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Crazyness, just crazyness man.


Some Ultimate X-Men went to Dunkin Doughnuts, couple of other Superpowered people were in there. Then Captain Allergen an his crew of criminals wearing masks of old Marvel heroes show up. One of them tries to rip off Ultimate John's bike, his sister Julia goes to stop him. Then one of them started shooting up the place inside.


Pretty much the Allergen crew got their ***es kicked, two of them escaped and a bunch of cops showed up and have set up a perimeter around the place. Oh and your character's son, Zephyr was one of the dudes who took down an Allergen cronie he flew away from the cops and got shot a few times.


Name: Cato Tolman


Codename: None


Gender: Male


Age: 18


Loyalties/Faction: None


Power(S): ower(s):


Arcane Manipulation


As a scholar of magic, and(unknown to him) as a consequence of his mutation, Cato possesses the ability to draw on magic and the arcane without a patron deity/spirit, unlike most magicians in the Marvel Universe. This leads to several powers that Cato can draw on:


1. His main power is the ability to cast spells. The spells range in form and function, from magical projectiles to simple summoning to flight. They are separated into two categories; cantrips and spells. Cantrips do not require any materials and can do very little tasks, like lighting up his wand for a short while or levitating a coin for a few seconds. Essentially, magic 'tricks'' you would expect of a parlour magician.


2. And then there are spells. All of his spells require a vocal component, motion component and usually material sacrifices, and must be executed properly or the spell may backfire or fail outright. These are dangerous things. If cantrips are nerf guns, spells are rocket launchers. Additionally, the spells will drain some of Cato's energy and leave him tired, although one or two of his spells can be cast continuously without straining him, while others will drain him completely after one use.


Cato knows about a dozen and a half of these spells, but he only uses a few on a regular basis. Some of these are(the common name Cato uses is placed in brackets):


-Arcanium Ballistae(Magic Missile): Cato unleashes a projectile formed from the latent magic in the environment from his hand. Its speed is equivalent to a baseball. Since it is made up of arcane energy, unforeseen consequences may result when impacting highly technological pieces of equipment. Additionally, living materials feel an internal searing if the missile hits them. This spell is one of the few which Cato does not need to sacrifice any physical materials.


-Teletrix Poena(Curse of pain): Requires sacrifice of an object that can cause bodily harm. The larger the object, the more tedious and tiring the incantation, but the longer the hex lasts. The more dangerous the object, the sharper the pain the hexed being feels.


Cato curses an organic being. The being feels sharp sensations of pain that correspond to the sacrificed object.


-Cantatrix Detriment(Hex): Requires a lengthy incantation and many ritual components, that must be used in the right way.


The most versatile (but unpredictable) spell that Cato uses on a semi-regular basis. In effect, it places a curse of any type on a target of Cato's choosing. After extensive research and tests, the spell appears to have the following restrictions:


-It cannot outright kill anything

-Target must be in Cato's vision

-It can only be used to harm, which means it cannot be used as a ridiculously powerful enhancement

-There must be a counter-condition that roughly corresponds to the curse's severity. The counter-condition cannot be too difficult to fulfil, but it can be too easy


A counter-condition is an action that the cursed must take in order to break the curse. It usually requires some sort of exertion on them. Examples include a person cursed with perpetual nausea having to spin around ten times as fast as they can, or a person cursed with being repulsive to successfully flirt with someone. As cited above, the counter-condition cannot be too difficult. If it is, the spell fails or, even worse, backfires.



-Frigum Radius(Polar Ray):


A blue ray of freezing air and ice springs from Cato's hand, freezing up and hurting targets within the ray.


This spell does not need a sacrifice, but requires a conical ceramic object or prism. It is not used up when the spell is cast, rather it focuses the attack.


-Ignatus Spera(Fireball): Requires a pinch of phosphorus and a small piece of flammable material.


Cato determines a point in his field of view and launches a pea-sized fireball that explodes at that pre-determined spot, enlarging into a 5 metre radius ball of fire. If an object gets in its way, the fireball explodes prematurely on impact.


