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Corpus Rahkshi

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Ic: Siren (infirmary).

Well, this was utterly awful. It was cramped with far too many Rahkshi in here, and Siren knew that she wouldn't be tended to for a while, so she left. Where she left to, well, to go find her arm.

She started towards the Refectory.


Ooc: open for interaction.

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IC: The Twins - Infirmary 


Palma had healed his injuries, but Silencer had been left to recover from the nausea himself. He felt better than he had before, which meant he no longer felt like he was about to fall over dead. Instead, he just felt like . Illusive, having also had his own injuries repaired, helped his twin up, and together the duo began walking towards the door. 


OOC: The Twins open for interaction. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Shatter:

Shatter sidestepped, and flew into the air, hoping to catch Xara with his shattering-charged fist.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: The Twins - Infirmary


"I can walk," Silencer assured Floor, "I just feel kind of sick. Lerahk poison..." Illusive made a sound that might have been an exasperated sigh, and nodded at Floor, an indication that he would be fine with Floor helping them out.


IC: Xara - Gym


Xara tried to twist aside, but was too slow. Shatter's fist clipped her right leg, causing her armour to warp and rupture. A shock of pain exploded through the limb, and she careened sideways, slamming roughly into the hard floor. She kept hold of her sword, and used it to prop herself up, snarling at Shatter.


Pushing off the floor with her uninjured leg, she threw herself at him, swinging her sword at his chest. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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Fang and his group might wish to combine with the Abyss once we get going. Practically the same values and goals. 


IC: Anubissium

In the split second between when she finished talking and when Burst began to speak, she noticed she could overhear a conversation about freedom, a new name for Rahkshi, and other such subjects. Hmm. . . Could be useful to team up with them later, especially if my assumptions are correct and they have practically the exact same endgoal as I do. Still gotta find my brother though, he's first priority.


IC: Abyssium

"Dodge, do you know if there is a printer here we can use?" Abyssium asked.



Γαρ επιστιμη!


Для науки!


For science!

(Literally, it means "For knowledge", but it can be taken as "For science")




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IC: (Snakey)


Snake made his way out of the infirmary after replying to Phogen with: "Sonic boom. Didn't expect it to affect her so badly. She'll be out for half an hour at the most."

Some time later, he came across Fang.

"Look, I'm sorry about knocking Hoto out...I had no idea she was so sensitive." Something seemed to be on his mind. "Look, I heard what you were talking about...to be brutally honest with ya, the two Makuta I've met, Tridax and Atarangi, are both stuck-up snobs with egos bigger than a...huge thing. Point is, I don't much like 'em either, so I'd be happy to help you on your cause against them...at some point in the future."


IC: (Wraith)


"Chequars. I am not a follower, as you surmise...I simply have not calculated a worthy payment yet."

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OOC: I thought you said the Abyss was a secret organization set on escape. If anything, Fang will end up exposing it.


I do find it odd that Snake didn't expect this though. Hoto was standing right next to Siren when the blast hit, and there's no way of knowing how seriously her hearing is injured.


IC: Fang - Library


Fang looked up from his reading to see someone he hadn't expected: Snake.


Is this... an apology?


Just a day ago, he would have jumped up, yelling in rage. Snake had fired a sonic weapon with Hoto in the blast range after all. It was obviously not thought through and could have drastic consequences for Hoto. Fang looked down at the sword resting on his lap.


It was as hard as forgiving Mahrika, if not worse, but Fang finally managed to spit out, "I... I will forgive you." He stopped, almost expecting some kind of condition or task for Snake to earn it, but he found nothing.


With that out of the way, Fang turned to the other matter. Why was it everyone was suddenly agreeing with him? Could this be an elaborate step in Phogen's plans, trying to earn his trust before getting him out of the way for good? He didn't know about Bullseye and his "brothers," but Snake and Kat were on Phogen's side. None of them sounded as if they had his level of... enthusiasm for the cause. But if they were sincere, he could not bite their outstretched hand.


