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BZPRPG - Le-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC Lain


Withdrawing some jerkey from his pack, he passed it to the gathered defenders before gathering some small and dry logs, sitting down to work on splitting them into kindling.


He knew some would ask, "why not just create some kindling?" Being a jungle elemental and all, the answer was that it took less energy to gather existing energy than to create new energy.


Create? Maybe that was the wrong term, he doubted that elemental energy was "new" so to say, he had read books saying the energy balance of the world was neutral and that it only changed forms. He'd have to research it more someday.


"Stories and food, sounds about right after a battle like that."

...but close to it

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Detrix looked at his friend. "Well, you still look like you could be a toa," Detrix responded, winking. He then realized that he was attempting to be... "friendly"... when he wasn't drunk. This could end up being a terrible idea.




Rune smirked. "Why thank you." she responded casually, casting him a flirtatious glance. She had to admit, he wasn't bad looking. Sure, he was a scruffy drunkard, but she could't help but find his blue orbs and defined jawline alluring. Not to mention his spot on, rippling abs and crisp collar bones... 


Stop it, you're crazy. This guy's a mess.


The Vo-Toa sighed quietly to herself. If anything were to happen between them, she predicted it to be an ephemeral experience. One of those one-night flings to get the heart racing, nothing more.


I'm just destined to die alone, she pouted to herself glumly. She tried her best to perk up for her companion though, and remain interested in the conversation.


"So where you from? What's your story?" she asked, actually somewhat curious. She'd been talking about herself a bit too much, and now it was time for her to listen.

Edited by Requiem
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IC: Kunitu


The moment her Gukko landed properly on the pad, Kunitu leaped off, patting the bird for a job well done.


"Looks like the party is starting already."


[Le-Koro, Landing Pad]


“Yes, it does.  I better go seek-fine my banjo before someone else decides it’s theirs.”


He grimaced.


“Thanks for the ride.  It was...an experience.  I have to check with the guard offices to see if they’ll sponsor a playing-spot for me.  I could use the money--especially for a party like this.  I’ll see you later, then?”

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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OOC: Oh my... I didn't know this would happen. XD


IC: Detrix


"I'm just from... around," he replied. "I never really had a home growing up, but I had some friends that kept me on track of good and evil I guess. I trained a lot in understanding and the power of musing over fighting. That all kind of went out the window though when we were all attacked by a mercenary. Only a couple of us survived the attack, but we went our separate ways later. So I've been kind of doing work where I can find it and have been just wandering around. My real only friend now is the warm feeling of some alcohol in my gut," he chortled. "I suppose that I should try and get some social interaction in besides drunken kerfuffles at random bars," Detrix grinned to himself. It was nice having a real conversation with someone. It was something he hadn't experienced in a while.

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IC: Akhulii


"In all honesty, I don't know about food. I'm fresh out of grapes. I'm pretty sure I've still got some reserves, but not much. My plans were to fill back up on food here in Le, but obviously with funky beetles showing up and ruining the party, plans has to be changed. I think I can wait till the celebration though for a feast or what not. A small meal will suffice for this hour."


Akhulii continued his work crushing up the strange substance, which he then proceeded to bag when finished. From there he took out a pair of tongs and started holding a flat stone over the fire, little shiny purple and clay colored lines forming around it as it was exposed to the heat.


"Now, does anyone have any good tales to tell, because I'm sure most of you know I haven't had a good adventure til lately and so all I can talk about are my shopping trips and alchemical revelations."

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IC (Sisk):


The Le-Matoran smiled at his old friend. "Well done, high-soarer. I had no doubt you'd learn it eventually. And how is Ajax treating you so far? Anything he needs, we can look to at the nest of course."


IC (Rewera):


Outside the gates of Pala Koro, Rewera moved almost perfectly quiet through the tick of the brush, until she reached the edge of the village. Using her clawed hands and feet, and making sure she was not in earshot of anybody, using her own inpressive sense of hearing, she ascended the wall in front of her and deflty landed on the other side. She'd never been one for knocking.


OOC: Rewera open for interaction.




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IC: Kythera


Kythera was about to reply with a remark about natural defenses and "only those who make it are worth joining their cause" when her chain of thought, and liquid strides, were stopped abruptly by someone vaulting clear over the wall and landing before them.


At times she wondered why she even bothered to suggest fixing the gate.


Regardless, her hand was on her weapon almost immediately as the dark-armored toa landed before the two of them, not drawing her pistol yet. She'd promised not to shoot everyone who happened to wander in.


"...looks like you're not the only one," the vortixx said to Trava, before addressing the toa.


"Uh, hi."


"Alright listen if you're here to destroy our cause someone already did, if not, well, welcome to Pala-Koro blah blah blah who are you exactly?"


"And why didn't you use the gate?"


"We have a gate."



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IC: Trava (Pala-Koro)


"Another wild girl joins the party?" Trava asked with a smile looking at Rewera. She envied that entrance quite a bit, she'd have to considered trying something similar in the future.


"Yeah, I'll just head inside this hut here, nevermind me for now" she said and walked inside a nearby vacant hut.

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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IC: "You said it. They seem pretty popular around here."

She was sneaky, he had to give here that. By the time he'd realized she was there, she was already on top of the wall.