-Lumen Aspergo(Color Spray): Requires sacrifice of objects that contain one, two or all of the three of the colours of light: red, green, or blue. Their size is proportional to the time required to sacrifice it.


Cato unleashes a vivid flash of colours directed in a rough cone towards his target. The light colours are mixtures of whatever colours the objects sacrificed were.


-Exertio Fulminatus(Chain Lightning): Requires two objects that when rubbed together, profuce static electeicity. (i.e. one object from the positive side of the triboelectric series, and one from the negative side.)


Cato designates a target in his field of view and shoots off a lightning bolt, which then strikes the target before lashing out at targets in a 4-metre radius. The strength of the electric shock depends in the insulation of the targets and the objects Cato sacrifices.






3. Cato is able to craft new spells for his use. This requires a lengthy ritual where his soul enters the plane of magic and is able to grasp fragments of a new spell(or similar to a spell he is searching for) in this dream-state. If he is lucky, Cato can figure out the reagents and the rest of the incantation when he awakes. If not, he has incapacitated himself for a long while, from a day to several weeks, for nothing. Alternatively, he might stumble across long-lost spells in old tombs.


Appearance: Coming in at six foot six, Cato seems to tower over most people, at least, he would tower over most people, since a general lack of bulk undermines the effect. Adding to that fact is that he has an almost perpetual stoop from carrying around too many things in his enchanted backpack than it really should.


Cato's hair is short enough to not require a comb, but long enough that he can pull at them in times of frustration. Although his features are marginally good-looking, with large happy eyes and a straight nose, his lack of grooming and acne mostly ruins it.


Cato's attire consists of glasses, shirts, comfortable shorts and cargo pants, and an overused windbreaker, nothing really outstanding there. Also of note is that they are mostly plain colours like grey, black and simple mono-colours like a plain green shirt or light grey trousers, since he can't colour-coordinate his clothing if his life depended on it.



An old, ornate wand

A staff that doubles a s a walking stick


A dagger that appears to be made of glass, but doesn't shatter like glass

Magical reagents

A keychain


Skills: Cato is skilled in being bad at video games and enjoying it. Another skill that has helped more often than most would think is Mathematics.


Thanks to his magical knowledge, he can brew manner of simple potions.


Personality: Cato takes solace in a solitary life, and doesn't much like interaction with others. That view is less strong than it used to be, and he is by no means cold and aloof, but his disregard for people's opinions of him can make him appear dismissive and rude at first. It's not that he dislikes you, he doesn't really care what you think of him.


Once a person can get close to him, it is easy to realise he's a bit of a big softie and optimist, never able to hate anyone. At least, not for a long time.


Weakness: His spells require him to he able to speak the incantations and have a free hand to hold the reagents. Additionally, he is very bad at hand-to-hand combat.


Biography: Cato Tolman had a regular life in a suburb somewhere in the United States. Due to the fact that he was very easy to pick on and his general lack of sociability, his childhood was mostly friendless, and he took to video games, and reading about science.


By the time he reached middle school, he didn't mind his lonely status too much as he had a few friends and he enjoyed the solitarity afforded.


However, things changed at the age of 14, when his parents passed away in a traffic accident. Cato was devastated, as, unlike in other's exciting stories, they were good people.


After his parents' untimely death, Cato lived with his obsessive-compulsive, hyperactive and eccentric Uncle Kirk, who was nonetheless a good guardian. Things seemed to go smoothly until his sixteenth birthday.


Several masked assailants crashed into the house at night. Cato thought they were burglars, until they started to shoot acid and flames from their fingertips. As he escaped, he saw his uncle stumble out of his bedroom and freeze most of them solid, before summoning several leg-sized scorpions to attack the remaining attackers.


Kirk told him to get back to his room and come out when he told him too. From his room, Cato saw several newcomers hurry into the house, and discuss something with Kirk. He knew it was serious, as Kirk had never sounded more sober.


An hour later, Kirk called Cato out. The visitors and the intruders had disappeared, leaving behind no trace of their visit. Kirk told to Cato that they had to leave immediately. They packed and left in under am hour in Kirk's old Toyota.


