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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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IC: Sanei


The conversation between Eshai and I petered out quickly, and we finished our meals in silence. It was, I told myself, for the best. While I found it strange to have a constant companion who never spoke, the difference in our status made talking in and of itself somewhat risky. Order, after all, was a virtue, and casually talking to someone with no clan threatened to upset that Order.


At the very least, the silence gave me time to come up with something to do. Finally, I had an idea: I didn't really have any decent clothes in my clan colors, so why not buy some? I didn't really need them, and I usually kept myself constantly busy, so I'd never found the time to buy them. But, for now at least, that wasn't an issue. Besides, I was a Menti warrior of Clan Umbraline! Looking my best should be higher on my list of priorities, I thought.


So, we paid for our lunches and struck out for the Markets. I didn't look back to see what Eshai was up to; I felt sure she was close behind me. Besides, my attention was elsewhere.


I arrived just in time to pick up a few words from a conversation that seemed to have captivated the entire marketplace, which sat in uncharacteristic silence. It would have felt oddly empty without the familiar cries of merchants hawking their wares, had it not been for the voices that rang out, both audibly and on the mental plane. The subject seemed to be about expanding beyond the Archipelago... hmmm. It hadn't really occurred to me that there'd be anywhere to expand, despite the arrival of the six strangers- what had they been called, Piraka? It simply hadn't occurred to me.


Then, a voice rang out. One belonging to the Crown Princess, asking a Dasaka standing on a roof to continue speaking.


The Crown Princess.


Despite being near the edge of the crowd, I quickly bowed. There was no harm in doing so, after all. Better safe than sorry, just in case.


By now, any thoughts of buying clothes had vanished from my mind completely. What was the conversation about, exactly? Who was the Dasaka standing on the roof? Why was the Crown Princess here, and did it have anything to do with the topic at hand? I supposed I'd just have to wait and find out.

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IC (Tazera)


Tazera whistled as she cast her mind back, mirroring Ayiwah's posture in the comfortable seat.


"Must've been a couple of shore leaves back," she said. "Killing some time, borrowed a book o' knots from the Imperial Library."


The First Mate laughed.


"You know, pirates and dragons don't scare me, Aya," she said. "But that Lorekeeper? Sheesh."


She imitated a shudder of fear.


"The way she just stares at you if you drop a book. No scolds, no scowls, just that STARE."




"I remember her well..." Ayiwah replied, her voice hinting at bad memories of the Lorekeeper she recalled. "I once was ordered to take nautical charts from the libraries to plan routes patrolling possible rebel hideouts, just after the Fursic's defeat, before our first commission. By the way she looked at me when I left with the charts in hand, we might as well have sent her in the navy's stead."


The two Menti shared a good laugh and after a few more minutes of easy conversation, unhindered by protocol or standing, the cab came to a halt. The commodore heaved a small sigh. Back to business. The driver opened the door for them, Tazera exiting first, immediately slipping back into her role as first mate. Ayiwah followed behind her and turned to the Dashi who was still holding the door. "We can find our way from here, thank you. You may return to your other duties" she said, dismissing her. It was a long distance to walk and the two of them did not need a guide, nor an escort, even if it was common procedure. The time tagging along could be spent far more productively. The Dashi bowed, said her thanks, then mounted the Rahi once again, pushing her heels into its flanks and riding off.


In front of the two Menti the markets within the wall of the imperial palace were bustling with activity. Taking up a good portion of the city island, they bordered on and blended into the residential areas and the gardens, which kept them separate from the towers of knowledge and the imperial residences itself, to give the ones governing the empire their desired peace and quiet. In this part of Sado, though, neither were to be found. Ayiwah and Tazera exchanged glances, then started walking, joining in on the crowd, moving as swiftly as they could through the narrow paths left open between the stands. Despite the mass of people out and about, it was relatively easy though, thanks to the aura of authority the commodore radiated, even now. The Dashi and Saihoko and even a few other Menti stepped aside, almost instinctively, opening up a bubble for the two officers to pass. Yet, Ayiwah noticed that the flow of the crowd seemed to largely lead in one direction, heading for the center of the markets. Their destination lay that was as well, so if there was some type of commotion going on, they would find out what it was about soon enough. Perhaps some new invention had been unveiled, or a herald was informing the public of a new decree come down from the Rora.


As it turned out, she had not been far from the truth with her last guess. As they entered the central marketplace, where a sizeable crowd had gather already, she instantly spotted the Dasaka on top of a nearby roof. More importantly was the person she noticed right afterwards though: Crown princess Yumiwa, daughter to the Rora. She was easily standing out among the people, mostly due to the large clearing the people had made for her, keeping a respectful distance and slightly bowing their heads. The princess however had her attention focused on the woman on the roof however, waiting for her to speak again. The commodore stopped and looked to her first mate. Tazera, almost showing no reaction, seemed just as surprised. The question in her eyes was obvious to Ayiwah though: Do we stay?


Their orders said to meet the Rora's secretary as soon as possible. But that scenario had no been made with an unexpected appearance of the chōjo. And he presence took precedence over their orders, at least until protocol had been honored and they had payed her the due respects. So Ayiwah merely lifted her right index finger as a reply. It was a discreet gesture, but it said everything that needed to be said: Yes, wait. We should hear this.




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[Odaiba, Northeast Coast]

Packing up took only the first few hours of morning. The caravan members were used to moving house every few months, and their yurts folded up easily into the covered wagons. Still there was plenty to do: merchandise to count, greetings to exchange, mukau’s to hitch up. Hatchi limped from wagon to wagon, using strings of glass beads to keep track of the moving activities. A young dashi followed behind her, scribbling furiously in a notebook.


Hatchi knew how to read simple Imperial herself, but she did not take to it with the same skill that the younger members of the caravan did. She often wondered what Mrimok was writing in her little notebook. Surely not all of it was absolutely necessary.


Well, nothing for it. Mrimok would surely find that out when she had to buy a new notebook instead of receiving it as a present. Paper was expensive.

The caravan’s sole zrupgar, a tall intimidating young women, handed her Myzru. She petted the Husi, which as usual tried to eat her maskrings, and she cuffed it gently on the neck. Myzru was only two years old, and while she had trained the bird out of most of its bad habits, she had never been able to get rid of that one. It was times like these that she missed her old bird, Ayamya. She could never have the same connection with an animal that a true zrupgar could, but with Ayamya she had not needed it; they had been familiar with each others ways in only the way those who have spent years together can be.


She tugged the bird forward, and tugged her thoughts away from the past. Her first years with Ayamya had been far worse than the last two with Myzru. You hated that bird, she reminded herself. She had at first. There was a reason Husi were only ridden by koshi zrupgar, cripples like herself, and a few very, very patient mukau herders. Her first two years with Ayamya had mostly consisted of falling on her bottom and worrying that she was going to break her other leg.

