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IC: Dakku (Ta-koro, outside Sanguivox's hut)
I decided that I needed a weapon just in case. "Um, can I get something for self defence? Like a knife or something?" I asked the detective. If the kidnapper(s) or Rahi will attack, I thought, I want to be able to defend myself if the Toa can't.

Edited by Daniel the Finlander

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[Ta Koro, Outside Saguivox’s Hut]


Lucira looked at Dakku before pulling Loraan aside.


Are you sure we should bring a Ko-matoran civilian with us on a trek into the Magaia?” she whispered into the detective's ear.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

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Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Loraan grimaced indecisively.


"No, I'm not," she replied quietly. "But technically, this isn't even a Guard operation any more. Ultimately, if any of these people want to come along, I can't stop them. But you're right; if they're not trained to fight, they'll only be putting themselves—and potentially the rest of us—in danger...unless they've got some other skill or value to the group."


She turned to Dakku.


"Why do you want to come on this expedition?" she asked him.





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IC: Guvla


"That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard."


IC: Visalk


Visalk walked back to where everyone had gathered clutching a tablet. "Perhaps this may help."


IC: Lumira / Apartments


Two amnesiac Ta-Toa in one day? Jeez, I know memory loss isn't exactly the rarest malady around here, but even so, this seemed like it was getting a little excessive.


Still, nothing I could do about it but try and help them out best I could, so I put aside any commentary on the absurdity of the situation and devoted a little more of my energy in shooting our resident Ga-Toa (she's a Ga-Toa, right? did she say that she was a Ga-Toa before or....) a look of reproach. As it turned out, this little action managed to coincide with the Viz-man walking back into the room, holding something.


"What did ya find?" I asked, turning to him.





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IC Hile

(Ta-Koro, Courtyard):


Hile tagged alongside Dakku, noting that the other Ko-Matoran obviously wasn't used to fighting or even adventuring outside his home village.


Hile took out and fiddled with his own dagger, the one given to him by Anhar some time ago. He was prepared to lend it to Dakku if needed, but he wanted to hear his discussion with Loraan first.

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IC Drararius:

[Located wherever the rest of the quest team is, I think that's outside the Turaga's hut] 


Hearing the Turaga announce the beginning of the quest, Drararius got back on his feet. He put his small notebook away into his knapsacks and grabbed his jō. He glanced around warily, unsure of his newly-made companions. He scooted to the outside edge of the crowd, hoping to not cause any inconvenience for the others...the ones that were much stronger than he.  

His only benefit that could help the group was his knowledge of plants, so he expected to be viewed as a setback by the others. A waste of time. A freeloader. 

"Don't mess this up," he muttered to himself. 

But he then remembered how proficient he was with the jō. Maybe that could be useful. He looked at his weapon, then the weapons of the other beings. They had powerful tools made from professional designers and were manufactured to slaughter. He...he had a stick. 

"But a simple stick can disable even the most powerful creatures in the hands of the right person..." he murmured, admiring the polish that he recently applied to it. 

He sighed and looked upward into the air. He knew that he needed to think about the present, not worry about a possible future. 

"Let's see...Mangai..." 

He started to remember his trips around that area. Drararius had been on the slopes, but he had never gone into the volcano since there were no plants in there to study. Nor would he have liked it there, for he was a Ko-Matoran. 

"Guess we'll find some surprises there," he muttered. Returning from his thoughts, he took a long glance at the crowd around him, studying each of the beings that he would be traveling with. 


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IC Drararius: 


"Hm, what?" he asked, surprised that someone heard him. 

"Oh...yeah, I guess..." he said, eyeing the massive bludgeoning weapon that dangled from Teide's back. "Yes...yes it could...indeed...however, maybe...but yes...no? I think...anyway...hmm...but it depends on how skilled the user is in the weapon. Plus, knowledge of how to exploit narrow openings that can split open armor is useful, too," he said while leaning on his thin staff.