He explained that he was a retired mage from an order of magic users, and the intruders were from a rival sect, and had come for an important tome that Kirk had digged up from an antiques shop. Kirk was retired from spell-slinging, but his order called him back to duty after the intrusion. Since Cato was under Kirk's wing, he might as well learn to defend himself.


Over the next month, they journeyed on car, foot and sometimes eagle to the base of operation of the order: an old, cramped shop in the Chinatown district of San Francisco. They returned the tome to safe hands. Cato returned in to me for school to start, as he continued his magical studies. After graduating from High School, Cato has decided to travel the country in search of new knowledge before going to college. If he decides to.


Name: Quinn Harrison

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Faction: Newcomer to Xavier Institute

Power(S): Bone growth and Manipulation. Quinn is able to grow extra bones at will, these bones are almost always sharp at the ends, similar to the character ‘Spyke’ from X-Men Evolution.
Breakdown of power.
• Can create these sharp bones at will from anywhere on his body.
• He can launch these bones out of his body; they will shoot straight from where they come out of the skin and fly forward for a ten foot radius about the speed of a football.
• His bones are naturally stronger than normal humans and are harder to break, they are also very sharp
• Part of his power is that the bones don’t cut through his skin, his pores instantly open up to a huge size the minute he activates his power, allowing the bone-shard free before closing the instant after it is launched or pulled back into his skin and merged with his normal bone structure.
• He can create long spears of bone from his hands, or sharpen the ends of his fingers into bone claws.

Appearance: Quinn has dark brown hair that is shaved on the sides, but long on the top which he gels back or pulls over to the side in a ‘undercut style’. He usually wears khaki or grey jeans rolled down at the bottom and a pair of Nikes or Vans. He likes polo shirts with cool patterns; or T-Shirts with Aztec patterns as well. His eyes are also brown but turn a milky white when he uses his bone powers. He also has a thing for snap-backs and always wear a watch.

Weapons: None

Skills: Decent at hand-to-hand combat, very good aim with darts, throwing knives or the bones he shoots out, is decent on the drums.

Personality: Quinn is a pretty outgoing guy, he enjoys working out in the gym, and running to stay fit. He doesn’t tolerate bullies or people who like to hurt innocents very well and has been known to stand up for others. Doesn’t try to be the cool guy, Quinn just does his own thing. He enjoys a good laugh, and dislikes mutant haters. Avid hip-hop head, he has been known to break the rules if he feels that they are immoral.
Weaknesses: If Quinn can’t see very well it’s hard for him to aim his bone shards.

Bio: Quinn was born to a large non mutant family. He discovered his powers when he was fourteen and he began to learn how to control and use them. He would spend hours and hours setting up targets and then shooting them with a bone shard. Quinn kept his power a secret from almost everyone except his immediate family, who though were fearful at first learned to accept him the way he was.

Three months ago there was an incident between Quinn and a bully who was picking on another kid, Quinn stepped in and ended up accidently unleashing some bone shards during the fight, injuring the bully but not killing him.

The other kids in the school called Quinn a freak, and he was expelled. His parents had no other options other than to send him to the institute.

  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Colette “Coe” Doe
Codename: The Witness
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Faction: NADA, but friendly with the X-Men.
Powers: Coe is fast. Very, very fast. Or time moves slowly. She can never tell. Either way, she can hit ridiculous speeds, her body projecting a forcefield that protects her from collisions and the effects of friction. She can also turn invisible, for up to ten minutes at a time. Rounding out her powers is an immunity to the effects of age and slightly superhuman durability granted by the field that protects her, though she doesn’t know about the former yet.
Appearance: Colette is a knockout. Tall and with perfect poise, slender in just the right places and wide in the others, with perfect fair skin and dark red hair, Colette stands out from any crowd. Her bright green eyes only serve to accentuate her hair, taking residence in a face like that out of a dream or fairy tale, ruby red lips and all. Her mouth is more often than not half-smiling, as if at some cosmic joke only she gets. Her ordinary clothing flatters her form, allowing her to use her looks to their upmost ability.
Weapons: A .44 caliber revolver, a switchblade.
Skills: While an excellent shot and hand to hand combatant, Coe tries to avoid fighting as much as possible. She’s extremely adept at persuasion and stealth, as well as being the best hacker this side of technopathy. Her looks are a tool.
Personality: Jovial and playful most of the time, Coe’s easygoing personality immediately swaps to hard and ruthless if something she wants is at stake.
Weaknesses: Her invisibility doesn’t extend to sound or touch, and apart from being slightly tougher to injure than normal, a wound that would be lethal to a normal person is lethal to her.
Bio: Colette is a longtime resident of the Westchester Academy, born to mutant parents and abandoned on the school’s doorstep. She grew up as normally as someone can at the school, at least until she failed PE during junior year and was forced to retake it. During that time she met Alaric Carlisle and… A partnership that shook the school’s disciplinary system was formed. Since leaving the school, she’s formed a little bit of an information brokering business.