That, or he was getting lazy. Could be a little of both.

helo frens

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Esao looked as close to pleased as he ever got when not helping Tarex screw around with Kythera.


"It's been a while. What brings you here?" he asked, holding out a hand.





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IC: Trava (Pala-Koro)


The reserve armor fit her... less than perfectly let's say. But it would do the job if she needed something to wear while her own armor was being fixed up by Ackune.


Peeking her maskless face out the window, the lithe huntress smiled at the sudden gathering of residents and visitors.


"See, Kythera, your work's already paying off"

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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IC (Sisk):


The Le-Matoran smiled at his old friend. "Well done, high-soarer. I had no doubt you'd learn it eventually. And how is Ajax treating you so far? Anything he needs, we can look to at the nest of course."


IC (Rewera):


Outside the gates of Pala Koro, Rewera moved almost perfectly quiet through the tick of the brush, until she reached the edge of the village. Using her clawed hands and feet, and making sure she was not in earshot of anybody, using her own inpressive sense of hearing, she ascended the wall in front of her and deflty landed on the other side. She'd never been one for knocking.


OOC: Rewera open for interaction.


IC: Lathon


The dark armored Le-Toa turned towards Sisk. "How do you plan on getting back to Le-Koro?" Lathon asked the Le-Matoran. True, he had a Kualsi, but it might be a bit far for him to teleport too.

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IC: Akhulii


"Ah, you have some sort of plans Ryzen? Just like a toa- always running around and looking for things to do, stuff to blow up."


Akhulii shifted around on his log, and adjusted his scope on Ryzen.


"So what's the idea? We've stayed here a fair amount and are low on food. Plus the Koro's still reconstructing and getting its deal back together, so shelter isn't exactly going to be wide open for us, so if we stay that probably means a bunch of camping. And I don't know about you fellows, but I am no matoran of earth and I'd rather sleep on a comfortable mattress."

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IC: Ryzen


I scowled. "I don't do any of this 'blowing up' business you're talking about, but I do some of this 'running around' stuff. I was thinking similar to what you said, Akhulii, like we got caught up in all the bug mess, and as much as I hate to say it, we've got some cleaning up to do at the Koro."

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IC Lain


"I ain't got time fer that, lad. Haven't ye heard about the beetles? 'tis time for celebratin'. Not pacing 'round like a caged muaka"


He re-looked the Ba-Toa up and down, definitely the belligerent type


"Speakin' of, I didn' see ya fightin' the beetles anyhow, you new here?"

...but close to it

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IC: Someone is knocking at the gate

Nobody else is getting it

welp that's my job then

Tarex's long strides ate the distance greedily and rapidly after he excused himself from the fisherman's company for a moment.

"Gettin' it!" he called, both as an update to the others and as a reassurance to whomever was on the other side. Moments later the door swung open invitingly as he used the other arm to beckon the other person inside. 

"Everyone's a bit scattered right now." He explained, towering over them as he did many. "Nice to see someone using the typical way of entering, at least."


helo frens

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IC: Praxis

"You kiddin'? I took out a million of 'em, I'm pretty sure," he boasted.

"As for celebratin', I like to celebrate by countin' some coin, get me?" 

Caged muaka, feh.

"That's what I'm lookin' for. I ain't leavin' until I've been well paid for my hard work."

Edited by Perp
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IC: Akhulii


Akhulii started backing off. He trusted Lain, but also knew about his rough personality. Two toa at odds is a dangerous thing. Last thing I need is to get between them...


Despite that, he prepared a small baggie of sleeping/calming powder in case it got to the stage where it was needed.

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IC: Akhulii


Akhulii's palms started sweating. He trusted Ryzen with the powder but he didn't want the other two to hear about it.


"Uhhh, grapes..."


He tried to wink at Ryzen, but his large eye piece covered one eye and made it look like he was just blinking.




OOC: lulz, Akhulii loves grapes.

Edited by Banana Gunz
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IC: Someone is knocking at the gate


"Everyone's a bit scattered right now." He explained, towering over them as he did many. "Nice to see someone using the typical way of entering, at least."




"Do many people enter via the scaling of your walls?" I asked airily, breezing my way past the doorman.





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IC (Rewera):




Can you say 'momentary lapse in judgement'? Yeah, we'll just go with that.


The Aitua had no idea how she had missed the small assembly of beings on the other side of the wall.



"Uh, hi."
"Alright listen if you're here to destroy our cause someone already did, if not, well, welcome to Pala-Koro blah blah blah who are you exactly?"
"And why didn't you use the gate?"
"We have a gate."
"Last time I was here a bunch of shadowspawn were raiding the place...I'm not taking chances." she said. It was true enough but still sounded like a weak excuse. At least there was a familiar face present. She briefly shook Esao's hand.
"As for what brought me here: Le-Koro is safe but there's decidedly too many people there for my taste...and it is far easier picking out Makuta-followers in the wild than hiding in a crowd of innocents."
IC (Sisk):
"Well Toa Lathon, by wind-riding of course, silly-silly." the Le-Matoran replied, nodding towards Skykscratcher behind them. The large Kahu with the helmet made from Rahkshi-armor was contently cleaning its feathers in the meantime.




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