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Corpus Rahkshi

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IC: Thurisaz / Gym



"No need," Thurisaz told Diode; their name was not a word unheard of. He had it added to the participants list on the board, along with Percy and Geuua. "There, you're all signed up! Glad to have you," he told the three of them, with a satisfied smile. His board had just gone up, and the posters might not even be up yet, and that was four participants already - this was going excellently.


Except maybe for the one dull and distrust arrival slinging nonsense at him, at which Thurisaz looked merely bemused. "I think you have been misled," he told Hollow, good-natured. "Excitement, vigor, adrenaline - the feelings of being alive - these are very much entertainment, among its worthiest forms. And why should you think that is not what I seek, for myself and others? You don't even know me yet."

Edited by Sergei Rahkmaninoff


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IC: Aerahk

Location: Refectory

Aerahk looked at his work, satisfied. That was one poster put up in the most obvious and unmissable place in the Refectory, which was always somewhat active. He turned to his comrade, Tube, whom he'd had little interaction with up to this point. "What do you think? This aught to catch the eye of the average passerby, shouldn't it?"

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IC: Thurisaz / Gym



Thurisaz couldn't help but let out a short burst of laughter at Hollow's delusional antics. His allegations of weakness and incompetence were simply too ridiculous to dignify with words; only the most colossally imperceptive or perhaps asininely stubborn could gaze upon the princely Turahk without power and nobility at least coming to mind. And Diode was pointing out the one thing he would have. "Precisely, thank you," he said, nodding gratefully to them.

Edited by Sergei Rahkmaninoff


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IC Hollow


"Then how do I expect his highness over here to deliver?" Hollow's voice rumbled without him knowing it. "If he can't even prove himself to be a fighter of any capability, why should anyone put on a play for him?"


"What's the game?" He turned his attention towards Thurisaz, losing the overbearing criticism and instead sounding like a reporter. "What's the catch? You're sending in the most powerful hands in the school to compete in a match of wit and wonder; why?"

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IC: Vyper - Gym.


"Because we're Rahkshi?" I interjected, finally giving in to irritation, "Fighting is what we're made to do."

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Diode:


I frowned, "Beyond that, there is precious little else to do to keep our bodies from stagnating. and this Tournament style contest is certainly more organised than our previous assignments."


I shrugged.


"Whatever the reason, why do you care? Other students have formed groups to do activities in the past. Have you questioned them, as well?"

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IC Hollow


"Oh, my apologies" Hollow gave a sweeping bow, with so much sarcasm dripping from his voice you could fill a tub with it. "I didn't realize combatants were so astute they let themselves kill each other for... Well, literally nothing."


He turned sharply and stalked out of the door, mumbling something about how people with brains would actually want to use them once in a millennia.



IC Fountain


Tired of the charade, Fountain made his way back to the gym to rest. Then, someone placed a poster, and others began to crowd around it, including that stubborn fool he had seen earlier.


After the while oaf had gone, he slowly rose from his leaning position and went to stare at the poster.

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OOC: it's not a poster in the gym.... It's a stone tourney board.


IC Diode:


My frown deepened. "Perhaps I am mistaken, but I don't think the point of this tournament is to kill your combatant. To do so would quickly bring the wrath of the prefects, or indeed, Headmaster Icarax upon the offending students."

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OOC: Yeah Ghidora, Thurisaz' display in the Gym is not a poster, not even paper. It's a huge stone display board.


IC: Thurisaz / Gym



With his guests countering Hollow's manic assertions, Thurisaz just shook his head. Some people were so delusional it was hardly even funny. At least the words Hollow muttered as he stomped off were not technically incorrect, since they applied rather well to Hollow. "Correct, death will not be a part of this tournament," he assured Diode and everyone.


As enthusiastic and friendly as if Hollow had never been, he turned to welcome Glass. "Great to have you! I'll just need your name," he told him.

Edited by Sergei Rahkmaninoff


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IC: Fate - Infirmary

As the wristblade was deployed, I tensed, realizing that at that moment I would have been mostly defenseless had he attempted to attack. Thankfully he seemed only interested in continuing to prattle on, though I was going to make sure that I wasn't the victim of this ''student abuse" he was speaking of.