"Thank you, Snake. I would imagine it would be difficult to approach me with Phogen breathing down your neck." He gazed at Snake, waiting to see any kind of reaction at her name. "I will consider your offer and your future assistance. I wish to offer the same warning, however. This is not the easy path. I will continue fighting, and I expect those that stand by me to do the same, especially when they are needed most."


But how to prove if they all truly mean it?


Fang was already focusing on the future. If they had truly joined him, and it came to a final confrontation, their blood would be on his hands. If they were not committed, they could die in vain, and he could not bear that. But if they were willing to give their all, he would rather ride with friends by his side.

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IC: Palma's powers worked their charms over Hoto, working every dent and scratch out of her armour, knitting broken blood vessels back together and vanishing bruises. The healer sighed, a woofing exhalation that spoke of exhaustion.


"I've fixed what I can. But head injuries are tricky, tough to predict. She'll wake up when she wakes up. Could be in a few days, could be in a few minutes."


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IC: Omega - Refectory

Omega felt like being sick. He didn't know what was right or wrong. Helping Phogen or helping Fang. If he helped Phogen he would never be noticed and always considered the dumb brute and the mindless pet. If he helped Fang those nightmares would haunt him forever. Those horrible, vivid nightmares. He put his head in his hands and sobbed.

OOC: Open for interaction.




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IC: (Snakey)


"Right." He knew Fang would find it hard to trust him, and he didn't blame him.

Although Snake wasn't going for the whole "morals" (or whatever those things were called) side of it, he didn't care for the Makuta, and would happily see their ugly masked faces twist up in shock as their Sons turned on them.



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IC: Chekquars (Library)


"Ah, I see. In that case, do what you will. At the moment, I do not plan to require your services, and as such I would not expect payment for simply sticking around. Perhaps at a later date we can come to an employment agreement. I do value you as an ally, however I do not trust you, Wraith."


He pauses, and then twists to regard her, face oddly calm and neutral. 


"As I said, at the moment I cannot afford to have someone as.. strong-willed as you are deep within my ranks, unless I could have absolute assurance that they were completely and totally loyal. Then again..."


The Darkness Rahkshi trails off before laughing harshly and speaking.


"..I suppose this is all a bit deep for a mere training facility. Nevertheless, I must keep my guard up. Greater villains than I have fallen for forgetting constant vigilance."



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC: Fang - Library


Fang caught a little mischievious smile on Snake's face. Whatever made him want to approach Fang wasn't the justice, but making someone pay. Probably the Makuta, based on his earlier explanation. And Fang knew how harmful that could be, both to Snake and to a cause.


He hid his findings behind an impassive mask, and genially said, "Please, think it over. This is not an easy decision."

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IC: Bullseye/Library

He picked out an book on making arrows. And he read through them. One was ridiculous. A boxing glove on an arrow. That's hilarious. But it could be useful. He planned to make some along with 5 fire arrows later. He took the book with him, and as he walked he saw a Rahkshi he didn't know talk to Fang. He didn't hear anything of their conversation. He did realize that he could be a Rahkshi of Teleportation.

He walked up to the small group, and took note of the other person.

"Hello Fang," he said. "Who is this?"


IC: Toxin/Dorm

Toxin slept.


IC: Stronghold/Gym

He continued on beating things up.


OOC: Still waiting on that sparring match. Also Toxin is not open for interaction.

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IC: Fang - Library


Fang nodded his greeting to Bullseye. His eye searched through him again. Bullseye was an unknown. Fang had not met him before or seen him with anyone, and this would be as good a chance as any to discover his allegiances.


"Snake here was asking the same question you did. He would like to join my growing band as well. I have given him the same warning."

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OOC: *crawls and gasps out of life* I'm free! @Torchwick sorry I couldn't be here! I tried responding but I guess it didn't work.


IC Vaalku


Vaalku bolted into the refectory to find Exxan wasn't there. I was too slow. He decided to start looking for Fang. Being alone made him vulnerable. He began running through the halls, eventually finding him in the library next to someone he had seen before.


He slowly walked in trying to appear he hadn't ran all the way over here. "Please tell me this isn't another one of your skirmishes" he said to Fang, noticing a sword in his lap.