Preapproved by some other staff.

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles


my heart longs for sieg!!!


hydra's making their biggest move yet soon - red skull wants to spark a potential invasion of asgard because he's red skull and kind of stupid - and it's a perfect chance to hop in if you feel like you have the time






That does in fact sound like quite the time to be hopping back into things. And I do in fact feel like I have the time for it. Any particular protocols I have to attend to before I make my rather magnificent (very debatable. Feeling rusty.) return?

~Totally like a boomerang. I always come back. Just never when you want me to.~

Posted (edited)

That does in fact sound like quite the time to be hopping back into things. And I do in fact feel like I have the time for it. Any particular protocols I have to attend to before I make my rather magnificent (very debatable. Feeling rusty.) return?


Man if you just had Sieg show up at Stark Tower in some magnificent fashion it would bring tears of happiness to our eyes. (Especially Tyler's)

Edited by Skitty

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar


RIP Nicole. Man this has been some heavy stuff lately. I'm sorry I ever had her do that in the first RP, lol was a long time ago and I think my characters have grown doing bad stuff like that, but I didn't see her character coming back from the recent events and I didn't really want her locked up. So, yeah she's gone.


In happier news.


I drew Ultimate Dallas and Johnathan sharing a brew together <3 Bromance is real




That was unexpected.


Events of these past few days have totally blindsided me.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.


Name: Charlize Carter

Code name: Cape Cobra

Age: 25

Loyalties: the highest bidder

Power(s): Charlize has the power to produce poisons, or venoms, which, when she wants to, will be in her bodily fluids, such as spit or sweat. While none of her poisons kill people, they have undesirable affects. One can temporarily blind someone for up to ten minutes if gotten into the eye, another can can cause temporary paralysis for about 5 minutes if gotten into an orifice or open wound, another can induce dizziness for about fifteen minutes, and another causes the victim to feel ill. However, after producing one she cannot produce the same poison again for another fifteen minutes. She also has heat vision, allowing her to see targets from behind walls and other obstacles.


Appearance: Appearance: Charlize has bright green eyes that pop against her smooth and light skin. Her blonde hair seems to always be perfectly paired with her, often unsettling, smile. However, she often disguises herself for jobs, which she prides on being good at. She often wears revealing, tight body suits on jobs or, if the target is lured to her, she often wears cocktail dresses. However, when not on the job and having personal time, she often wears jeans or leggings that are paired with cute tops. http://cdn.windows7themes.net/pics/yvonne-strahovski-1.jpg


Weapons: Charlize keeps a pistol (just in case) and two daggers (either strapped to her thighs or hidden somewhere else by clothes) when she is on the job.


Skills: She prides herself on close combat, which is when she uses her poison the most often (And yes, she aims very well with her spit). She also was trained with her daggers but she is not a master with the pistol as it is just for emergencies.



Personality: Lavinia is often called sadistic, though she rather dislikes the accusation. She likes to think of herself as a merely a woman who takes her work seriously, but sometimes has some fun. She is very flirtatious and often uses this to get close to her victims, both male and female, to either kill, rob, or do whatever else her employers want. She seems to be heartless but she isn't, it's just really, really deep down. She does, however, like to joke around, not taking things too seriously.