She kept a firm hand on Myzru’s reigns, making small chuffing sounds to calm the bird as she lead it past the stomping mukau and the dashi leaping onto wagons, or into wooden caravan cars.

The front of the caravan lay on top of the hill, looking out onto a vast sea of grass. Hatchi swung up onto her saddle with a practiced ease. She stroked Myzru’s neck as the bird stepped nervously from foot to foot. She waited for the sounds of the caravan to reduce themselves to breathing and the shuffling of feet.

Hatchi let out a yell, a long, ululating cry, which at first received no answer except for the wind.

Then, with a great groan, the caravan began to move.

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC Tutkee and Nortti

(Obaida, Nortti's lab):


Tutkee was, quite frankly, surprised at the sudden change of mood in the other Dasaka. She was offering gifts to compensate for the damage she had caused.


"That is very kind of you", Tutkee began. "I am not sure if it's necessary though. Much more damage was caused by the machine itself than by your hand. There is really no one to blame but Nortti herself."

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IC: (Senavysh Angavur)


"I insist."

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC Minami

"My lady, it's time to wake up."


Slowly, the Toroshu of Kyoshi opened her eyes. "I'm still tired," the girl mumbled. "My lady, it's already past noon. You should eat." Groaning, the girl, with the assistance of her handmaiden, got out of bed, changed into her day clothes, and got into her wheelchair. As her handmaiden wheeled her through the halls, Minami looked around. Through the windows, she could see that it was a good day. The sun was shining, the flowers were in full bloom; the perfect picture of a perfect day. The only thing that could make it better was if she could go outside to enjoy it...


"Maaya, where's Seiryu? Usually he wakes me up, but today he didn't come." Seiryu left early in the morning for the capital," the handmaiden Maaya replied. "He said that he had confidential business, but knowing him, he's probably just in the market buying you things." Minami smiled at hearing that; her brother was like that. What she didn't know was that earlier that morning an assassination attempt had been singlehandedly foiled by the First Son, and that Seiryu was going to the capital to report it.


Minami was wheeled into a dining room with utensils already set up. She was pushed to the head of the table, where two more servants came in and began serving the meal. A dish of rice, a bowl of soup, a plate of umeboshi, and a grilled rukk fish made up the meal. Bowing, the servants except for Maaya exited the room. After saying the ritual prayer, Minami began to eat, thinking about how the rest of the day would be. She hoped that it would be a good day...

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IC(Rano-Sado Marketplace)


The Menti sighed, crossing her arms as rebuke came from a variety of sources.


"And you," Ankora said, "how dare you call yourself an Eiyu, to so callously throw away an opportunity such as this? It is our way to seek knowledge wherever we can, and I can imagine there is much we can learn from these Mata Nuians"


Ankora...quick to judge, even quicker to jump to conclusions. Rano stepped back a little in the crowd, having spoken too much already. Besides, the back of her head was sore from the blow Ankora had dealt.


That was when Rano saw the Princess, and her eyes got wider. It had been a long, long time since she had seen someone of such importance- this was a rare, rare event. She turned to Jiyu, clutching his arm.


:Is that actually her?:

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: (Senavysh Angavur)


Sena nodded, and turned. Walking through the destroyed splinters of the door, she and her cousin made their way towards their most likely bored caravan. Meeting with her group, the Mukau were roused, and once again they walked. Sado wasn't much far from here, she thought with some relief. She would be staying in the city for a longer period of time, this year.


The Amukas, old and rather isolationist, didn't like it when she stayed for more than a week, paranoid that the Imperial culture would corrupt her. Sena thought otherwise. She honored the Taajar culture, spoke fluent Taa, was trained in the Taajar ways. A month or two in the Imperial city wouldn't do any harm. Sena was going to use the opportunity to establish trade deals, and try to dispel annoyingly persistant folk tales.


Clan Angavur was the most respectable Taajar clan, in Imperial eyes. They were treated as skilled crystalsmiths first, and Taajars second. That had helped her socially in a multitude of ways. It was well known, at least in the major cities, that Taajars under the red and black banner were honest, respectable people. Other Taajar clans were less lucky. Taajar trading camps were too often stolen from, burned, and otherwise harassed. Most Imperial clans turned a blind eye too it, seeing it as punishment for Taajar usury. It disgusted Sena, in so many levels.


But she had too keep a straight, repsectable demenor. No lashing out on offending clans, no harming the perpetrators, unless they are caught in the act. Her people had nearly been destroyed millenia ago, and she knew the Imperials could destroy them now.


This stay in Sado would matter, she knew it.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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After Nihi had posed her initial question, the surprisingly large crowd of Dasaka that’d formed around and below her perch had called out various responses – on both the physical and mental planes – to the rhetorical query. At first, the voices of the throng had been splashes of ice water to Nihi’s chest, petrifying her; however, as more of the Markets’ assembled persons had been drawn to the debate she’d sparked, and as she’d seen more and more faces angle up towards her, awaiting her next words, Nihi had started to feel a heady kind of strength. She’d never been the center of so much attention.


All of a sudden, she was the center of more attention than she’d bargained for.


"I am Umbraline Yumiwa, crown princess and chojo of the great Dasaka Empire,” an imperious voice called out, freezing Nihi, almost making her lose her balance as her knees stiffened.


The chojo… Impossible. This was unreal, this was frightening; Nihi was addressing a crowd that contained the next Rora. What if Nihi made a fool of herself? What if she stuttered? What if she rambled, or her words were no good? What if – most terrifying and awesome of all possibilities – her ensuing words actually influenced the next ruler of the Kentoku Archipelago? Was Nihi worthy of such power? As she’d been during her audience with Kuno, Nihi was acutely aware that she was now part of an event that she hardly deserved to witness, let alone catalyze.


As Yumiwa continued to speak, Nihi was able to trace the chojo’s voice and find her face among the many visages of the crowd. She was helped in this search by the fact that the Dasaka around the chojo had bowed to her upon her revelation, and then respectfully parted, giving Yumiwa a more spacious circle than anyone else in the audience. Her voice, trained by time in court, carried cleanly on the air and up to Nihi’s ears. “And I, too, would like to hear not only the rest of your speech, Menti, but also the remarks of all you who opine here – and with great interest. So, please, do continue."


Nihi waited for Yumiwa to finish exchanging brief pleasantries with a few Dasaka around her, after which point a hush, heavy with expectation, fell over the audience. All heads in the Markets were now directed at Nihi, still, anticipating her next words; Yumiwa’s regal face was but one of scores focusing on the Menti on the roof. Nihi, captured by the silence as completely as an insect in amber, knew that any chance of backing out had long ago been lost; whether she liked it or not, she would have to speak up again, and for a much longer duration, and with a crown princess listening attentively.


You’re in battle, Nihi reminded herself, retreating for instants to her sacred inner mind. She felt the palpitating fear in her veins renewed, but she realized that it wasn’t so different from an adrenaline rush. She could harness it. You’re in battle; beat the enemy.


