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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC:"Suppose I'd better help you get there, then," Feongulf said in reply. He's unarmed, but probably doesn't have anything worth stealing, either, she thought, examining Strave as she began to lead the other Matoran along the path towards the village of water. There goes any change at profit from this, I guess.

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IC:"Quiet, or you're see even more trouble before they day;s over," Feongulf said, her eyes darting around for sign of any predators lurking nearby. Ga-Koror may not be one of the most treacherousness regions on the island, but it still payed to be careful. She signed quietly in relieve as she failed to sight any, apparently any dangerous rahi had been scared off by the Ta-Matoran's off-key singing.

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IC: (Hari)"Sorry...I guess I'm a bit clingy." Hari chuckled softly, placing a hand upon her head as she released Krayn from her vice-grip and got up from the ground, dusting the sand off of her. She looked over just noticing Emotia and Adrian. She reached out to Krayn, outstretching her arm for him to grab.IC: (Tarkis)Tarkis nodded, and slipt past Gamelia, his hand brushing against hers unintentionally. He closed the door and there was a sound of air being pushed out of showerhead. Roughly about twenty minutes later he emerged with some shorts on and leaned against the doorway a gentle grin on his face."You okay with this arrangement, I just want to double-check with you, you were kind of flustered, when you brought it up."


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IC: Doomslayer (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!"The huggable manchild mercenary pirate lord came barreling away from the stern of the ship and slammed right into Skyra."CAP'N CAP'N CAP'N WE GOTTA FIND DESDE--WAITASEC, I KNOW YOO!"He grinned, looking jovial, and clasped Skyra's face."YOU'RE THE MEANIEHED THAT ATTACKED THE SHIP EARLIER! THE GUY WHO SUFFERED THE WRATH OF DOOMSLAYURRRR!" he cried, his face turning serious. "Come to mess with my LETTUCE WUNCE AGIN?"-Teezy



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IC: Mimira - Infernavika, Ga-Wahi -"The mansion!?" Mimira gasped, "But...that's um...Skyra's friend's house I think....I couldn't burn that..." I was taken by complete surprise and shock and I was slammed by the crazy Toa of Oil, and then to have my face clasped was even more surprising. My eyes changed from green to purple briefly before going back to their regular green. "Yes I did suffer your wraith...and no...I don't want to mess with your lettuce!"

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: (Hari)"Great! So do you think we're ever going to find peace? I mean it's just one crazy thing after another, you try to teach me to surf, we nearly drown. We dance, we are attacked by Mark Bearers. We hug and Naona appears out of nowhere, though luckily with that last one she hasn't show up yet. I mean if she saw that and...well I'm not sure who she'd lash out at but I think we'd have to run to the other side of the island to escape her." Hari said, folding her arms, while she continued to think over it all.


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IC: KraynKrayn laughed, a full, echoing sound. "You know, my stress levels have been steadily rising since I met Tillian. They've probably cut years off my life by now."He pulled her in for a sort of half hug. "Maybe things will get better. I don't know. But either way, I'm happier than I was three weeks ago."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: ReaverShe began to calmly walk towards Cipher, with a kind of unsettling, swaying motion. Once within range, she feigned an overhead punch to his head to catch him off guard, then pulled back and sent an uppercut to his stomach. After that, she spun around, sending a roundhouse kick to his neck.

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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OOC: :3IC: OnuzekThe gigantic Toa wasn't quite sure what he was seeing, but it comprized of some random Toa slamming into Skyra and yelling something at him. Which Onuzek wasn't really happy with, which prompted him to release the elemental power holding him and land heavily on the deck behind the Toa of Air.No one talked to Onuzek's Friends like that.



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IC: Doomslayer (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)Doomslayer's mouth formed a comical little o before switching to a monstrous smile."THEN DOOMIE DEKLAIRZ YOO A FREND AND REVOKES YUR MEANIEHED CARD PRIVILEGES~!"-Teezy



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IC: Cipher (Beach, Ga-Wahi)Wow, I can see these feints coming from a mile away. The way she walks is weird, though...maybe she's drunk.Cipher tensed his abdomen and took the uppercut to the stomach with a little oomph and a second's worth of lost breath, but it gave him time to stick his hand up and catch Reaver by the ankle, spinning her around and throwing a knee to the base of her spine.IC: Dujour (Beach, Ga-Koro)C'mon, Dujour, he's probably checking you out while you walk. Just turn around and talk to him...-Teezy

Edited by #firstworldtyler



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IC(Gamelia Auldron [Talking to Tarkis: Ga-Koro, Gamelia's Beach Goods Store, Gamelia's room])

"I am," Gamelia starts as she turns around; revealing her outfit,"if you're okay with mine." The Matoran of water was wearing nothing more than a small, revealing set of underwear; even smaller than the bikini she wore earlier. The color was also black, which went well with her blue eyes. "Like it?"-Mef Man

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IC: (Tarkis)Tarkis inhaled sharply and the moved to Gamelia, wrapping one of his arms around her waist and one around her back."Like it? I love it." He grinned, his head pressed against hers, before giving her a passionate kiss, and lifting her off the ground with a laugh.OOC: Onward to the morn!


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OOC: Onward Christian soldiers, marching...

IC(Gamelia Auldron [Talking to Tarkis: Ga-Koro, Gamelia's Beach Goods Store, Gamelia's room])

Gamelia's eyes slowly open; her vision blurry at first before retaining their normal sense of perception. A small smile was on her face as she recalled the memories in her head."That was a weird dream, but my favorite," she states with a small, tired laugh. The Matoran slowly turns to see a sleeping Le-Matoran in bed with her; arms wrapped around her. "Oh, Karz," the Matoran says, a bit confused. It hadn't been a dream. She had met Tarkis, the most famous Le-Matoran on the island. They had gone on a date, they had kissed, they had came back to shop.And they were both right here in her bed.A large smile was on Gamelia's face as she leaned forward and kissed Tarkis. "Good morning, dear."-Mef Man

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IC: Dujour (Beach, Ga-Wahi)"Well, I guess...but since when have swimmers been required to wear swimsuits?" she asked with a wink before turning around and walking towards the fruit stand again.-Teezy



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IC: (Tarkis)Tarkis's eyes opened and closed for a few seconds, before opening up completely with a sleepy smile. He looked over to see his arm still wrapped Gamelia. He got up and leaned against the headboard."Good morning to you. So we eating in or out?" Tarkis asked with a grin. It was time to get the day started, they couldn't sleep in anymore.


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