Edited by The Irrational Rock


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IC: "Da, very true. Although once you get to around where I'm standin', you're more likely to just smash 'em into one big old bruise inside of it." he countered, folding burly (average by skakdi standards) arms across his chest and keeping that same grin on his face.

"Tell you what. I'll knock 'em flat, you pry 'em open. Good arrangement to you?"

helo frens

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IC Tharros, outside sanguivox's hut


The toa of fire lit his cigar. He already had all that he needed; he believed that a warrior should always be prepared for a campaign.

His heart was saddened for the Ko Matoran. This was the duty of Toa so that matoran could live normal lives

"What nui-forsaken island is this" he muttere to himself "where toa own shops and live quiet lives, leaving matoran to go to war"

but still his heart was gladdened by this group; eager to protect their home. Even the Ko Matoran had a stout heart. The heart that all toa should have "If there is any lacking weapon, I will offer my second" he called forth "hence send the matoran hitherto me, and I will look to his safety"

Edited by Rorschach the Absolute


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Loraan rolled her eyes in exasperation at the bombastic Toa of Fire.


"If he can't use the weapon, there's not much use in giving it to him," she said. "Oh, and it's 'wherefore send him unto me'. If you're gonna try and sound dramatic, at least get your words right."

Edited by Ghosthands





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IC: Vislak

"I found this this stone tablet upstairs it says something about an Invasion of Ko something and seben toa meeting here. In this appartment building." He says giving Lumira the tablet, " Or at least I think it does."


"Well," Halyx said, "we've got two Toa of Fire, one Toa of Water and a Le-Matoran here. And what was that about Ko-something, right? Ko-Wahi, Ko-Koro, what?"

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Saeva had gone quiet, permitting the fire in her eyes to die a little. Her expression hadn't changed much as she kept eating her bowl of stew, but she could feel the change in the room's mood. The Ta-Toa could see the look on her companion's face, as well as the Vo-Toa's reaction. Given what she knew, she was certain she should say something. Some comment to break or alleviate the tension. Something to cheer them up. Something-


"Old habits die hard, but the times that made them necessary are gone. That's always the way of it. Makuta's gone, but most of us still walk with our ears open and a weapon in our pocket. But," Saeva's mother continued, smiling warmly at the Toa of Lightning. "They're gone nonetheless. Eat as much or as little as you like. Just stay healthy."


Well. She always was better at the 'people' thing.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: He hadn't realized how he'd been holding his breath, and exhaled. Thank the Great Spirit for Saeva's mom.

"Yeah, you'd better." he agreed with a laugh. "Otherwise there's no way you keep up with the two of us. Gotta be at full strength!" he declared in a boastful, almost challenging manner. "Am I right?"

Anything to get off that topic. It was leading to nowhere fast. He did what he had to do back then, and there's a good chance it wasn't even his fault, Le was a big place.

That's all there is to that possibility. 

helo frens

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IC: Dakku (Ta-koro, outside Sanguivox's hut)


"I've lived in Ko-koro for my entire life. I had never ventured beyond its frozen walls. I have always wanted to travel the island of Mata Nui, but.. I never had the guts to do it." I sighed. "My wife used to be a wandering bard and an adventurer. She is a brave woman, and I've always admired her for that.. but I never wanted to follow her, join her travels. Ko-koro was a safe haven for me, and I was content with living a peaceful, monotonous life inside the village. But.. Ko-koro is gone now", my voice shattered slightly for a moment, and I took a deep breath before continuing.


"I felt so alive when I travelled thrugh the perilous marches of Le-Wahi with a group of refugees. It was an alien enviroment, but I wasn't afraid, to my surprise. I also learned to value life more when I saw how easily and quickly death can come. I actually enjoyed traversing the jungle. My wife got sick, unfortnately, but she is being treated in Le-koro. I want to understand her better now. I want to join you because of that. I must admit, I don't have any skills to offer to you, but I want to follow you either way. I won't be a burden, I promise. I have food and water. All I might need is protection, and even that might not be necessary." I glanced at Tharros, before turning my gaze back to the Ta-Matoran. "And who knows, maybe my skill and knowledge about construction might become handy, although I doubt it. If you want, I can stay here."