“Why do we contain ourselves to the Kenoku Archipelago?” Nihi reiterated, as much presenting the question again for those who had been drawn to her since her first words as she was reminding herself what to speak about. “Why do we, the favorite of Zuto Nui’s children, refuse to use the good gifts she has given us – knowledge, skill, wisdom, honor, power – to travel beyond our own shores and to explore her magnificent blue world? Why, when we have been presented with the latest and most generous of the Great Spirit’s generosities – a gigantic island of paradise and plenty, where metal is common as water – don’t we accept it?


“Why do we contain ourselves to the Kentoku Archipelago,” Nihi went on, feeling the heady strength from before return in force as no one in the audience stopped her or even answered her, “when the island of Mata Nui awaits us, a massive land that would allow our resplendent empire to double in size, in population, in wealth? Why don’t we seize the greatest answer to inter-clan disputes over territory and resources within historical memory? Why do we ignore Zuto Nui’s answer to our eldest problems, ignore the prospect of a future that’s better than our past?


“Why do we contain ourselves to the Kentoku Archipelago,” she continued, delicate bodily fire pricking at her fingertips and gut as rage grew inside of her, “when the Chaotic Six, the most devious and wicked creatures ever to be summoned out of the depths of the Endless Sea, laugh at the memory of our people’s suffering and spite our grief from the high peaks of Mata Nui? Why should their crimes – murder and worse – get to pass unpunished? Why, when armies of Skakdi just like Piraka scourge the welcoming and primitive strangers of Mata Nui, lighting fire to their houses and killing their leaders, do Zuto Nui’s chosen people turn our gazes away, even though we could eradicate the Skakdi Plague from this world?


“Why?” Nihi asked a last time. Once again, no one gave answer; the crowd waited for Nihi's, and after a moment of soaking up their expectation, she obliged them. “The answer to all of these questions is the same: there are cowards in our midst.”


This pronouncement stirred up quite the hubbub.


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Though she did not smile outwardly - Yumiwa was always the one comfortable with her affections, or her distastes; Desdemona took life more stoically when it came at her - the princess felt a light surge of affection for Hanako, the one link between the two princesses. Where Yumi was a hurricane, always working, always moving, Desdemona was the eye of the Umbraline storm, calm and still and managing things from within the smokescreen her family provided. The closer an outsider came to her, the more her danger would increase, until it reached a final peak and swept the stranger away. Hanako was the only exception - if Yumi was a bonfire and Desde was a glacier, then the handmaiden was a warm rain, providing just enough moisture to cool the chojo's blaze while giving the younger princess just enough heat to melt a little.

"Our family has held the Kentoku Archipelago since the days when dragonkings roamed free in the skies above the shores and mountains. We predate the Empire itself. My mother was Rora, and her mother before her, and her mother before her, and her mother before her, until there are no more mothers to be found in all of the history books in every library in the world. For better or worse my sister will be Rora after her, and all of her children, and the cycle will continue in one long chain. For thousands of years, the rest of the family has had to make sure that chain stays unbroken."

"And if someone is tampering with the chain? If the Fursics are rising up again, or the Dastana?"

The dagger on the table, spinning wildly like a compass rose just seconds before, slowed in front of her midair pair of crystals. The spheres dropped as one and clattered to the ground, rolling around and lightly bouncing onto and away from each other, bumping against the floor. Desdemona did not show worry. Her toys were not scuffed; they never scuffed; her family did not suffer for the trinkets under their control - whether those trinkets be their toys, their homes, or their empires - to be scuffed by lesser beings.

"Let them try," she said to her sister's handmaiden with a soft smile and the balls rose as one and bounced off each other sharply. The air split with a loud CRACK! that made Hana jump and turn around. This time, only one sphere fell. The other shot back into Desde's hand. "They will get all they deserve from us, and nothing less."

No one could ever say that the Clan Umbraline was not generous when dealing with allies - or with their enemies.

Even - or especially, depending on how you looked at it - the ones that lurked in their heads.


Edited by Aegon Targaryen



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Ayiwah listened to the speech coming from the roof. Once the Menti had finished, she still stood as stone-faced in the crowd as before. Inside, though, she felt like rolling her eyes. Ayiwah had been informed of Mata Nui's discovery via bird while the Yukanna had been under way but what the reaction to news of its existence had been was still unknown to her for the most. Judging by the scene that was playing out in front of her, it seemed that certain parties saw an opportunity to increase their political clout.


But the commodore had fought enough battles to know the folly of such rash reactions. For one, the island was inhabited and from what she had heard, there was an existing society there that had without knowing about the empire. Savage? Perhaps, it was likely. But still. Just as with the clan wars of old, they would not allow themselves to be quietly assimilated.


And second: Forcefully annexing this Island of Mata Nui - whoever that spirit was supposed to be - would start a war. And one didn't start a war over six fugitives. Even the ones as reprehensible as the Piraka.

Edited by Smaug the Terrible




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IC Seiryu

:Quite the group of fools gathered around here, do you not think, commodore?: As if echoing the commodore's sentiment, Seiryu, clothed in his full-body concealing robes and triangular helm, seemingly mysteriously appearing next to the commodore, sending a message over idea talk to her alone. His remark had been directed at the commodore, but his body language did not acknowledge her presence; rather, he stared down at the crowd. While nobody could see it inside the apparent void that covered his face, Seiryu was smirking contemptuously aat the crowd below. :Mongrels, the lot of them. So quick to judge, so quick to act, like a dog with a bone dangling in front of its face. What happens if the bone is poisoned?:

Edited by Man of Miracles
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IC (Tazera)


As Nihi finished, Tazera turned to Ayiwah.


:What d'you think of that, Aya?: she asked. An itch for adventure was clear in her mind-voice. :It's years since we've seen any real action. Reckon those Mata Nuians are worthy opponents?:


The lieutenant didn't have anything against the faraway island's inhabitants, of course (except for the widely-considered-unpleasant Skakdi) - but orders were orders, and she would relish an honourable fight if that was her duty.


IC (Gotsoko)


An elderly Datsue watched the unfolding events in the marketplace from a balcony above. She looked down, with a mild frown creasing her features. One thumb rubbed thoughtfully against a metal-topped staff-of-office. The breeze, stronger at that height, ruffled her ornate blue robes.


As the young Menti spoke, Gotsoko dissected every sentence, every word, cross-referencing them with memories both first-hand and born of reading. On past undertakings such as the one proposed, her knowledge was impeccable; indeed, it reminded her of the histories of the original unification of the Empire, the success of which was plain to see.


What gave the Lorekeeper pause, however, was Nihi's mention of the Skakdi. On foreign peoples, even the most restricted vaults of the Imperial Library contained very little information. Only seven Skakdi had ever been encountered by the Dasaka - the Chaotic Six, and the one mentioned in the expedition's report (which, of course, she had read). Granted, all had been uncouth and conniving to say the least, but Gotsoko knew not to judge a beach by the first handful of pebbles, or a book by the first line.


