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Friar Tuck

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Ic: "I wish there was one I knew," Stannis said, responding to Nichou's tear-laden sorrow with his characteristic flatness, but he still empathized with his follower inside. "Unfortunately, since I do know know what is down this road, I can't say if there is a way. Mata Nui works in strange ways, as I said, so if there is a way for you and the others to come with me, it will come about later on. For now, however, no. I and a few others were chosen to take part in this next leg of the quest, and it is the job of those not chosen to help in their own ways on their own trails. But I will always value your loyalty and companionship."

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IC: [Plagia Simul]
IC: Madrihk (Island Liberation Squad, hostage situation, near Place of Shadows)"Not for all of us," Madrihk retorted, though with a dangerous undertone that hinted that anyone who tried to do so would not be met with any smiles, forced or otherwise."If it's too cold for you, however, I guess we ice and fire elementals should have offered our help sooner. It doesn't take much effort to shield a few comrades from cold, and for someone like me it even recharges my energy. And that's why I like Ko-Wahi despite its shortcomings: a blizzard always keeps my energy topped off."And my actions hidden from sight and sound, the scheming Toa of Ice thought to himself.
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IC:Nichou sat silent a few moments and wiped a few tears off his mask. After all this adventure, He didn't know what to do next. He wasn't a good warrior nor a wise tactician, Just a simple carpenter. After all this, how and where could he live a life of adventure and fighting makuta again? The Question burned in his mind like the fires of Ta-koro.

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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OOC:I think the ILS is the answer to those who were once Companions and want to fight Makuta. Plus, we need more carpenters down in Pala-Koro. We even happen to be stopping in the same Wahi!IC: Kivar continued to wait with the ILS for a response, humming a beautiful tune akin to an orchestra. Even as he did so, he shivered. Adding to the tune, he sang a brief comment, "The help with the cold would be appreciated, along with an apology on behalf of the Nui-Rama."OOC:You might as well apologize for the Nui-Rama. It means you get to keep a guy with a Mask of Summoning around, which would be handy sometimes-and not so others. On a Rahi side note, we really gotta figure out that Muaka like to eat Rahkshi and capture a few. Their use would be so worth it.

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OOC:I think the ILS is the answer to those who were once Companions and want to fight Makuta. Plus, we need more carpenters down in Pala-Koro. We even happen to be stopping in the same Wahi!
OOC: I was already considering that.IC:Quoribay began to move snow and ice into a mini-wall that would serve a a temporary cell for the 11 hostages.

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Lekua sighed, leaning back as Stannis finished his speech. "Surprise, surprise," he muttered under his breath. Though his anger had subsided with Stannis' calm demeanor and well-chosen words, the Le-Matoran had by no means accepted the fate his friend claimed lay in store for those who had not been chosen. Though chronologically it had not been long since he had left behind his simple life in Le-Koro, it may as well have been a century. He had tasted adventure, experienced the feeling that he was actually doing something, known that this was where he belonged. He could hardly give that up now, of all times - now, when the stakes were higher then they had ever been.The idea of going back was utterly ridiculous, but in truth, he hadn't expected Stannis to suggest anything more. The issue, he realized, had been resolved in his mind hours ago, when the Matoran had given his oh-so-secretive message to Aurax and Lepidran. There could be no question as to his next course of action - but of course, he gave no indication of his thoughts. Lekua reached into his pack, his fingers closing around his flute. A small smile flitted momentarily across his mask, unseen in the darkness.Lekua withdrew his hand and sat up again as Stannis finished responding to something Nichou had said. He wasn't sure what exactly the two had said, but it didn't really matter at this point. He inhaled deeply, slowly letting the breath back out. He looked around the circle of Matoran. "I am honored to have known all of you," he said, "And honored to have experienced this journey with you. I truly wish we could remain together for the next stage, but I suppose all things must come to an end." He sighed. "Abandoning a mission before its completion is always hard; parting with friends even more so. Here's hoping that one day we will all meet again."


