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OOC: Dump her? I'm not sure she'll ever go out with Kahuwa... :PIC: SavinaWith a yawn, Savina sat up, she stretched her arms as she got the sleep out of her eyes. She saw that just Lema was there. "Oh....hi...Lema..." She said shyly, she knew the Toa of Air the least, and her rahi like instincts still didn't completely trust him. She looked around, seeing everyone else was gone except the bear cub, Grecko, and the wolf. "Kahuwa? Frosty? Where'd they go..." She said with a little be more concern than most people would give.

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Lema): Lema saw that his fellow jungle-resident toa was waking up. "They went outside" he replied to her question. "After they heard you muttering in your sleep. You said something about a death." He guessed that wasn't all they had gone to talk about, but for the moment he kept his suspicions to himself. "They should be back soon."


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IC: VernadonVernadon burst out laughing, most probably wouldn't find Amalod's statement funny, but to Vernadon it was priceless. Laughter was coming from a man, who rarely showed any form of emotion. Composing himself he answered, "Telescopes of course, beauties were one thing we lacked."ooC: No no, you're ruining it.IC: Kraeyn"Very well, come there probably waiting for us." Kraeyn replied, those in love never seem to realize it until much later.


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OOC: What do you want me to do...? Have my character fall in legit love with Savina...? Like Snelly said, I seriously doubt it'd work out, especially if it came down to another character's sake.IC: KahuwaKahuwa shrugged with a 'whatever' type of look on his face, following the Ko-Toa.

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IC: SavinaSavina blinked. "Death? I talk in my sleep?" Funny, I don't even remember what I was dreaming about...just that it was horrible...The word death reminded her of the bear cub's mother, a tear almost dropped from her eyes, but she quickly wiped it away. No, time for crying is over...time to move on...come on Savina...

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: JLJL created an electric sphere around himself to destroy any of the wooden stuff flying towards him. Then he just stood there since nobody needed him. When the battle ended, he looked down.JL: YOU! STILL! LIKE STRONIN! I MEAN! NAONA!He took the slightly cut vine down towards a lower branch, before dropping and rolling to the floor.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC Nen and Thama:Nen sighed since the fight had been resolved and went back to admire his snowman.Thama walked over to him and asked, "So, just like that you're back to the snowman?""But of course," Nen said. "My work there was done. There was no reason to remain there.""But nothing you did had any effect on anything. Xibre did the exact same thing you did but it actually worked for him.""Well yes, but that's okay. It doesn't have to be about me you know.""But it's NEVER been about either of us," Thama observed."Well, you were at the center of attention when you were attacked by your evil ex-teammates," Nen pointed out."Yeah, and did we do anything there? We escaped. That's it. Since that time, we have fought a toa of iron that didn't react in any way to ANYTHING we did, despite us attacking from various spots in various ways. We got lost in the desert, chucked maha that was a training exercise for the others, fought nui jaga that weren't really dangerous to begin with, traveled separately, arrived at our destination only for nothing to come of it, reunited with Kalama after engaging in combat where I didn't get to do anything and you didn't actually fight but anything you did was still ineffectual. We're now traveling with a group featuring a guy that you couldn't knock out despite being a toa of earth using a surprise blow to the head but instead needing a matoran to do the same thing. If we were in a story, we'd be side characters. Except we aren't even prominent enough in the group dynamic to be side characters because we don't have any personality traits that would cause conflicts. We're just those two people over to the side in the group picture who never do anything. At this rate we'll never actually hit another intelligent being for actual damage in our entire lives. I'd say that's our lot in life, but it's not even a lot at all. We're just kind of here.""I punched a slaver while we were separated. He was a toa.""Well, the slavers didn't really seem that dangerous, now did they. I tried to keep some mercenaries from escaping me once by creating a cyclone around them as they tried to fly away. They flew through it without being affected. I'm an archer by trade and have been for a very long time, yet my arrows have never done anything. Ever. I've shot surprise attacks, the back of people, weak points in the armor, they never work. My arrows do nothing but annoy people. That's it. All I can do is annoy people and make vacuums that don't affect people since they can hold their breath for several minutes. Apparently.""You really need some self-esteem," Nen suggested.At this suggestion, Thama picked up some snow and placed it on the snowman's head. After carving for a bit, the snowman had a snow hat. She took a step back to admire her work."See? Don't you feel proud? Now the snowman won't get cold at night," Nen observed.Thama picked up another handful of snow and shoved it into Nen's face.

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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IC Nen and Thama:Nen turned to look at JL and Fragarach. "Love? As in the romantic kind, like what Naona and Stronin and JL and Cyrax have?" he asked. He thought to himself. "I dont think so. I have no idea what that feels like, and besides, I'm much too busy building this snowman to have a significant other.""I'm afraid that Nen and I don't share the special connection that you and Cyrax are so pleased with having," Thama said. "I wouldn't trust you observations on these things, Fragarach, since you spend so much time being someone other than yourself with no memory of what happens in the meantime. Not the best way to notice the connections between other people."

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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IC - Kinika - InjuredKinika stayed dead silent. He just couldn't face her. Not again. Whatever she could inflict couldn't be worse than owning up.To his shameful attempt at suicide.To his ridiculous behavior to cover for how he felt on the inside.His eyes and mouth stayed shut.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC Nen:Nen drew his sword and pointed it at JL. "NOBODY messes with people when they're making a snowman. This is a fair contest of skill and determination. Do not interfere," he threatened. "Please," he added.

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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IC:From the Gukko circling overhead, Sisk had decided to watch the two Toa duke it out, but Kalama had stepped in and resolved the situation pretty quickly. Back down on the ground, the Toa were still arguing with each other. He looked at Lei. "Unbelievable." he commented on JL and Fragarach's behaviour. "Next time we're on solid-hard ground, let's quick-make some snowballs to throw."




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