The atrocities commited by the Six were unforgivable, and the memory of them stirred anger in the people of the Empire, and rightly so, but Gotsoko knew that some felt it more acutely than others - and none, she deduced, more than someone who had lost a loved one to them; someone like Nihi.


That was why the Menti had been chosen for the expedition, after all; perhaps, reflected the librarian, not the most prudent decision in hindsight. Grief and anger were natural, but they must be controlled for the sake of Order.


She would wait and see what more Nihi had to say, Gotsoko decided, and then it might be wise to catch the Rora's ear lest a more impetuous voice do so first.

Edited by GhosthandsOfChristmasPast





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IC: Ahrusa


Anrusa bowed in the presence of the royal eir, Yumiwa, and listen to her words. After she had finished speaking, the one on the roof resumed speaking after a long silence. The speech that followed was long winded but none dared interrupt, as the Princess wished to here her words. Ahrusa admitted there were some good points to be found in her words.


Towards the end, the speaker started to grow angry and she became louder. She proceeded to rant about the accursed Chaotic Six, but that was when the facts started to run thin. Of course the seventh was omitted, as the report had not been released to the public. The Skakdi as a whole were villanized, when there was nothing to back up her accusations. As the rant came to a close, the Menti spoke words that would only serve to infuriate Ahrusa, and likely many others.


The answer to all of these questions is the same: there are cowards in our midst.


Ahrusa spoke her mind allowed, not caring about what others would say "Is it really worth going to war with these people over their resources? All bridges fall down, all flowers wither, and all great empires die. They still have a chance to do something great. Must we ruin it for them", she said aloud for all to hear. She waited for an answer from the Menti, or any else who would speak out.

Edited by Observedhalo

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



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OOC: Man of Miracles, Ayiwah is not on the roof, she's standing somewhere in the crowd, much like the others. Might be better to edit before I post a reply to avoid further confusion.




:Years?: the commordore asked, a hint of amusement to her words. :I guess I will have to come up with harder exercise missions then...: she added, before replying to the first mate's question:

:I don't know, Taz. We don't know enough about the people of that island yet.: Ayiwah replied. :But I am sure if it should come to war, there will be some honorable warriors among their ranks.:




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OOC @Veef: I edited the post; thanks for pointing that out.


IC Seiryū

Seiryū closed his eyes, continuing to listen to the responses unfolding. "It seems that there actually a few intelligent people in this crowd after all," he thought to himself. "I may have misjudged them. Still, fools attract fools, and this fool is attracting her mind like flies to honey." Seiryū contemplated responding, but decided against for now; for one to have the most impact on the masses, one must know the best times to speak.

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:I saw her at the ceremony where my sister was assigned to her service,: Jiyu said, glancing at Rano, :I'm sure that it is her. Same speech patterns, same movements when standing still. So on and so forth. Unless the imperial palace has figured out how to get someone to mimic Hanako's charge's appearance, then this is the real Crown Princess. Leaving might be in our best option now.:

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I stood and listened intently to what the Menti said, as I said I would. She was passionate, earnest in her query and, for someone who seemed obviously frightened and daunted by the crowd at the start, rather eloquent. Nevertheless, I felt rising agitation and anger as I listened. Inokio's advice to focus on everything still became clearer in my mind as I took in all the possible angles, payed attention to all the comments, tried to think on all the sentences flung on the mental plane and detect what this Menti was getting at. It was hard work, so hard I almost could get lost in it all.


Turns out the mind can't actually multitask, as in it can't do multiple things at the exact same time. It can, however, move from one thing to the other so fast that it's almost impossible to tell that there's a gap. My mind whirled. Menti on the roof. The commodore arrived. Menti on the roof. The lieutenant chatting with the commodore. Someone talking ("Is it really worth going to war with these people over there resources? All bridges fall down, all flowers wither, and all great empires die. They still have a chance to do something great. Must we ruin it for them?"). The commodore answering her officer. The Kyōshi first son seemed deep in thought (I tried to peek into his head but was too distracted to even touch the surface, leaving his thoughts alone). The Menti on the roof.


She asked us why we remained here, in our homeworld. She rattled off the benefits of going to the faraway island: Just vengeance on the Chaotic Six, added resources, social stability... It was all so empirical. These were benefits but not reasons, gambits but not answers... And to top it all off she called naysayers cowards. Whether he knew it or not I was not of her like mind. Whether she knew it or not she was calling me a coward. And I am no coward. I thought through the angles of the Menti's speech and considered the possibilities.


Only a fool deals with absolutes. To be a deft politician one has to be able to balance viewpoints. This was a logic Inokio imparted, or rather was imparting, to me. This Menti on the roof was not even allowing discussion. It's not than she wasn't allowing people to speak -- quite the opposite -- but she shot down opposing viewpoints before they could be voiced, in effect only endorsing her own point of view rather than seek enlightenment. It was an idiot's way of negotiation.


Only a bully calls others cowards. As I looked up I could easily tell that this Menti was not at all a weakling. She was proud with her belief but rather defiantly so. She had to have an employer, someone who's power skirt she could hide behind and go about her business from. The Menti had a sense of anonymity, too; she hadn't said her name yet, instead being the unknown Menti with a soulful battle cry. The mixture of powerful backing and unknown identity could be a dangerous combination.


Only a tool would be a voicebox. The speech wasn't rehearsed -- I could tell that in an instant (I have plenty of experience with public speaking) -- but it was predetermined. This Menti was giving a message she was told to give. It was clearly something she had strong feelings for and considered herself knowledgeable on (or perhaps she was told she was knowledgeable) but there was a lingering sense in my mind that this was orchestrated. But by whom?


I intercepted the Herupa First Son's mental voice. Some people seemed to almost forget that Ideatalk was a public message board, not a private messageing system, and his conversation intrigued me. .:I saw her at the ceremony where my sister was assigned to her service; I'm sure that it is her. [...] Leaving might be in our best option now.:.


.:Oh come on, Jiyu,:. I chided. .:I'm not frightening or anything, am I? Hana doesn't think so.:.


I brought my focus back on the topic of importance: The Menti on the roof. I've been calling her that so much that may as well become her sticking moniker. Menti on 'da Roof. Roofied Menti. Roofified Menti. Mento Roofisimo--


"You speak as though our society is crumbling, Menti," I called out in response to the Roofed Menti, "and that conquest of this new world will solve all our problems. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Conquest has its pricetag, as does the distance of an even more spread empire. It is my opinion that conquering Mata Nui would only breed more troubles than we already have.


"We know we are the greatest in the world. I have seen the reports of this Mata Nui island -- their people are primitive and live in castles to protect themselves out of need, they worship a god we do not know, revere foreign traditions we cannot conceive, tolerate beasts we would never abide -- even the 'Six -- and those are damning aspects indeed, but more importantly it shows how weak they are as it is. There is no pride in conquering those people, no honour in taking their castles. Doing so would expand our borders, true, but is that what we need? Would that make us stronger, better, wiser? No. I do not believe that is the case. Such expansion would fray our edges and create divides where there are none yet and those are needless risks not worth taking."


