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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

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IC: Kaede

Her Willhammer attack had failed. The Vilda Toroshu was still moving.


Sighing, Kaede activated her Huna once more and dashed forward towards Ashka and Relisai duo, sword raised above her head, ready to bring down on Relisai's body.


Kaede was going in for the kill. She wanted to end this now and forever.


IC: Chiyo

Emerging from her stance, Chiyo looked around, confused.


Where had her mark gone?


Did she fail?

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IC: Saritsu - Eiyu Castle Grounds


"Y'can never be too careful," Saritsu said with an airy shrug, before flashing a well-meaning grin at Tetsu. "But if my sister trusts you, that's good enough for me. Let's try and get onto the right foot here, shall we?"


The Menti put her hand out, offering it for a shake.


"Welcome back to Casa Eiyu, miss Tetsu. Good to have you."





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IC - Inazuma Tetsu:


Tetsu nodded, shaking Saritsu's proffered hand. "It's nice to be back," she said. "This is the closest place I have to home, and it's not often enough I get to spend much time here." She withdrew her hand, stretching, and then frowned at the pair just in front of her. "So, is there any news amongst the Toroshu and their retainers that the common folk - and those of us who no longer really belong to any group - might not be privy too? I know some of what is happening, but I want to know the full picture."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: With the blur of the realm of the mind and reality, Askha didn't notice the Huna-user activate her mask; she did notice the running on the cobblestone of the alley. It didn't take a tactical genius to put two and two together. The targets were either her or Relisai... and she hadn't really annoyed these Menti enough to warrant a stealth attack.


"Relisai, look out!"

The times, they are a-changing...



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"Relisai, look out!"


The Vilda Toroshu hadn't needed the warning. Like any well trained Menti, she knew that a darned Sighteye illusion like the one that had been cast on them held but two purposes: to slow down the victim and to open them to attack. All the warning achieved was irk her even more than that incessant high pitched whistle. Relisai swore she would flog the first Sighteye back home that ever dared do the same to her during a sparring session.


Before Ashka had called out Relisai had already been readying herself for their next move. There were few ways to combat a Sighteye illusion, but Relisai didn't care for any of them now - they were too time consuming. No, Relisai would simply run away. 


She closed her eyes, envisioning the street as it had been seconds before.  Long and narrow, before splitting into a fork in the distance.


With a mighty surge of her Mindarm powers, she hurled both herself and the Mashtet sellsword beside her forward and into the air, over the heads of a curious onlooker or two. As she left the ground Relisai heard the clink of metal on stone - Ashka had been right, the Huna user from before had been about to strike. That didn't matter now. They were a distance a ways from her, and the worst of the Sighteye illusion. Like all Menti disciplines, Sighteye had a range to it - psychic energies could only be controlled from so far away. The greater the distance, the weaker the discipline.


They landed, Relisai nearly stumbling but managing to stay on her feet. She knelt to the ground, panting. Throwing herself and Ashka such a distance, had been taxing. Still, it had been worth it. The whining was a only a quiet whurr now, the inversion of directions greatly reduced. The sky was normal though it held the mostly faded image of the street, and vice versa, while there was a similar effect on her left and right.


She raised herself, fierce determination on her face as she stared at Ashka. She still breathed deeply.


"Lead on" she said. Relisai followed after Ashka towards the Docks.

Edited by Toa Fanixe

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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OOC: I think it fair to say that the previous display of mindarm powers is beyond reasonable.  The effort required to lift oneself, let alone two people, should be enormous and leave Relisai in no condition to get away with any kind of speed--even if it is possible.  I will await any judgement.




[sado, Market District]


Yukie grasped at empty air as the menti’s kakama activated--sending her straight into a building.  One of the Hogo guardwomen followed after her.  That’s one down.


Relisai and the other sellsword then tried, rather pathetically, to flee, but they were apparently slowed down by the Eiyu warrior’s illusion.  In a split second other Hogo guardswoman vanished, and the sellsword yelled “Relisai, look out!”


