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Blog Comments posted by fishers64


    Two people with arms died, and were buried on top of each other. 


    How did they fuse into one skeleton with four arms?

    Kulta has the power of bone rearranging - if he can arrange old bones into scorpions, surely he can rearrange two skeletons into a 4-armed monster. 

  2. I've got everyone on my list. Still looking through the character information. 


    @Tex: Driesen is fine as he is. I was hoping Tromeneg could make an appearance - he's a good fit for this one. :) White One might be slightly tricky to fit, but I'll do my best. 


    @Letagi: *sneaks off to reread Voltex's Mafia story*


    @Unit: Forges and robotic arms can easily be incorporated.


    @Everyone else: Added in! 


    Also, please try not to break his epic survival streak. :P


    just put me in and kill me in a cool way B-)

    No guarantees. 

  3. Earth Mafia = OP. :P


    Nah, I think that was fine as was, I just need to be a bit more careful next time.


    I actually liked this game, mostly because if your a villager in a standard Mafia you're just sitting around doing nothing, whereas this one you always had something to do. I'm biased because I was faction leader and got to do a lot of stuff, though - if I was spy, not so much. Concept is good, just needs a few tweaks.

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  4. Stuff to bring that I didn't think of and wished I did: 


    1. Cups. Get one that you can wash, and several you don't have to. 


    2. Printer. Especially if you're going to school, this is a must. 


    3. A reliable food source. Your college needs a cafeteria of some sort, and it's really hard to live without at least a small refrigerator. Your college will hopefully provide one. 


    4. Warm clothes and blankets. I actually recommend a sleeping bag for the ultimate in dorm comfort. 


    5. A reliable source of transport. This depends on the campus and where you live, but you at least need a bike. If you have access to a car, that's better. 

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