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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


He met her gaze unflinchingly. "N-not long ago, as y-your c-c-conspirators stood over m-my f-f-friend. B-b-but a h-hero h-has n-no n-need f-f-for h-hesitation."

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IC Kat:


"A hero has every need for hesitation. Heroes in stories don't because they're just that..... Stories." I looked back at him sadly. "The heroes of reality don't have those luxuries. we have to make the hard choices, the ones no one wants to make. It's not easy, it certainly isn't grand, and it hurts. Every. Time."


"Be glad that I'm not one of your 'villains'." I said, clenching a clawed fist.


"Cause no one but me would dare to take on Tridax."

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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


There was never a need for hesitation. His actions drew back on legacies of heroes since passed, guiding in every action. Villains should be stopped before they harm others. Innocents should be saved at all costs. When no other option is presented, a heroic sacrifice would be a fitting end. These principles had not failed him before. This Turahk was merely trying to twist his mind, break down his heroic courage as she had failed to do before.


"Y-you w-would not know w-what it m-means t-t-to b-be a h-hero," he spat. "The r-right d-d-decision is always s-simple."

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IC Kat: I wanted to round on him, yell in his face. Show him, drag him kicking and screaming into the cruel light of the world.


But I stayed my hands. He was already injured, and I was too angry.


"The right desicion is only simple if your mindset is so. A few rahkshi to save hundreds of matoran? A few hundred matoran to save thousands more? One Toa to save an entire island? Karz, I wish it were so simple! I wish I could just beat the living Karz out of all the stupid,pompous beings in the universe who put everyone else through Karzahni. The fact that I can't drives me up the wall!"


"And you come in, with your archaic ideals of chivalry and honor, and Mata Nui knows what else, and you honestly try and tell me that I'm some kind of monster?!"


"You just remember to eat those words when the day comes," I spoke quietly this time. 

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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


Her words wrapped in circles, crying for heroism, but failing to reinforce them with action. 'Twas time to settle the matter once and for all.


"Then t-t-tell me," he demanded. "W-what m-makes y-your actions t-t-today b-b-better than those y-you p-p-profess t-to b-b-be 'stupid, p-p-pompous b-beings?'"

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IC Kat:


I looked at him with weary eyes.


"If you'd paid attention, you'd notice that I tried helping you once we were through with the unpleasantness that comes with a war game. Beyond that.....I strive to do better. Help people who need it, build up the ones who can be, keep safe the ones who can't." My mind went to Fang and Hoto.


"And I survive,so that I can continue to help those who need it. And so I can grow strong enough to stop the ones that would harm them."


I paused for a long moment....


"How would you like to join a rebellion?"

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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


Perhaps... they were mere victims of circumstance, both heroes in the making turned against one another by fate. Neither was perfect, but there would be further chances to prove their worth. Catatonic had remained true to her values through his harshest scrutiny, and had not lashed out in anger as villains were wont to do. She had earned his respect, at least.


But her sudden invitation caught him off-guard. "A... a r-rebellion?" he repeated, slightly sickened by the word. Rebellions were tools of anarchy and the shedding of much innocent blood. But, if the cause was just, 'twas also a grand stage to prove a hero's true mettle. 


"I... t-take it f-from y-your w-words that y-you w-wish t-t-to t-t-topple the r-reign of T-T-Tridax? In w-what w-way h-has h-he w-wronged y-you so? W-what m-makes y-you b-b-believe y-you m-may d-d-defeat h-him?"

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



Shark nodded thoughtfully. He wasn't fooled by Fang's excuse - clearly he had some specific reason to not even want to try. But Shark wasn't quite sure what it was... Certainly it was strong, to outweigh going against Exxan and Tridax, and Shark wasn't likely to be able to manipulate it without knowing the specifics. He had a hunch though...


"I'm sure you'd be able to find out," Shark said understandingly. "Certainly it would be easier for you than anyone on Doublecross. We'd have to search for the flag and... incapacitate... Exxan, Era, and Kat..." The Silence Rahkshi wasn't expecting Fang to suddenly change his mind, but he was hoping for some sort of reaction to one of the names he mentioned, the last in particular.


* * *


IC: Jayar / House of Grossh



Jayar swallowed the bite of pastry and replied, "Okay." He set down the food once more (alas, such was the cost of being the group's communicator) and took up his book, writing, Hoto would like me to add that it's okay, and she doesn't need anyone to fix it. Once finished, he held the book out to face Grossh once more.


