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Favorite/Least Favorite Comic Era


Comics Poll  

28 members have voted

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All-righty. Originally, I was just going to make this as a topic, but figured it would work well with a poll added.

So anyway, what're your favorite and least favorite eras of the comics? This can be due to either the story content/style, the art style, or anything else.



Mata Nui - D'Anda

Mata Nui (Nuva) - Elliott

Metru Nui - Elliott

Metru Nui (Hordika) - Elliott

Ignition - Sayger

Battle for Power - Gallagher

Glatorian - Mhan


Personally, I'd say my favorite are the Ignition. I love the darkness and expressiveness in the art style, as well as the considerably darker story.

Least favorite? Hmm... Possibly the Metru Nui era. I dunno, I guess I just didn't like them as much overall. I'm somewhat between that and the Mata Nui era, since I found the art style in that to be a little over-the-top in some places, but it just holds too great of a nostalgic feel for me to vote for that.


Anyway, vote away, and talk about your opinions in the topic!

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The comics are alright, I liked the change in artstyle during the Ignition series, but Stuart Sagyer's design of the elemental lords is something I didn't like about the Glatorian comics. On a sidenote, does anyone like to pick out the errors that appear in the comics? 

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I loved the style of the D'Anda era, so I went for that for my favorite era.
Least favorite? Sayger. His work is very unique and I'd venture to say that it's polarizing in the fandom; you either love him or hate him. To be fair, I really liked the Sayger look when it first premiered and I thought it added some extra pizzazz to the intensity and newfound darkness of 2006. But as it went on, I kind of felt like he got sloppy:
As for Elliott and Gallagher and Mhan, I feel like their styles were very straightforward and set-based, without the uniqueness of D'Anda.

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Ehehehe that Vakama drawing...


I'd actually say my second favorite (at least for artistic style, I didn't like the story as much) would probably be Battle for Power/Gallagher. I found the art very "clean", which I though fit the switch to Karda Nui quite well.

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Least favorite? Sayger. His work is very unique and I'd venture to say that it's polarizing in the fandom; you either love him or hate him. To be fair, I really liked the Sayger look when it first premiered and I thought it added some extra pizzazz to the intensity and newfound darkness of 2006. But as it went on, I kind of felt like he got sloppy:



That's my favorite picture of Vakama to date.

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Least favorite? Sayger. His work is very unique and I'd venture to say that it's polarizing in the fandom; you either love him or hate him. To be fair, I really liked the Sayger look when it first premiered and I thought it added some extra pizzazz to the intensity and newfound darkness of 2006. But as it went on, I kind of felt like he got sloppy:



That's my favorite picture of Vakama to date.


And he doesn't even have the infamous MoL eyebrows!

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Really love the style of the early Mata Nui comics (have the poster panels from them up on the wall). They always had little details--grime, the way characters moved (Lewa perching, etc.)--that somehow made all of these mechanical parts fit naturally into a biological world. They have some of Greg's better dialog too.


Least favorite is probably the late Battle for Power/Glatorian series. The art adhered too closely to the sets while missing the little bits of magic that made the (stylistically similar) early comics so effective. The narration also broke character too much with little sales pitches ("Find out his backstory in _____").

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Favorite was the Metru Nui comics, because those environments and locations were really amazing to see built out. Big difference from island to mega-city.


Least favorite I think was Glatorian. Story felt rushed and scattered in the comics. The books did it way more justice



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Favorite was the Sayger saga. The biggest love-it or hate-it art style, and I fall firmly into the first camp.


I said my least favorite was Hordika, but really, any comics from the 'watch the movie to see the ending' years inordinately irritated me to no end.

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Artistically and story-wise, I loved the Ignition series. It felt very gritty and mature compared to the rest of Bionicle.


My least favourite was the Glatorian era.

Very boring and bland.

This is why I wanted Lego to let Greg finish his work properly.

The Glatorian world could have gotten fleshed out so much more in 3 years.

Alas, it didn't happen.


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I really liked the Toa Nuva era comics. The art style was simplistic, but resembled the sets well. A close second for me would be the Metru Nui comics.


As for my least favorite, it was definitely the Ignition saga. The art was so unlike Bionicle, and made Matoran characters look like robotic zombies with their twisted forms, clawed hands... in one instance two heads... *shiver*

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Mata Nui was a good run,Metru Nui too. I liked Ignition's darker tone but the occasional ugliness sometimes kills it.


I vote Glatorian as least favorite, because by then I had lost interest of the story. I can hardly recall what happened in those comics other than the last two "Stars" issues with Makuta and Mata Nui boxing.

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I went with Battle for Power as my favorite, the art style was cool and I felt they told a pretty concise, complete story. For the most part.


My least favorite is the Metru era, probably. Both of them, really, but I went with the Hordika because 2004 at least had the Morbuzakh stuff. The art style didn't impress me, I honestly disliked the color work, and they both suffered from the movie interfering with their ability to actually tell a story. It wasn't great.




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like robotic zombies

Uh, well, I'd like to point out that a large portion of the Matoran portrayed in that era basically were robotic zombies for the Piraka.


The zamors didn't change their appearances, just their mindsets. Them being enslaved was no excuse to have them look like monsters.


Also, this was Sayger's interpretation of Metru Nui Matoran:





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Honestly, I loved the earliest comics, with Carlos D'Anda. Once the artwork made all the characters look super-shiny and polished, I felt like they were stepping too far away from the sets (I mean, my Rahkshi weren't made of polished bronze). I much rather preferred the older, more worn and used appearance. However, once the story left the MU, I really started to lose interest. I consider those my least favorite, since we left everything I was familiar with from '01 onwards.

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My favourite comics were a tie between the Bohrok Saga, Ignition, and Battle for Power. Why did I like them? Because they told full stories, without ending on cliffhangers because the release of a movie demanded it do so. D'anda's art was perfect, and Sayger brought a new tone to match the steadying stakes present in the Ignition saga. And Battle for Power was just intense, with a style reminiscent to both D'anda and Elliot's art.


As for my least favourite... Glatorian wasn't great but the Hordika saga was downright the worst. Messy chronology, throwaway side-stories and a cliff-hanger that just hung on by the tip of a web (pun fully intended). The only comics I liked were Shadow Play and the one with the Toa Hagah. Otherwise... boring year, boring comics.



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