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BZPRPG - Ko-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: The Champion (Nuju-Marion Hospital)


The Toa of ice ran away, and turned the snow near his feet into ice, making any attempt to chase him a foolish idea. I cursed out loud, and Forger said "Let him retreat, we need to regroup with the others." I nodded, and noticed that most of the defenders had retreated inside, which was a wise move. I hoped that no civilians would get in the way. Forger shouted a rallying cry, but I didn't see Enforcer and Judge anywhere so I asked from Forger if they had gone inside the building.



IC: The Deceiver (Near the Main gate)


She had no time to play around, it seemed, so she took a step back, grasped the hilt of her longsword and asked "Where is Echelon?" quickly with a serious tone. It was unlikely that these two were defenders of the village, because they were so close to the breached main gate. Not that it mattered for her. She only needed an answer for this question, and nothing else.

still alive somehow

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OOC: Sorry about making two Forger posts to one Wraith post, this one is mostly introspection and has no offensive movements.


IC Forger


"I had Judge enter the building for reconnaissance, his Kualsi should allow him to avoid too much trouble."


Pain and weariness assaulted me, even a brief respite from battle was painful, my adrenaline lowering and wounds coming to the forefront. My forearm was not bleeding, but there was extensive tissue damage. I flexed my hand, the smallest two fingers had little response. It was likely a tendon had been damaged or severed. Reinforcing my own skeletal structure and subsequently digging out of the snow had worn me down as well.


"I do not know the location of Enforcer, Tracer should be outside, hopefully nearby. We need to regroup if we want a chance at turning this around. Curse our employers for not being ready for a joint attack, heading in like this with only the seven of us was suicide. I had not expected the hospital to be so well fortified. Two or three defenders could hold a small army back here."


I kept an eye on the ice toa, he and the black skakdi were the only enemies I had sighted so far, but I could hear battle on both the adjacent and far side of the building.


IC Brontes


The vortixx crashed into a hospital bed, crushing it. He looked to have taken out by Krayzikk. "Verulas, we should capture him. He looks like he may be unconscious."

Edited by Tiragath

...but close to it

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IC: The Deceiver (Near the Main gate)


She looked at the pair. The medic was busy, and tried to focus on his patient. Wonderful. She wouldn't get her answer from here. She entertained the idea of drawing her sword and threatening him, but that might cause more harm in the long run, if they were allied with Echelon. She said nothing as she turned around, walked outside and left the door wide open. She did however see someone else walking the street. A Vortixx. Maybe he could answer her question. She walked up to him, and shoted "You! Whose side are you on?"


OoC: That's Xitec.

still alive somehow

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Jaaku raised one eyebrow in slight surprise at how easily he got the random interloper to leave, before shrugging, and turning back to Larikon. While the Grand Master was still conscious, and Jaaku now had no interruptions, he felt it a wonderful time to begin the discussion he'd been wishing to have.


"I don't approve of this alliance you've made with the Makuta-worshippers, Torchbearer."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Kimala

Barus found himself in an ordinary examination room, with a bed, table, and a number of drawers in the corner. A mirror took up a large portion of a wall.


Except it wasn't a mirror, it was a one-way window. He'd stepped into a dissection lab, the one part of a hospital a teacher was guaranteed to know. The Cy-Toa grinned as he entered, watching through the window, and immediately focused on the ceiling. Not wanting to give him any time, she pushed hard, bringing a portion crumbling down above him. As quickly as she could manage, she brought down the section above the wall he'd entered through as well. She didn't know his mask power, so it was quite likely that he had a way to escape, or to take no damage, or he could simply stop everything with gravity. She clutched her side.

Edited by The Fifth Spoilers

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If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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IC: Barus (Judge)


Judge felt the room shake. Instruments started to fall of the table and the ceiling started to crack, along with what appeared to be a mirror. He figured it led somewhere else, so he decided to take a stab at it by smashing it with his body weight, falling through to the other side.

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IC: Xitec


He Jumped back upon hearing the crash coming from inside the village, almost as if in response to what he said. As invitations went, it wasn't the most appealing, but it looked like it was all he was going to get. Slowly creeping past the gates, he entered the Koro, zeroing in on the sound.


IC: Razsk


Xitec sees a black armored toa facing off against a skakdi, and the ground between them has caved in.