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IC: Bullseye/Library

Bullseye saw Fang's eyes moving again. "Another test?"

​"I see that we are both analytically examining the other. As far as you don't trust me, I don't know whether to trust you either. So I'll get to the point. My allegiance is to no one but my brothers. My brother would say the same. And I'm only afraid of one thing about this school. You could call it conspiracy, but...I believe the school is not only used to control us,  but perhaps in some ways, find a way to remove our individuality and our intelligence. Y'know? Just in case a rebellion does happen. Y'don't think that the Makuta aren't aware of that happening, don't you?"


He saw Vaalku.

"Hello Vaalku. We fought Siren together."


IC: Stronghold/Gym

He sat down on the side of the gym to take a break.



OOC: Might be gone for an hour. Stronghold is still looking for a sparring partner.

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IC: (Snakey)


Snake turned away...he realised he hadn't eaten for what felt like ages. After getting some slop, he went to sit down on a table with a few other rahks.


OOC: Snakey is open for interaction with anyone eating in the Refectory :D


IC: (Wraith)


Strong willed, eh?

"Very well." Again, that was all.



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IC Kat: after a short walk, I found myself once again in the infirmary. It was a good feeling not bringing someone in this time.


Hoto was looking good, though she was still out. Palma was masterful in her powers. Guess that was something to look forward to. Shadow Kraata were highly intelligent in their own right.


I sat once more next to the bed. She wasn't awake yet, but I'd be here if she woke in the next half an hour or so.

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OOC: What do you mean "It didn't work?" Your responses appeared and Vaalku was in the middle of a conversation with Exxan.


IC: Fang - Library


So they did know each other. Fang would need to find more about this "Siren" character before allowing the brothers into his circle. He wondered what other secrets Bullseye was hiding.


"I have chosen to be... selective with those I call my 'allies.' Please, do not take it personally, but do not take it lightly. My reasons are mine, and mine alone. If it is friends you want, or acceptance, seek out Phogen. I look only for justice.


"That is a concerning theory, but as of now, it remains only a theory. Be careful who you speak it to. I do not believe they suspect a 'rebellion,' as you say, but there are those that would report you to the Makuta."


Fang watched Snake leave and Vaalku arrive. "This is no skirmish. Quite the opposite: a forming of a possible alliance. I do not wish you to be caught up in it if you do not want to."



OOC: I'm not quite ready for Hoto to wake, but soon.

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OOC: Ghidora, did you reply to this post?


IC: Exxan.


"No." Exxan said flatly. "Right now, this is between Phogen, Fang and I. He disagrees with the way we operate. We have the numbers, and he knows it. After our talk earlier, I don't think he wants a war any more than the rest of us do. Frankly, the more people who get involved, the greater the risk of the events you just described occurring. So perhaps instead of demanding answers for yourself, you should be spreading the word to everyone else to mind their own business, and stay out of things that don't concern them."


He was getting very sick of this whole Fang situation. If Fang didn't back down soon, this Vaalku might end up being right about everything. Exxan didn't want any of the students to die, and he certainly didn't want to be the one to deliver the killing blow to anyone - not even Fang.

IC: Dodge

"Not sure. If there's a printer anywhere, it might be in the office."


OOC: assuming we have an office...

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IC: Fang - Library


Fang looked at Vaalku curiously. "No. Where did you get that idea?"



OOC: Are you back with Exxan or talking to Fang? I'm confused, because either way, that sentence doesn't make much sense with these characters.

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IC Dallior:


My kraata slithers back into the safety of its armor, ready to fight. The Rahkshi armor is still battle-ready. I pull out the French horn, blowing it in Poly's direction. Let's see if he can move faster than the speed of sound.

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

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IC Poly: the wave of sound sends my tumbling, but I've faced worse. I use the momentum to flip over backwards, landing on my feet, digging my claws into the floor to anchor myself. I sheath my blade, switch hands, and take aim with my Rhotuka.


His weapon leaves him vulnerable while attacking, unless you get overwhelmed by the wave, it's easy to counter.