He sense Relisai reaching out with a rather strong willhammer command toward Higashi.  He ignored it, Relisai’s concentration would likely be disturbed by what was about to happen next.  He dashed forward again, aiming to catch the old Vilda in an arm grab and tug her away.  If he was lucky, he could apprehend her and prevent the irritated Hogo from doing something too drastic.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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OOC: There are actually a multitude of issues with that post. Firstly, as was noted earlier, moving oneself with Mindarm is incredibly difficult. Throwing oneself like that is beyond the realm of what should be feasible. Even if it was not, I think you misunderstand exactly how disorienting it is to have all of your senses inverted. Every way you would normally react only serves to unbalance you. Even if Relisai could have thrown herself that way, landing would have been outright impossible, given that her senses are actually telling her gravity is pulling in the exact opposite direction that it actually is. Additionally, the landscape is featureless, which means that there is no point of referfence whatsoever.

Even if Relisai had memorized the street layout (which is exceedingly unlikely), she has no point of reference. If, for example, you were to look around the street outside your house and then close your eyes and try to navigate it, it wouldn't work. Scaling your actions is impossible.

The most grievous error, however, is in the misunderstanding of how a Sighteye illusion works. It targets the senses, not an area of effect. Yes it has a range; that range is whether or not the Sighteye can tell a mind is there. Which means that even if all else in that post were possible (which it is not), Relisai would still be trapped in the illusion.


I'm going to have to ask you to edit. :)



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


"Well, actually, I was going to..." Tama began, but stopped herself when Vwyn continued


"...Not much sense in just having a drive by conversation about something rather important and parting way for eternity"


"Yeah, you're right." she replied, realizing that her errands could probably use the wait, let her thoughts simmer and settle for a bit before she attempted to hash them out with someone else.


"I'd be more than happy to join you" she said with a curt nod.




"After, if you had things to do, I could help out if you'd like." Vwyn responded, as a guilty look crossed her face. "I'd offer now, but I haven't eaten yet," she added after a moment as she stretched her spine and arms. "But... is there anywhere you have a preference for? I don't really mind." Part of her wanted to try something new, but she also wanted the person she invited along to have some say in the matter of where they were actually going.

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IC: Higashi


"Glaring ain't fitting on your cute little face," said Higashi, holding up the tomahawks to the light before snapping them to her belt, alongside the chain weapons. The two nagamaki she had confiscated were heavy on her back. How did this mercenary even carry them and everything else without getting exhausted? "You really need to chill some more."


Only things left were the dagger and ... hmm.




"You Mashtet?" she asked, picking up the token. "Haven't seen many of ya around since the clan went poof. Explains why you're a sellsword. Bit of a horrible one though."

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IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


"Well, actually, I was going to..." Tama began, but stopped herself when Vwyn continued


"...Not much sense in just having a drive by conversation about something rather important and parting way for eternity"


"Yeah, you're right." she replied, realizing that her errands could probably use the wait, let her thoughts simmer and settle for a bit before she attempted to hash them out with someone else.


"I'd be more than happy to join you" she said with a curt nod.



"After, if you had things to do, I could help out if you'd like." Vwyn responded, as a guilty look crossed her face. "I'd offer now, but I haven't eaten yet," she added after a moment as she stretched her spine and arms. "But... is there anywhere you have a preference for? I don't really mind." Part of her wanted to try something new, but she also wanted the person she invited along to have some say in the matter of where they were actually going.



IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


"Hmmm.... I don't know, this business of mine is pretty personal. Although... wait, I got it"


"There's a place on the way where I'm going. Just a village tavern, nothing really special, but I'm a regular there. That way I can put some of the distance I have to travel behind me before I go off on my own"


"What do you think?"

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...

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IC: Vazaria.


.:If we survive this, I want a pay rise...:.



IC: Sora

Oh dear...


.:If the two dragons split up and chase one of us each... I would say try to outmaneuver them but...:.


Sora was running, with Kakama active, egg in hand, making a beeline for the forest below and not daring to look behind her. She could only pray that there would be a relatively thin spot of trees close to her. If she had to navigate her way through thick shrubbery, with a dragon (or two) on her tail...




The deep, harsh growls of the two dragons' communication were faintly audible behind Sora and Vazaria even as they fled: the female's almost plaintive at the loss of her egg, the male's sharp and aggressive, both equally wrathful.


And then they were up, snaking up into the sky like many-coloured banners and hurtling down the mountainside with terrible speed. Even with the Kakama and the Kadin, the dragons gained swiftly on their targets: the male bearing down on Vazaria, exposed above open ground as she was, and the slimmer and more maneuverable female chasing Sora as she ran for the cover of the forest.