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IC: "Looks can be deceiving," Verulas said, keeping an eye on the Vortixx. "His species does have a bad reputation for trickery, after all. But his attack on this place does validate your point. Who knows? We might get lucky; his friends could care about his safety and if we used him as leverage, they just might back off."

The Bo-Toa held out his hand, preparing to ensnare the downed foe in vines, but paused and turned his attention to where he deduced the Titan was standing.

"Unless our friend here wants to beat the Karz out of him some more to kill off his morale first...," he said, trying not to grin. "Because we can let that happen too."

Edited by timageness411


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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OOC: Hile from Le-Wahi.


IC Hile

(Ko-Koro, near main gate):


Immediately upon arrival to his home town, Hile could see something was terribly wrong. The main gate had been busted open and it looked like the village had been through a war... or still was.


"No...", he said helplessly, walking towards the main gate and looking inside. "This... this can't be..."


OOC: Hile open for interaction. He's at the main gate.

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"You are scum."


The low voice rumbled, vocalizing for the first time since the assault on the hospital was renewed. The cloak concealing him was swept aside, and tucked into his belt once more in a single motion, as the gunmetal gray being advanced, staff still held in his hand. He nodded to Verulas, indicating that he should indeed hold off on binding the downed Vortixx. 


"You now belong to a very exclusive group of people I hate more than those currently razing Ko-Koro." Krayzikk came to a stop over him, the contempt visible within his eyes. He never relaxed his guard, knowing that Enforcer might yet, despite his condition, attempt a counter attack. "You attacked a hospital. A place of peace, and one in the process of attempting to evacuate. There is nothing to justify that, be it zealous faith or simply greed. You are the lowest of the low."


"You aren't even worth the effort to kill." He gestured to Verulas and Brontes. "Disarm him and bind him. Once I'm sure he's taken care of, I'll check on the others."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Kimala

Well. That was unexpected. But not a welcome move. Abandoning her effort to bring down a second portion of the ceiling, she swung her fist at the body approaching her, aiming for his mask. Coupled with Telekinesis, her hit was almost guaranteed to knock it off if it connected properly. She brought her other arm up to cover her eyes with the translucent blade of her tomahawk, protecting them from the rain of glass that would soon follow. She prayed silently that this could end quickly. 

Edited by The Fifth Spoilers

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If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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Jalkron had done his job well. His heroic posturing and reckless disregard for personal safety in the face of evil would have been, in another life, rewarded with victory and adoration and a final shot of him striding into the sunset in search of another day to save tomorrow.


Today, however, all he got was a concussion and three very annoyed mercenaries.


Though, in his defence, the Toa of Iron had achieved a heroic objective of a sort, for in his brief foray into combat against Echelon's men, he had provided enough of a distraction for another unlikely trio of figures to make their speedy advance into the deeper shadows of the Sanctum.




"I still don't like leaving that Jalkron man behind," Borclive said in his rough hewn tones, as he and Rana struggled to keep pace with the long strides of the Vortixx before them. "Doesn't feel right to just abandon him to those Piraka. We should have gone back for him."


"Then his sacrifice would have been in vain," his fellow sergeant shot back, giving a look of annoyance. They were both military beings, but Borclive had always had a compunction towards the heroism of being a soldier, while Rana viewed her role in a more pragmatic (and some might say cynical) light. That was one of the many reasons they had worked together over the years; she kept him focused on the job, while he remained as her moral centre. "Going back for him would have been a death sentence. What's important now is protecting the Captain."


Rounding another corner, their third member, a Vortixx with a rifle slung over one shoulder, glanced back at them.


"My comrades have been here," Nika said bluntly. "Iron walls have been erected in this hallway. Is this the only way?"


Rana nodded. "Unless Ambages had some new hallways added that we weren't told about."


"No time to investigate," the Vortixx replied softly. "Would Korzaa have evacuated by now?"


"Not likely; she's stubborn as a Kane-Ra. I'd expect that she's gonna keep fighting till the end."


"Which will be sooner rather than later," Nika said, leaning against the icy wall of the Sanctum, bringing one hand up to his chin in contemplation. He hadn't had much time to monitor his allies, so he couldn't be certain what their strategy would be at this point. Logic, however, dictated that an intelligent mercenary would escape a situation like this as quickly as possible. Neither Pae nor Jin had struck him as foolish, so he was ready to presume that they had either left the building or were in the process of leaving.


And without me.


He would have been hurt if he had cared.


