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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Door

Location: Gym

"The only death that would have occurred today would have been mine if I hadn't dodged your attack, idiot! What are you talking about death anyway?!" Door kept up his shield and morningstar, refusing to let his guard down to the strange rahkshi in front of him, while also being mindful to keep one of the gym's walls behind him in case an assassin got any ideas.

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IC: Tear - Gym


"Look at them," Tear spat, waving a hand at the brawl on the other side of the Gym. "Mother always said this was a vile, uncivilized place, but I could have never imagined... this. Icarax looking on while students massacre each other left and right. And I won't be a part of it."

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IC: Door

Location: Gym

"This isn't a massacre! It's just a game!" Door paused for a moment. "... With a some beating up involved, granted, but nobody is killing anybody! Or at least not with approval from Icarax... Ok, fine, maybe it's stupid, and a little barbaric, but that doesn't excuse you trying to stab me in the head just then!"

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IC: Tear - Gym


The corners of Tear's mouth twinged upwards into a sickening grin. "To survive in a savage land, sometimes you must strike first."


Tear whirled, sending another dagger flying towards Door.

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IC: Door

Location: Gym

Door easily blocked the attack with his shield, the dagger bouncing off it. The dagger hadn't hit the floor sooner than Door charged at Tear, his shield raised, and his morningstar in position for being swung right at Tear's head.

Edited by Toa Onaku
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IC: Door

Location: Gym

With Tear ducking away from Door's strike, his momentum only kept him going, causing him to trip and fall over, inadvertently dodging Tear's strike. Thinking quickly, Door rolled away from Tear, standing back up, and readying himself again. "You really wanna do this? We could stop right now, no one would have to get hurt."

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IC: Tear - Gym


Tear scrutinized his opponent, searching for any sign of hostility. After a moment or two, he shrugged and slipped the knives back into their hatches. "Perhaps some good can be found here after all."

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IC: Door

Location: Gym

The first couple of seconds, Door wasn't sure he wanted to believe Tear's backing off, but after the third second passed, he decided Eh, what the heck and put away his morningstar and shield. It took a few more seconds, along with a sceptical expression, before Door spoke up again. "So... who are you exactly?"

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Footwork caught a glimpse of odd movement out of the corner of his eye. Turning to look, he saw Snap apparently trying to climb out of Icarax's pit. "Um, Excuse me," he muttered to the other Rahkshi as he slipped over to the side of the prison. "Karz, what happened? Are you okay?"



Suddenly, a tiny Rahkshi floated up into the air. Shrapnel was immediately focused entirely on the knot of students, but from her position at the outskirts of the group she couldn't tell who had been in contact with the victim. "Hey!" she shouted to anyone within earshot, "we've got an assassin over here!"



Beat heard someone yelling about an assassin. Well, it wasn't like she was being very productive as it was. She started jogging in the direction of the shout.



Sepulchral heard the shouting, as well, but decided not to act on it. Even if it wasn't an assassin setting up a ruse, one or more of the enemy might decide to take advantage of the chaotic gathering that would result. It was what he would do in their place, certainly. Ergo, he gave the tangle of students a wide berth and continued walking.

Edited by Dark_Stranger


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IC: Tear - Gym


Good, his opponent was disarming himself as well. Tear would have hated to have an excuse to drive his last dagger into their Kraata.


"The name is Tear," he said. "And I've come a long way only to be disappointed, apparently."

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IC Recherche / Gym

Seeing as how his player had been relatively inactive the last 36 hours, the titanic Surahk had contented himself to circling the brawl, waiting for an opportune moment to strike. He found it when the Epsilon marked Rahkshi touched the dwarf, killing him and immediately afterwards, admitted his guilt.


From behind him he raised his great club-sword and brought the flat of it down towards the back of the assassin's head.

...but close to it

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IC: Tear - Gym


Tear scoffed, but managed to hold back any sarcastic remarks on the ridiculous name. "I came here to escape my home," he explained. "I knew everything Mother said were lies, and I hoped she was wrong about this place too... but I have to give her that one."