Edited by Ghosthands





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Masayoshi took several deep, calm breaths to revel in the peaceful afternoon - even if it was one she couldn't see. Unbeknownst to her, the sun was just starting to deep in the sky, first smears of red and yellow painting the sky of Sado. A few Menti were strolling through the Garden, but most took no notice of her or nodded politely when passing with their friends or sparring partners. The smell of lavender, pine, and fruit clashed in the breeze, forming something altogether pleasant if slightly alien. A bird sang overhead. 


It was a beautiful day.


A bird sang overhead.


.:Some speech, ye?:.


Behind a crystal visor, Masa's ruined eyes widened imperceptibly. 


.:Wouldn't have missed it for the world. I can't believe they never even looked twice at me. Lucky break, huh?:. Desdemona Umbraline's Willhammer tag, normally so resolute, so thunderous, wavered thick with emotion. Wherever she was, she was crying.


.:Don't look for me. Please, Masa, do me this favor. I should...I should be back. And we'll do tea. I'll explain why I left...if it doesn't get out beforehand. If it...in case I...well, just get some tea ready. And I'll do my damnedest.:.


She was a good princess, and when she gave her word she meant it.


Masa's Arthron was going wild looking for her; she had to be somewhere in the Gardens, but...


The unmistakable sensation of thin arms wrapping around an abdomen took her from behind; a slightly strong chin was being nestled into her collar. 


The fleeting sound of an adolescent's single sob carried in all directions through the Gardens; Des had amplified them with her Sighteye ability, just as she had skillfully faked the embrace. She'd made Battlemaster last month.


"I'll miss you either way," said a shaky voice, before the illusion abandoned her all at once. Masa couldn't see the rustle of the foliage to her 4 o'clock, but she could hear it. By the time she turned and made her way there, she could smell the dirt and grime of the Markets, with a hint of Des' old perfume, but any footprints the Chojo had even left tapered off when they reached a bed of rocks. Clearly she'd walked on them to avoid leaving a further trail.


She had vanished like she was never there.


It's a beautiful day, wailed a bird overhead.





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IC: Vazaria.


Why did I ever agree to this.... she could hear the beast bearing down on her from behind... see its shadow rising up around her.... She deactivated her mask and dropped to the ground, skidding for a few bio before coming to a complete stop. 


With any luck, the dragon would be unable to slow itself in time, and it would shoot past her....

Edited by Locus

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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ooc: Sorry about that last post, and for the lateness of this one, but thanks for providing feedback and explaining the intricacies of the Menti disciplines. Truthfully, that last Hanabe post with the illusion was a little hard for me to conceptualize.  I hope this one is better.

By the way, Tyler St. Francis, Relisai Willhammered Higashi previously. Not sure if you've taken that into account?





Relisai blinked, trying to make sense of everything. She really hated Sighteyes. She knew what was likely to happen next, an attack from one of those fools that blindly served their Empress whom they knew nothing of. What sad, pitiful creatures they were. Relisai unsteadily assumed a defensive stance, trying to listen over the incessant whirring noise for footsteps that signalled an incoming attacker.


The Vilda Toroshu heard a noise. Someone running? 


Before she could properly move of the way she felt a Menti grab her arm and pull her to the side, following by a loud clink of crystal on stone.


Relisai growled. These crazed fanatics were trying to kill her! She wrenched herself from the apprehending Menti's grasp and slammed forward with telekinetic force to push Yukie away.




"Oh dear" Robalta whispered to Raiyo. "I was afraid all this would happen" she told the maidservant. The pair had caught up to Ashka and Kavina and were now watching the battle for Vilda leader's freedom from behind the corner of an alleyway. All this pointless fighting sickened the Datsue -why couldn't they all just get along? Roberta's heart dropped when she saw Relisai and Ashka stumble in the middle of the street, frozen. It didn't make sense, why weren't they moving. Then there was a lot of movement , and Relisai was still glaring around like a blind woman. Like a blind woman...


"Be ready to help get the two of us out of here." Seeing the distraught looked on Raiyo's face, Robalta placed a reassuring hand on her arm and squeezed lightly. "Don't worry, we''l be fine."