"Noticed marksmen along the walls of the village," Nika said suddenly. "How do we get there?"


"Wait a minute," Borclive said, advancing on the Vortixx. "What about the Captain? I thought you were here to protect her!"


"If I know my allies, they'll have already gotten her out." In fact, he didn't know, but it wasn't a bad guess. "Bes thing to do is find them now."


This didn't seem to satisfy Borclive. "We can't simply abandon the Sanctum! What about the rest of the Guards here? If we can form ranks--"


"There is nothing to do here but die," Nika shot back. "Ko-Koro is lost. Accept that, and help protect Korzaa."


"I won't leave my comrades," the sergeant said, his back straightening, his head high. "I'll stay here and hold the line. It's my duty to protect this village, no matter what."


"You'll help them more by coming with us," Rana said, her eyes flashing. "We're wasting time. We need to find the Captain."


But Borclive was adamant. "You go, Rana. Don't worry about me. I've survived worse scrapes."


He hadn't. They both knew that.


"Fine," Rana replied, her voice losing some of its ferocity. Without hesitation, she held out her club to him. "Spiritspeed, Borclive."


"Right back at you, darling," he said, taking the proffered weapon.


He smiled. She didn't.


They both knew.


"Come on," Sergeant Rana said to Nika, already moving into an adjoining hallway. "Let's not lose any more time."


Sergeant Borclive watched them go. Then he turned, and waited for the attackers to arrive.






The remaining two defenders raced through the shadowed hallways of the Sanctum and out onto the icy walls of the Ko-Koro, where they spotted the figures of Pae and Jin. The Toa of Iron seemed to be carrying something in his arms, though he was too far away for either Nika or Rana to identify what it was.


Within moments, the Vortixx had almost reached them, the Guardswoman hot on his heels.


"Do you have--," Nika tried to say, before being interrupted by a coughing fit.


"Captain Korzaa?" Rana finished for him, casting a wary eye on the newfound duo.





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OOC: Now time to introduce my new character: Konaro!


IC: Konaro 

A few minutes after the strange lightning strike near Kini Nui


The mountainous Ko-Wahi constantly suffered bitterly freezing winds and blinding snow. Lightning was generally uncommon. 
This bolt was no different.

  It struck a spiky outcropping of crystalline ice. 

In the moment it struck, life began again in the ice. Where there was noone in the glass-like formation, the lightning made one anew.

 And with his eyes opening, he summoned his strength and shattered his prison of ice.

   Blue arcs of raw elemental energy rode along his new armored limbs. 

     He felt the energizing raw chill of the surrounding snows. He looked at his arms and hands. New colors. and a new weapon. a wrist mounted crossbow on his right wrist. But it had more than just two prongs. he could only see a single trigger. He saw no bolts. 

 He realized the chill of the snows and ice energized him. He figured that he must have a new element.

He charged his hands full of energy and clapped them together. A shocking branch of ice spread from them.

He pulled his hands apart, dropping the ice branches.

He attempted and succeeded in forming a smooth ice spike between the fingers of his left hand. He pressed the trigger of the crossbow. 


He thrust his right fist forward, and the force sprung two arms out. He did it again, the other four moving arms extended out. 

"Amazing", Konaro said. 
  He placed the ice spike into the loading space on the crossbow. He aimed at a thin outcropping and pulled the trigger. It shot the spike out at startling speed, shattering it and the outcropping. 
He had a thought, and touched the first prong and poured out elemental ice energy. A thick coating of ice spread across all of the prongs. It could be useful as a shield, he thought.

He pushed down the prongs, shattering the ice between them. They all retracted. Gears perhaps, he thought in response.

 He saw a shiny, anomalously flat surface of ice. He approached it to look into it. 
  He marveled at the colors, the white and silver and even transparent blue. He saw his new mask, a Volitak. He even saw that it bore a modification that accomodated seeing his glowing deep blue scar over his right eye. 

   He dimly remembered that his last life earned him that scar. It was a mark, a reminder that he had to do right to be able to earn forgiveness for allowing his companions to perish.

  He needed to find a way to do that. He needed to serve someone, to be able to defend against and defeat evil.

  These frigid mountains must have a village of some sort. He didn't know which way to go, but he felt an urge to go southeast. It wouldn't be an easy means. 

  He decided he'd use his power to help keep track. He formed a recognizable formation, an X in a circle, smoothed down. He began to move, forming more marks along the way. 