Weakness: She is human and can be stabbed, shot, or hurt by anything every normal person can, except poisons which she seems to have an immunity to given her own powers.


Bio: Charlize was born in South Africa as the daughter of a power mob boss. Her mother died during birth so Charlize was mostly raised by her nanny, Martha. Martha was from Botswana and taught the young girl almost everything; how to read, write, speak, etc. However, as her father's only child (at the time), he dotted on her as the princess of the family. Her powers showed when she was four and a maid slapped her and the young Charlize spit in her eyes, blinding her. Her father, instead of being frightened, treated it as a gift and had her trained in combat and with daggers, which he thought would be more freighting. Once she got older, he began to use her as intimidation to those he gave protection in order to get his money. However, Charlize almost entirely favored Martha, calling her 'mother' instead of her nanny. Yet, when Charlize was 16, Martha was targeted by another family and was killed. Charlize was furious and went on a spree to ensure the death of those responsible. Her father was happy first, until the daughter of the other family (a thirty year old woman named Ina) showed interest in her father. Her dad married her that year and Charlize knew she would be in trouble so the South African decided to move to the states to work as a mercenary, performing robberies, assassinations, and any other sort of crimes. With her powers being so snake like, she was soon dubbed the Cape Cobra.

Posted (edited)

Profile for approval.


Name:  Jayne Powers

Callsign (Former): Delta Three

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Loyalties/Faction: None; Formerly of the Enforcers

Power(S): None

Appearance: Jayne used to be the tallest member of his squadron, clocking in at a little over six feet tall. Though the relative comparison is no longer relevant, he still tends to be equal or taller in height than those he meets. His curly brown hair is the same as ever, though the persistent helmet hair is a thing of the past. Unchanged, however, are his bright green eyes. As keen as they ever were, they are now often hidden underneath dark sunglasses to help obscure his face. His blue long coat is bordering on tattered, the tail possessing more wear and tear than it ever had before and it now sports a few suspiciously placed bullet holes. His street clothes are much more presentable, but the Enforcers uniform is gone entirely.


More often than not he can be seen with his coat fastened loosely and a rectangular case secured on his back, though that depends on whether or not he’s seen at all.

Weapons/Equipment: Jayne keeps a pistol holstered at his side, and a bulletproof vest is usually worn underneath is coat. His most prominent piece of equipment, however, is stored in the case on his back.


Deviant Neutralizing Armaments: The engineers usually shortened it to DN Arms, or if they were feeling really witty, DNA. Modeled after various technologies recovered and designed to provide tactical adaptability for agents in the field. The Arms consist of a visor with integrated earpiece, two pieces of armor extending up to the elbow, a pair of of integrated boot thrusters, and two arm length rifles. A belt holds several additional gadgets designed to work with the system.


Starting with the gauntlets, their design is very similar. Gunmetal gray materials cover everything from the elbow down, though the armor is carefully designed to permit unhindered articulation at the fingers. The left and right gauntlets vary in their specifics; the left has a hardy touchscreen built into it, permitting control over the Arms’ integrated systems. The right has an emitter based upon known mutant powers that projects a hard light shield. Spikes can be found in the technology integrated into his boots, though their purpose, in addition to climbing, is to be able to latch onto the ground beneath his feet.


His boot thrusters are designed to aid in rapid movement, enabling higher jumps or other needed propulsion. They are incapable of proper flight, and can only be triggered in bursts. They can also be triggered from the gauntlet control. His visor contains an integrated HUD, displaying critical information about his equipment and permitting comm links to allies. It also acts as a sensor, permitting thermal vision and remote target setting. The final set of integrated pieces to the Arms pertain to offensive force; the two rifles are both gunmetal in coloration, and similar in shape but serve different functions. One is a coilgun based system capable of varying varying munitions, ranging from standard rounds to armor piercing depending on what it is loaded with. When loaded with standard rounds it maintains roughly the same speed as an assault rifle. The second has a fire rate comparable to that of a shotgun; it is based on recovered Stark tech, utilizing technology similar to repulsors to generate a directed concussive blast. This is the Arms’ nonlethal countermeasure, as its force (while more than sufficient to knock a foe back) is unlikely to do worse than cause a broken bone when its target is thrown back. The secondary purpose of the concussive rifle is to, with a few modifications, slot into the back of the first to act as a power source.