Looking around at the public I offered my open mind, quite unlike the Menti on the roof. "Would anyone like to try and change my mind?"


And so there I was, the future rora, offering to have the future of the empire be swayed by someone's opinions. I wasn't being completely honest, though: Nobody was going to change my mind. I was a renegade from court, sure, but that mostly meant that I'm a good actress who understands the importance of loyal subjects, and if I could allow these simpleminded oafs to think I cared at all what they thought then all the better. Mom always said I have an addictive personality. Let these people enjoy the show; I wasn't going to slide away from the Umbraline tradition of nonpartesianship and nonviolence. My job was to keep the empire as solid as possible and a sudden conquest was not going to help that cause.

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“Oh Chojo, I would speak.”






Aki's knees shook under her as she bowed; he hadn't meant to speak. No, no, no, no, no! She was a Ringti (not to mention she didn't really want to be one anyhow, but that was another problem altogether), and this was Princess Yumiwa. Chojo. Future Rora.


She took a deep breath and cleared her mind as best she could (not an easy task; Libro would've been way better at this. But she'd already jumped. Too late to turn back).


“I'm just a Ringti, hardly suited to even speak in your presence... but I beg your leave to be heard.”


Good, good. Start with compliments. We're good so far.


“I'm a crystal smith. I work from sunrise to sunfall forging raw crystal into armour, weapons and tools. Perhaps, one day, Zuto Nui willing, I shall master my skill and be granted the honour of forging some blade or garment for the future Rora or her household.


“I do this because I know my place.”


She was sweating.


“Zuto Nui put me here to play a small part in our great empire. By taking raw crystal and giving it shape and form, I impose the will of the Great Spirit, making order of chaos. In doing this, I make myself a better person, improving my skills and my discipline. And doing all this brings honour to Zuto Nui by showing my appreciation of her gifts, and appreciation of the teachers who first taught me.”


Don't faint don't faint don't faint.


“In the same way, I see this distant island like a piece of raw crystal. Its inhabitants are primitive; they live, but they don't thrive like we do. Their lives don't bring honour to Zuto Nui.”


Was Yumiwa still listening? Did she look bored? Better throw in another plea for attention, and then finish up before she died on the spot.


“If the future Rora would grant me the gift of a little more of her time, I'd suggest that it's our duty to bring the light of the Dasaka Empire to these natives, by turning chaos into order, by demonstrating and increasing our power, and, above all, by bringing honour to ourselves, our clans, our empire, and to the Great Spirit, so these natives might know her, and give her honour as well.”


Her eyes were wide as saucers, but she'd done it. She bowed again, then did her best to sink back into the crowd.

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IC: Xania | Sado Marketplace


“The answer to all of these questions is the same: there are cowards in our midst.”


Xania's short fuse ended and she raised her arm, clutching it in a fist. One of her needles menacingly floated near, ready to be shot at the target of her anger.


"Calling everyone here a coward is already a dishonorable act, but doing so in a presence of the chojo!.." she hissed at Nihi, spite twisting her face. "For such words your head should no longer don your shoulders!"


Needle twitched at will of her master and rushed forward, piercing the air and landing at the feet of Menti standing on a roof with a loud cling.


"But it's not for me to decide your fate," continued Xania, her anger slipping away. "Forgive me, my princess."


She looked at Yumiwa and fell on her knees, head hang in a deep bow of respect and remorse. Xania didn't allow herself to flinch, waiting for chojo to speak. And when Yumiwa spoke, she listened carefully like it was her life at stake.


"You speak as though our society is crumbling, Menti, and that conquest of this new world will solve all our problems. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Conquest has its pricetag, as does the distance of an even more spread empire. It is my opinion that conquering Mata Nui would only breed more troubles than we already have."


Menti of Umbraline clan slowly raised her head, looking up at Yumiwa. Her voice, confident and thorough, calmed the last bits of remaining fury, and she was grateful that chojo was reasonable in her conclusions. As she continued to speak, Xania raised on one foot and shot a cold glance at Nihi. After such speech, she had no doubt that this insolent Menti was wrong. And then Yumiwa spoke again:


"Would anyone like to try and change my mind?"


And no one attempted to try. Xania yet again bowed to crown princess, isolating from chatter and ideatalk, to close her eyes and find an island of peace in her mind. She took a deep breath after which she stood up and looked at Menti on a roof. With a flick of her mind she returned her needle in quiver and raised her chin slightly.


"You should come down now. Show's over. And any second you spend looking down at crown princess is a second of your shame open to everyone to observe."


Yet when she thought it would end, a voice came up from the crowd.


“Oh Chojo, I would speak.”

“If the future Rora would grant me the gift of a little more of her time, I'd suggest that it's our duty to bring the light of the Dasaka Empire to these natives, by turning chaos into order, by demonstrating and increasing our power, and, above all, by bringing honour to ourselves, our clans, our empire, and to the Great Spirit, so these natives might know her, and give her honour as well.”


"At least this one has proper courtship and knows her place," thought Xania to herself, looking at chojo's reaction and bowing her head slightly, awaiting.

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IC: Eiyu Ankora (Sado)


“Why do we contain ourselves to the Kentoku Archipelago,” Nihi went on, “when the island of Mata Nui awaits us, a massive land that would allow our resplendent empire to double in size, in population, in wealth? Why don’t we seize the greatest answer to inter-clan disputes over territory and resources within historical memory? Why do we ignore Zuto Nui’s answer to our eldest problems, ignore the prospect of a future that’s better than our past?"


“The eldest of problems…” Ankora pondered, of course, she was referring to the birth rate. As far as Ankora had been told the island of Mata Nui had an almost inverse gender balance compared to them… and with equivalent species to theirs living there… it could tear apart one of the oldest customs of Dasaka culture. Being of a philosophical standing, Ankora could only twitch in anticipation of what such a change might bring about.


The second was, of course, the supposed wealth of metal the island sported, that too could be a welcome element to add to the imperial wealth. Metal was useful for so many things, many of which the Dasaka were forced to find other solutions since Kentoku yielded so little of it.

Territory and resources… the Mata Nuians lived there… true, but there was always room for more… right?


Why do we contain ourselves to the Kentoku Archipelago,” she continued, “when the Chaotic Six, the most devious and wicked creatures ever to be summoned out of the depths of the Endless Sea, laugh at the memory of our people’s suffering and spite our grief from the high peaks of Mata Nui? Why should their crimes – murder and worse – get to pass unpunished? Why, when armies of Skakdi just like Piraka scourge the welcoming and primitive strangers of Mata Nui, lighting fire to their houses and killing their leaders, do Zuto Nui’s chosen people turn our gazes away, even though we could eradicate the Skakdi Plague from this world?”


