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IC-Aclaraung:"As I said, I'm not sure how old I am. I'm the oldest Mystix still living, though I'm not certain I am a Mystix as it is. Something I was talking to Song about before." Aclaraung thought for a moment."Skakdi, what is your name?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Havon - Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi -"I feel like I should go find my friend. See you guys some other time perhaps?" Havon said as he waved as walked out the door. "Miha? You around here?" He called. Emotia looked at Reaver, beaming with excitement. "Yes!" She opened the door to her room and waited for Reaver to step out as well.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Aclaraung:After about an hour of mostly silent travel, taking so long because Aclaraung diverted the course around Joske Nimil's house, and he and Zijak were soon at a cliff wall, with what appeared to be a cave opening within it."Do I have to carry you up, or can you climb?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: ReaverShe nodded, and turned to the crowd. Suddenly, there was a strangly strong breeze felt by everyone. The wind carrying her voice, she began to speak.'Ladies and Gentlemen,' she yelled, her voice echoing around the house. 'I wish to present to you all gathered here, my best friend, the bride-to-be....' She paused for dramatic effect. '.... Emotia!' She stood aside, revealing Emotia in all her beauty, the wind making her dress flow around her legs like liquid gold.'Showy enough?' She whispered to Emotia, smiling and winking.

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC: [Naona]Naona smiled, knowing that the male population of the crowd were all probably stunned by the sight. Possibly some of the females as well, and all of them were probably cursing her Commander for his luck in getting married to such a beautiful person."At least you won't have to fight off potential suitors after tonight," she said, turning to face Tillian.

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IC: (Casa Juturna)Perkahn's face contorted into a smile. Not a smile with a subtext, not a grin, not a smirk, not a sad, victorious, or malevolent smile. Just a generic old smile, genuinely, honestly happy that his old sort-of-friend had achieved this much in life. He quickly glanced around, seeing that he was less struck by Emotia's beauty than most of the men in the room; possibly because Perkahn, for some inexplicable reason, preferred the women who had a sword they could if needed put at your throat anytime. Especially those that didn't refrain from doing so. Invoke Belligerent Sexual Tension right thar. Mostly only applied for Defrosting Ice Queens, though, because he was overly avoidant of the type of woman who would kill him. For his own safety. He liked living.In the process of his glance, he caught sight of Tillian. A few tact "Excuse me"s and circling past the guests, he ended up in the vicinity and stretched out a hand for him to shake. "'Heard you were finally settling down. That being a momentous & once-in-a-lifetime occasion," he said, the & in the middle of the sentence being not a common substitution for "and" but rather an actual &. It was a remarkably pronounced, very distinct &. Something similar to 'n, but with more Perkahn in it. "I decided t'indeed tag along to this wedding. One question, though. What kind o' an idiotic way t'contact me is leaving letters with people I knew at some point? How would you even suppose I'd happen to talk t'them... in my current line o' work?"

Edited by Tsar Dovydas
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IC: (Hari)How could she forget? How could she forget this? To report directly to her commanding officer, but to also make it to this wedding! Apparently most of the Guard was there and boy did the light green Toa with turquoise eyes look like the fool as she sped through the village. Oh there was so much to do, so much to prepare for. She need to get a wedding gift, make a wedding gift, something. Her arms were filled with paper as she ducked and weaved through the crowd, however as she drew closer, her foot caught somebody else's and it sent her flying, leaving her sprawled across the lily pad, directly in front of two superior officers. The angular face spoked up from beneath the papers that covered her head. Her face as red as an embarrassed Ta-Matoran."Uhh...ummm...hello ma'am." She said to the officer she was assigned to, saluting sheepishly from beneath the papers. She looked over and went to cover her face with the papers that sat upon her head. The Lieutenant Colonel. She got up immediately quickly gathering the papers. "Sir." She saluted to both of them, holding her salute. There you had it Hari Karori, the greeniest rookie on the Po-Koro Guard. Oh she was so stupid, why did she forget so much? Too much stuff on her mind, having fun when she should have been working. Being better organized. All her papers were out of order except she was missing one. The papers that transfered her to Naona's command which laid at Naona's feet.

Edited by The Mask


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IC: (Hari)"No Ma'am...sorry, sorry sorry," She apologized for looking like a fool in front of two superior officers. She gathered up the papers and tried to keep them straight. She broke her salute to gather up the papers and hand Naona the transfer papers."I was told to report to Lieutenant Naona. I believe that's you ma'am, am I right." She asked. Her lack of professionalism was astounding, this was going to be like boot all over again if she kept this up. Actually she didn't know what to expect, her transfer to Naona was sudden, happening only after a week in her previous regiment. She did not know the reason for her transfer, she only hoped it was for the best.