He wondered for a moment, though... what would Hoto be like if she weren't blind? The concept was somehow alien.


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IC: Fang - VIsorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


He flinched slightly at the mention of incapacitating Kat. Exxan could be killed for all he cared, Era... to be honest, he didn't know all that well. But Kat... no one was touching her. Not this one, not Exxan, not even Tridax himself. But almost immediately he regretted the small motion. He saw what was going on.


He tried to remain impassive once more. "I'm afraid you do not know Exxan well, then. He has... difficulty trusting others, and he has very little reason to trust me. The fact that he hid the flag before I arrived shows that much. There are many places where it could be hidden, and to search every one would raise suspicion."

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IC Kat:


"He uses us.... Treats us like.... Like we're things, rather than people... During Naming Day he set us loose in the village and told us to all but tear it apart." My voice shook slightly, filled with righteous anger.


"And we did. Uncaring of the effect it would have on the Matoran, we found every bit of the holiday and trashed it. And then we turned on each other." I looked down.


"It seems like a lifetime ago.... I was only freshly level two at the time. One of the others, a Rahkshi named Wraith nearly killed another student, Dodge." My eyes hardened.


"I tried so hard to show her how wrong she'd been.... In the end, I escorted Dodge to the infirmary, and my team 'lost' the game..." I sighed heavily.


"I didn't care. Wraith went unpunished and disappeared some time after. It was only after meeting Fang that I realised the full implications of what we'd done."


I looked at Root, my face that of a leader.


"Tridax doesn't see us as people. Just tools to be tossed aside when we're no longer useful. That's what this is about. Securing a new name for Rahkshi. No more will we be the face of Makuta's armies."


"We'll be our own people. But to do it... Tridax has to fall."

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



Shark did not miss the flinch Fang gave at Kat's name. So his hunch was correct. But he gave no indication of triumph.


Rather, he frowned as Fang went on to elaborate upon the difficulties of finding his own flag. "Then don't be secretive about it. Tell them that if I don't get the flag, this one dies. Will Exxan trust you on that?" Thus far he'd refrained from making such a threat, but the time had come. He hoped Rain would see the loophole here: Shark hadn't given a guarantee that Shadow would remain alive even if he did get the flag.


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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


'Twas never his intent to question her goal. Though many of the stories he had read were twisted by those that harbored them, 'twas apparent that Toa were the true heroes, and the Brotherhood their opposition. He had seen the deeds of Tridax and judged them evil. He merely wanted to ascertain her motives.


"Very w-well," he nodded. "I w-will j-j-join y-your c-c-cause, seeing 'tis j-j-just."




IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


He did not seem to react to the ultimatum. "Perhaps he would," Fang repeated thoughtfully. 

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



Fang's unconcerned response was somewhat disconcerting. Shark feared perhaps he'd played that card too early. Or did Fang think him to be bluffing? How wrong he was. Though of course Shark was too smart to fall into the trap Zex had and declare boldly that he had killed before.


He said nothing, merely stared at Fang with a sort of prodding curiosity, daring him to break the silence.


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IC: Nightmare was soon seen to by Palma, who swiftly healed the electric burns he'd suffered. They were fairly minor and he was free to go on his way whenever he liked



IC: "I'd offer to try and do something to increase the efficiency of her armour, but I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate such intrusion into your personal space, would you?" he asked Hoto. 


Breaking the awkward silence that followed was the return of apprentice Juleeka, bearing a Rau in hand. It required straps to keep in Grossh's muzzled Vortixx face but that seemed to work well enough without compromising the mask, which glowed once to signify its activation.


"There. We can talk without any needless back-and-forth."


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OOC: Yeah, sorry, really rushed post there.


IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


"Or perhaps he won't," Fang continued at the curious glance. "Of all the Rahkshi of this team you could have approached, I have the most reason to watch this team burn. Exxan would be crushed as you say, and Tridax's little games will be over. But that also means I am under the closest scrutiny. My... resentment of Exxan's leadership is well known."



IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


Rain just watched the negotiations with a hint of a smile. She thought she was beginning to understand how Fins worked. As long as it kept Scribbler within her power, she was just fine with that.



IC: Hoto - Malebranche


"Oh..." she gasped. "You... I mean, I don't know. I... I've never had anything else..."