Casually reaching for one of the scalpels, I said, "If you're going to report abuse, then I think headmaster Icarax or Palma would be a better choice."

Was it possible that he had mistaken me for Palma? I suppose it was, but the much busier rahkshi moving from patient to patient would have been the more obvious choice.

"Although," I added, "I doubt that Icarax would care either way. Speak your mind if you must."

I was still holding the scalpel, pretending to make use of it as I continued disassembling the suit with only one free hand.


IC: Slif - Hallways

Well, I probably just made that worse. I wasn't all that good at helping people, I guess. I made sure to pick up the bowl as I went. I wasn't about to just keep the bowl, so I let myself wander back into the refectory. Dropping the bowl near the salty server, I noticed two rahk staring at a poster on the wall. I got up close behind them.

"What's up with this?" I grinned.

OOC: Interacting with Tube and Aerahk


IC: Sim - Courtyard

Melody stayed behind in the doorway, seemingly content with her position there. I payed no mind to it, and breathed in the air around us. The music continued on as the two rahkshi already outside struck up conversation. I scratched gently at my nose again, the air was nice but it didn't seem to help it improve much. Distracted by my itching, the staff I had found in the cauldron suddenly erupted from my arm, bouncing off my skull and denting it even further. My balance suddenly upset, I careened backwards into an empty grave behind me. As if things couldn't get any worse, my staff came back down on my nose AGAIN, thus ending any hope I had for sounding normal for the next few days. It also hurt quite a lot.

"Ack!" A gasping sound escaped my mouth.

Edited by Coconut Fanatic
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IC: Tube - Refectory


Tube turned to greet the new Rahk with a smile. "Master told us to put these up so everyone can see! Do you like it?"



IC: Canvas - Library


Canvas didn't waste time in looking back as she ran towards the Library. This was it. She wasn't making that mistake again.


Instead she tried to focus on more positive things, like the look on Melody's face when she finally returned...


As it turned out, Melody wasn't there to greet her. Canvas took in every face she could, but there was no sign of the white Rahkshi. However, she did spy Lucid with a few other new faces. "What happened?" she asked as she walked closer.



IC: Melody - Courtyard


Melody closed her eyes and allowed the gentle music to wash over her. And that's what it did, cleansing and purifying her weary mind, making all her worries for the Fellowship seem so small.


And so she couldn't help but cringe as the sound was broken by a clang, followed by a dull thump and a pained gasp. Melody opened her eyes and blinked, wondering just where Sim had gone. He was there just a moment ago. He couldn't have...


"S-Sim!" Melody cried as she clumsily pushed off the wall and rushed to the hole. She quickly took in the tangle of limbs and began to wonder just how she was supposed to get him out of there. However she did it, he was going straight to the Infirmary.

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IC: Thurisaz / Gym



"Good to meet you. I'm Thurisaz, if you didn't hear." He had Glass's name inscribed on the display. "There, you're signed up!"


* * *


IC: Lucid / Library



Lucid hadn't been paying a lot of attention, and wasn't entirely sure what Canvas was asking about. "Um... Melody left with Sim," she started. "I tried to help a Rahkshi named Tear. The otters were dangling from the rostrum."


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IC Fountain




Although none of the others here showed any sign of knightly elegance and sharp wit, perhaps a bout or two was nothing to fret over. After all, every defeat is a victory to those willing to accept it.


"In." His voice sounded surreal, and his faded eyes barely seemed to move, but inwards he was fidgeting with excitement.



IC Spindle


"I got jumped in the halls. Stupid idiot got out of it with a small cut to the throat. Me? Kraata case, shoulders, mandibles, my dignity, maybe my lunch..."



IC Vaalku


Hungry, he hobbled through the halls into the infirmary to get a bite to eat. But the poster, two students beaming proudly, and a third interacting with them drove his attention away from the slop. He stood, leaning against a table, observing the mess that was interaction.



IC Flabbergaster


Walking into the library, his diabolical scheme was already forming. First step: write a series of papers.


"I haf ben wayting f4 a matul wurksmen to halp mi maeke sum..."


Only after going through two sheets did he realize he couldn't write properly. Angry, he crumpled up the papers and looked around for someone gullible enough to help.


