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Blog Comments posted by fishers64

  1. Thank you for the encouragement, though I think I'm being realistic when I say this needs a lot of work.

    Arg, you're starting to sound like my dad. If you want to get things done, you gotta push that "realism" aside.


    If I were "realistic" I would never have hosted an HF RPG and a G&T game in the middle of a school semester. But in two days the latter will be history and no longer hanging over my head, and it was worth it all. Likewise, I've wanted to host HF RPG since freaking 2011 - there was no putting that off either.


    Realism sticks you with the status quo - story unrevised, project undone. Pushing the limits gets you out of there.


    I'm not saying it's very, very easy to go overboard with the whole "light/shadow" thing, I'm just saying you could probably confuse parts of this draft for a Kingdom Hearts fanfic if you changed the names.

    I've never played Kingdom Hearts, so I wouldn't know.


    If you ever wondered "can unhealthy, repetitive amounts of angst and borderline power-of-friendship crud wind up in the same chapter?" then the answer is "yes, just look at GSR's first drafts."

    And this is a bad thing? It stretches my memory to imagine a story where angst and power of friendship have gone in the same chapter. But maybe that's because it's one in the morning.
  2. Yeah, all the old library people are starting to run together. 


    The "revitalize the Library!" campaign may have to happen, but I won't be heading it for a long while. So busy. It's doing better than some other places around here, and worse than others. 

  3. I have a list of six novel concepts that are pretty close to the same boat. One particular concept has been revised so much that the draft I started with and the one I have now are almost completely different things. (In my defense, when I started that one I was 12.) 


    To make it more BZP, I suffered through this with Late to the Party and to a degree with Amethyst. I gritted my teeth and forced myself to go through both, and I found it to be a rewarding experience. I did use a new writing method for Amethyst in the end, which helped, and I did take a break to do a lot of other projects in the middle, but that's how my motivation works - gotta have variety, or I'm a dead ice fisherwoman. (Some people to live to bring order to variety. I have no idea how they live. :P)


    My motivation has sagged and returned...just finish the blasted thing. You'll feel so much better about yourself. Now, granted, I'm the blasted choleric bulldog who never gives up on nothing, but I've found that giving up on projects just leaves me tired and depressed - if I can even give up. Most of the time my mind doesn't even consider the possibility, so I'm having trouble relating. XP


    As for remembering, I never read that particular work, but I did read your beautiful short stories in the past, and I think a lot of people will remember them as well. I'd also be happy to beta read your longer work - but it might take me some time, as I'm in the middle of a lot of other things at the moment, plus it's longer.  


    You really are a better writer than you think you are IMO. That's my opinion, though - so take it with salt. :)

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