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Footwork caught a glimpse of odd movement out of the corner of his eye. Turning to look, he saw Snap apparently trying to climb out of Icarax's pit. "Um, Excuse me," he muttered to the other Rahkshi as he slipped over to the side of the prison. "Karz, what happened? Are you okay?"


IC: Snap [Gym]


She looked up from her mad scramble, one foot, one arm currently in or out. It was Footwork.


"Oh, yeah, heh must've... must've slipped."


She turned away with mild embarrasment to her current situation, then spoke again,


"uh, care to lend a hand? or, a foot?"



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IC: Tear - Gym


"That Corpus Rahkshi is a vile place, where despotic Makuta pit Rahkshi against Rahkshi in a cruel struggle for survival of the fittest. Where our freedom of choice means nothing. I suppose the opposite was too good to be true."

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IC Disco (Library-->Entryway):


Having finished his book, Disco wandered out of the library. He noticed two Rahkshi standing by the entranceway, one black and one white. They didn't seem like newcomers but Disco had never seen them before.


Walking over to them, he extended his arm to shake their hands.


"Hi, welcome to Corpus Rahkshi. Are you new here?" he said.


OOC: Disco interacting with the God Twins.

IC God Twins- Entryway:


"We are, mortal, but we have no time for introductions. Simply know that you and the rest of the wretched here are being graced by the presence of Gods." So spake the White God.


"Excuse us, we have important matters to attend to." Spoke the Black God.


They moved further into the school, into the hallways toward the Gym.

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IC: Shield

Soon enough, Shield was going through an alleyway.

It was dark, and it smelled strange. It was almost scary, but Shield continued to walk through it, looking straight towards the exit. He didn't notice the red, glowing eyes in the darkness to the side of him. 

At least, not until it was too late. He was quickly sent flying off of his feet, landing him in the ground. A large, green skakdi stepped out of the gloom, chuckling. "Aw..look what stumbled into my little home. I'm never seen a rahkshi as small and cute as you." He said. A glint came out of his belt, as he drew his small dagger. "Now, hand over everything you have, and maybe I'll let you live." He said, his tone quickly changing.  "###### OFF!" Shield yelled. "Aw, look. The ickle wahkshi made a noiwse." The skakdi cackled. "Guess I'll be able to sell your carapace too." He then plunged his knife forward, towards Shield's leg. Shield yelled and rolled over, dodging the knife. "Hold still!" The skakdi angrily said, swinging his foot out to Shield's chest. Shield caught it, and pulled him back, sending him flying towards the ground next to him. The little rahkshi pulled himself up, and grabbed the skakdi's head, whilst using his legs to pin him down. He slammed his head down, over, and over, and over, until there was a little pool of blood coming from the back of it. His eyes were rolled to the back of his head. The mugger was dead.


Shield woke up

His stuff was gone

There was no body

There was no blood.

There was just him, and the dark, scary alleyway.

Edited by Agent Epsilon
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IC: Draco

The smallish Rahkshi jumped on Sliver. I might have been tempted to help if it weren't for the fact of the mutual hate between us. Blast it... Malady might want to- wait, when did I start thinking about the wants of others?

IC: Malady (Gym)



I begin shoving through the crowd, elbowing Rahks and stepping on numerous toes to make my way to Sliver, Grim and that... big, golden Rahkshi whose armour was a tad too shiny for my liking.


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IC: Tear - Gym


"I... suppose..." Tear muttered, following Door's gaze. Bullying had been of little concern to him. Of course, there had been those that made fun of his name, but he had soon showed them the error of their ways.