The Vortixx returned with what Hoto could only assume was a Rau. She really wasn't paying enough attention. Though she had never observed a Kanohi in use, she had also never had a chance to try so many delicious foods. She snatched at another pastry and looked around carefully, trying to determine what else would be safe to eat.

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



Shark thought for a moment. "Would he believe you if you presented him with your comrade's severed hand?" he asked Fang. "That, I believe, would prove that my threats are genuine." The words were spoken as casually a typical Rahk would ask if Exxan would enjoy a chocolate pastry.


* * *


IC: Jayar / House of Grossh



Jayar set down his book of poetry and watched fascinated the activation of the Rau for a moment. It was nothing truly extraordinary to watch a mask light up for a moment; he'd read of how Kanohi worked and it was nothing he couldn't imagine.


The wondrous taste of the pastry as he finally had the chance to finish it, though, was definitely worth paying attention to. He turned back to the table to choose another item, determined to sample as many flavors as he could but once more faced with the dilemma of choosing from among the vast variety of treats. (Easier for him than Hoto though, he knew). Eventually he chose a piece of fudge, despite its small size, and was well rewarded with a blast of taste different entirely from the pastry but greater still in its ability to astound the healer.


He was planning on asking Grossh about adjectives to describe each of these foods, but talk of upgrading Hoto's clickers seemed more important and he didn't wish to interrupt with such a trivial question as 'How do you describe fudge?'


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IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


Fang scowled at the Rahkshi's offer. "Perhaps something... less drastic could be as effective." Though the words sounded like a suggestion, they carried a deadly threat behind them. Though he was holding a Rahkshi on his shoulder, burned by his own plasma, he was not letting his own teammate suffer like that.



IC: Hoto - Malebranche


She watched Jayar's motions carefully as she nibbled at another pastry. He grabbed at something... small and square. She regretfully set down the pastry and reached for one as well. Just before she placed it in her mouth, she remembered that Jayar hadn't written her answer before the Rau went on, and she slowly placed the block down by her pastry.


Though she understood Matoran perfectly, the Rau translated Grossh's words into the Rahkshi language for her ears. It was... a bit more comfortable, yet jarring at the same time. She could only hope her words were translated for him. "I... appreciate the offer," she said gently. "I've... never had anyone do anything to my clickers before. I just... wouldn't know what to expect."


Her voice sounded so harsh compared to the smooth tones of the Matoran language. It felt... wrong to try to speak directly to him. Hopefully, the Rau would fix it. She couldn't worry about it anymore though. She had food to eat. With little ceremony, she popped the block in her mouth. Her low hum of pleasure said enough to show she enjoyed it. The blocks were amazing in a completely different way from the pastries.

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IC Vaalku


Aha! a distraction to get away from that miserable corner he had been stuck in! Bolting to his one leg, Vaalku skidded over there and leaned on the wall.


"You see, they're lanning a 'talent show'. Something tells me this has been in the works for a while."

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IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


His face did not show the frantic search that was occurring inside. What would get Exxan to hand over their flag? Fang wasn't even sure if a captured ally would be enough. Exxan had shown very little regard for the lives of his fellow Rahkshi. But would he be willing to lose the game in exchange for the life of one lesser known student?


He had to speak. He was losing these negotiations. But he was truly at a loss. Perhaps... the best thing to do was to leave this one in enemy hands and hope the game is completed before they have a chance to fulfill their threats. Kat would not have to lose... but could she bear such a sacrifice? It was only a game... yet this Rahkshi's life hung in the balance over what they decided right now.




Maybe she would see sense, and the two of them could sway Exxan or pressure him into revealing the location of the flag.


"I will... confer with my teammates," Fang said after far too long of a pause. "But first, I must take yours to the Crawler. I will need your assurance that this Rahkshi will not be harmed until our answer is given."


He shifted Recoil on his shoulder. The stress of an entire Rahkshi resting on his injured body was beginning to show itself, though he tried to show only his strength to this shrewd enemy.




IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


"Sh-shield," said Root gently, "Y-you h-have n-no n-need t-t-to f-f-fear. A h-h-hero m-must strive t-t-to assist those c-c-causes h-he f-f-finds j-just."

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



Shark nodded understandingly. "Of course. You have my word that he will not be harmed in the slightest. Unless Backstab attempts an attack, of course... In the ensuing chaos it would be impossible to guarantee anything. But I'm sure you wouldn't allow your team to do anything rash like that." His tone of voice held no menace, strange when you considered the menace held in the actual words.

