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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: TorvTorv lowered his sword, "Sorry about that, just can't be to careful this days now can we, Names Torv, I take it you're Ramanox." Torv held out a hand. "Nice to meet you."IC: RamanoxRamanox shook Torv's hand "No worries, I agree doesn't hurt to be careful. Hello Snelly, Mirama, nice to see you again." Ramanox then laughed at what Merror said, "It seems we are indeed making a habit of running into one another. So what brings you all to Le-Koro today." Ramanox asked.

Edited by Toa Onarax


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OOC: Looks like there are no PC here for us to interrogate, so I guess we can talk to an NPC or two.IC: Hatann sat down at the bar and sipped at his beverage. It wasn't quite as strong as they made it on Zakaz, butnhe guessed that those wimpy matoran wouldn't handle it anyway. "Hey, you" he said to the matoran barkeeper "We're looking for a pirate named Odhran. Been in these parts recently. You heard anything of him?" He tried to be as direct as possible, no beating about the bush. If Odhran found out he was bein searched for, who cared? He couldn't hide forever, not from NEX.


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OOC: Kugh, I'll say that DJ is inside sitting next to Kav'den ready to fight. Is that okay?



"Senegal," said the Toa to himself in a near whisper. So this was the famed Toa that everyone was chanting for. He could tell from the being's stance and large build that he was a force that was not to be under-estimated. Kav'den looks beside him at one of the few beings to fight the Toa. He appeared to be a blind Toa who was trying to fight the being. How could someone blind fight someone like him? Good luck.-Mef Man

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IC: JLJL woke up from the small shade where he had a nap. He wondered if they had ditched him. Nope - Newcomers and all that. He spotted a new guy, who was quite happily conversing with Merror and the others. He walked over to introduce himself.JL: Hello. My name's JL. And you are?And then started to remember exactly where he buried the body - A clearing not far from Le-Koro, directly beside the lake. If anyone needed a lead, and this anyone wasn't a spirit or a ghost, he'd be able to get there quick the moment he sees the lake close.

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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OOC: Oh man, EW, you just blew DJ's chances out of the water. :P I feel like I'm playing Rocky... 'cept not with the winning streak. XD Beautiful post too, I have to write my BEST in this fight. Thank you for kicking me up a level!IC: Draeverian JoskiirEven as his hand was raised in the air, a fellow being's voice whispered -- or perhaps screamed over the hollering fans -- into his ear:"This is the arena," the figure said. "The arrangements have been made. You'll be called upon when it's your turn, so for now, sit where you'd like. And good luck.""Thanks," Draeverian replied, but the being was already gone, lost in a crowd of sound.This is going to be hard, Draeverian thought as he brushed his hand against his forehead, attempting to filter out even a little of the cacophony around him. Soon, an announcer's voice rang out over the throngs, barely audible to Draeverian's ears as the toa of sonics frantically attempted to remove the chants of "SE-NE-GAL! SE-NE-GAL!" from his mind and receive the tiniest sense of reprieve. "Lllladies and gentlemennnnn..." the announcer's voice riled on, sometimes lost other times vibrantly ringing the young fighter's ears like a bell. "Here he is, the man himself:SENEGALLLLLLL!"You're Muaka scraps. "Shut up, Rivet."The crowd's chanting shattered into a million rays of rippling ecstasy, the sounds of fulfilled desire forcing their ways past any futile attempts Draeverian threw up to block his pulsating brain. If Senegal had looked at Draeverian, the mighty champion of words and wills would have watched a young and frail looking toa hold his hands to his ears and chant "I can't see" with his lips, silently rocking to the shouts of the crowd.OOC: Is mef going first? Or is the shaking whelp getting tossed into the cage as a sacrifice? :P Your choice, EW.

Edited by Kughii
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OOC: DJ also reminds me of General Kota from the Force Unleashed II when he's blind, but uses the Force instead to see (like DJ using sound).


The Toa of Ice looks over toward DJ who was sitting nearby. He was chanting something to himself; similar to the crowd. Kav'den wasn't an expert lip reader, but it looked as if he was saying,"I can't see."Kav'den sits down beside Draeverian and places his hand on his shoulder."Hey, you okay?"-Mef Man

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Ooc: Technically, Mef has been waiting the longest, and I apologize to him for taking this long. Suffice to say, he goes first. That's out of character, though. First, a little more fun.Ic: "Who will take the stage first?" the announcer went on. "The first challenger to Senegallllll issss... Ahh, yes. From Ta-Koro's fiery fountains, the prince of lava plumes swoops in to steal the prize! First up: Aldice!"A moderately strong built man climbed to the stage, eagerly flexing his muscles and wooing the audience. He jumped up and down, as if trying to flash something he didn't have, but despite the clamoring for him, few bets were being placed.True fact: being the first one to challenge Senegal wasn't a place of luck.*WHAMMMM* Senegal struck at Aldice with iron grips, thrusting his fists deep into is armor. Aldice was a tough man and resisted cries of pain, instead athletically twisting himself from Senegal's lock and retaliating with a powerful kick.Bad move. Second true fact: kicks were worthless against Senegal. Without even trying, he caught the swinging appendage and crudely twisted it, and Aldice crumbled down after it. He got up, but Senegal battered him down again. Prideful, like all firespitters, Aldice lunged himself one final time at Senegal but was smitten before he had a chance.True fact number three: There was one fight that Senegal participated in that the first challenger won.Number four: Senegal was the first challenger."Next up! From the cold slopes of Ko-Wahi, I present to you: Kaaaav'Deeeennnnn!"

