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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

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"Be right back," Jade says to Gust before disappearing into her house. After about five minutes, Jade was back and dressed in a black T-shirt with a light grey top over the shirt; the middle left unbuttoned. At her hip she had her rapier sheathed beside her short shorts; a bit of an odd sight, but Jade thought it worked. The sound of her black boots clicking across the entryway to her house soon resonated behind the closed door."Sorry it took me so long," Jade says while opening the door, a bit out of breath after the quick change. "Took me a while to find these," she adds while holding out a quiver and bow for Gust to take. Her own bow and quiver were on her back; ready to be used.-Mef Man

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IC-Mussiki:Mussiki leaned against the door to Ralin's office, a quick smile and emphasis on the large wooden club/walking stick Mussiki carried easily discouraging any of the more adventurous guards from trying to sneak a peak at Ralin.Mussiki, meanwhile, laughed as everybody ran off.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Tillian (Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi)"Dude, I only have to say two words, how hard can it be?" asked Tillian before turning and looking at Emotia. "God, man, she looks gorgeous." IC: Gust (Jade's Cabin, Ga-Koro)"It's really nicely balanced," he noted, taking the bow in his hands.-Teezy

Edited by #firstworldtyler



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"Yes, it's a very suitable weapon," she remarks, a serious expression on her face. The Toa seemed to be lost in thought, but she quickly shakes herself out of her momentary trance. "Here." The Toa of Electricity holds out a bracer to the Le-Toa. "Wouldn't want to get your shirt ripped off or you getting a nasty injury from the bow."-Mef Man

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OOC: Maybe, Maybe Krayzikk.IC: (Hari)Hari took the silence for a yes and disappeared for a few seconds. You could hear some whispered sounds from a room."Stupid armor, the joints are all rusted. There, alright." There the sound of armor being removed. She came out ith the long brown dress withe the slit running up her right leg. She gathered up the armor and stuffed it into a bag and placed it aside. She'd would be coming back for it anyways. She wobbled as she put on the heels and then rushed back to the group, gathering her composure, as she followed the group. The light green Toa grinned widely, what a beautiful night to have a wedding. Ga-Koro was probably the best place on this island to do so. She could already see fireflies in the night. Now she just waited with the rest of the crowd.

Edited by The Mask


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IC: Tillian (Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi)"Cheerful as always, Naona," he muttered out of the corner of his mouth with a grin, tightening his jacket slightly and walking down the aisle. He gave a fistbump to Krayn, then Skyra, and sighed in anticipation and a bit of nervousness. He'd squared off against Rahkshi, bounty hunters, Mark Bearers, but this. This truly scared him to death.What he wouldn't give to see Emotia walk down that aisle with her million dollar smile and her Mark all glowy in excitement...-Teezy



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IC: (Hari)"Thank you Chief." She replied. "I wish I was able to find a date before I came here." She sounded a little crestfallen, what if there was dancing and stuff like that afterwards? Then there was a slow dance, what then? She shook her head to get those thoughts out and focused on the wedding instead. Though when she heard that last part from Naona she groaned."I...uhh...left my weapons and equipment back where we came from." Hari said sheepishly. Of course now all she had was elemental powers and a flimsy dress. Inwardly she prayed that nothing would go wrong.


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IC: (Hari)"Kicking...in this dress, notice the slit in the right leg, no thank you." Hari replied. "Chief, I thought carrying weapons would be in bad taste." Then she heard the other reply, Mata Nui she was already feeling stupid."This is a dress, so I don't know where you'd expect me to hide anything." Her crossbow was too big for the dress, but if she had a the knife...well she should have thought more about that. Great, she was already looking like the fool. "Very nice suits by the way."