I turned to Hile. "But this Ko-Matoran, Hile, shall chronicle this journey, so that it will not be forgotten. That is what he can offer, and suggest that you let him come with you. Who knows who or what has kidnapped those poor people? If you rescue the captured, surely you deserve to be remembered. He shall write down the events of this adventure. I ask you, detective, let him join you."

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IC: (Venemi)


"Don't leave out the bit where I bloody healed everyone..." The Wasp muttered under her breath.

"We should bring a chronicler - they're useful." She didn't really think this, but Hile seemed like an alright type...

"Anyway, if anyone gets hurt, I've got this." Venemi tapped her mask.

Edited by Silo



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"Pfff, you two're matchsticks. Come at me, I'll torch your world." Saeva said cheerfully, downing the last of her stew in a single, remarkable bite. She set the bowl back down, rather loudly at that, and grinned widely. "Look out Mata Nui, the Terrible Trio has arrived."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"We have no reason to assume it's not us." Halyx wondered if he could really trust this Toa of Water. "Plus, come on, we're Toa! Heroes of legend! We have to have some sort of destiny. Maybe it's being on this team together. If you won't go, me, Visalk and Lumira will go without you. Right, brothers?"



The plot, like my gravy, thickens.

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IC: Corex (Ta-Wahi Beach)


At first… there was nothing.


Then… I felt something hard and grainy against my back... sand?


And the chilly, wet feeli-ah, water, of course.


What was I doing lying on a beach, though?


I opened my eyes and sat up, meeting a familiar blue horizon stretching as far as the eye could see, that sight wasn’t new to me all, although it was nice to see it again.


But upon turning my head to survey the surroundings, a mass of jagged, black spikes jabbed into my sight and made me blink. Shaking my head as I got up, I opened my eyes again to see.


Where did these black rock formations come from? I’d never seen them before… or had I?


My heart skipped a beat as I realized I couldn’t remember, not where I’d been, what I’d seen or heard or what I’d done, I knew I hadn’t seen these rocks before, but I didn’t know what I’d seen before them either.


This is… this was wrong, something didn’t work right. I needed answers.


I attempted to search my coat, only to find a metallic, rigid structure enter my vision, by all accounts I should’ve been shocked to find that my left arm was in fact a mechanical prosthetic, but something about seeing it felt oddly comforting, like it belonged there.


Opening and closing the tri-pronged hand a few times, a few memory fragments came to me. I’d lost my arm in battle and gotten it replaced with this mechanical appendage, it’d been a pragmatic decision. I nodded in brief satisfaction; the picture was starting to make sense.


Alright, I, personally, was in working order, so what I had to do next was familiarize myself with the surroundings.


It was a fairly depressing affair at first, not much to look at but jagged, black rocks, and sand, but in the distance something slowly came into view.


A red glow entered my vision as I could make out the contours of a settlement, apparently settled right in a lake of lava. If nothing else, it gave me a very good indication of who the inhabitants might be. At least the inhabitants would be familiar enough.


“Ta-Matoran, that will do fine”


With senses wary for a potential threat, I began approaching the walled settlement. Hopefully here I would be able to find out where I was and where I might go to find other answers.

Edited by Geardirector

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"We have no reason to assume it's not us." Halyx wondered if he could really trust this Toa of Water. "Plus, come on, we're Toa! Heroes of legend! We have to have some sort of destiny. Maybe it's being on this team together. If you won't go, me, Visalk and Lumira will go without you. Right, brothers?"



The plot, like my gravy, thickens.

IC: Visalk

"I agree with Halyx, while you are right that we can't be one hundred percent sure we are the Toa mentions, we also have no reason to believe we aren't," He said to the Ga-Toa, "and for all we know it may be Lumira's destiny to become a Toa."

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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