   He hoped he'd find someone able to guide him, but one thing was for sure. He wouldn't die from the cold.


Time is my frenemy. So is money.
May the classics never die and may the future find a new set of Toa.


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IC: Raaka



IC (Kitano): Kitano finished up absorbing the crystal reinforcements on the walls. He was brimming with elemental energy, containing more now than he really should have been able to hold onto. He could feel it rising up inside him, begging for release and threatening to explode outwards if he did not grant it. The building would fall more easily now, but that would have to be deferred. there was too much fighting going on in and around it right now for any effort to be put into its destruction. Case in point, the Skakdi who was charging him at this moment, waving around some kind of canon. He looked ragged, but tough. Those kind of scars didn't belong on someone who had lived a peaceful life, and showed the strength of a being tough enough to survive that and be strengthened by it. This Skakdi was someone that toa of crystal was forced to take as a serious threat.


The floodgates burst open, and elemental energy poured forth as Kitano stretched out both of his arms towards the Skakdi, and a stream of fine crystal powder flew from each. One stream steamed in the cold Ko-Wahi air, while the other glowed with a golden radiance. The two streams of lightstone and heatstone were aimed to meet and combine at the running Skakdi, and when they did, there would be explosive results.




IC (Cancer): Uh-uh. Not in this lifetime, pal, we both see you coming. Quickly, I flatten myself to the ground as Kellin dives off of my carapace, quickly tossing something into the Toa's flight path just before--



IC (Karemo): Karemo's hammer connected with the vial in a spray of acid droplets. They ate into the weapon, pitting its surface as the metal eroded away. Karemo's body, however, didn't meet nearly so much of the acid. He was already halfway past the acid as he made his blow and moving quickly out of the splash-zone. The wind of his passing diverted all but a few of the droplets. Those that landed on his armour connected with a hissing noise, both from the dissolution of his metal armour and his pain as he let out a breath between his teeth.


In a few moments, the acid burned itself away and he was far from the matoran and crab, rising up into the sky once more.

Edited by The Lorax


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IC: The acid may not have fully taken him out, but it had done it's job.

As the Toa sped up and away, Kellin and his crab moved on, away from the hole and the battle, and deeper into the hospital.

Out of sight, and out of mind.

"Just a few more now, better make this quick." he muttered, digging through his pouches once more.

helo frens

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IC: The Deceiver (Near the Main gate)


She looked at the pair. The medic was busy, and tried to focus on his patient. Wonderful. She wouldn't get her answer from here. She entertained the idea of drawing her sword and threatening him, but that might cause more harm in the long run, if they were allied with Echelon. She said nothing as she turned around, walked outside and left the door wide open. She did however see someone else walking the street. A Vortixx. Maybe he could answer her question. She walked up to him, and shoted "You! Whose side are you on?"


OoC: That's Xitec.


IC: Xitec. (Main gate)


Suddenly, a brawl had broken loose, whatever fight had been going on, it had brought back into the city. He focused on the creature hailing him, hoping to avoid the attention of the two fighters in the street. "Uh....No ones?" "Judging by the dark demeanour and rather terrifying visage before him, he quickly changed his tune, "Imeanyours! All hail to the invaders!" He cried, hoping that was the correct side to choose, and raising his left arm in the air in a sort of salute, which instead only made the strange attachment on his arm hum louder. Trying to ignore that, and the sobbing matoran behind him, he shouted back at the person, "How's the um, invasion going?"

Edited by ~Skip
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IC: "Well then," Verulas said as he shrugged his shoulders. "I guess verbally assaulting him will just have to do."

He turned back towards the Vo-Toa and continued speaking.

"You might want to do the weapon collecting, Sparky. I know that I'd think twice about putting up a fight if the person confiscating my gear could fry me like a slice of Rahi-bacon. Just saying."


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC: Enforcer.


I very calmly sit up in the remnants of the wrecked hospital bed, breathing heavily for several moments before finally speaking.


I know the giant could burn a hole through my chest with that stolen staff of his, or the oddly-familiar looking Bo-Toa could disarm me, or the angry Vo-Toa could try to electrocute me, but I don't care. My words need to be heard. 