This configuration permits the weapon significant range, as well as significant damage. Its sheer size and fire rate, however, prevent it from being effective in a high-speed environment. It is best suited for taking down targets at range and before his is noticed. Both rifles can be remotely fired from the gauntlet control after being placed on tripods that can be aimed using that same control.


Finally, Jayne carries a small supply of flashbangs that can be detonated normally or remotely by the gauntlet control.

Skills: Though already trained in hand-to-hand combat as well as military tactics, the events of the past year have put Jayne through a crash course from helI. Though it cost him more bruises than he’d care to admit, his experiences have honed his reflexes and his abilities. His martial skills blend a wide variety of styles as well as out and out improvisation, and his tactics are similarly unconventional though they have their roots in genuine strategy.


His marksmanship skills have also improved, as well, though not nearly to the ludicrous extent of his former squadmate and field commander.

Personality: In day to day life, Jayne’s a friendly, even innocuous, man. Though he has a somewhat mischievous sense of humor he’s never outright malicious, and he’ll always offer a helping hand if someone needs it. What few suspect upon meeting him, however, is the level of intelligence he possesses. When he was part of a team, Jayne had been the metaphorical muscle; his role was artillery support, the ability to overwhelm an enemy with sheer firepower. Tactics were left to his field commander, and her deputy.


Alone, his intellect and tactical ability are necessary and evident. He is not above using his friendly demeanor to catch his opponents off guard. He is a believer in the wisdom in offering one hand, and arming the other.

Weakness: Despite his capabilities, Jayne possesses no more physical ability than an athletic human. Additionally he is a lone operative and acts without reinforcements available. His resources are exceptionally limited, so any munitions used up during the line of his activities are not easily replaced.


Furthermore, the combined rifle is useless in faster paces scenarios, and the concussive rifle has a tendency to run low on power in extended circumstances rendering the combined form (and itself) useless. Jayne possesses a very limited supply of flashbangs, and use of the remote functions for his rifles requires, by their very nature, for them to be separated from him.

Bio: Jayne grew up in New York city, born seven years before the Phoenix attacked. Naturally this placed his formative years in the time when the issue of mutant registration was still prominent. With the Brotherhood of Mutants active, he grew up witnessing the atrocities that could be caused when a mutant chose to act against society. The distinction, for him, was always clear; a mutant that obeyed the laws of society deserved the same respect as any other person. One who chose to act against others deserved punishment to suit the crime.


He enlisted in the Enforcers for that very reason. He possessed the ability to protect others, so that was his duty. He excelled in his missions, eventually earning assignment to the Delta Squad, and to the ENF-003 Sieg. He served in this role with distinction alongside his comrades, aiding the defense against freed Riker’s Island mutants as well as against the events in Las Vegas. With the formation of MACE, and the effect of earlier events, Delta Squad was largely sidelined. Jayne spent most of that time harassing various engineers about getting Sieg fixed, but the fall of MACE provided one major diversion; every media outlet in the world was airing the Enforcers’ dirty laundry, and he didn’t like what he saw. He intended to steal the ENF-003 and get out, but found that Michael beat him to the punch and in fact caused an increase in security.


So instead he broke into MACE’s R&D labs and made off with what he could carry, going on the run from his former employers. Not that they spent very long actively searching; with all of MACE’s higher ups to deal with, they didn’t spend too long worrying about one unaccounted for operative.