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OOC: Well, the ring here is an "underground" experience: the fight ring is NOT a part of the koro and is situated a ways away from Le-koro. Here, lots of toa attempt to beat Senegal, the current champion, but so far no one has... I'll let EW elaborate on his masterpiece. :PIC: Draeverian Joskiir"Uh, yeah, I'm fine," Draeverian lied as he felt the touch of a fellow competitor's hand on his shoulder, which left almost as soon as the contact occurred. Why did I sign up for this, again?You got in a bet in that bar with the loud-sound toa.Oh, him? Right....Draeverian's mind flashed back to the incident only a day before. He'd been sitting and eating in ko-koro when a being began bragging about the famed "Senegal" and his feats of awesome power. Arrogantly, Draeverian had bet his house in the village on the fact he could beat the "brutal bard." Now, here he was, stuck amidst so much sound he could barely breathe, about to face the father-of-all-men Senegal. "I think I wrote higher than I can sing," Draeverian muttered.Next time, listen to me.Like Karz.

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Kav'den looks at the (seemingly) blind fellow next to him and shakes his head.He's not going to last a minute with this guy. I probably won't either.The Toa of Ice watches as a Fire-Spitter steps into the ring to fight Senegal.He doesn't stand a chance. Kav'den cringes as he watches the Toa be smited over and over until he was down. He looked as if he were still breathing, but it was hard to tell.The Ko-Toa's heartlight skips a beat as he hears his name being called to fight."Already?" he mutters as he is ushered onto the floor. More yells of "Senegal!" and "Pound him into the ground!" as well as other chants could be heard from the audience. Okay, he's big and slow, but I'm smaller and faster. Maybe that can work to my advantage.But, the Toa's thoughts were interrupted as he heard the bell to begin fighting.Trying to keep a professional fighter's look, Kav'den taunts,"You first." He was ready with his disk launcher and Mask power; his ice powers would also work pretty well in this environment. He hoped.-Mef Man

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Ic: "Ha," Senegal snarled. "You're the one with the toys," he pointed out, nodding at the launcher and disks; "you're one to talk." But just as Kav'Den was thinking of a retort, Senegal pounced. With a lightning-quick snap, he doled out a solid chop that would strike squarely at the Toa of Ice's shoulder and shatter the armor there.

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Ic: In an amazing demonstration of Calix-aided reflex, Senegal conjured a metal glove around his hand and intercepted the disk with it. As if playing a game of frisbee, the Toa of Iron caught the wooden plate effortlessly and quickly crunched it to pieces. Fights were won by strength! Not shameful hitting and running!Aiming to cut the distance and relieve his opponent of his toy, he charged. But it wasn't the pathetic mad rush of a screeching bull, rather a calculated movement of his mass with deadly balance and precision. Even at his most bestial moments, Senegal stayed classy.

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IC: Miraul thought for few minutes, staring Mahdrik in the eyes. At last a voice was heard "I have already made it clear that I do not agree with your morals. I will not be able to stay here in this place with you in charge. Last time a leader and I disagreed, I was the one who challenged him, and with my team's support, removed him from office. That was less than fifteen minutes ago. He is in exile now.""But I also cannot allow two murders to go unpunished. A neutral solution must be found. Perhaps one of your men and one of mine can take D to Onu-Koro. He can be allowed to stand trial there, where evidence for proof of both his identity and proof of crimes can be found. If he is innocent or guilty, let Whenua decide. If he is innocent, something I find impossible considering I witnessed him escaping from one of his crimes, then he may return here. Since D is not interested in returning to Onu-Koro, an exile based on confusion will be no deep penalty to him. If he is guilty, then he will face justice, most likely imprisonment, and can reform here after such. Do you agree to this option?"

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IC(Love): The toa of the Green ran up to Yghari. "Okay, I have got to say that...was awesome. No other words could describe it."Her voice was, unfortunately, drowned out by the rest of the admirers.

IC Yghari - Le-Koro - Talking to Love: Amidst the admirers, Yghari noticed one Toa, a young one who wore a Hau, and somehow through all the other words, he heard hers. "Thank you for the compliments, but I don't need any attention, what I did was purely because of my Calix," he said, just trying to get the whole crowd to disperse and leave him be. -Yghari
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IC: Draeverian JoskiirIt took all of a few seconds for Draeverian to finally realize how to do it. With a smile, he clapped his hands once, stopping right before they rapped against the surface of their match. He tugged with his mind until the crowd was silent to him, and all he heard was the crushing of boots on packed dirt as Senegal rushed towards Kav'den. Then, with a booming voice amplified by his powers, Draeverian yelled:"The FEET! Watch his FEET!"Hopefully, the yell would reach the ears of the fighters above the screaming fans, booing onlookers, and clink of widgets being thrown onto the betting piles. Suddenly Draeverian gasped for air, and the sounds of the crowd rushed back as he dropped to a knee. Well, that's what you get for manipulating an absence of sound.Not an absence Rivet, the imminent.