Normally, I don't care what people think of me. Mercenary life is just a job for me. Nothing more, nothing less, but this titan's words had cut surprisingly deep. "We didn't attack a hospital," I wheeze, "we attacked you. You defenders. Your city has fallen, and the beings who hired us wanted the last defenders brought to heel. It doesn't matter to us if this was a hospital, or a castle, or a hole in the ground. And, if you'd been paying attention, you would have noticed that we haven't touched a single one of your patients or refugees. This isn't about the where, this is about the who..."


I trail off as I suddenly recognise the Bo-Toa. "You're Verulas, aren't you?" I laugh, coughing. The irony is physically painful for me... "You're on our recruitment list, you know that? We came here to offer you a position within our organisation... instead we end up fighting you... how ironic..."


IC: Dayeth.


Watching the three defenders glower over the fallen Vortixx, Dayeth continued to struggle wearily agaisnt her bonds. "Hello? I'm still over here! Someone let me out! You can't leave me here like this!" 

Edited by NatoGreavesy

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Brontes


"How about we hold him hostage? If his team is as honourable as he claims they'll negotiate."


The female ta-matoran starts yelling again, "Or we finish evac and burn this place to the ground. Catch as many inside as possible."

Edited by Tiragath
  • Upvote 1

...but close to it

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IC: Raaka


Oh look, he's putting his arms up. Predictable.


The streams of Lightstone and Heatstone came careening towards Raaka at a fast pace.


Aaaaand dive!


Raaka launched himself downward, sliding on the icy ground on his belly as the twin elemental streams collided just above him, a massive explosion rippling in all directions and searing Raaka's back and scorching his spine.


Ah, Karz! I didn't know there was such a thing as Toa of Explosives...


Still sliding towards the assailant, Raaka's extended left arm whirred as the cannon charged up and a volley of searing, lethal energy bolts shot forward at the Toa of Crystal.


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IC: Enforcer.


When the Vo-Toa spoke, I couldn't hide my surprise. "You claim I'm scum for attacking the defenders of the hospital!" I spit at the giant, tearing my gaze away from the Toa, "but one of your own allies - one of those very defenders - wants to burn it to the ground and murder the prisoners inside?"


The word that is foremost in my mind in this moment is hypocrite, but I don't say anything more. I don't think I need to.


Instead, I remain silent and let him think it over.

Edited by NatoGreavesy

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Avsa

Still wading through the snow, Tracer spotted Forger's assailant skating away from him. She could shoot him now. And she did, though her bow was aimed a little awkwardly due to her being stuck in the snow. The arrow soared toward Wraith and...


IC: Wraith


...and missed completely. She really couldn't aim that well being stuck in the snow. Wraith took one glance at her, before the snow around him became a fast flurry, blocking his view from everyone who may have been watching him. The flurry grew and grew till it was rather uncertain where Wraith was, if they wanted to find him they'd have to venture into the fluffy of biting cold snow.


​The flurry was slowly growing bigger in size as more snow was pulled from the ground and joined it. 

Edited by Skitty

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Konaro


Trudging through the icy landscape hoping to find civilization once again, Konaro hears a ruckus in the distance. popping, tinging, and some exploding.

 He didn't have his De-sensitivity anymore, but he could still follow noise. 

   He began to run towards the sound, realizing there was a battle and figuring it was the first step towards restoring his honor.

OOC: I'm coming for the battle at the Hospital if that's ok

Time is my frenemy. So is money.
May the classics never die and may the future find a new set of Toa.


BZPRPG Character

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IC Avsa

Tracer's thermal vision become a blur of blue and purple. Her legs were still stuck in the snow, though it was starting to recede. Tracer silently cursed the ridiculousness of her situation, feeling like a lost mahi surrounded by nui-jaga. "Can't get to parang, Patero launcher filled with snow, crossbow all soggy..." She nocked another arrow.

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OOC: I'm just going to hurry up and get to the battle if you guys don't mind.


IC: Konaro


He was almost to the battle. He saw on one side a fellow Ice Toa surrounding himself in a blinding flurry of snow. The other side showed a Skakdi taking on a Toa of Crystal. 
   Assuming that the Toa of Crystal was the aggressor, he was disgusted. They were no toa!

    He activated his Volitak, turning him completely transparent, then invisible. He used his ice power to form shards for his crossbow, and loaded them. 

  Then he slid into home, throwing up snow, hoping to distract the adversarial toa and reduce his vision, perhaps even letting him be hit by the cannon bolts the Skakdi fired.

    He knelt upright next to the Skakdi and deactivated his Volitak.

