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Blog Comments posted by fishers64


    However, when S&T becomes a place where one taste-opinion is treated as "fact" with no dissent allowed, that's the day I will leave S&T.

    This happened years ago, with the closing if the topic Lyichir made that post in being just a further example of it.




    Really? No staff member in S&T has stopped Lynchir and all other beings opposed to connection theories from voicing their opposition time and again, and nobody has stopped those who like connection theories from posting theirs. Both sides still get a chance to voice their opinions. 


    I understand that the anti-connection people want to shut the pro-connection people down. The fact that they haven't got what they want doesn't mean that their opinions are being silenced - as their strong vocal opposition fills nearly every connection theory topic. 


    It's the same as any other topic in S&T. Like the canonization debate - everyone got a chance to voice their opinion. Or the giant robot size debate. Just because your opinion isn't forced down everyone else's throat, doesn't mean that you don't get a say. 



    Logic dictates that logic is thrown out of the window.

    What self-contradictory universe are we living in now?


    Presumably the same one we've always lived in. That is S&T's official answer for any and all issues with Bionicle physics, is it not?


    No, it's "Greg doesn't understand physics, so anything he says about that is nonsense. As such, we don't have a definitive answer on the subject, only speculation and a maze of contradictions caused by an author who doesn't understand physics."  

  3. Sigh. The person you're talking about is my dad, who would have done exactly as you said. 


    Great way to encourage kid's creativity and show them some love. A family is not a dictatorship where Dad is a totalitarian ruler and all must bow and scrape - and if it becomes that way, rebellion like what Finn did is so common out of his own pain and hurt. 


    The end of the Lego Movie is what I wish my own parents learned. That discipline is for when a kid does something wrong, not when they do something the parent doesn't like. We all do some things that other people don't like, and doing so doesn't make the action wrong. The not-liking discipline occurred before the movie started, and Finn is now actually doing wrong things because he has been hurt. 

    • Upvote 2

    That is an entitled child on BZPower, circa about 2008 or so.


    Children are right to be entitled about Lego though. It's Lego. A toy. For children.


    Only an adult acts like this.


    "He could hear Father's voice: 'For children love is a feeling; for adults, it is a decision. Children wait to learn if their love is true by seeing how long it lasts; adults make their love true by never wavering from their commitment.'


    Yes, well, Rigg knew enough of the world by now to suspect that that by that definition, adults were rare and children could be found at any age." -Pathfinder by Orson Scott Card

  5. It's been awhile since I saw my D&D alignments; all I remember is that I tested as Lawful Neutral myself. I can always look it up, though. He'll be in good company.


    Random Pahraks are allowed; all I would need is a history for why they are awake as opposed to asleep.

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