Edited by Ninth Krayzikk
  • Upvote 3



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


Posted (edited)
Name: Parker,

Codename: Spider,

Age: Unknown,

Gender: Male,

Loyalties/Faction: Himself,

Power(S): Same as Spiderman,

Appearance: Like a black suited Spiderman, with light armor instead of spandex, and gold mask eyes,

Weapons: Oscorp pattented webshooters,

Skills: Extremely good at kicking things,

Personality: Highly aggressive, easily agitated,

Weakness: A soft spot on his neck which can be reached by sticking one's hand between the back of his head and his neck armor

Bio: Oscorp managed to get a sample of Spiderman's DNA, though they didn't have the resources to discover the civilian it belonged too, they made a spider-soldier, who lived at the beck and command of whoever it was that he was assigned to, until he realized he could be doing better things than being a voluntary slave, attacked Osborn, and left,


And because that's probably not gonna be accepted,


Name: Eli Geluk,

Codename: Mr.Fortune,

Age: Won't tell anybody,

Gender: Male,

Loyalties/Faction: SHIELD,

Power(S): Has the ability to change how well things will turn out for himself, when his powers are used, they often lead to trouble, though they don't have to, it's his choice, basically, he decides whether he has good luck or bad luck, and more often than not, chooses bad luck, he can only affect things that he can see coming and if he so chooses, he can greatly increase the odds of winning the lottery, he's easily overwhelmed by attacks, even  if he's simply got two attackers, or one who's striking with a combination of blows, he'll be overwhelmed and only able to block one, at most he can make it less likely for an attack to kill him, if he's not overwhelmed,

Appearance: Young looking, short brown hair, a big ol' smile that just won't leave his face, he wears jeans, a dark v-neck, and a black jacket most of the time, he'll occasionally be seen wearing sunglasses,

Weapons: Nobody's stupid enough to give him anything of importance, because it'll wind up in enemy hands or destroyed, so he just gets the basics,

Skills: He's not really very good at anything, not sure if that's just his powers or if he just genuinely sucks at everything,

Personality: Extremely cryptic, makes a joke out of everything, he's considered irritating and unlikeable by almost everyone he meets, and finds pleasure in ticking people off,

Weakness: Aside from being extremely clumsy and always purposefully putting himself in bad situations, he's mentally disabled, slightly gullible, and isn't that good a fighter,

Bio: Born on a street, left on a street, lived on a street, he learned to make his money the easiest way he could find, through gambling, when he got recruited by SHIELD, he saw it as a chance to finally get off of that street, which he did, seemingly through turn of fate, he got promoted little by little,

Edited by Petewa

First of all, you don't use commas at the end of a sentence, that's what a period is for. Secondly, no you can't have a spiderman clone. 


Thirdly, Eli Geluk's power is...extremely vague. I'm gonna need a better description than that before I even consider approving it. Overall there isn't enough detail and everything is as vague as possible, try to fix that. 


Janye +1 approval. 

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar


Snell's handling Petewa's profiles, so I'll take another look over them once they have his approval. In the meantime, Tyler's taken another look over Jayne and said everything's fine, so he'll have a post soon.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


Posted (edited)

Okay, I'll fix it,

Is it better now?


It's better, but dude, could you please get rid of all the commas? Like that's a habit you need to nip at the bud. 


I could use a little more description on how his powers work exactly. Does he alter probability? What are the limits of this power?

Edited by Grochi Cat

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar



Okay, I'll fix it,

Is it better now?


It's better, but dude, could you please get rid of all the commas? Like that's a habit you need to nip at the bud. 


I could use a little more description on how his powers work exactly. Does he alter probability? What are the limits of this power?


Sorry 'bout the commas, but yes, he does alter probability, it's limited to himself, he can only affect the probability of things happening to himself.


An important thing to consider would be what the ultimate extents of his power are, as in, how much can he affect the probability of these things? If he decides to play the lottery, can he alter the probability to make sure he automatically wins, or if somebody tries to attack him, can he alter the probability of their attack succeeding to make sure they always miss or he's never seriously injured?


And beyond that, can he affect things that he doesn't know about? Like, say, if a marksman decides to fire on him - does he really have any control over that?

Your answers to those two questions will probably be two of the biggest things relating to whether or not your character gets approved, because it's very easy for this to become a very overpowered ability that your character has.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



An important thing to consider would be what the ultimate extents of his power are, as in, how much can he affect the probability of these things? If he decides to play the lottery, can he alter the probability to make sure he automatically wins, or if somebody tries to attack him, can he alter the probability of their attack succeeding to make sure they always miss or he's never seriously injured?