Ankora’s eyes narrowed, this was less up her alley. So be it that Skakdi had been reported as scoundrels, if the Dasaka could exaggerate their depiction of the Tajaars, they could exaggerate about Skakdi, perhaps even more so with them.


Besides, it sounded an awful lot like a flimsy excuse to send an army of conquest to Mata Nui. So be it that the Mata Nuians may not be “Zuto Nui’s chosen people”, they were not likely to just give up their land… and with the powers they reportedly possessed…


"Is it really worth going to war with these people over their resources? All bridges fall down, all flowers wither, and all great empires die. They still have a chance to do something great. Must we ruin it for them?"


Ahrusa was right, of course, Ankora had often pondered the implication that in the grand scheme of things the Dasaka Empire’s days were numbered. It was a noble sentiment, and Ankora felt she could admire it. Perhaps she had been too quick to judge her earlier…


But it didn’t change the fact that the Mata Nuians were in possession of resources that many on Kentoku would be more than willing to take by force if they had to. And Ankora could, to be perfectly honest, understand why: Honor.


"You speak as though our society is crumbling, Menti," Yumiwa called out in response to the Roofed Menti, "and that conquest of this new world will solve all our problems. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Conquest has its price tag, as does the distance of an even more spread empire. It is my opinion that conquering Mata Nui would only breed more troubles than we already have.”


"We know we are the greatest in the world. I have seen the reports of this Mata Nui island -- their people are primitive and live in castles to protect themselves out of need, they worship a god we do not know, revere foreign traditions we cannot conceive, tolerate beasts we would never abide -- even the 'Six -- and those are damning aspects indeed, but more importantly it shows how weak they are as it is. There is no pride in conquering those people, no honor in taking their castles. Doing so would expand our borders, true, but is that what we need? Would that make us stronger, better, wiser? No. I do not believe that is the case. Such expansion would fray our edges and create divides where there are none yet and those are needless risks not worth taking."


“Excellent reasoning, Crown Princess,” Ankora replied, “as someone who remembers our dear Rora in the prime of her youth, allow me to say you do her proud.”


“However…” she continued as her face hardened just a little…



“The way you speak about the Mata Nuians, you seem to equate “primitive” with “uncultured”. Forgive me, but I disagree. You said it yourself, they have their own faith, their own traditions and people, for better or worse, they too have an identity.”


"The Ringti brings up an excellent point, however" she continued, "I agree with the sentiment, to bring the Light of Zuto Nui to them, They may not be uncultured, but there is room for improvement"

Edited by Dr. O

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An intelligent and philosophical approach, one built on more than an impassioned plea as the mouthpiece for a revolutionary. The ringti gave her piece of mind and I appreciated it. She bowed and pleaded for my attention, too shaken in fear to realize I was giving generous appraisal to her words as it was. Her reaction was typical and correct, but she was still a brave lady. She was fearful of insulting me, but in moments of fear bravery mattered. The ringti dasaka had proven her worth.


"No, linger," I commanded and beckoned the dasaka to remain in my sight, a notion reinforced with a gesture of come closer. The poor girl seemed to quake even more as I did this and seemed downright shocked. Another natural reaction, I figured. She was already troubled to speak her mind to me and seemed to almost collapse twice as she spoke, so my authoritative invitation was taken with an aghast face. It amused me, though that didn't change my mad props for the girl. As she came closer to me I gestured more for her to be so close we were just outside of our arm's reach. Not allowing her to feel badly for her action I reached out and seized her shoulder to reassure her and hold her steady, though I think in doing so I just made her cringe in a shiver and almost crumble in a fit of unworthiness. Oops! Guess I can't do everything perfectly (yet). :dontgetit:


"You speak sagely, ringti," I commended. "I can understand where you are coming from, having a trade such as your own would undoubtedly alter your philosophies. But, as you said, you do this duty because it's your place. You smith because you must, because your work glorifies Zuto Nui, your wares bring joy to their buyers, your armours protect their wearers. Your work of turning raw crystal into something good benefits many, many others, and as such it is a great thing... But conquering and altering Mata Nui is not our place. It would not benefit us all, it would only split out empire in twain and lead to a costly campaign to subjugate an entire people. I do believe we should shed our light upon the barbarians on Mata Nui, but not by destroying them or taking their lands as our own. The price for a conquest is too great; we must keep our hearts large and minds open to other ways to show dedication to Zuto Nui."


And as a final gesture of my appreciation to the ringti's courage I gave her an offer she could truly appreciate. "And perhaps, after this, I may give you an audience to showcase your work to me," I said with a gentle nod and then allowed her to melt away if she desired to do so.


Having handled the ringti with deftness my attention wafted to the datsue and her remarks, both of commendation and rebuttal. I bowed slightly in gratitude for the commendation (Yay, doing my mom proud! Good Yumi. :) ) but mirrored the elder's sternness in the face of the rebut. "They have an identity, true, but it is built on untruths we know. They have a culture, true again, but it is not ours, nor is it as great as ours. As such I do believe they are uncultured from the eyes of the empire. Or -- and forgive me for questioning you, datsue -- do you draw the greatness of our empire's culture into question?"


It was a veiled threat of sorts, a political dagger in a cloak. If the datsue could give a reasoned response she would be fine, but if she proved herself less an oracle of sage and more a traitorous vixen... well, the royal court (myself included) did have the power to give any datsue a 'scornful mark,' crippling their status.


Impress me, I dared. A right and a wrong do not make a right.

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IC: Eiyu Ankora (Sado)


"Far be it for me to ever make such a claim, chojo," Ankora replied ,"I was merely attributing a bit more credit to the Mata Nuians than perhaps they deserve"


She raised her open palm disarmingly, Huna and Hau meeting in clashes of reason and etiquette.


"I'd be more than willing to admit that perhaps I spoke out of turn. So I'll do so: I spoke out of turn, forgive me"

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IC: Ahrusa


She listened to the conversations that followed, intrigued by what was said. The parties involved all brought up good points but the Princess had won in Ahrusa's opinion. But still, she pondered on what the "Menti", as we commonly refered to her now, was trying to instigate. An odvious answer would be expansion, but there was something else. Like a chisel driving apart rock as it is struck. Tension among those in the crowd was easily noticed, and sides were taken. Like she was trying to create conflict among us. This seemed like something my own clan would try to pull. Still, it seemed like these were not her own words, but that of another who would prefer to stay shrouded. Ahrusa rose up, preparing to speak.


She lowered her hood, preparing to address Yumiwa, albeit briefly, but it was practically demanded of anyone addressing a member of the royal family." Wise words Crown Princess, I would expect nothing less from the daughter of our fair Rora." She paused for a moment, turning towards Nihi. "I have been considering your role in this "Menti". You're words have only created conflict among your sisters, or maybe there not your words. Perhaps you speak for another in their stead?" She knew she was being bold asking so directly, but now that the idea was out there the "Menti" had little choice. Ahrusa stared up at her, waiting for an inevitable response.

