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BIONICLE MAFIA 0.3: Live Free or Go Cult


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Well, might as well get this over with. MaliceGhost dies.

Day 5?: The Good, The Bad, and The Dead (I dunno, I'm running out of ideas)

Erm, MaliceGhost died. He was innocent. Also, I'm growing writers block. Maybe it's because interest for this seems to be dying down. Anyway, here you go.


MaliceGhost, Matoran, Lynched

Edited by Regenerated ShadowVezon


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"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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Oh, Taka, you've just been murdered. Bad luck. Surviving players, vote. At least do something in this game. Voting lasts minimum until tomorrow, but votes will be counted until I make a post to stop further votes.

EDIT: So, to be clear,

Taka Nuvia, Matoran, Murdered by Cult

Edited by Regenerated ShadowVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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DAY 6 - The Good Pyro (Who is not present in this game)

Voxumo helps you guys kill himself. Voxumo was a good guy. That'll teach you.

Voxumo, Matoran, Lynched


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"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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What, you? You've killed me several times... so I'm the one revenging, thank you very much. :P

Nope this is a completely new kill.. plus you being the ghost in that one mafia game pretty much brought us to equal..


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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Night 7: ...Frozen... Wastelands... I can't think up a pun. You're lucky there's a proper story this time.

The snow had stopped falling. That wasn't much consolation for the Village, as it was buried by now in the stuff. ShadowVezon had got bored of the Snow, and so had taken to trying to melt it using his Fake Staff of Unlimited Power.

Also, Punished Snake was murdered by the Cult, who, dropping all pretences, were basically ShadowVezon's minions at this point.

Punished Snake, Villager, Killed by Cult


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"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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Hey, you can vote, remember?

EDIT: Please, somebody vote, I'll probably have to random kill a Villager if nobody votes.

Edited by Regenerated ShadowVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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