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IC:Feongulf loitered with indecision at the front of the wooden shack that she deducted was a cover for a entrance to the Makuta-worshipers's shrine.Now's the time to have second thought, I guess, she thought, shivering in her armor. Even the cloak she wore to hide the Parakuk did little to alleviate her metal body from the chill of Ko-Koro's wind. No turning back after entering this. . . place.Given the choice of traveling back through the forozen wastes and entering a warm building most likely filled with madmen Feongulf decided on the latter. A horde of heavily armed maniacs was preferable to starving to death in the wastes, cold and alone, she had at least a change of surviving the maniacs.Steeling her nerve, Feongulf took a few tentative steps towards the door, rapped lightly on it, then held her breath, waiting for a reply. . .

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IC: "Here's hoping that one day we will all meet again."
IC:Nichou smiled at the thought. Hope. Hope of that circumstance was like a relief to Nichou, as he thought of what fun it would be to all meet together again. Still though, he tried to hold back tears.

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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Ic: Stannis shook his head at Lekua. "You misunderstand the hand destiny has dealt us. The mission is not aborted, and if you think it is then I am sorry but you are mistaken," he corrected him. "The game has changed and the directives different, but the mission is still very much ongoing, and I feel it is everyone's duty to continue working towards a goal of freedom, life and love among our people. But you will be on your own, disciples turned prophets who can do so much more than delve into caves and unravel mystic tablets. Your liberation from this team is not a weakness, it is a strength! You will never be alone, because wherever you go there will be others like you, matoran who suffered and want to fight back. And in taking away from the Makuta the influence over our people you take away his power -- and help the heroes of tomorrow. That is how you all can fight back and continue in this struggle we all started together. Use the Second Great Prophesy, the five riddles and the Three Virtues as your weapons, not swords, pikes or masks, and be the true heroes of the night. Whoever it is who brings the sun back will have to fight hardest before dawn, but with strength and unity of those around him the night can be a lot warmer."

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IC: [iegasa]"Welcome. Would you like some tea?"
IC: (Kino Iho)"Tea sounds lovely. Thank you." Kino replied finally easing up the rest of the way. It was not visible but she was ready to spring like a Muaka if she needed to. She kept the air distortion to still give a somewhat masculine but haughty voice. Not much different than an array of personas she had adopted before. Miss Iho did what she need to achieve her goals and she had a plan. A big one and if the groundwork was laid properly. Followers of Makuta could subjugated this island much easier. As long as there was not prying eyes or eavesdroppers. Hearing a knock her hand immediately went to her hip grabbing the knife."Looks like we have another visitor? Strange huh?" She replied.


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IC: Darix"I suppose we can stay here and wait for a bit till we can make a plan," Darix said still drinking his tea.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC:"You are free to come in," Feongulf heard someone answer from beyond the hut's door. She reached for the doorknob, and, finding it unlocked, took another deep breath and swung the door open, stepped through the door.The shrine was simply a large, black stone shaped similar to the ones used to present the Makuta when the elders recounted the island's legends. It dominated the most of the room, but off to the side there was a small table set aside for a rather finely crafted tea set, something that clashed oddly with the shrine's generally macabre surroundings.Feongulf closed the door behind her and nodded at the being who had greeted her, a Toa of Great Beings-know-what element wearing a Kanohi Huna who's armor was a gaudy mix of red, black and silver. Shivering again, she greeted the him."Is this the shrine dedicated to the Makuta?"