Taking a deep breath, Robalta reached out with her mind. She'd noticed one consciousness that stood out. The Vilda elder begin slinking subliminal thoughts into Hanabe's mind. :Stand down. Conserve your strength. Sighteye is overkill here, Relisai is taken care of, see to the safety of others here.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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OOC:  As I understand it, Willhammer requires active participation on the part of the user. Relisai had enough things detracting her after she willhammered Higashi for her suggestions to be noticeably diminished, if not erased.  From the starting post: “Mental entry is, in its nature, a one-sided negotiation of wills; as such, it does not work automatically” also:Their discipline also requires much concentration, and as such restricts most bodily movement.


[sado, Market District]


Yukie had been expecting some sort of retaliation from Relisai, but he was honestly getting really tired of people trying to mindarm him out of the way.  He spun sideways to absorb the momentum.  As Relisai was positioned, she had her back to the wall--nowhere to run.


“Miss, please restrain yourself from trying to slice the Toroshu in half. Torushu, I believe a just saved you from grievous injury.  I think it would beneficial for all here if you stopped resisting now.”


Just then he detected another willhammer thread, much smaller and subtler than Relisai’s.  It was aimed past him, at what he guessed was the Eiyu warriors mind.  Still facing Relisai, eyes narrowed, he send out his own consciousness.  The delicate crystal petals entered the warrior's mind, slicing through the threads of suggestion and forming a snug cocoon over the surface of her thoughts.  The person who was sending the thoughts was clearly skilled, but they weren't pressing hard, so it was easy enough to defend against them.


:Whoever you are: he said for all to hear.  :I doubt you have the power to make a difference in this conflict.  Reveal yourself.:


"So, any place you would like to stop before going to Oki, Shuuan?"


[sado, Ferry Dock]

“I’d like to swing by one of my clan shops to drop this off before it stains permanently,” I said, gingerly holding the bloodstained scarf--now free from Jiyu’s arm.


She signed the document with her name and title, then dripped a blob of wax beside it and pressed in her signet ring. She blew softly on the red seal to cool it, then folded the paper in half and passed it to Hatchi.


"Here," she said. "Show this to anyone who questions your right to passage through my lands, and they will let you pass."



[Odaiba, Mahuika Hall]

Hatchi bowed deeply to Kilanya as she took the paper.  “Your actions are exceedingly generous, great lady.  I am deeply ashamed I cannot do more.  I will convey your wishes to my Toroshu as soon as possible.  Now--” she stood up again “-with your leave, we would like to return to our humble caravan, for the night is cold.”


It's a beautiful day, wailed a bird overhead.


[sado, Imperial Gardens]


Masa was not the only one taking to The Gardens after the Rora’s speech.  Plangori Morie often found them a relaxing place to ponder the latest political developments while composing an ink painting of the abundant flora.


She was preparing her pallet with water and an ink stone when she detected the unmistakable pull.  She nearly dropped her supplies.


::Who:: she said, the tone of her ideatalk clipped and cold, ::finds it amusing to use the willhammer discipline in the Imperial Gardens?::

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Dastana Arsix - Sado - Streets


The balls of Arsix's feet kicked up gravel as she skid around the corner.


Her lips were tight and still as she ran, Jasik following close behind.


Arsix was already dreaming up ways to fry Sheika when she asked Jasik, :Why were you in Sado?:

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.:You sent me to Sado to see what Yumiwa thought of us. I decided to find a bed and breakfast instead of Palace quarters and Umbraline guards. What were YOU doing in Sado?:.


Jasik easily caught up with Arsix as they started to round more corners.



Edited by Aikuro Mikisugi



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"Revolution." The Toroshu answered simply, crossing her arms with a casualness at odds with her station. "In the simplest of terms, that is. Whether it will remain peaceful is yet to be seen. The Dastana have seceded, and a few others have gone with them. They feel the Empire's ways are beyond reform, and that the Rora has no right to rule them."


"What I heard as we passed through Sado was that her Highness would not take action against them, but did not condone their actions."




Hanabe's eyes narrowed as she exercised all the force of her will to maintain the proper illusion on both Ashka and Relisai. The Menti was unable to act against them directly, not without letting them escape the illusory construct she had placed around them, so she would have to rely on others.


Her other half's presence would have been excellent.