Edited by Observedhalo

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



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IC: Arisaka


Arisaka, by a happy chance, had been coming through the market when the 'debate' over the foreign island, and the possible exploration, or even expansion into this Mata Nui was being debated.


Arisaka wasn't usually one to speak up unless she had something she felt necessary to contribute. The sworn protector of the Rora's family was more interested in doing her job truth be told. However, she was keeping up with the current flow of the debate.


She began to realize however, as the debate went on, many of the gathered people were forgetting something rather important, and needed to be reminded as such. She cleared her throat, and then gave her chojo the proper respect before continuing.


"We must remember, that before we even attempt to venture off to these new lands, whether it be for conquest, the recapture of the six, or to teach these Mata Nuian's our ways, we must look to Zuto Nui for guidance. Look to her three virtues, as we must always do as long as we live and breathe. Will this venture bring our people honor? And power? How about order? If we find ourselves unable to answer yes to any of these questions then we shouldn't even take a single step toward that island."


She gave a bow to her chojo and stepped back, Arisaka was done speaking for now.

Edited by Yoko Littner

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Ic: The old ones were free to pursue their own interests and hobbies and were, as a courtesy for their previous accomplishments, outside of the caste system, but royalty was not a caste in the empire, it was a state of being and no datsue could assault honour of that magnitude without bringing shame to themselves. I could almost tangibly feel the datsue's pride wilt and decay in the face of my question, so I did the practical and just thing to do.


"Forgiven, Datsue," I said and left the matter at that.


Also my fellow Umbraline, Arikasa, drew a good point that aided my own. The lack of Order and gaining of Power and emptiness of Honor was already alluded to in my reply. I didn't say anything about her words, though; there was no need.


(Ooc: Also I have to go to work.)

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IC Seiryū

"You all are forgetting one thing,"


Somehow, Seiryū had managed to dash through the crowd and jump onto the roof of another house-higher in height than the one the speaker was standing on-while everybody else was distracted. The cloaked figure stared down at the crowd, the unforgiving void of his face judging all those that stood below. Mercifully, he eventually turned his gaze to the speaker that had originally started this, before beginning to speak.


"All of this time," Seiryū spokw, "We have been discussing things from our point of view, from our perspective. We have discussed on how it is our duty, our burden," he continued, sarcastically emphasizing those words, "To educate these primitives and bring them back to the 'truth'." Seiryū continued to stand motionless, his gaze having turned bad to the crowd. "You all speak of assimilating the people of Mata Nui like it will be an easy task, but if they are anything like us," his voice growing stronger, "Then this culture of their's will be the one thing that they refuse to give up!"


"Suppose the positions were reversed. Imagine if one day, strange folk in strange ships, speaking a strange language, wearing strange clothes, wielding strange weapons, came to our Archipelago. Imagine if they not only had the audacity to pass judgment upon us for how we lived but also forced us, whether through bribery or force, to adopt their alien lifestyle. How do you think we would react? Would we not attempt to defend the bits and pieces of our society that we could even as the rest of it tumbled down around us? Now I ask you: what would the people's of this Mata Nui do? Wouldn't they do the same?"


"I say this," Seiryū continued to speak, "Not as a condemnation against our Empire, but as a simple inference. Attempting to forcibly bring the Mata Nuians to our culture and beliefs will only create conflict. Would the potential war that could possibly break out be worth it?" Seiryū began to pace around the roof, staring down at the crowd, then turning his gaze to Nihi, then staring back down at the crowd. "While I personally support returning to the island to the east, I believe that if we were to do so, we would have to err on the side of caution. The matter of dealing with the native inhabitants will be a sensitive issue, and if we were to shamelessly proclaim our superiority in front of them, like some in this crowd have suggested, a large portion of them would take great offense and refuse to have anything more to do with us."


"If any would have an ear to listen, this is the course or action I'd recommend. Send several naval expeditions to the island, and this time, explore it in its entirety. At the same time, try to forge relationships with the inhabitants; this will open up opportunities for trade. Once we have that settled down, we can set up a system of goods exchange, trading our silk and crystal for their metal. If our interactions with the people there go exceptionally well, we could even create a colony on their island. What say you all?" Seiryū's icy gaze stared down at the crowd, the black void of his helm expressing more than his own face ever could.

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IC: .:Oh, the great price of well-endowed nobility,:. I replied to Jiyu. .:-My- business is to lead the realm. What do you think is -yours- that I trod upon?:. I inquired.


.:Come on, you were so -outspoken- about this issue earlier! It would be a waste to leave now. What would Hana think of you if she heard you just left?:. It did kinda frustrate me that a First Son of a good clan such as the Herupa was shying away from politics here especially after making a strong start. Of he did leave then it was a sign of cowardice indeed. Involvement was almost expected of him at this point.

Edited by Daenerys Targaryen
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:Hanako has more important things to worry about than the fact that her elder sibling and future Toroshu is flawed like everyone else,: Jiyu replied, bristling at her remarks. Nonetheless, he sighed and turned back to the crowds, listening intently.


"From what we've heard," Jiyu declared, turning face Seiryu, "Their so-called 'culture' is as weak as a single piece of fruit, easily squashed and ruined by the larger, heavier, stronger foot."


Jiyu towered over all but those who decided it best to get a high vantage point over him. However, the red and white giant looked up at the cloaked figure, eyes narrowing as he started to recognize who this speaker was. As part of his training to be Toroshu, Adviser, and the First Son of Clan Herupa, Jiyu learned of all the Clans, and those who led them.


"Tell me, First Son of Clan Amakusa, and 'leader' of the Kyoshi Confederacy... How do you intend to set up trade with another island of people, based upon your advice, when you cannot even manage your own people!?" Jiyu called out, pointing his Bident Spear at Seiryu, before turning to look at the other people gathered, "This Dasaka, he claims that we must treat these savages as equals, when he cannot not keep his own home in order? What sort of knuckle-headed fool would take your advice, when you stand there, hiding yourself like a coward, ignoring your own duties, while saying that we must follow what you say?"


Jiyu turned to the crowds, raising his voice as he spoke, "What sort of existence do we live, if we all are now willing to come here, speak our minds, and find that we are all too unwilling to do what must be done, and allow the weak denizens of this Mata Nui to slaughter each other, and allow the Skakdi to be a blight amongst their people? It sounds to me, as if they require us to come, show them the err of the ways, and uplift them to a higher existence, while bringing ruin upon the Skakdi menace, the chaotic six, and all sinners upon this 'Mata Nui'!?"


It would be a waste to leave now, she said, Jiyu thought within the safety of his mind, So many fools and cowards here, too willing to speak their minds and do nothing of it. I find it hard to believe that is the true mettle of the people here today...