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Ic: Stannis shook his head at Lekua. "You misunderstand the hand destiny has dealt us. The mission is not aborted, and if you think it is then I am sorry but you are mistaken," he corrected him. "The game has changed and the directives different, but the mission is still very much ongoing, and I feel it is everyone's duty to continue working towards a goal of freedom, life and love among our people. But you will be on your own, disciples turned prophets who can do so much more than delve into caves and unravel mystic tablets. Your liberation from this team is not a weakness, it is a strength! You will never be alone, because wherever you go there will be others like you, matoran who suffered and want to fight back. And in taking away from the Makuta the influence over our people you take away his power -- and help the heroes of tomorrow. That is how you all can fight back and continue in this struggle we all started together. Use the Second Great Prophesy, the five riddles and the Three Virtues as your weapons, not swords, pikes or masks, and be the true heroes of the night. Whoever it is who brings the sun back will have to fight hardest before dawn, but with strength and unity of those around him the night can be a lot warmer."
Ic: Nichou nodded. "But can't there be a more efficient way to send us out? Places we could go, or ways we could continue to fight makuta other than that? It seems foolish for mata nui to not want us by your side later in your quests, but he must intend to have us to do some purpose as well that takes us away from you. Maybe we just need to find it."

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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"Yes it is my dear," he replied. "Would you care for a cup of tea?"
IC:"Sure, sure, "Feongulf replied, pulling down the hood of her cloak. "I've been told there's a gathering of all Makuta's followers happening, and was told I would fin it here. Do you know anything about it?" Edited by BenLuke-116
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OOCSorry Biobeast! I can't believe I missed your post for this long!ICVerak smiled. Ankt had just impressively beaten Vielah. This was a man to acquaint himself with. "I was saying, brother, that you just utterly destroyed Vielah, and I'm going to go see how much money she has on her." he moved over to the unconscious body lying in the pile of snow. He quickly checked it for money, and picked up the bag of widgets she had. This was perfect. Verak didn't even need to assassinate Jade, he had all Vielah's money. He scolded himself for not thinking of this earlier, and recorded this idea for future use. It was a good idea, because if his acquaintance didn't get beaten by another toa like Ankt, Verak would still be innocent. "Won't be needin' you anymore, will I?" He told the back of her head, before swaggering back to Ankt."I am in your debt sir. You saved me a lot of work." Verak saluted the toa, then turned to leave.

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC: The MafiaThe Mafia washed up on the shores of the Ko-Koro coast. He didn't know where he was or how he got here. All he knew was that he had a baseball bat and was wearing a... where was his mask? He wasn't wearing a mask?! The Toa of Plasma frantically pawed at his face, but no, all he felt was his blank face. "I've got to find a mask," he thought as he set off in a random direction that happened to be straight for the Ko-Ta border

Edited by Constructman
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IC: Noira:Noira stood, holding a tea-pot for anyone who wanted more tea.IC: Velan:Velan was still stuck to the ground(?), unable to see what was going on.IC: Sideways:"We'll send the hostages down to you," Sideways called down, motioning for Quoribray to come help him hold Aurel, who was starting to try and break out of Sideways' grasp, "No traps, otherwise the deal's off."Besides, I'd rather get out of here and split to Onu-wahi with money than having dead villagers for no reason and a fight with this ILS.

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IC: LondarLondar had arrived at the Place of Shadow. "Perfect place for a fortress," he thought. Then he realized; how was he going to build it? Cursing under his breath, he sat down on a rock and kicked another rock into the canyon.

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OOC:You might as well apologize for the Nui-Rama.
OOC: If my character cared about the Rama, he might, but I think someone else than Madrihk will have to bow for that one. As he said earlier, they wouldn't have been killed if they hadn't been pestering the Matoran for a thousand years, willingly or otherwise. ;)
IC: Sideways:"We'll send the hostages down to you," Sideways called down, motioning for Quoribay to come help him hold Aurel, who was starting to try and break out of Sideways' grasp, "No traps, otherwise the deal's off."
IC: Madrihk"We are not going to risk anything that could endanger the Matoran!" Madrihk replied, a blatant lie to everyone on the team had just spoken with him. "We'll send down a few of our own with the money... and to ensure that you do not try anything either!"For the group massed behind him, the Toa of Ice had other plans."We'll try the illusion. We'll have to force them to give us the Matoran before we hand it over. If they are dissatisfied with the results, we'll just have to... get dangerous. Who wishes to accompany me?"
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IC: Noira:Noira stood, holding a tea-pot for anyone who wanted more tea.IC: Velan:Velan was still stuck to the ground(?), unable to see what was going on.IC: Sideways:"We'll send the hostages down to you," Sideways called down, motioning for Quoribray to come help him hold Aurel, who was starting to try and break out of Sideways' grasp, "No traps, otherwise the deal's off."Besides, I'd rather get out of here and split to Onu-wahi with money than having dead villagers for no reason and a fight with this ILS.
OOC: I already tied her hands and ankles in an earlier postIC:Quoribay grabbed the struggling Aurel and put a dirk infront of her neck to calm her down.