Edited by The Mask


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IC: Krayn"Um, thank you? I think?" Krayn was very obviously out of his depth when it came to being complemented. Especially when the ones doing the complimenting are female.He looked to Hari. "Um, you could hide a knife in a thigh sheath... Or a wakizashi... Or short sword... Umm..." Krayn stammered, having been completely thrown for a loop.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: (Hari)"Won't happen again Chief. I won't make the same mistake twice." Hari replied. This was why she was the Corporal and everyone was better than her. Cause she didn't plan ahead enough. When she heard Krayn stammer she smiled slightly turning back to Krayn."Thank you, I should have thought about that." She replied sweetly. "Maybe you can show me the various ways to hide weapons? I'm still pretty green at a lot of this stuff."

Edited by The Mask


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IC: KraynWaitwaitwait. Talking to girl. Girl hasn't called me a prick, or tried to kill me. "Um, o-okay..." Krayn stammered in response, even more nervously than before. His forehead started to sweat.Is she setting me up? Is she going to try and kill me?



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: RalinA moment later, Ralin walked out of her office in an almost perfect replica of her normal outfit. The only things missing were her weapons. She glared at Mussiki. "You didn't mention this before now why?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: (Hari)"You know, you're cute when you stammer." Hari smiled. "So what's your name? Mine's Hari, Hari Korari." Hari was genuine, she didn't lead people on and didn't step them up, more often than not the gullible Toa had these situations dumped on her, but people made mistakes, like Naona said. Wasn't their fault.


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IC: Ralin"What do you think?"IC: KraynUncharted territory, don't know what to do...."Uh I'm Lieutenant Inzaka....." Krayn said nervously, reverting back to his precious protocol like one would cling to a lifeline.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: [Naona]If Krayn were to look to the side, he would find the end of Naona's staff, with a note on the end of it. She gave him a wink, gesturing to Hari, and turned back to what she was doing before.The note said: "Start up a conversation. Discuss shared likes. Compliment her appearance and personality."

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IC-Mussiki:"Yes," Mussiki said. "Fine, but I say we ought to stay over there a while, don't you?" He flashed a brilliant smile before he began to walk on, leaving his Rahkshi staff in the armoury of the HQ, keeping his shillelagh with him.OOC: "Krayn, just act normal. No protocol."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: (Hari)"Well it's nice to meet you, sir." Hari giggled. "So tell me sir, what do you think of the dress? I have quite a few others, but I thought this one was the best for tonight." She noticed the slit, on the side, that stopped at the lower thigh. Another playful giggle escaped from Hari's throat, this night was turning out much better than she had thought it would. She hadn't noticed Naona's message to Krayn at all.

Edited by The Mask


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IC: KraynKrayn most certainly had noticed the message, and sent a profuse thank you to Mata Nui."Um, it's beautiful... It really suits you." Krayn said, trying to avoid having a panic attack.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: (Hari)"Thank you! I think that suit looks amazing on you." Hari replied with glee, he gave her a compliment! She leaned further in his direction. Soon or later she was going to figure out that she was giving the De-Toa a panic attack."So what do you do? I'm in the Po-Koro Guard, but you probably already know that." She said with a wink. Why note learn more about him, at first she was killing time but now that Naona left, she genuinely was interested in this De-Toa.


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IC: KraynKrayn saw the note, and gulped. His eyes flicked back to Hari, who was noticeably closer. "Uh, I'm in the Le-Koro Gukko Force..... I work the more police force side of things..."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Onuzek has question derp.IC: OnuzekA purple mountain lumbered up the trio of Guard members"Miss Naona! Kra-" the gigantic Toa said, cutting himself off once he saw who the De-Toa was talking to. No interupto."Er... Miss Naona, Onuzek is wondering what everone is doing and no one else is answering Onuzek and Onuzek is a bit confused," He said, waving his arms around for effect.



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IC: Onuzek"Oh, right," the massive Toa said. The Toa of Gravity frowned, as if he was trying to remembers something important, before his face lit up again."Onuzek is glad its Tillians wedding... Onuzek was standing around for long time," he said happily.IC: Beyni"Um... I lived in Ga-Koro for most of my life... I like to hunt, fish, and; um; walk around?" the De-Matoran replied, not used to telling people about herself.



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