OOC: Flabbergaster open for interaction.

Edited by Ghidora131
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IC: Waiata

Location: Courtyard

Waiata's playing of the guitar came to a sudden halt as they heard the sudden clang, yelp, and thud, and the following vocalizations of distress.They swiftly got on their feet and hurried to where the sounds had originated from, which seemed to be a Kurahk(?) standing by a hole of some sort. "Is there something wrong?" They inquired, approaching the scene of... oh dear.


IC: Aerahk

Location: Refectory

"Our liege Thurizas intends to hold a tournament in the Gym. If you are interested, you should head there and seek him out." Aerahk matter-of-factly explained to Slif.

Edited by Toa Onaku
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IC: Blue (Courtyard)


Blue started to reply, but before he could Waiata jumped up and ran off. "Whaa?" Blue said outloud as he wondered what had happened. Blue swung around and saw his new friend with another Rahkshi gathered around a hole. Curious, he slowly began walking closer.


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IC: Rail - Gym


Seeing nothing in the hallways that he felt the need to respond to, the Rahkshi of Magnetism decided to hit the gym in order to get in some training, only for the crowd of students to attract his attention. Hanging back for a while in order to gather some information, he quickly decided to join them when he realised that the announcement of a tournament was the cause of the gathering.

Better than practicing on stone targets... even if some of the other competitors do happen to share the same level of inteligence.

"The name's Rail," he said, loud enough for whoever was in charge to hear him over the others. "Count me in as well."


Torc - Gym


Stumbling upon the gym after what seemed like a few hours of wandering around by himself, Torc was surprised to learn that a tournament of all things was being held on the exact day of his arrival.

Must be fate...

"Any more spots left?" he shouted from his position at the back of the crowd.


Liar - Refectory


Figuring that he could swipe some slop for one of his pranks after a short healing session with Palma, Liar skipped gleefully into the refectory and was about to step in line when he heard another student speak about some type of tournament being held in the gym.




Eh, what the Karz?

Abandoning the plan almost as quickly as he had thought it up, but still keeping it in the back of his mind for later, the Rahkshi of Dodge simply swiveled on his heel and quickly stepped back out into the hallway.


OOC: Screw it. I'm tired of waiting.


IC: Misery - Causeway


Despite seeing the school appear in the distance after such a long journey, the look on Misery's face was not one of amusement.

Reducing her speed before eventually transforming out of Flight Mode and landing a fair distance away from the main entrance, she began to scan the others outside for her sister's color scheme, only to remain completely unphased when she finally discovered that she was nowhere in sight.

Terrific... Leave her by herself, and she already manages to be late. No wonder why Father tasked me with keeping her in line.

In truth, she wasn't worried in the slightest about Torment, though she did happen to pity whatever had the misfortune of crossing her path ever so slightly; on her own personal list of possible demises, having one's body being slowly pounded into oblivion via war hammer was one she would rather like to avoid, if at all possible. Figuring that her delay was simply due to her toying with a potential kill somewhere back in the forrest, likely a Rahi, or even a Matoran if she had somehow managed to find one of them, she simply sighed and shook her head before proceeding towards the building itself.

Contrary to her unquestioning obedience in the face of her Makuta's orders, deep down, she felt that coming here was a complete waste of time. From what she saw of the other... students, she highly doubted that any one of them would provide her with the challenge she so desperately craved, provided, of course, that the ones she had passed along the way were even remotely close to the best this place had to offer. A small part of her dared to hope that looks could be deceiving, but given that their current activities didn't seem to include bettering themselves and their skills as living weapons, she highly doubted that was the case.

In the event that she was wrong, however... well, there was a reason that the rest of their siblings referred to the duo as the Agony Sisters, after all; a reason she was more than willing to impart upon those who were foolish enough to think of her as nothing more than easy prey.


OOC: Misery open for interaction.

Edited by Timageness


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC: Exxan - Gym.


In the entire school, there were only two locations that had ever held any real significance to me. The first had been the library - my library - the room I'd spent more time in than anywhere else. The second was, of course, the gym. 


The place where everything had started to go wrong for me. 


