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Blog Comments posted by fishers64

  1. Name: fishers64 ("Agent 64" or "fishers" both are fine)
    Gender: Female
    Element 1: Ice
    Element 2: Light 
    Other: fishers is a hard and cold type. She spent a number of years slaying innocous waterfowl, and then spent several years after that killing not-so-innocent people - whoever Control wanted gone. Is incredibly efficient and prioritizes her job over just about everything else. 

  2. Nope. I have the ultimate collection of so-bad-it's-good-songs, with terrible singing and moronic tunes that feel like a five-year-old did them. I love them because they are funny.


    As for lyrics vs. words, no amount of good lyric content will ever overcome blaise tunes. I occasionally listen to stuff with iffy lyrics if the tune is good - Pink's "So What" is a fine example - but after awhile my offense at the lyrics causes me to turn it off. 


    I have found that the songs that I listen to the most are songs with good tunes and good lyrics. Those do exist - it just took me a lot of my life to find them - and now that I have, I'm not letting them go. 

  3. Murach's tend to be the better books IMO.

    Takuma Nuva

    Yeah, I already have their JavaScript/jQuery book. 


    Murach also seems to be the only folks to actually produce a book on JSP. I can't find any books or classes on it, and employers want it for web design and secure web pages. So I'm hoping I can read their book to get in - it certainly worked for JavaScript.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Very helpful and informative! I now have some new bookmarks to dig through.


    I still feel attached to traditional publishing though. I blame Andrew Clement's The School Story for the bad socialization, and I mean most of the bestsellers like Clancy and Patterson were traditional so I still feel like I need to do that to get in the big leagues.


    I feel it's important to mention that you need to register your work with the U.S. government (the Library of Congress system for books, I have the documents somewhere) for full copyright protection. It costs about $50, but if you're going to publish, it is $50 well spent, I think. (That copright handbook might cover it, don't know.)


    The other thing is that Word can save stuff in HTML directly. It's a bit messy, but you can kick out Mircrosoft's fluff with plain text Find and Replace, and save you a little time. :)

  5. Welcome to the internet. 


    First, I have to ask whether you read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, or whether you like Greek myths. Obligatory. 


    I have not read Atlas Shrugged - after reading Anthem, I was through with Ayn Rand. 


    By contrast, I enjoy more like Orson Scott Card. The Ender's Game is good; The Pathfinder is much better.


    I also like me some Garth Nix; The Keys to the Kingdom is very good. I think he just came out with a book on princes that is very good - I read that one. Across the Wall is another particular favorite. 


    And if I'm looking for something a little more funny, there's always Gordon Korman's Swindle series to provide me with the latest misadventures of Griffin Bing. :)

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