Edited by Mr. Lightning Bolt

Time is my frenemy. So is money.
May the classics never die and may the future find a new set of Toa.


BZPRPG Character

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IC: Barus (Judge)


The fist of Judge's opponent connected with his face. The sound of his mask hitting the ground made his stomach jolt. He tried grabbing it with one hand, but he had to drop a blade to grab it. His other hand gripped the other weapon tightly as he made an attempt to jab the opposing toa in the lower body.

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IC Hile



Hile was speechless as he entered his home village and looked around. It was all gone. Buildings destroyed, Matoran killed... it was like from his worst nightmares.


And it wasn't over, either. Battles were still going on around him.


Hile fell on his knees.


OOC: Hile open for interaction.

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IC Hile



Hile lifted his head at the sound of steps coming towards him. It was clear from the way the Skakdi was looking at him that he had not been part of the defending force.


"Why?" Hile asked, even as the Skakdi came closer. "Why have you done this?"

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IC Hile



Hile was speechless as he entered his home village and looked around. It was all gone. Buildings destroyed, Matoran killed... it was like from his worst nightmares.


And it wasn't over, either. Battles were still going on around him.


Hile fell on his knees.


OOC: Hile open for interaction.


IC Veneras





Veneras doubted the monster referred to by that name was responsible; the name was more than that. 

Veneras felt his heart beat as the fresh snow drifted down, blissfully unaware of the sheer horror 

"My home..." he choked on his own words,

Where there is destruction, Makuta is there.  Makuta; no, not the enemy of the first toa. Makuta is destruction.

The streets where he used to walk and contemplate the stars... 

The streets were now bare and void. Makuta. 

"Who has done this?" he asked

Edited by Veneras


--Character Profiles--


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OoC: Norik, Dahkapa is unconscious, take him prisoner or something, don't kill him. And Skip, Deceiver looks like a normal female Toa, her body is covered with yellow and blue crystal as a disguise. Nothing terrifying about her :P

IC: The Deceiver (Near the Main gate)

The Vortixx was obviously lying, so he was an unreliable source of information. But she continued the act. "The invasion? Seems like it has gone pretty well" she said with a slightly less serious tone. "I just arrived here. I heard the city was under attack, so I came to see the situation. Seems like the city has fallen." She heard some sounds of battle not to far away, and something else..

She turned around, and saw two matoran and a Skakdi in the distance. One of them was on his knees. "More visitors," she mumbled and then shouted to them. "You! Come here so we can talk!" One of them seemed to be a Ko-matoran, and she hoped that he knew the location of the 'Sanctum'. She might be able to find Echelon there.

OoC: She's shouting to Hile, Kakrant and Veneras.

IC: The Champion (Nuju-Marion hospital)

The two dark Toa were fighting and Tracer was shooting arrows at the ice Toa, who conjured a blizzard to cover himself. In the meanwhile, I calmed down and left martial trance. I thought about our next move. Storming a fortified building was going to be difficult. I also wondered how well Enforcer and Judge were faring. "Forger, should we go and try to help Enforcer and Judge? Time is valuable in a battle. We should do something now."

Edited by Daniel the Finlander

still alive somehow

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IC: "I was thinking of destroying the place too," Verulas said to the Vo-Toa. "But only to deny them treatment and weaken their hold on the place so it's easier to take back. We may have failed as defenders today, but we should send them the message that one day, we'll be back as avengers. If they want a war, then they best be prepared for one."

"As for the prisoners," he growled, "I've seen some Karz in my life. And don't get me wrong; I've been on both sides. Burning defenseless prisoners alive? That's some serious Karz; Karz that stays with you for the rest of your days, that haunts your dreams at night. Karz you don't come back from," he said, unsheathing two knives and pushing one onto the Vo-Toa's chest. "If you're going to kill them, you do it quick and you do it humanely."

He turned to the Vortixx last, kneeling down beside him and placing the other blade against his throat.

"As for you, I have no idea what you're talking about. But I do know one thing, and it's that I don't like being spied on."

Edited by timageness411


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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After taking a small break from the fighting, Kakrant saw two Matoran near him. One was at the gate waving, and the other was crying into the ground.

He looked at the Toa and sneered. He made for the crying one, seeing as how he was closer.


IC: Razsk


Razsk instantly followed, jumping over the trench and hurling his hammer like a javelin at Kakrant's back.

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