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IC; Shield

Shield's head hurt. He pulled himself up, groaning a little. There was a pool of green ichor on the floor, where his head was. There were a few noises coming from the other side of the alleyway. And then, those red eyes reappeared again. "KARZ, YOU'RE STILL ALIVE!" The skakdi yelled. "I thought I killed you! I guess I'll have to deal with you again!" The skakdi said, before getting up, and drawing the xiphos that HE stole from Shield. He charged forward, thrusting the sword towards Shield's chest.  The rahkshi of fire resistance lunged sideways, dodging the sword. He threw himself at the skakdi, knocking him over. The two beings struggled, until the green skakdi was on top of him. "Now now little rahkshi. This is going to hurt, but don't scream. You'll lure a few unwanted guests over here." He said, before Shield grabbed his head, and slammed it into the ground next to him, knocking him out. A sudden urge to finish the job came into his mind. "No." He said, dusting himself off. "I have done enough."




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IC: Disco (Entryway --> Hallways)

"Huh," said Disco, miffed. These Rahkshi seemed to be delusional.

Disco shrugged and walked off into the entryways.

OOC: Open for interaction.

:k: :m_o: :v: :s: :m_o: :r: :r:


BZRPG Characters: The Collector of Masks and Zavesh


Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Disco, Phobia, MaharaRomulus and Remus


Hero Factory RPG 2.5 Characters: Whipcrack and Charles Erudite




Feel free to refer to me as either the Collector or Kovsorr, and if I don't reply to something, send me a PM!


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IC: Vlad / Forest



With Burn gone, Vlad relaxed - just a little - and turned again to Doubt, who seemed a bit confused as to why he'd simply let the enemy walk away. To tell the truth, Vlad was a little bit confused about that himself, but he was doing his best not to let that doubt show. "Ve have more important matters to think on zan takink out a single arrogant blockhead like him," he maintained. "Vhich vas vhy I vas just askink you to brink zer others back - ve must discuss our plan of action."


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IC: Tear - Gym


Tear gave an uncomprehending look. "All of them are trying to kill each other," he said. "Why does the label matter. If anything, none of them are assassins, just brutes filled with bloodlust."



IC: Call - Nynrah


After waiting for a moment to ensure Burn was gone, Call burst from the bushes and stalked up to Vlad. "We had him," Call snapped. "You could have said the word, and we would have had him! It was three on one! I thought you wanted vengeance on these guys!"

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IC: Door

Location: Gym

"No no no, see, there's this game... well... event going on where six from our group were chosen to be quote unquote assassins. They can go up to people, touch them while thinking some kind of mental que for Icarax, and then they get hauled over into the pit. If they manage to get everyone like that, they win, but if we manage to... uh... well... karzahni, there really isn't a way to paraphrase it to make it sound less bad. If we manage to beat them all up until they can't tag anyone anymore, we win. And Icarax explicitly said no killing."

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IC: Tesla - Forest


"I think I'll leave you now," she stated watching other 3 Rahks, "he's gone anyway." She turned into a flight mode and ascended above trees to get back to Revenge as soon as possible. Maybe I am not that useless after all, she thought with a smile.

At some point, I'll suddenly go on hiatus. I'm sorry for that.

Nik, but still pronounced as Nick

The Great Vakama or Clue official topic

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IC: Vlad / Forest



"I vant vengeance..." Vlad explained hesitantly, only half certain of what he was going to say, "but he vas just... some idiot follower who doesn't seem to have even managed to do anythink anyvays. It's not his kind I vant vengeance upon... it's zose who lead zer raids, zer vuns who actively avaken zer sleepink cruelty, in others I despise most. Vuns like zer Illusion Rahk."


He paused a moment, and continued, "Unt vengeance ist not zer only reason I are here. First unt foremost, I came to protect zer Matoran." Now he was sounding far more certain.

Edited by Sergei Rahkmaninoff


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IC: Tear - Gym


Tear listened carefully, looking very much like he had just had a double serving of Refectory slop. "Though you are asked not to kill," Tear replied, "You still make a game of slaying your fellow Rahkshi? And maiming those that fail to succeed? If it is bullies you are searching for, Icarax might just be the worst."



IC: Call - Nynrah


Call just scowled. "That Rahkshi fought the Matoran. You want to protect them? Make sure he won't do it again."


Suddenly, he whirled around, drew his swords, and took off into the air after Burn.

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