And beyond that, can he affect things that he doesn't know about? Like, say, if a marksman decides to fire on him - does he really have any control over that?


Your answers to those two questions will probably be two of the biggest things relating to whether or not your character gets approved, because it's very easy for this to become a very overpowered ability that your character has.

Yes, he can win the lottery if he wants too, he can make all the other guy's attacks miss in a fight, so long as he sees them coming, though he'll normally use his powers to give him bad luck, unless he's in a situation which could get him money.


He can't affect things if he doesn't see them coming.


See, the second part, that's good; he doesn't know about them coming, so can't affect them, that's okay. The thing about winning the lottery if he wants to or making all the known attacks miss, that is not good. That's where it crosses the line into overpowered. You might want to scale it back a bit; he can influence probability to make an automatically lethal attack no longer be lethal, he has a much better (but still not perfect) chance to win the lottery, stuff like that. Now, the lottery doesn't really apply in this game, but still, stuff like that needs to be considered.


You've got a good thing here, it just needs a little tweaking before it can be approved. ^.^

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


Posted (edited)

See, the second part, that's good; he doesn't know about them coming, so can't affect them, that's okay. The thing about winning the lottery if he wants to or making all the known attacks miss, that is not good. That's where it crosses the line into overpowered. You might want to scale it back a bit; he can influence probability to make an automatically lethal attack no longer be lethal, he has a much better (but still not perfect) chance to win the lottery, stuff like that. Now, the lottery doesn't really apply in this game, but still, stuff like that needs to be considered.


You've got a good thing here, it just needs a little tweaking before it can be approved. ^.^

What about the fact that he prefers to use his powers to give him bad luck than good?


Though, yeah, that sounds better,

Edited by Petewa

That doesn't really make a difference. You can make what is basically a joke character, but they still can't be overpowered, because then there's just too much chance that, if you want to keep your character alive or something like that, you could exploit the overpoweredness of the character. Regardless of the joke or not, that's not cool.


Basically, it's one thing having a joke/comedic (but not entirely joke) character who can influence probability to give themselves bad luck, it's another thing entirely to have that probability manipulation be unchecked such that it can be used as blatant invulnerability power if you so choose to use it that way.


Also, another thing to consider, when it comes to responding to attacks with his power - how many attacks could be coming at him that would overwhelm him even if he knew about all of them? Because if you could just blanket influence the probability of every attack coming at him like that just because he knew about them, that'd be over powered. If you could only influence a few to prevent them from seriously harming him/killing him or something like that and still have to rely on cover and such for the rest of it, that'd be good. It's all in the interest of fairness. It wouldn't be fair for you to have a character like that while everybody else doesn't get to have one, and it wouldn't be fair for the staff to not let everybody else have a character with similar level powers like that if you do have a character like that. It causes general chaos and other problems.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


Posted (edited)

That doesn't really make a difference. You can make what is basically a joke character, but they still can't be overpowered, because then there's just too much chance that, if you want to keep your character alive or something like that, you could exploit the overpoweredness of the character. Regardless of the joke or not, that's not cool.


Basically, it's one thing having a joke/comedic (but not entirely joke) character who can influence probability to give themselves bad luck, it's another thing entirely to have that probability manipulation be unchecked such that it can be used as blatant invulnerability power if you so choose to use it that way.


Also, another thing to consider, when it comes to responding to attacks with his power - how many attacks could be coming at him that would overwhelm him even if he knew about all of them? Because if you could just blanket influence the probability of every attack coming at him like that just because he knew about them, that'd be over powered. If you could only influence a few to prevent them from seriously harming him/killing him or something like that and still have to rely on cover and such for the rest of it, that'd be good. It's all in the interest of fairness. It wouldn't be fair for you to have a character like that while everybody else doesn't get to have one, and it wouldn't be fair for the staff to not let everybody else have a character with similar level powers like that if you do have a character like that. It causes general chaos and other problems.

Sorry, let's just tone it down to what you suggested before,



And he's easily overwhelmed by attacks, he could use his powers on maybe one or two, but a good combo would easily take him down.

Edited by Petewa

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