Edited by Kughii
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IC Yghari - Le-Koro - Talking to Love: One person in the crowd (the purple Toa) wanted his attention more than the others did, apparently. As the others slowly walked away, she remained. And after a brief silence, he spoke to her, "Willpower? I don't think I could muster anymore willpower than you could, young one," he said, shutting his Calix off, and turning to fully face the slightly shorter Toa in front of him. He wasn't sure what she wanted, but he would figure it out soon enough. OOC: He's gonna be like this for a little while. :P -Yghari--Edit: 47 user(s) are reading this topic2 members, 45 guests, 0 anonymous users

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Skarloth,[*]Noble Knight BioBeast


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IC: Pirok & Invisible"Hello." Pirok said to Ramanox. He didn't want to seem unfriendly, although he did have other things on his mind."Hey! Guys!" Invisible shouted, almost out of breath. "You... forgot me."OOC: I was aware Echelon and Vidar were in the jungle. When I asked you where they were, that was what you said. :P

Edited by Pirok the Va-Matoran


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC (Madrihk)The Toa of Ice returned the stare, not wavering an inch."No," he said, plain and simple. "At least... not until I have heard D's own explanation. From my point of view, it is his words against yours, really, given my past experiences with such things."

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OOC: Time for the Americans to wake up and completely miss the Lunar eclipse! :3=====IC: JLJL turned towards Pirok.JL: We need to get going - Any more dawdling can lead to us losing quite a lot of things. I remember where the grave was exactly; I was the one who created the grave. We should head out now.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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OOC: There's no lunar eclipse where I am. :(IC: Pirok"Indeed we should. They seem to be busy sleeping having a conversation with Ramanox, so we should probably head over on our own." Pirok commented. If we waste any more time, we'll lose Echelon...


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: PirokPirok, also remembering where Proditor was buried, dashed ahead of the others to Proditor's grave. He found the glass with Proditor's name written upon it smashed when he reached the grave. Echelon...


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC (Merror)Merror stood over the grave, a kind of cold anger in his eyes."There are tracks from here, leading off into the jungle," he said, "I can make out several beings, and by the way some of them are dragging I'd guess most of them are Undead."He set off, following the tracks along the jungle path. As it was getting dark, he drew one sword, which he held, flaming, ahead of them to light the way.





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OOC: Ha! Its night here, 8:30, and we're just waiting to start. My room has perfect view....Anyways, will this turn into a battle against Echelon? If it does, shucks. I haz a character who was kind of a perfect Echelon-killer, except he's not here.... :|=====IC: JLJL continued, following Pirok and Merror, staring at the tracks. It was true, some of them looked like they were dragged around, with weird misguided steps, as if the brain wasn't paying attention.... or it wasn't a brain. The sky was getting dark, and Merror ignited his sword. JL also pulsated his sword with lightning, creating enough light for the area around them to be lit up.JL: Its getting dark, and it would be wise to stay together in this light. Don't stray too far; If you get lost in the dark, it'll be really hard. Try to find the light; If you can't, send us a message of some kind.

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: Kethrye was starting to have his doubt his earlier theory. " Well, the murderer was moving pretty fast during the fight I had with him in Onu-Koro, so it's possible Voriki is not the criminal and just has the misfortune of looking a bit like him." Kethrye said. " So, I guess he probably is not the being that went on a killing spree... Voriki and the criminal just looks similar," he said,glancing apologetically at Voriki. OOC: 34 user(s) are reading this topic1 members, 33 guests, 0 anonymous users

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What? Why are so many guests reading this topic?

Edited by BenLuke-116
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IC: Pirok & InvisibleThey soon reached a point where they could see Echelon, Vidar, and Wraith."Is one of those guys Echelon?" Invisible asked, not having seen Echelon before"Yes... Yes, I think so." Pirok did his best to answer.OOC:

OOC: 34 user(s) are reading this topic1 members, 33 guests, 0 anonymous users

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What? Why are so many guests reading this topic?

Because I have fans. :P


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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I.C. Vompran wasn't sure who to believe. He was sure Voriki/D or whatever his name was didn't follow toa code, and was pretty sure he was a killer, but did he really kill for evil selfish gain?I get the thought-feeling this is going to end with brutality. He thought to himself."Wait, do you have legal-authority to drag-take him to trial? You're not a police are you? And if so, wheres your badge of proof?" Vompran asked Miraul.

Edited by Elemental Ussal


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OOC: Not sure whats happening with Wraith an all I'm just gonna pretend Wraith and Proditor never found EchelonIC: Skyra, Mimira, WraithSkyra looked toward the direction Pirok was looking. "Is that Echelon? Or someone else?" He asked Merror.It turned out that Wraith and Proditor hadn't found anything at the grave and had reunited with the group.

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