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Nuju Metru

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Has, uh, the Ga, Le and Ta-Wahi threads vanished for anyone else?

Not seeing them either...


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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While I know that was referring to the topics, it's just as true for us.


I won't speak for my fellow staff, but I'm still here. It's been a really, really rough and busy year. Closer to two. The details don't matter and that isn't an excuse, but it is my apology for being so inactive. It doesn't reflect well on me as a member of the game's staff, let alone someone who dearly loves playing it.


We have most of next arc prepped. I'm really, really excited for it and as soon as you guys get to see it I think you will be too.


We just need to make it through the home stretch of this one, and we are in the home stretch.

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Might join you in returning. Been having an itch to play Syvra for awhile now, think it's about time I took care of that itch.


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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You know what would be cool? A summary of what's happened so far to get new players and players who've been away for a while up to speed.


You know what else would be cool? A comprehensive list of approved species that haven't become noteworthy enough to be included on the species list on the front page.

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You know what would be cool? A summary of what's happened so far to get new players and players who've been away for a while up to speed.


You know what else would be cool? A comprehensive list of approved species that haven't become noteworthy enough to be included on the species list on the front page.


We have the former. It's missing some of the small scale developments since the taking of Ko-Koro, as well as the only major one (Joske's death), but we have a summary stretching aaaaall the way back to the start of the game.


As for the species, there is no list. I went through the entire Profiles topic (over a thousand profiles) just to be sure, but the only species approved for use are the Araka and the Tiokaha, whom I know you made yourself. There are a handful of other custom species present but they're all one-offs and approved on a unique case-by-case basis.


The answer to all those suggestions is probably start of the next arc.


Krayzikk's been


dragging himself to the finish line


Mostly because of my fault.


Hub is mostly right here, though. Since next arc will mean a new Profiles topic, it may be possible to implement an up-to-date list of approved species similar to the way the Living List for Native Tech was maintained.


Nothing new is likely to be added before then. The current staff team doesn't have the power to edit most of the posts that were made at the start of this Arc, so we can't maintain them until after the new ones are made.

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Feels weird, the prospect of being there for a new arc. I should stop thinking so deeply on such things.


Anyways, if the sneeki breeki troop in Ko is starting up again, guess its time to get Arankhe going as well. Because she's, uh...

still there. Should get Arvas going as well, though I'm not sure where to drop me merc off after the rahkshi hunt.


My profiles


Read my Epic:Tales of Aoris Nui!

Profile pic by Soulemn on DA!


I also have a custom species approved for the BZPRPG! Click here to read about them!

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Can't help but wonder how all these people are hearing water splashing around inside a building that is both several blocks away and in the middle of a raging blizzard.


Unless I missed the blizzard ending, which is quite possible considering how long it's been since I read some of the older posts.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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Can't help but wonder how all these people are hearing water splashing around inside a building that is both several blocks away and in the middle of a raging blizzard.


Unless I missed the blizzard ending, which is quite possible considering how long it's been since I read some of the older posts.


As far as I can tell the blizzard should still be in effect. Stannis summoned it to cover the Maru's attack.





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Did somebody say Joske died? What have I missed?


Although I'm also surprised that Hub hasn't hit 25k yet.


Echelon killed him almost two years ago OOC, yeah.



Welp. Guess that's one of the things I missed since I stopped regularly posting here about three or so years ago.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Speaking of which, I should be posting a compilation post with some of my characters in Kentoku in the next few days.

If anyone does care--I know there were at least a couple people asking for replies from me that have probably since despaired.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Hello everybody.
Been a long long time I know, but I got to reminiscing about BZPRPG and thought I'd drop in and see what the projected status is.  Is there enough activity left to be worth joining in again?
What Important IC Events have occurred?


EDIT:  Actually, what Important Events period have occurred??

Edited by Shadowhawk
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EDIT:  Actually, what Important Events period have occurred??

I was wondering the same thing.

Everybody I was in the middle of interacting with just sort of vanished, so I vanished too.  But now I want to come back, and I need to know if anything important happened while we were all dead inactive.

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For the record, I'm still here; I just have a nasty habit of lapsing into inactivity when I don't know what to write.

Or if I'm waiting on someone else to post.

Or if nothing's been going on with my characters for an extended period of time.

Just ask Shu and Aine. They've literally just been sitting on a bench in Ga-Wahi since June 2016, waiting to receive a so far nonexistent quest reward. Or Dravennica and Celphrithia, who were last seen down near The Vault in Mangaia back in February of the exact same year, somewhere in line between an inactive group of Outsiders and wherever the heck Echelon and Kohra are, seeking to barter for Antidermis.

But I digress.


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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Everybody I was in the middle of interacting with just sort of vanished, so I vanished too.

For the record, I'm still here; I just have a nasty habit of lapsing into inactivity when I don't know what to write.