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Volin"You're not getting any freaking apology for the Nui-Rama so quit whining about it unless your face feels like meeting my fist." Volin snapped at Kivar, that particular comment thoroughly annoying the karz out of him. Always the charmer. That earned him a disapproving look from his brother Alfon but deep down inside, he knew they both saw eye to eye on the matter. Volin was just more out-spoken and violent...clearly."Who wishes to accompany me?""Will that wish be granted if I do wish for it? 'Cause I wish to accompany you, Maddy. Don't break my heart and tell me 'no, you can't come.' because that would be super harsh and mean on your part. But in all seriousness, I'm coming."

Edited by Mr. Wade
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IC: Londar.Londar sat on a stone, wondering where he could could find a builder for a potential fortress. Then, he saw a maskless Toa of Plasma approaching...IC: The MafiaThe Mafia approached the Fe-Matoran and asked "Do you have a spare mask?IC: Zokan and VileThe two skakdi washed up in on the beach. Vile was the first to wake up. "Come one, bro, wake up." When Zokan didn't respond, he picked him up and carried him off, inadvertently in the same direction as The Mafia.

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IC: Volin
IC: Lerongu
IC: Madrihk"Excellent. Point blank vaporization ought to take care of any uppity hostage takers. A dagger in the knee to anyone who's left."Madrihk placed his fingers on the hilt of his sword, but withdrew them once he realized that his right hand was still not functioning right. He would not risk a sword fight with non-functional fingers. Instead, he would use his reserves of elemental energy, which were brimming full after the prolonged stay in Ko-Wahi. Ice and snow were not in short supply here."Anyone else?" he asked, wanting to ensure that they could handle both the rescued Matoran and the closest hostage takers before the rest of the ILS had to move in.
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IC: Londar"Sorry, I don't have a mask," replied Londar, still waiting at the canyon edge, kicking rocks into the canyon. He then suddenly grew really angry and hurled a rock in a random direction (OOC: It's heading for Madhrik; you can choose whether to respond to it or not). "HOW AM I GOING TO CARVE A FORTRESS OUT OF THIS CLIFF FACE???!!!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice echoing throughout the canyon. Then he saw two Skakdi approaching...IC: The MafiaThe Mafia sat down on another rock. He felt weak and dizzy. In his frustration, he fired a blast of plasma, but it was considerably weaker than he would have liked it to be. Then...IC: Zokan and VileThe two skakdi twins approached the cliff face where they saw a Fe-Matoran and a maskless Toa of Plasma sitting on rocks...

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IC: (Kino Iho)"Who told you that?" Kino asked. The Toa's element was hidden by the white clothing and the hood with the mask cover so that the only thing that peered out from them was the color of her eyes. The eyes had narrowed. "Are you an enemy of Makuta or an enemy of Mata Nui? I made my allegiance clear and you should too." She slide the knife back into its sheath and crossed her arms awaiting a response.