Some enterprising rahkshi was trying to host a tournament, by the looks of things, standing proud before a clamouring crowd, beside a monument depicting the names of those who'd already agreed to join. No one I recognised. This place has grown, changed so much... It's not the Corpus Rahkshi I knew anymore... But in many ways, it hadn't changed at all.  


This was almost exactly like the first time I'd visited the gym, all those months ago. Suvok, standing up on a stage and inviting us all to take part in the assassination assignment. Karz, I was so naive back then... So eager to prove myself, to test my mettle, to be more than another face in the crowd. And look at me now... Once, I'd been the guy everyone had known and feared, and now, I was dead and forgotten, forlorn and forsaken. Already, a new generation of rahks already stepping up to take my place, and fill the void my former companions had left when they'd fled the school. 


But I wasn't dead. Not really. Not yet. And I didn't want to be forgotten. Even if I was going to leave this place behind forever, I wanted to make my mark one last time. Remind them all who I was. 


So, before I even fully realised what I was doing, it was already done:


"I'm Exxan. Sign me up."

Edited by The Old Master
  • Upvote 4

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Exxan - Gym.


It seemed I was wrong. There was one name up on that board belonging to someone I knew. Glass was such a common name here that I hadn't even stopped to consider if it was the same Glass who'd participated in the original assassination assignment. 


"I've been keeping to myself, staying out of the spotlight," I replied carefully, "But, I figured it was time to stop hiding." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Exxan - Gym.


"Is that why you're here, then?" I asked, "Because I don't think I've seen you much around lately, either." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Thurisaz / Gym

IC Fountain
Fountain stared at him for a second with a judgemental and awestruck glare as if the name should already be driven into his head. "Fountain." He finally said.
Where the Karzahni was honor these days?!

Thurisaz wondered for a moment as Fountain glared at him if this Rahkshi was also, in his own way, delusional. Delusions of grandeur, these seemed. But, like most things, he didn't let it bother him. "Thurisaz," he introduced himself cordially, and added the name to the list, "There, you're in."
Enough people were gathering around now that Thurisaz decided brought up a dais for himself to stand on. He grinned, excited. This was going great.

IC: Rail - Gym
"The name's Rail," he said, loud enough for whoever was in charge to hear him over the others. "Count me in as well."


"Done," Thurisaz called over to him, adding his name to the list. "Good to have you."


Torc - Gym
"Any more spots left?" he shouted from his position at the back of the crowd.


"As many as people who want to sign up!" he assured Torc and the crowd. "Just need your name."



IC: Exxan - Gym.


"I'm Exxan. Sign me up."


The way this Exxan held himself, and spoke with Glass of laying low, gave Thurisaz some inkling that he might be significant - though it could just be more delusions of grandeur, too. Anyways, it certainly wouldn't change that he added Exxan's name to the board. "There you are. Glad you're here."

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IC: Glass


Glass paused for a second.


"You're right that I've been keeping low lately, though not on any conscious decision on my part. As to returning to attention..."


Glass wasn't sure.


"I just wanted to stretch my legs, so to speak. I've been out of combat for too long."


Should we ask for his opinion on the students that escaped the school, since you're thinking of joining them...


Not a sensible idea. We don't know how he feels towards the school, at least, not yet.

Edited by Norik Apple Juice
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IC: Paladin

A contest!? Oh, by Teridax himself, I have to enter!

I stride up to the peasant, carrying my large weapon in hand.

"I would like to enter this competition, so to speak."

I would not usually talk to peasants such as this but this may lead to a clue regarding Shield's wereabouts.

Edited by Roadhog



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IC: Slif - Refectory

This guy didn't seem all that bright. Probably didn't even know what these posters were for.

"Yeah, it looks great," I smiled at him.

I turned to look at the other guy.

"Oh really?" My gaze shifted again, this time to the poster. This could be something... real for me. Something I could do and see the results of, not like that goose chase I've been on for a way out of this world for all my life. I could make this matter.

"I think I'll do just that." With a grin to rival a muaka's bared fangs, I left for what could be the first fulfilling thing I'd done in my life.


