DRAEBE."Impossible. Draebe was killed."WOULD I LIE TO YOU?The Knight began to think. "No...I suppose not. Even though I just met you...I feel the need to trust you."THEN OPEN YOUR MIND TO ME, BLACK KNIGHT.The pain of a thousand suns burned into her mind, filling every crevice in it with the energies of a being long forgotten. The new hybrid tested it's controls over Black Knight's body."Oh yes...this will do nicely." The being chuckled, as Black Knight screamed from inside her own mind.OOC: Black Knight? open for interaction.

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IC - Kyju - HospitalHearing Tairel speak, he pointed a finger at the nurse."Shut up." he said.Then he stepped forward, grabbing a conveniently placed syringe. Stabbing it into his hand, he winced as he drew blood. "You can thank me later."Leaping forward, he grabbed Ga'mal from Tairel's arms and stabbed the syringe into her heart. That was the fastest way to get to the blood stream.He roughly dropped the Matoran and awaited her possible revival as one would look down on a experiment volcano.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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