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Friar Tuck

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IC: The sharp pain in the joint subsided, replaced by a dull ache that was bearable. Amerikos stood up, warily testing the arm. It seemed to be able to hold, though using it constantly would probably dislocate it again. No matter, it would hold for now. "Thanks." he gratefully said as Aelynn finished hugging Auron.OOC: OOPS! I seem to be making a lot of those mistakes lately. Anyway, Amerikos is a little on the short side, so it can be excused.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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The Ko-Matoran then rushed to Mevi, kneeling next to her, "How bad is it?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

IC: Mevi"I think I'm still better off than you," Mevi coughed, trying to get her bearings after having the wind knocked out of her. "How is your arm even functional?"

IC(Shade): Shade marched into the middle of a war zone. Nui-Rama and toa were everywhere, killing and being killed. "This looks like my kind of place," he said smirking evilly. He saw an evil brother in need, and he rushed to him, using his powers to teleport near him. He jumped, screaming a major blast at all involved, and throwing a dagger at both the bird and Rider circling overhead. "Got you."

OOC: Good I actually mentioned this blast being charged before he arrived, then. ;)IC: MadrihkThe Toa of Ice was surprised at the appearance of yet another enemy, but he kept his calm and let loose with his ice power just a second before a power scream nearly knocked him off balance. The supercooled wisp of energy sailed through the air, aimed for the evil Toa, who was distracted with throwing his daggers away.
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I.C. Kranuka and the rest landed at a gukko pad in Le-Koro."Ah, so what were we going to do once we actually got here again?"

IC Fehron"I have no idea."A random Le-matoran ran up to them. "Oh, good, Toa-heroes! We have been long-waiting for heroes like you! We quick-need your help! A hugebig beast is attacking our village! We tried to hardfight, but whenever we strike it, it quick-grows even bigger! please help!"OOC: They're being attacked by an angry Kraawa.


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OOC: NO! NOT TEAMUPS!!! :PIC: Shade was busy dodging the scythe, and then throwing a slide-kick, so he didn't see the blast of ice coming. It hit him like a train wreck, but strangely didn't freeze him. That's when he realized he was srcreaming, at full power, hard enough to break eardrums with the sound. Smiling, he simply teleported, dancing out of reach of ice blasts. He reached Madrihk, but strangely did not attack. He simply smiled. "I will not harm another brother like you. However, if you keep harming me, I will be forced to hurt you."OOC: Shade has some strange, almost inhuman, perception into seeing evil in one's heart.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC:Kethrye winced as a Rama stinger pierced his shoulder. The buggers won't just give up, he thought, blasted the Nui-Rama with a cloud of ice shards. The Rama screeched in pain, blindly striking out at Kethrye with its' claws. Kethrye dodged back, narrowly avoiding the attack. Time to try out this mask again.He ended the beasts life with a blow from his axe, focusing on his mask. The Nui-Rama, lurched to it's feat, beating his wings and following Kethrye mental commands. You know what? This is kind of fun, he thought, grinning as he sent the reanimated-Rama at one of the servants of Makuta that had suddenly appeared on the battlefield.OOC: To Clarify: He's sending it after Shade.

Edited by BenLuke-116
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OOC: The bushes were pretty vague, you know. IDK wether they are so tall I can't see to the treetops.IC: "You nieve little toa, I know that. But why don't I do as much damage as I can, while I can?" He flipped up and grabbed the bushes, jumping to the next when the tiny limbs started to break. He got high enough, then teleported to the treetops. He then teleported behind Vompran, cloaking his steps. He then jumped, swinging his blade with deadly accuracy.OOC: This was done in silence. You can't have heard it.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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OOC: Just tall enough so that you cannot see directly through them. Vompran is trying to conserve elemental energy. This may be my last post for today.I.C. Vompran quickly turned around. He had been sensing the movement through the grass Shade was moving through. He tried to dodge, but was jabbed in the lower side of his his torso. He took a step back in pain.