.:Someone who ought to understand me better than that.: Was the cryptic Ideatalk response to the Plangori Toroshu, my feet planted firmly in the spot that I knew Desdeona had inhabited mere minutes ago. She was clever. She knew I could not follow her by sight, nor would I be able to make her specifically out in a crowd of others with my Arthron, even if I followed her immediately. But she made a mistake. Two, actually.


She told me not to follow.


And whether she realized it or not, she told me where she was.


And she was scared.


I pivoted on the spot, waling swiftly back towards the palace. I had a few things to retrieve, before I went after her. And I would go after her.


.:My apologies, Toroshu Plangori, but there is something urgent I must do.:.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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[sado, Imperial Gardens]

:I hope: was the dry reply,  :That you are not thinking of running off yourself in order to perform actions which will greatly effect the empire, and keeping enough secrets just to cause the maximum amount of trouble for everyone else.  That seems to be the trend these days.:

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: "Hey! Hey! Quit manhandling my meal ticket!"


A grimace spreading across her mask, Askha reached out to grip Yukie with Mindarm, and yank him both away from Relisai and towards herself. She readied her saber to slash at the Menti when she was pulled within range.


IC: Raiyo peered at the battle from around a corner. "What could I do?" She looked around, examining the environment.


IC: Somei sighed. "The other two, Askha and Maripi, operate as sellswords. They are currently in the employ of Clan Vilda, trying to rescue someone, their Toroshu if I am not mistaken. I fear for them, but I'd rather help them than the two run off on their own. The explosion was a surprise to all of us."

The times, they are a-changing...



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OOC: I have made edits according to how the staff informed me.  Yukie is not in immediate danger of death; Relisai and Askha have done nothing so far except shove him around with mindarm while they are both blind and balance impaired.  He is from a clan that specifically focuses on detecting willhammer usage, and he is in the middle of battle--where he would certainly be prepared for activity both on the mental and physical plain.


[sado, Market District]


“If anyone’s been manhandled here,” said Yukie wearily as he braced himself again the tug of mindarm.  “It’s me.”


Keeping the ally of the Vilda out of Hanabe’s mind took little effort enough that he was able to resist the pull of the mindarm.  It helped that Hanabe's mind recoiled from the suggestions.  He wasn't surprised--it was hard to make someone do the nearly exact opposite of what they wanted to do.


Resisting the mindarm was just like leaning into a particularly strong wind, but for safety he activated his mask, the shimmering pink shield coming to life again on his left arm.  Under the influence of the illusion, Askha was actually pulling him to the right instead of straight at her.


“And I doubt the Vilda are going to be much of a long term investment for you, sellsword,” he said, looking back at Relisai.  “The Dastana obviously want nothing to do with them, and everyone knows they hold most of the wealth.”

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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ooc: From what's been explained to me, a Menti using Willhammer can only be detected by another Willhammer actively looking for a disturbance on the mental plane. I don't think Yukie wold be able to do so while physically trying to restrain Relisai and not being killed. Also, I thought Datsue retain their Menti Discipline strength? Could staff clear this up?




"Actually, I'm the one that's been manhandled, and I'll say right now I haven't appreciated it" Relisai said, still angry that her senses were being replaced by some idiotic Sighteye."


She reached out again with her Mindarm, creating a quick pulling force on Yukie's ankle to bring him to the floor. For a moment.




:This is too tiring. The others can take of everything. Go find the Dastana: Robalta continued to silently Willhammer into Hanabe's mind.


"Find something sharp to defend, if it comes to that" she said to Raiyo.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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OOC: Fanixe is correct. On becoming a Datsue, a Dasaka does not lose any of the potency of their Menti powers. The tradeoff is that they are unable to use Kanohi (even Noble ones).


Quick iPod post, hence the lack of colour.




Enali watched the apprehension devolve into a rather chaotic fight, peeking out from behind the corner.

Edited by Ghosthands





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IC: Raiyo glimpsed a storm drain, big enough for a Menti to slip down. "I may have an idea, but I don't think the Toroshu is going to like it..."


IC: Askha grimaced at the disorienting illusion. Well, at least she knew this was an illusion. She stumbled around a few steps, getting a feel for how she moved. Praying to Zuto Nui and Zataka nobody took advantage of her disorientation. Trying to tone out that incessant whining, she tried to listen to her surroundings, feel it out with Mindarm. Where was Maripi?


.: Would you quit screwing around and help us out? There's a reason we work together, remember? :.

