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IC: Dujour (Ga-Koro)"Kidding, Tehlin! We'll buy a swimsuit after dinner, then swim."She turned around and grinned at him, laughing slightly."You're so cute when you cease mental function..."-Teezy



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IC(Gamelia Auldron [Talking to Tarkis: Ga-Koro, Gamelia's Beach Goods Store, Gamelia's room])

"In; I make a mean breakfast," Gamelia says to Tarkis before standing up. She walks toward a nearby chair and puts on her robe before walking out of the room and into her small kitchen area. "Be right back."-Mef Man

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IC: (Hari)"Must...not...hug Krayn. Feelings...too strong." Hari said through gritted teeth, before just giving up and lifting Krayn off the ground with a hug. "I'm glad you're so happy, your friends must love seeing this side of you. So...um what should we do, go swim somewhere else, or I don't know really." Hari said with an especially wide smile, Despite being taller than Hari, she had still managed to get Krayn's feet off the ground with the hug.IC: (Tarkis)Alright. Alright things to do...diving? Yes that would be a great idea! I'm sure Gamelia would love to do that. Bet there is some interesting places as well. Haven't really dived before though, she'd have to teach me the better techniques and how to use one of those air bladder things that the Ga-Matoran us. Tarkis thought. It was great to be resting like this, though the next gig was on his mind. He didn't like that feeling anymore, it meant he'd be spending time away from Gamelia and he really, really did not want to do that. But in a way it would also be good for the two of them.


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IC(Gamelia Auldron [Talking to Tarkis: Ga-Koro, Gamelia's Beach Goods Store, Gamelia's room])

(Jade [Talking to Gust: Ga-Koro, Jade's cabin])

"Okay, I'm back," Gamelia says; walking into the room with a tray of eggs, toast, and bacon. A glass of Bula berry juice was also sitting beside the neatly arranged meal. "Hope you like it," she states while setting the tray down around Tarkis's legs for him to access easily."Good morning," Jade says to Gust upon waking up. She leans forward and kisses the Toa of Air's cheek after speaking.-Mef Man

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OOC: Whoa...I was just about to make a Gust post ending the timeskip...IC: Gust (Cabin, Ga-Koro)Gust's eyes snapped open, and for a millisecond he didn't remember where he was: he grinned when he saw Jade, still wrapped in his arms and in the middle of kissing him on the cheek."Well, well, well. Looks like the last couple days haven't been a dream after all."-Teezy



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IC: Gust (Cabin, Ga-Koro)"I was born ready. Well, not born ready, because as an infant nobody really has the ability to go on a massive adventure with the love of their life, but you know what I mean..." Gust mumbled, sitting up and kissing her back. "Do we have to leave first thing, or do we have time to get all of our emotion out now? You know, we're gonna need our full concentration later, so..." he added hopefully.-Teezy



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IC(Jade [Talking to Gust: Ga-Koro, Jade's cabin])

Jade shrugs before saying,"Eh, what the Karz." She turns around and kisses Gust's lips; savoring the moment they were having together. It would be a while before they were able to spend a time like this together...OOC: You want to do the time skip, Tyler?-Mef Man

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IC: Lux Saran - Ga-KoroLux sighed, "Oh well, it doesn't matter. She's go-"He paused suddenly, before snapping his fingers as if having grasped a new idea, "C'mon, let's go get something to eat!"With that, he started walking towards the restaurant the trio had entered.IC: Rynekk Simul - Ga-Wahi ShoreThe beach was calm today. The waters were clear and placid, green as the leaves in the jungles of Le-Wahi. For a long moment, all was peaceful.That is, until a particular Toa of Stone's head burst through the water's surface, gasping for air."Never... again... am I... doing that..." he cursed in between breaths as he hauled himself onto the sand.-Void



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IC: HakilveThe four-armed Toa of Stone shook his head, and followed after Lux. It took a lot for him not to face-palm. "Lux," he began, "This can only end three ways: bad, worse, or fatal."Never the less, Hakilve still followed his friend into the restaurant.

Edited by Gravity



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IC: Hakilve"Nevermind, go knock yourself out. Have fun! It was nice knowing you," he replied, shooing Lux into the restaurant with his four hands.IC: Onuzek"Wait, what?" the gigantic Toa said, frowning. He didn't quite like the idea of leaving his new friend.



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IC: Tawara (Ga-Koro Tavern)"Um, I'm Tawara." A waiter came with the Matoran's meal and she began to eat, stuffing as much food into her mouth per forkful as possible.OOC: ... Even though Matoran eat through their skin (?!). Oh, well. It's an AU.
IC: Raion & Briani, Ga-KoroKane smiled when Tawara began literally shoving the food into her mouth, and turned away to give her privacy. Smiling at Briani, who was still thinking of how to respond to his last sentence, Kane walked over to Raion. "Well, it was good to see you. Try not to get yourself killed." He said with a small chuckle, elicting no response from Raion. Winking at Briani, who's cheeks turned a shade of red so bright that it could actually be noticed, Kane spoke. "If you ever want somewhere to relax and have a good time, I live just on the other side of the street." He said, and then made his way through the crowd to talk to someone else.Briani glared at Raion who raised an eyebrow and grinned at her. "Looks like you've got a new admirer. Perhaps that word's too kind, considering how he looked you up and down and paused several seconds at a few choice spots." Soon after he said this, Raion found himself ducking to avoid a spoon thrown at him.