Edited by Elemental Ussal


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IC: Shade smiled, satisfaction on his face. It was short-lived, however. A nearby Nui-Rama clawed him, slashing with his claws. Shade, unable to determine specific sounds in the heat of battle, felt pain as the insect swiped his shoulder, the one so recently damaged. He turned, his face a contortion of pain, and raised one arm. The sonic pulse was unique, in the fact that toa couldn't hear it. Unfortunately for them, it would rattle their bodies until the literally fell apart. He kept one arm trained on them, ready to try and defend with his bad arm, if needed.OOC: The arm so recently damaged is the battle you participated in, Ussal. In Onu-Wahi, if you'll recall.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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OOC: Valiant tries, all of you.IC - Kyju - BattlefieldKyju ducked the fireball, sending a knife flying at Ril. Madrihk was soon distracted."I'm sorry. I was almost scared for a second there." he rolled his eyes at Vompran. So many islanders were unaware of the Akrainids. Poisonous vines with thorns were nothing. He tore them away, his hands and legs instantly healing, while his natural immunity to poisons kicked in. He leapt towards Shade, literally tearing the undead Nui-Rama apart and stamping on its limbs until they ceased moving. He then retrieved the knife he had thrown at Klumy, and attempted to strike Vompran with it.

Edited by Shadow Guardian

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: Since Shade teleported next to Madrihk and then simply turned around, I will assume he's still there.IC: MadrihkYou have a strange sense of kinship! Madrihk thought, another chilling blast already being sent towards Shade's back. At this distance, and with him distracted, the Toa of Ice saw no chance for him to dodge it, and no reason to hold back given his opponent was still fighting his much more trustworthy team. This time, the attack was as cold as he could possibly make it.IC: Mevi"I need a weapon," Mevi said, running alongside Trakuda. "Mine got lost in a Rama somewhere around here."

Edited by Katuko
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IC: Mevi

IC: Trakuda"Fear not, I have plenty!" Trakuda replied with a small chuckle, taking out his spear, which still had some Nui Rama blood on the tip, "Hope this is alright. I have a knife too, but that's considerably more... Bloody, if you know what I mean." he held out the spear for her to take, not putting the knife away yet in case she wanted it.
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IC: PayigesBolt after bolt shattered Nui-Rama carapaces and fried organs, the source of the elemental attack quickly tiring. This delay let one such insect slip though her electrical assault. Its stinger reared back, and once in position, strung forward like a snake, digging itself right into Payiges' right shoulder.'GAAAAAH!!!' She gritted her teeth, incinerated the Rahi, and pulled the stinger out of her arm, tossing it away in disgust. She continued to moan in pain, occasionally spasming. 'Dekuna.....' She slumped backwards onto the Toa of Sonics, unconscious.

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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OOC: Vompran purchased 10 Amana volo spheres in Xa-koro. After this post, he will have only three left. I won't be able to post till after 7:30I.C. Vompran Just as Vompran was pulling an Amana Volo sphere out of his backpack, a knife hit him in the leg. He fell to the ground. He forced himself to use the volo sphere to heal his stomach wound. He used one more on his leg, and another on his shoulder wound. With all of his injuries healed, the plant toa was ready for action once more.I.C. Kranuka "Sounds dangerous. We'd be glad to help you out though." He responded to the Le-koronan.

Edited by Elemental Ussal


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OOC: Actually, I seem to remember a few Volo Spheres being spent after Nuju's mighty smiting of Jianheim (or was it possibly even earlier, in the woods?), to explain why our team wasn't as battered as the actual smiting target, despite being in the building. :PIC: Mevi"Yeah, a spear will do nicely. I'm trained with polearms. Thanks, Trakuda." Mevi grabbed the spear and felt its weight in her hands. "I usually prefer to have an axe blade as well, but I guess stabbing is all I will need."