IC: Sim - Courtyard

Did that seriously just happen?? I lay there on the ground, motionless, the half of my staff that ejected laying next to my face. I could see now why it had been left in the cauldron. In hardly a moment's notice, Melody was suddenly above me. I grimaced inwardly; I didn't want her to see me like this! I must have looked absolutely ridiculous, lying here in the dirt with my arms helter-skelter and my nose bashed in. And great, now there was another up there, here to witness me in my stupidity. I groaned as my hands reached over my face, barely containing the exasperation.

"No," My muffled voice responded, "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine."


IC: Fate - Infirmary

I gave him another quick glance, and took in just how inured he was. I was surprised he could even still support himself, all of that ichor and fluid lost. He would definitely need help eventually, or he could expire from just that. And the only person qualified to assist him was currently preoccupied elsewhere....

Palma was still rushing about, performing her duties. Her tenacity and fury in the work was admirable, though it was a shame she was stuck here, working in this swamp-pit of a school. How odd that she, an unevolved member of the species, had become capable of reaching this level of intelligence. I couldn't stop her for injuries as apparently non-serious as these.

With a sigh, and no exceptional tone of confidence, I say, "If you need, I can help to repair your suit. I'm a mechanic, not a doctor, but I am certainly equipped well enough to seal your wounds and repair your armor."

I frowned, and looked at his face, "I doubt I can do much for your face right now though, too much complex organic material for my expertise."

Edited by Coconut Fanatic
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IC Spindle


With an expression copying his thought, Spindle mulled over the situation. If I say no, I wait five hours and Panama- er, Palika- never comes and I die of too little internal fluids. If I accept and he kills me, I can shout at the last second and attract the attention of somebody to my murderer. But, with all these witnesses, and being in the hospital, he'd have to be me to try that.


Spindle shrugged, wiping some of the blood off of his face and cringing as he brushed his wound. "Might as well try. At the worst, I'm without a suit."

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IC: Fate - Infirmary

Without his... I blinked in confusion. Surely he didn't think I'd have to separate him as I worked?

"At the worst you'd lose function in your right arm for a few minutes. You can stay in your suit while I work."

I set down the scalpel, and neatly organized the parts that had yet to be.

"...Unless you'd rather not be inside it?"

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IC: Shark / Gym



Shark, too, had gotten word of a tournament. This was something a responsible Prefect should keep an eye on, and he personally found of interest, so quietly, deliberately, he made his way to the Gym. He took up a secluded position along the wall a fair distance from the crowd, taking it all in, a silent and ominous watcher.


And there was much of interest indeed. The proud Thurisaz he had encountered before, over the punishment of Ezec, and it was not unexpected to see him at the center of this also. As a wonderful convenience he had a list of the participants up, allowing him to learn the names of what participants he did not know, and keep track of those involved. And of course, especially fascinating was the presence of one Exxan. It might have been an imitator, some young fool hoping to emulate his hero or capitalize on his reputation, but given how his legendary status had faded, this seemed as unlikely as the alternative. Fascinating...


Prepared as always to act should he need to, he continued his impassive observation, as was his way.


* * *


IC: Thurisaz / Gym



"Of course. I'll just require your name," the lordly Turahk told Paladin.


The arrival of the foreboding finned Prefect did not escape him, nor did it bother him. No Prefect could shut this down now, there would be a riot.

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IC: Glass


Glass paused for a second.


"You're right that I've been keeping low lately, though not on any conscious decision on my part. As to returning to attention..."


Glass wasn't sure.


"I just wanted to stretch my legs, so to speak. I've been out of combat for too long."


Should we ask for his opinion on the students that escaped the school, since you're thinking of joining them...


Not a sensible idea. We don't know how he feels towards the school, at least, not yet.


IC: Exxan - Gym.


"Fair enough," I nodded, "I know what that can be like." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Spindle


"...I'm staying right here."


If this joker really thinks I'm gonna let him permanently mess my suit up, he's got another thing coming. Here, I can club him if anything funny happens.



IC Fountain


Wait a minute. Glass and... Exxan... Know each other. Not only that, but they seem to have known each other for a while, which means they might be higher level. Not related, but did that one paint himself...?


Fountain had watched them out of the corner of his eye as he appeared to blankly stare at a wall a ways off and fade in and out of the situation. I'll have to plan for that.

Edited by Ghidora131
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IC: Torc - Gym


"It's Torc! T - O - R - C!"

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Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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