I fire three rhotuka in rapid succession. They aren't full power, designed to give me an opening.

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OOC: currently I'm talking to Fang. My upmost apologies to Roman Torchwick for accidentally dropping the conversation, let's just say I said I was gonna go check Fang.



IC Vaalku



Vaalku groaned angrily. "Because every time I run into you your conversations, beatings or sulking are usually involving that." Before he let Fang respond, he motioned to his spine, the way it was twisted and shredded. "No one but I knows what happened to my exoskeleton. And i'll tell you."



"I ran into a Toa."

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"Maybe I meant hungry mentally, not physically."


The arm is still extended, slowly inching it's way towards Omega courtesy of my rubbery mortal body, the apple dully shines with forbidden knowledge


Didn't he attack Phogen? TRAITOR! TRAITOR! TRAITOR!


Barely a murmer, I can hear the other rahk whispering death threats under his breath


"We fought yes, but fighting isn't bad. I lost in some ways and I retired the physical side of my grudge with Phogen"

...but close to it

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IC: Fang - Library


"I don't recall ever mentioning Toa. But please, continue."



IC: Hoto - Infirmary


Hoto slowly became conscious of the soft bed beneath her. At first, she thought she must be in her room, but this place was too large for that. As she tried to sit up, her aching body answered the question for her. She was in the Infirmary.


"Oh, what happened?" she groaned, unsure if she would even get an answer. The room appeared to be empty, silent except for a strange buzzing noise.


Memory came flashing back. Phogen, Exxan, that taunting Rahk, and Snake's hurried warning, there was a noise, then... nothing. They were on their way to...


"Oh no, I've got to get to Fang!" She jumped up and staggered a little. Her head felt... weird, but she had dealt with worse. She looked around, picking up the faint clicks echoing from the borders of the huge room. There, an opening. She ran straight towards it, still a little unsteady, but before she could reach it, her Dodge senses kicked in, throwing her backwards into something.


She felt the object she had run into. It felt like... the door frame, but it couldn't be. The door was...


A bit of panic began to slip into her mind. No. That blast, whatever it was, must have...

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IC Kat: Hoto almost flew out of bed. Guess she was up. Then she all but spun off thorough the room, and nearly ran into the wall.


Something's not right.


"Whoa there, hey! Slow down, Hoto! It's okay, you're in the infirmary."

I gently approached her and placed my hand on hers. Trying to help her get her bearings.


Being blind did not sound fun.

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IC Vaalku



"An interesting Toa as well. He met me and stated he was training to lead, all the time we were circling each other." He looked at Bullseye as well. "Many Rahk think Toa are selfish plagues to the universe, and are nothing more than a nuisance, just oversized Matoran. They're nowhere even close. Toa are powerful killing machines, held back only by their code. Toa are so powerful they can destroy many Rahk at a time. They have a deep sense of honor, and duty, to protect and defend against the forces that attack them. Heck, a team of powerful ones could down a Makuta for good." Vaalku suddenly shook his head furiously, trying to get an image out of his mind.


"...T..Toa don't feel the need to kill and maul. They're warriors of justice, and anyone who says otherwise can hear my story. The Rahk that challenges them should go in well prepared or they won't come out alive."

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IC Dallior:


Dallior saw the three Rhotuka coming at him. He couldn't dodge, but he could do something else... Dallior began to spin at rapid speeds, grabbing the Rhotuka out of the air. They still weakened him, but less than they would have. He dropped the disks on the floor, and began to charge at Poly, making sure not to be fooled by Poly's tricks.

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

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IC: Siren
Siren walked up to the doors of the refectory. She then turned around and looked. She couldn't specifically remember where the shot took place, but the large broken hole of a ledge gave it away. Backtracking, she traced down to where she had landed.

A hand.

No arm, just a hand.

Well this is different.

She walked up to it and picked it up. Where the arm was, she didn't know. The best guess would be to look in the refectory so she entered there. She saw some Rahks sitting on a table, and so walked up to them. She then spotted Snake and glowered at him holding up her hand in her functioning hand.

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