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OOC: Sisk and Co. Back in Le-KoroIC:It had been several hours since the departure of the main-group of Gukko and Kahu from the nest, the force's headquarter. After Leah had left and with Lans still in talks with the Captain, Sisk had finally had enough of waiting and led his two companions back out of the room. He would have led them out of the large building and back to his hut, which was infinitely more comfortable, but with so many things happening and them literally standing around on edge, waiting for their personal call to action, he didn't want to be too far away, in case they were needed or if Lans finished his meeting. So instead, he had led them through a few corridors, until they reached a larger room with comfortable seats and benches inside."Pilots readyroom." he had explained as they had gathered around a small table, Sisk getting them drinks from a small kitchen-area at the far side of the room. It was just water, but after all the waiting the refreshment was quite welcome. With nothing but time to kill, they had talked about this and that, saying nothing of particular importance while trying not to circle around the same topic they all had on their minds: How the battle for the Rama-Hive was going. Finally, Sisk decided sitting around was simply too hard right now."Come on. I'll guide-show you the nest." he said decisively. It was just two doors from the ready room to the hangar, since it was built adjacent to it's wall, making access for the pilots as easy as possible for the times they were needed. As they entered through the double-door they had left through very early that day, after meeting Leah, a lone worker cleaning up the place recognized and Saluted Sisk. The Le-Matoran returned the saluta and was about to begin his small tour of the facilities, when his trained eyes spotted something in the sky. Immediately running for the landing pad, he urged Verdi and Lashev to follow: "Quick-come!"The three came to a stop at the edge of the landing-area and now his two companions could see what had attracted the tamer's attention: The silhouettes of an approaching group of Kahu. "Mata Nui..." Sisk whispered, as he recognized them to be on casevac duty, carrying wounded back to the nest...or worse. A minute later the flyers had crossed the remaining distance and, the Kahu flying in a tight circle, bled speed until the touched down very gently. Sisk jogged a few steps back towards the entrance of the hangar and called: "Medic-Healers, stat!" Which was answered by more shouts of the same inside, followed by fast approaching feet. as the healers made their way out onto the platform while the arrivals unloaded the wounded from the Kahu, Sisk led his friends through the crowd, until he spotted Kara, the first sergeant. He looked up and their eyes met. Sisk could see the bloody gash on his mask and fresh scratches and cuts all over the other Matoran. Handing the reigns of his bird to a caretaker with the order to just ready it for immediate departure, he walked over to them. "Sisk, just the one I was looking for!" he said, obvious relief in his voice. "What much-happened? Are you all that's left?" Sisk asked, very worried now. Kara shook his head immediately. "No, no, we're holding the line. For now. But we need help. That's why I'm here." "You fly-left?" "Not my choice." Kara said, his unhappiness about the order clear as day. "Leah ordered me back here, we need reinforcements and we need them now. And since you're here right now, I'm calling on you as well. Get your bird ready, I'll fetch everybody else I can, even if I have to call the patrols back in."Sisk frowned at first, but nodded. This was the calle they had been waiting for, though it had not exactly arrived in the form he had expected. The tamer turned to Lashev and Verdi: "I won't make you force-join the fight, that is your choice-decision. Are you going to fly-fight with me?"




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IC-Lashev:In response to Sisk, and completely ignoring Verdi, Lashev stepped up to Skyscratcher, sitting himself down in the second position on the Gukko."So, are we ready to go?" He said, smiling at the other Ko-Matoran.OOC: Seniority. :P

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: (Tarotrix/Near Hive)Among the first thing Tarotrix saw when he neared the hive was Mevi crouched to the ground. An eerie feeling swelled up in his mind, telling him that Mevi was probably wounded. So naturally, he went to help. Mevi had saved him before, now was the time to repay his debt.Telling his guardsmen to head to a nearby shelter, he quickly ran over to his friend and Trakuda."Mevi, are you alright?" Tarotrix asked.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive)Reordin, meanwhile, was still fighting off the Rama near the explosives, trying desperately to hold them off long enough to blow."Listen to me!" he screamed, rapidly being overrun. "Detonate the--!"His words were cut off by a stinger to the shoulder-induced shout of pain, and the Rama quickly began to swarm towards the bleeding Ko-Matoran.-Teezy