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IC: Londar
IC: Madrihk (ILS group, Place of Shadow, hostage situation)A sudden impact in the snow next to them made Madrihk turn his head, somewhat surprised. He waved his hand, and the snow gave way under his elemental power to reveal a small rock. He furrowed his brow and looked in the direction it must have come from, and even though the illusionary blizzard had vanished the Toa could barely make out the form of a Matoran standing at the edge of the canyon, a fair distance away."Who is that?" he asked, not expecting an answer. "If that was an attempt to ambush us, it was rather poor. Someone: Check it out. The rest of you... be wary, it might be a distraction from something else."Using their resident Toa of Sonics as his personal loudspeaker, Madrihk once again directed his voice at Sideways, who was hopefully still proceeding with their agreement.IC: Naru (arriving at Place of Shadow from Ta-Wahi, tailing Londar after spotting him messing around with posters)"Th-there he is," Naru panted, her lungs burning after climbing the slopes of Ko-Wahi in freezing temperatures. The Toa of Plasma pointed at the Fe-Matoran, who was now approximately a hundred meters away. She caught her breath after several seconds, and glanced over at Zauk."Who's that besides him?" she asked. "Can you see?"
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IC: Naru (arriving at Place of Shadow from Ta-Wahi, tailing Londar after spotting him messing around with posters)
IC: Zauk"Dunno," the Toa of Lightning replied, using his telescopic lens to once again zoom in on what he was seeing. "A Toa," he answered, studying the new being as Naru caught her breath. Zauk didn't seem effected by their hike, but then again, he had spent a fair amount of time in this type of landscape."Ready?" he asked the Toa of Plasma.



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IC: Zokan and Vile"Well, we could try..."IC: The Mafia"I think I could help too."IC: Londar"Ok then," Londar said. "Let's build!"Zokan activated the flamethrower function on his blaster rifle. The flames heated up the side of the mountain, melting all of the snow and burning any plants that would have survived this low. Then it was The Mafia's turn. The Toa of Plasma, although maskless, could still pack a punch as he fired an intense beam of plasma at the cliff face, boring a hole in the mountain. Finally, it was Vile's turn to work. Walking into the cavern, he used his seismic pickaxe to refine and expand the chamber The Mafia had made. Then, the three combined their powers, and the cave grew into a long and narrow hallway. The three of them, plus londar, walked into the mountain...

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IC: NaruA final breath of thin mountain air, and Naru was indeed ready."Yeah," she said. "Let's go say hello."Trying her best not to appear threatening in any way, Naru began approaching the potentially unstable group. Before they reached them, however, they had started tunneling."What are they up to...?" Naru wondered aloud, and walked over to the entrance."Ahoy!" she shouted. "Anyone here?"OOC: That's Londar et al.

Edited by Katuko
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IC: The whole groupLondar and the others didn't hear the two newcomers as the noise created by the tunneling had drowned out all sound and could be heard all over the place of shadow. However, when they had stopped to rest, they saw a toa of plasma and a toa of lightning at the cave entrance. The two skakdi walked up and started rapping, much to everyone else's embarrassment. "Yo, we're the twins of might/We're bad and strong, yeah we're all right/Zokan, Vile, it's us two/ who..."

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IC: NaruThe Toa of Plasma froze for a second. Half-singing Skakdi. Clearly, they had to die. Naru ignored the feeling, however, and focused on what she had just learned."Right, Zokan and Vile. I'm Naru, Toa of Plasma. Am I right in that you guys are the Forces of Nature?"

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IC: Zokan and Vile"Uh, wha?" the two skakdi said. "What's the Forces of Nature?"IC: The Mafia"I don't know what you're talking about either. We were just helping this guy because one, he paid us for it, two, it's kinda fun, and three, we thought there might be diamonds down there."IC: Londar"If you were wondering why I was correcting all those signs, I was actually sabotaging them," Londar lied very confidently. He was used to bluffing in fencing; lying in words wasn't that much harder. "They're a bad group, stay away from them. As for the tunneling, they're right; this doesnt have anything to do with that gang."With that, the four of them went back to tunneling.

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IC: Naru"Right then. Pardon me for asking. I was almost going to join them - sounded fun - but if they're as bad as you say, I'll keep to myself."The Toa of Plasma slipped away from the narrow entrance, still wondering why the heck anyone would make a tunnel in such a place."They say they're not the group the posters advertised," Naru said to Zauk. "Perhaps they really are at the Tren Krom break, or perhaps these ones are lying. What do you suppose we'll do?"

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