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IC: Tillian (Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi)"Message in a bottle seemed kind of convoluted," Tillian said with a smirk as he first shook Perkahn's hand, then pulled him into a hug. "Good to see you, man. Sorry for the whole duel-to-the-death thing in Ta-Wahi last week, that was kind of unnecessary--oh! There's Reaver and--"Suddenly, as Tillian turned, he caught sight of the single most beautiful sight he'd ever seen in his 180 years of life. His fiancee looked positively breathtaking, with a long, flowing, golden dress, bright, shining, excited eyes, and that gorgeous shy smile she got sometimes."Emotia," he whispered, realizing he was staring; blinking several times, he made his way over to her and Reaver in a daze."Wow, um...you both kind of put me to shame with my jacket and pants and everything, I mean...wow."-Teezy



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IC: (Casa Juturna)Perkahn considered the possibilities on hand. One was pretending he didn't know what Naona was talking about... but something about her gave off the impression that it was possibly unhealthier than spilling the beans outright. The other was... spilling the beans outright.So Perkahn took a third option. Half a lie, half a truth, and then an extra half inserted of just not saying stuff."I've had t'health hazard o' unfortunately happening to, yes. The exact circumstances are rather hard to explain, but I happened t'be in the Infernavika during that battle, a week ago. I'm 'fraid I've had some trouble lately, and it just so happened t'wasn't good to be in t'middle o' a sea battle with little t'no allegiances t'either side. So I fought... everything in sight. From Toa to sea squids."He was surprised at how well he pulled that... deception off. Unless someone had contradicting proof, this story sounded remarkably real. It was even equipped with its own inside jokes. Naturally, Perkahn didn't get them himself. It was fake, after all.

Edited by Tsar Dovydas
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IC: [Naona]Naona stared at Perkahn intensely, her unblinking eyes never wavering from his face. It was not until a minute later when she decided to stop, for during the last minute she had been thinking, and had finally came to a conclusion."I will not dig deeper in order to preserve peace here and make sure the Commander's wedding goes smoothly. So for now ... you are free to go. But I will be keeping an eye on you.

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IC: (Casa Juturna)Perkahn nodded almost absent-mindedly. If he was frightened, he certainly didn't seem to care. That's right. Not even "didn't seem to show it" - it was evident he wasn't showing it. It seemed like, possibly, somewhere, he was worried. Naona might've come across as a bit frightening. But it also seemed like he blatantly did not care about being slightly frightened. Not an overly difficult thing considering the rather merry atmosphere.While everyone revelled in the beauty of Emotia, he went to get a drink. And made himself swear to his sword not to have anything alcoholic. That drunken stupor last night was bad enough.He settled for Onu-Koronan kvass in the end.

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IC: KraynKrayn appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, behind Naona. The De-Toa's arms were crossed, and he wore a black pinstriped suit. As usually, his face was set in it's usual prickish expression. "Hello, Lieutenant." He looked at Perkahn and his eyes narrowed, before continuing to sweep the crowd.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Emotia - Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi -Emotia blushed from all the praise, she looked at Tillian with her shy smile. "You can thank Reaver, she's the one who picked it out for me." I was in the kitchen when I saw Perkahn come over for a drink. I blinked at him several times. "Say...you look kinda familiar...didn't you take my broadsword!?" I suddenly exclaimed, recognizing him.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC:Gheirmuh sighed, holding the reins of his cart and directing the ussals, which were pulling the cart, away from any obstacles. This would be a long, boring trip.Meanwhile, Kecand was sitting on the seat beside Gheirmuh, practicing various knots to ease the boredom.But, Fehkalia, on the other hand, was laying on her back on top of the tarp that was keeping the overloaded supplies in the back of the cart from falling off. She joyfully watched the treetops above her as they rode towards Le-Wahi. In her mind she was half preparing her presentation to madrihk, and half enjoying the view.OOC: Fehkalia, Gheirmuh, and Kecand to Le-wahi.

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BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Ambera and MahoAmbera and Deusui left the group that was heading to Ga-Koro."where are we going?" Maho asked"back with the others! But first to Ta-Koro! I've never been there so lets stop there!""Ugh....Ambera..." OOC: Ambera and Maho to Ta-Wahi.

Edited by Zacax

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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