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IC-Kal:Kal growled, turning away and leaving Onyx and Amerikos to work on the wall. He noticed the Sanctum guard, Reordin, nearly covered in Nui-Rama. He activated his mask, moving quickly over. Most Rama were stupid enough they wouldn't pay attention to him."AWAY!" He rumbled, deactivating his mask and swinging his staff, knocking a few of the insects out of the way, running into the miniature swarm close by Reordin, his staff still brandished.One of the flying creatures came close, and he spun his staff, clipping its sting and nearly ripping it off. The Rama screeched, swiping at him with a claw. Kal tried to raise a guard, but too late, the claw catching him long across the cheek as he turned away, and scarring his eye.The Toa of Stone growled, one hand reaching back and grabbing Reordin. He swung again, stabbing a Nui-Rama with his staff and tossing both items to the side, as he ran out of the quick opening and back to the others.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Oh you silly folks XDIC:Sisk shook his head. "Do you see any disk-guns yet?" he asked up at Lashev, sitting in the settle. "Get quick-down, I need some extra-hands for that." Behind them, more Matoran stepped onto the platform, their shoulders bearing pilots emblems. It seems Kara had found more volunteers. With hose here, they could at least man half a dozen birds, probably more and there were more on the way. With a wave of his hand, Sisk signaled his friends to follow him to the armory.OOC: So you can do it all over again =P




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IC-Lashev:Lashev took his old cloak, that also had his name on it, and set it down on his seat. He then turned to one of the new pilots."Could I ask you to stay here for a little while, and watch that bird for me?" He asked the Le-Matoran. "I'm riding second. The other Ko-Matoran and I are having a contest." When the pilot nodded confirmation, Lashev smiled and ran after Sisk.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC:Sisk rolled his eyes at his companions' antics as he led them back into the nest. The armory for the birds was another section of the hangar, fillwed with racks made from bamboo, holding the disk-launchers, some of the most advanced weaponry in the area, hanging from them. They weren't too heavy, but being built to fit a Gukko perfectly, they were unwieldy and it took Sisk and Lashev to balance the thing.Which left Verdi to carry ammunition. "Could you carry-take the disks?" Sisk asked him, indicating another rack, with stacks upon stacks of the sharpened objects in them.




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IC:Lantz could sense telekinetic powers once more being used, the Nui-Rama he rode upon being dragged down by the invisible force towards the ground, nearing dangerous speeds. Lantz sincerely hoped that the Toa would be able to put an end to Skaarn's reign of terror through Lantz' body, and that that end would come in a few moments. "Hurry up" he yelled at the Toa, "before he can try anything again!"Spoken like a true prophet.What?!? No!Skaarn, who was in control of much of the body (besides the head) he shared with Lantz, grabbed one of the limbs of the Nui Rama they rode upon and steadied himself. Skaarn was careful to continue charging the Rhotuka, depsite Lantz' mental assault to regain control of his faculties. Then, just as the Nui-Rama and the Hordika were about to crash into the ground Skaarn used their body's legs to jump from the insect, counting himself lucky that the Toa had used his telekinetic powers to target the beast instead of the Hordika. They landed harshly, and the pain from the wound in their shoulder grew. Luckily it was only Lantz who felt it, who felt sick to his stomach with the knowledge that Skaarn could ruin his body while Lantz watched helplessly. Despite their body's protestations and Lantz' pain, Skaarn forced his and Lantz' body to run and take cover behind trees, waiting for the Nui-Rama to regroup and for the other servant of Makuta to whittle down the invaders' numbers."I'm over here!" Lantz yelled at the Toa. He might not be able control where he went but he could give his and Skaarn's position away, and hope the Toa were powerful enough. Soon enough their body might collapse anyways from sheer exhaustion and loss of blood. Lantz sincerely hoped that the Hordika body had some sort of accelerated healing, even if only slightly. His body couldn't take much more.ooc: Kinda hope Nuju posts soon and helps us Makuta Minions out...

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IC: "You don't say?" I growled. The beast-Toa had chosen a hiding place that was directly in front of me. I had been tied up with Rama behind the treeline for the last few minutes, and the beast had been too anxious to get out of sight of the others that he hadn't noticed my presence. Well, he would now. I slashed my sword in an elaborate arc, using the momentum to direct a powerful blow at the beast's left arm.