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IC Seiryū

"And who made you a judge? Keep silent, for you are unaware of the words that escape your lips. Ad hominem curses and rage filled tirades are the tools of those who so lack the intelligence to possibly ponder an intellectual rebuttal." Seiryū coldly stared down at the First Son of Herupa, voice calm as ever. "You base your arguments based on what you have heard, and that is the issue. We have only saw a few trees; how can we hope to judge the entire forest? If the report served correctly, the expedition was only able to visit less than one-third of the island; that is akin to a child judging the whole of our archipelago simply from the Imperial Palace."


"I shall ignore the remarks you have made pertaining to the state that my clan currently lies in, as well as your counter argument directed to myself, for you chose not to attempt to dismantle my points but to insult the one who proposed them. Would it have been any better if anybody other than myself had expressed the views that I proposed? Your emotion is clouding your judgement; it would be best if you could return to this discussion when you are able to debate in an manner suited for debates on matters of such a scale as this one."


Turning back to the crowd, Seiryū spoke once more. "It has been spoken by many that to act without knowing the complete picture is a very foolhardy thing to do. And I am sure that it should be obvious to all of you that we do not possess full knowledge of this new land. Those who charge into battle without knowing the enemy are bound to bring only ruin upon themselves. Therefore, we cannot hope to pass judgment in a reasonable manner as our knowledge is spotty at best. Tell me," Seiryū asked, turning to Nihi, "Just how much did you see, and what gave you the confidence to make such an extreme decision based off only what you saw?"

Edited by Man of Miracles
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"The chojo speaks wisely, as she should."


Kagesu said loudly, stepping out of the crowd she had used for cover. Her heart leapt into her throat as she did, a chill running down her spine, but she forced herself to remain calm. Though not the most active conversationalist, she knew that here she was an ant among giants; Powerful forces were at play here, forces far above her. She needed to watch her step. But at the same time, she could not remain idle.


"She speaks of the flaws of invading Mata Nui, a series of flaws I agree with. Often, I would leave the conversation at that, for the word of the chojo and the Rora are the highest authority we have, save the virtues given to us by Zuto Nui."


"But I cannot remain silent when such libel is thrown about by others."


Heart beating faster, she turned to Jiyu. "Jiyu, First Son of the Herupa. For the future leader of a clan of advisors, you give truly flawed advice."


Her voice grew louder as she found her matephorical footing, aking another step into full view. Compared to the other Menti she was truly small, but her movements held a purpose and a determination matched by few in attendance.


"You respond to a reasoned argument with logical fallacies, and even your fallacies are flawed. I will not stand for insult to another of such stature in my presence when the events within his own clan are not the fault of the target. After all, a future leader cannot be held accountable for the flaws of their predecesor. Something you of all people should know, being a future Toroshu yourself."


"But beyond that, you hand out dangerous propoganda. and treat it as if it were the word of Zuto Nui herself. You decry the Skakdi race and the population of Mata Nui, but you do not know them. We as a race did not know of the existence of these people until mere months ago, a blink of the eye in the lifespan of our empire. Such is too short a time to judge. But beyond that, we have encountered only seven members of the Skakdi race, only one of which was not of the Six."


She leveled her gaze at Jiyu, before turning it to the audience at large. "He would have us judge an entire race by seven individuals. Would I judge the Herupa by the flawed advice of one individual? Did the Rora judge the Fursics by the acctions of a few?"


"No. Because a handful of individuals do not a species make. The First Son of the Herupa would hav you commit genocide. Such a thought is apalling. He would have the Skakdi wiped out, when not even in our empire's darkest times have we condoned the whole-scale slaughter of an entire culture. let alone a race. Zuto Nui teaches us many things. Senseless murder of those not yet proven guilty is not one of them."


"The Six must be caught, and they must face justice for what they have done. I stand by that belief with every fiber of my being, and if the Rora wished it done, I would carry out their sentence myself. But we should not consider their actions indicative of their species."


Kagesu paused long enough to take a deep breath, working very hard to keep her composure. She believed what she said, and she firmly felt that it needed to be said. But that didn't make saying it require any less determination.


"Jiyu would also decry the island of Mata Nui as a haven for sinners, but consider this; They worsship their Great Spirit. But who is to say that their Great Spirit is not Zuto Nui, under a different name? Their very entymology of their names bear marked similarities. Zuto Nui is the Great Spirit, and thus, if she did not wish for the island to exist, would it not cease to exist?"


"Mata Nui must be taught, yes. And we must use that opportunity to increase our own Honor and Power, but who is to say that it must be through bloodshed? Education is not done with a sword; it is done with knowledge."


She paused once more, turning and bowing deeply to Yumiwa. "Chojo, if a word I, Eiyu Kagesu, have spoken offends you, I apologize deeply. Herupa Jiyu, if you wish to provide a well-reasoned response, I would gladly hear it."


Her tone took a sharper edge. "But such libelous words such as yours do not befit the next ruler of the Herupa. If you choose to populate your response with such language and insult, to myself or my clan, or any who are innocent of such insults, I will take it upon myself to defend that honor."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: (Hanako)


"I suppose now we must wait for whoever is hiding in the shadows to make another move. Unfortunately my lady Desde I must really be returning to Inokio's living quarters, your sister will be returning there shortly. Remember if you ever have need of me, I am always here." I smiled, my head turning downward in respect to Lady Desdemona, but now I needed to go. This discussion with Desde, it was important, a good half of it pertained to the safety of the family I was sworn to protect, specifically Lady Yumiwa, the Chojo and my furture Empress, and currently the among the only true friends I have ever had. I briskly left her quarters, Desde smiling and waving me off, knowing I had some to return to Inokio's quarters.


It took a short time, shorter than I initially thought to return to Inokio's quarters, where I returned to the seat, relaxing before bring the violin back up to my neck and chin, drawing the bow against the strings, reading through the music, practicing, taking mental notes on the mistakes I made. Herupa were trained to make few mistakes in any regard, whether it was combat, military tactics, or a variety of other subjects. We were supposed to be models of prefection, chiseled like a finely crafted crystal breastplate from the best armor-smith Kentoku had to offer. Every mistake was considered a piece of dirt that needed scrubbing away. I am Yumiwa's Handmaiden, I could not be anything less, not for my lady, not for my Chojo, not for my best friend. I had to be the best I could possibly be, and then some. That was the Herupa way.


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IC (Akimoto)


"And perhaps, after this, I may give you an audience to showcase your work to me," Yumiwa said regally.


Aki bowed as she slipped away, the syllables of "You honour me, chojo," barely making it past her parched lips. She melted back into the crowd; she wanted to see what would happen, but she was done speaking.



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IC: (Dastana Shivada/Markets)


Shivada was one of many guards keeping watch around the Chojo. She had spent most of the bantering looking over the crowd, for anyone armed, or anyone dangerous looking. By far, it had been dull work. As for her own views on the situation, she thought in a far more pragmatic approch than the others. Invading the island would boost trade, she knew. Her family above all would profit the most from the conquest. But then again, aside from resources, there wasn't much need to conquer the isle and their savage people.


She considered putting her voice into the matter.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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