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IC: Raknar (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)"Why don't I see this ending well?""AND WE'RE THA THREE BEST FRIENDZ DAT ANYWUN CUD HAEV AND WE'RE THA THREE BEST FRIENDZ DAT ANYWUN CUD HAEV~"Doomslayer darted out his hand and grabbed Raknar in between cigarette drags."Wait, what--"-Teezy



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IC: Lux Saran - Restaurant, Ga-KoroLux stepped into the restaurant, and instantly regretted it.What was Hakilve on about? Was he actually going to die? Was he just joking? Either, he most certainly wasn't joking about the high probability of failure. What was he thinking, trying to talk to this Matoran.Throughout these mental processes, Lux's legs had been moving robotically, walking him straight over to where the trio (Tawara, Raion and Briani) were sitting.This must be a mistake, I shouldn't be doing this. I should just turn away, and go back to the door. Yeah, that's the plan. So then, why am I still walking towards them?!Finally reaching the table, Lux managed to stop walking, a minor improvement. The Matoran was practically frozen, any possible words stuck in his throat.OHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGOD..."Hello," the Matoran said, practically having to force the words out of of his throat.-Void



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:kaukau: IC: (Kraggh)The two Tohunga werre smaller than ever when surrounded by large landmarks. They stood on the ledge of the tall white cliffs that entrapped Naho Bay, looking down and feeling, to some degree, dizzy. The dizziness was a good feeling though, and excited dizzy. Kraggh had traveled around the island enough to admire heights and the fresh air they reached, the view they gave, and the sense of power they evoked, and there was a type of satisfaction that came from conquering them at the end of the day.He nodded to Tom. The Po-Tohunga had a rope coiled around his right arm, but it was not long enough to lead them all the way down the vertical drop. Just to make sure, Kraggh helped Tom take the rope off his arm and held it by one end, dragging it along until it was taught between them, as if they were playing a game of tug-o-war. Kraggh sidestepped until he wa right next to the cliff, looked down, and then eyeballed the rope. It was indeed too short to take them all the way down.Kraggh shrugged. Tom shrugged. It was time to work on problem solving skills.OOC: Simple problem. If anyone would be interested in helping, be my guest, otherwise I'll figure something out that makes sense in-character.Merida
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IC:Feongulf continued scanning their surroundings even after Strave had ended his drunken shouting. They were both walking along the rough dirt "road" running along the shore of Naho Bay. Couple hours to Ga-Koro, at the most, she thought. The long walk tiring her, and especially it being the second time she'd traveled this route in the last few days.The Fe-Matoran blinked and elbowed Strave to stop. Fwongulf pointed up at two Matoran standing near the edge of the cliff above them. "Looks like they're in trouble, eh?"

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:kaukau: IC: (Kraggh)He was a Ko-Tohunga, so he decided he would climb the way down. He had done so before, but at the time he had a longer rope for safety. Still, he ended up not needing it, so it was time to put some faith in his skill at scaling high walls. He tied the rope around his waste. Tom held the other end, and Kraggh stood with his back to the edge of the cliff, then took a step backward. He fell down, sliding against the rock.Now that he thought about it, the last time he had scaled these cliffs he had a pair of ice picks. Perhaps in the future they should be part of his regular gear, although he tended to avoid them because they looked too much like weapons.Something slid against his shoulder. He looked up and realized that the rope was dropping. Why on Mata Nui had Tom let go?"Hey, could we receive some help here?"Kraggh looked around and saw a couple of figures on the beach, one of them seeming to be a short Toa of Iron.Uh, no Tom, that probably wasn't a good idea. Kraggh was weary of strangers, and the last Toa they had talked to, Laryn, turned out to be stone-cold crazy. What was he thinking?As Kraggh stopped focusing on his grip, he slipped and his arms pinwheeled in the air as for a moment he appeared frozen in place before falling the rest of the way. He landed with a hard thump in a thicket of bushes and a sharp pain across his back. The wind had been knocked out of him.He got up as soon as he could, looking back up at Tom and waving to show him he was okay. Tom waved back, but then continued to wave at the distant Toa.Merida Edited by Merida
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IC: Cikren:The Ko-Toa was wearing her armor, on her back was her spear and the sack full of her swimsuit (which she really didn't care for, it seemed too revealing), widgets, and a small slip of parchment. Her sword was sheathed at her side. Leaving the inn, she was bummed that she didn't get to fully relax for more than half-a-day, but it really didn't matter. It was boring anyway. Walking back to the beach where she was, she realized that she didn't ask where to find her employer. Looking around, she spied a house a bit away from where she stood. Calmly walking to the house, when she arrived at the front door, she rapped on it three times with the back of her hand.

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IC(Jade [Talking to Gust: Ga-Koro, Jade's cabin])

"There's the hired help," Jade sighs, arms around the Toa of Air. "I guess I should answer the door," she says after kissing Gust. She slowly stands up and slips on her underwear before walking toward the door."One second," Jade says while peering out of the doorway; only showing her head to Cikren. She closes the door back and walks back into her room to get changed.-Mef Man

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IC: Skyra - Infernavika, Ga-Wahi -I smirked with amusement while watched the group hug get larger and larger, I made a mental note not to join the group hug however. OOC: Welp, since the characters Havon and Miha needed to find are no longer active...we must move elsewhere!IC: Havon - Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi -Havon whinced as the pain in his chest sharpened. "Okay....that's it....we need to get to an actual hospital....here we go!" Before Miha could say anything Havon had grabbed her and then flew out the door and into the sky...heading straight to the Ga-koro Hospital.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Tawara (Ga-Koro Tavern)Tawara snorted at Raion's comment and again at the Toa of Fire's response. It was not much longer before she had finished her meal.

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC: Lux Saran - Tavern, Ga-KoroLux winced. It appeared he was still largely invisible to anyone else, besides Hakilve. He had a chance! He could escape with no possible repercussions!Or, he could try to get Tawara's attention again.I can't believe I'm doing this.Raising his voice slightly, Lux said, "Urm, hello."-Void



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