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OOC: I thought Alfon and Trakuda had found some supplies in an alley and used those. But, just for clarity sake, I guess we'll just say that Vompran just now used the last ones.@ Shadow guardian "while his natural immunity to poisons kicked in."What "natural immunity?" I couldn't find that in his profile.I.C. Vompran absorbed two trees to recover some of his elemental energy. He wielded his sythe and charged at Kyju. Since he didn't have a weapon, he knew he could still attack the giant from a distance.


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IC: Plagia - Rama Hive (Sky)"Listen to me! Detonate the--!"Sparing a glance down on the battlefield below, Plagia spotted at least two Toa (Reordin, Kal) fighting off yet another horde of Rama surrounding the explosives, all the while working their way back to other fighters. So far, they didn't seem to be going very successfully."Alright Akinii, get ready!" she shouted back, before leading the Gukko into a dive-bomb, aimed straight at the growing battle around the explosives. Straining to keep control, the Toa brought one of her swords, swiping away a small cluster of insects that were in the duo's way down.-Void



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IC: PayigesBolt after bolt shattered Nui-Rama carapaces and fried organs, the source of the elemental attack quickly tiring. This delay let one such insect slip though her electrical assault. Its stinger reared back, and once in position, strung forward like a snake, digging itself right into Payiges' right shoulder.'GAAAAAH!!!' She gritted her teeth, incinerated the Rahi, and pulled the stinger out of her arm, tossing it away in disgust. She continued to moan in pain, occasionally spasming. 'Dekuna.....' She slumped backwards onto the Toa of Sonics, unconscious.

OOC: To ground squad co-leaders: It looks like we've lost a member here.IC (Dekuna): With Payiges no longer fending off the rama, Dekuna had to give up on directing Aki-Nui, letting him go where he wished. Instead, he was occupied with keeping the great flies away from himself and Payiges' unconscious body. He built a wall of flying knives and destructive sounds between her and the insects, striving to keep the insects fromtearing both of them up while she was unable to defend herself. For the moment, he was succeeding, but it was only a matter of time before he slipped up.


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IC: ZealokanHe saw events unfold below, and swooped down to the swarm trailing Aki-Nui. Focusing insanely hard, he held his hand out, and flicked it down. And just like that, two dozen Nui-Rama became no more, broken on the ground like dolls. He saluted to Dekuna, and went back up to his aerial vantage point. The problem was, five surviving insects of the attack followed him back up, giving chase. He looked back, and shattered four of them with Kinetic blasts. The last one managed to catch up, and dug its claws into Zealokan's leg. He kicked the creature in the face with his free leg until it fell limp and collapsed to the ground below.

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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IC (Dekuna): Thanks to the brief respite caused by Zealokan's attacks, Dekuna was able to Get Payiges into a position where it was easier for him to keep her on Aki-Nui's back as the beast rushed around the battlefield. He also absorbed the sound of the rama Zealokan had attacked hitting the ground and the buzzing of their brethren. Slightly bolstered by the boost in energy, he prepared to keep fighting off the insects, who were still flying around in droves.


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OOC: Next poster, please tell me what's going on.IC: Dervian landed, noticing a large growing conflict between soldiers. He hurled a wind sphere into the charging swarm, dispersing and disrupting them long enough to run. He ran, followed by Nui-Rama, at the battle. "HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON?! I THOUGHT WE WERE WORKING TOGETHER!" He ducked and rolled away from the swarm, hurling wind blades at the relentless Rahi.


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OOC: But shade was watching you katuko... TNG, we're just passing the time until Nuju posts.IC: "You fools!" Shade laughed, easily blasting the ice aside. "We're in a battle! I have unlimited amounts of energy at my disposal. What do you have, ice toa? Nothing, that's what. There's no cool to draw from. You will die here, and now." Shade continued to hold one hand on Kethrye, but now blasting Madrihk with blasts of sonic. Turning to Vompran, he said, "You still here? Get out, while you can, or I'll strip your body and hand it to the insects."-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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