Or if I'm waiting on someone else to post.

Or if nothing's been going on with my characters for an extended period of time.

That seems to be the general atmosphere, upon investigation.


I won't bother dusting off my character list then, but good to drop by and be certain about it.  :)

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We would be happy to welcome back old faces. The game's been a little dead for a while, most of the staff have been dealing with real life, but we're ramping back up to finish the arc. We have the next one prepared, and we think people are going to like it a lot.


It's my intent, if at all possible, to have this arc closed out by year's end. So even if you don't want to come back right now, I'd advise watching this space. We cooked up something fun for the next locale. :)

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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EDIT:  Actually, what Important Events period have occurred??

I was wondering the same thing.

Everybody I was in the middle of interacting with just sort of vanished, so I vanished too.  But now I want to come back, and I need to know if anything important happened while we were all dead inactive.


or, perhaps, waiting on a response during a heated chase thru ko-koro that never came.

maybe we can get back to that, since everyones rising from their coffins lately.

(shout out to max)

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Okay, so my family is gonna be at my apartment for Thanksgiving a bit later than I've anticipated, so I have time to really sit down and try to get my thoughts out on everything. I think it's way past time I did.


Shooting the real ###### first: obviously, I've been a ghost for the past few months, as a posting presence and really just on BZP in general. I won't pretend that a big part of it isn't just coming back to the site once a week or so and seeing how dead everything and everyone is, not just our little corner of the sky here in RPG, but the fact is that I could change that if I were really motivated to, and I just haven't been. Part of that is site reasons, part of that is very personal, and the largest part is just struggling to have the same passion for Bionicle, as opposed to the passion I have for all our characters. I think some of you may know what I mean; my Bionicle fandom has been on the way out the door for years, along with Lego in general. What keeps me here, and writing for you, is really the idea of writing for this group of characters and writers that we've all been working with for so long - the possibility of getting to further advance a universe we all spent half a decade creating and growing larger-than-life personalities in. You don't have to believe me when I tell you this - and I certainly get why you wouldn't, given the state of the forum - but I love this game. 




I'm not in high school anymore; I haven't been for three years, which might go a long way towards explaining my spiraling activity since then. I can't post my ###### off Monday through Thursday, party with friends on Friday and Saturday, and post more Sunday anymore. I can't skate by on a handful of homework assignments a week. I'm looking down the barrel at not just finishing a bachelor's degree, but graduate school and maybe a Ph.D (who woulda thought, right!?) after that, and it's daunting as all get out. On top of that, it's been a rough couple years. I've lost some people very close to me. Chances are I may lose more before New Year's. I won't give you guys all the gory details, because I've never liked airing myself out on the Internet even to my friends, but suffice it to say that I've had a mental block for a long time on how much and what I'm capable of doing, and mercy killing this uber-long arc hasn't been one of them.


Now, on to the good news.


You should all thank Krayzikk every single day you log into BZP for keeping me even at all motivated to do this. The three staff members talk almost every day - and I even talk to Aaron ONCE IN A WHILE :( - and though the BZPRPG isn't always a topic of conversation for long, it invariably always comes up - a to-do list, ideas on next arc, etc. Which brings me to my next point, the brightest spot of good news, and the only justification I have for ghosting on you guys:


have completely written next arc.


The information and lore posts, a handful of little appendixes to help you understand the language and customs of this new culture (aka, Alex made me write them up so you could cut through my dense worldbuilding gobbledygook), and most importantly, the location topics themselves are complete. When this arc ends, the next one will kick off, with only a cursory delay to give us all time to celebrate in N&D that we finally ended our nigh-five year odyssey. When we tell you guys that it's right around the corner, we mean it. All that's holding us back is a dozen or so IC posts on a couple different fronts, most of them held up by our conflicting schedules and personal problems. The end of another semester is approaching, though. The finish line, honest to Christ, is in sight.


For whatever it's worth, I have a real vision for next arc - it's a new twist on an old canon locale we all love, and maybe those who comb the desert through this arc may decipher where exactly it is. We just need to get there. I think I'm finally at a space where I can get off my ###### and do it, if you're willing to sit through a few minutes of credits in order to enjoy the next show. But I know what this arc has been, and it's...really not even worth putting into words, at least not words that won't get blurred out in hashtags by the word filter. All I can say is, if you've had enough of Arc 2's painfully lurching ride, I understand. Thank you for all the time you've poured into making the BZPRPG a better place. Your past, present, and (hopefully) future contributions are amazing, and will always be appreciated.


If you want to stick around, thank you for all the time you've poured into making the BZPRPG a better place. Your past and present future contributions are amazing, and will also always be appreciated. As for your future contributions...


I hope you're prepared for a really weird arc. Ghosthands was speechless when he first read it - in the good way. I hope you'll be right there with him.





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