Edited by Necrocybermancer

The times, they are a-changing...



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"Revolution." The Toroshu answered simply, crossing her arms with a casualness at odds with her station. "In the simplest of terms, that is. Whether it will remain peaceful is yet to be seen. The Dastana have seceded, and a few others have gone with them. They feel the Empire's ways are beyond reform, and that the Rora has no right to rule them."


"What I heard as we passed through Sado was that her would not take action against them, but did not condone their actions."


IC: Saritsu - Eiyu Castle Grounds


"After that, we took a role call of who would feel threatened by any action made by her Highness, Yumiwa," the Menti said, arms crossed.


"We got a resounding silence."


IC: Raiyo glimpsed a storm drain, big enough for a Menti to slip down. "I may have an idea, but I don't think the Toroshu is going to like it..."


IC: Zyla - Sado


Reeling back from the fighting going on - oooooh, she shouldn't have gotten involved she so shouldn't have gotten involved - Zyla stumbled over to the corner of the nearest building, eyes bulging and heart pumping to a point close to cardiac arrest.


She glanced to her left. More street.


She glanced to her right. One Dashi and one Datsue.


She glanced ahead--


Wait a minute.


Zyla turned back to the right.


"Um ... hello there."





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IC: Maripi - Sado

My eyes still narrowed, I watch carefully as the menti places the token back on the floor. "Appreciated." I say bluntly. Then Askha's message comes in. .:Well, I'm incredibly sorry, but I happen to be at knife-point in here, with practically no options, so excuse me if I don't leap to attention:.

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IC - Inazuma Tetsu:


"I'm not particularly surprised," Tetsu replied to Saritsu. "I don't honestly think anybody was really afraid of her mother, either. Regardless, is there much more than that, or is that all that you know too?" She frowned. "Given what else has happened recently, I don't know if I can even stand behind this secession. Even if they haven't done anything yet, it seems like a good way to destablize everything in the archipelago. I'd rather we have societal reform than a bloody revolution."

Then she grinned, somewhat tightly. "But I'm sure you already know that."


profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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[sado, Ferry Dock]


I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Yes, I totally expect you to apologize for bleeding because you have control over that--don’t do it.  Everybody on this island apologizes far too much already.  Come on, I think the closest Plagori shop is somewhere near the gardens.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Robalta continued the forceful but inconspicuous push into the Sighteye's mind. Small thoughts that didn't try to force her outright to change her behaviour, but divert it gently from one task to another.


:There there. Isn't this tiring? See to the safety of the Dashi:


She heard Raiyo speak, and another Dashi arrive.


"What is it, Raiyo? What have you found?" she said.



Relisai growled. She hated all this.


​"Don't you have somewhere better to be?" she asked the Empire's pets.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Raiyo pointed at the storm drains. "I think those lead out to the bay. It's not going to be fun, though..."


IC: Again, Somei shrugged. "Honestly, my interest in politics has significantly waned since the days when I traveled the Archipelago visiting clans to renew their Mashtet carvings. We have been lucky not to have to deal with this 'civil war'... but that times appears to be at an end."


IC: Askha continued feeling around with her Mindarm and her other senses. She got nothing.


It would really really suck if someone shot her with a crossbow or something.

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Saritsu - Eiyu Castle Grounds


"Guessing that's the reason you left?" Saritsu asked, crossing her arms over her chest. 


:Keep an eye on me, sis,she said to Nihonei. :This one might be a bad influence on me.:




IC - Inazuma Tetsu:


"Yes," Tetsu replied, her face quite serious. "I'm rather tired of the outdated caste system, the government, the infighting between clans, all of it - and don't try to tell me it doesn't exist, because we just got to see it," she growled to the two of them. "The government especially. It's quite ridiculous and I can't say that, in my view, it works all that well. Sorry, Nihonei."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Robalta peered downwards, moving only her eyes while the rest of her body was motionless as most of her concentration was focused on keeping together the Willhammer energies. She saw the storm drains Raiyo was pointing at. It might be a tight fit, but Robalta knew her sister would fit. 


The Datsue smiled.


"My dear Raiyo, you're an angel! Do you think you can ran out there onto the street and lead Relisai and her friend by hand into the drains? I'll work to keep the guards busy."

Edited by Toa Fanixe

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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