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IC: Nightmare-Courtyard---Hallway

"Ah," He replied to the cripple, then he looked around at the rahkshi, 

All the Rahkshi here Seem like they are ready for war, who's Idea was it for a Talent show?!

"Hmm, too bad I don't have a Talent. Oh well, that questions answered." He said, and he started to walk out of the Courtyard.

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IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


"Of course," Fang replied just as cordially. With only a small wave to the thief, who thankfully had not said another word, he pushed past them and into the forests again. They would have a long way to go before reaching the Crawler, and he was already sore.

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IC: Shock

After leaving the infirmary, Shock knew that he may have to train. Despite the "kind" words that he said, Shock was bitter, though his body did not show it. And he was not bitter at Nightmare, either. He was not to blame for the defeat, but rather, Shock blamed himself. He kept thinking about what he could have done, like put his hands on the spines of his opponent, where a cluster of nerves were found. Whatever, Shock thought, heading toward the dummy. He reached for a Cordak blaster, before again realizing he didn't have one. "Maybe if I ask Tridax verrry nicely, he may get me one for Naming Day!" Shock said to himself, grinning as he decapitated the dummy.


OOC: No idea if there are dummy's in the gym, but I would assume so if they are training to fight Toa.

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC Visorak Wilds

The enemy's kick was aimed true, but it was not dangerous enough to warrant the rubberrahk's attention. Even as it hit him in the chest, Faithful was already in his hand, a millisecond later it was thrown, severing the branch his opponent was hanging onto it, as well as it's parent branches and trunk, from the tree as a whole. Unless the other rahkshi possessed gravity powers, his own weight and that of the mass of brambles and leaves above would surely drag him to the ground.


He caught his sword as it whirled back, sparing a quick glance to the situation on the ground.


Fang, retreating?


...with another rahkshi in tow?

...but close to it

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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

Sidonas followed Fang, giving Shark one last menacing gaze.

"Hey, uh, Fang, about the hostage.. That was never a plan myself or the other strategists organized by the way, and I'm sorry about him. Knowing what he was suspected of, I should have seen something like that coming. Guess that confirms my suspicions. I don't want a Rahkshi to die over a silly game, and I know neither do you. Whatever I can do to help with this hostage situation I will. Guess I owe you that for taking something I had no right to take..."

Sidonas' voice trailed off as he looked at Recoil. Seeing her burnt up like that hurt him. "Fang, plasma burns, how severe do you think are the burns that Recoil and myself recieved? I am a bit... worried, you might say."

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


As he walked away, a sudden rush of falling leaves and branches caught his attention, and he met Caoutchouc's gaze. He had faith that the Elastics Rahkshi could handle himself, and there was no time for an explanation. Multiple lives hung in the balance. He simply sent a meaningful look, hopefully conveying an "I will explain later," before turning back to the path.


He didn't bother looking at the thief as he gave an answer. "As I recall, you took nothing from me, though you... intruded on the space of someone I... care about."


He sighed before continuing. "Plasma is... a difficult element to wield. It slips out of control far too easily. But I will say the fact you are still alive says much. If I wanted you dead, you would be."


He could only hope that was true. Now that the anger had faded, he could see Recoil's burns were severe. He pushed through the forest as fast as he could limp along, all the while worrying it was not fast enough.

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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

"Yeah, look about taking something from Kat, I am sorry about that, sincerely. I tried to apologize by doing a few things. Leaving some smuggled fruit by dorm doors, thinking of inventions and tools I could try to fix things with. Karz, I even was planning to try and create some peaceful negotiations with the Matoran of Phantom-On-the-Water. That never worked out well enough. I got stabbed trying to stop the torture of a Rahk, even if he deserved all of it, I still didn't think that amount of pain should be brought down on a person. Then after I got my wound fixed I saw Kat and some others that said they were off on some job they were going to do or something. I thought that maybe if I helped, someone would understand that I was trying to make amends.. I don't know if I have gained the trust of anyone, I hope I have at least.." Sidonas stopped for a minute to take a breath. "I, I just don't want to lose anyone, but I have little to lose considering all I have are Recoil and my inventions. I don't expect you to trust me, nor do I expect for anyone to care about me trying to make amends and apologize for what I did. I just would like it, even if it were only for a moment, for someone to know that I am not an untrustworthy thief. I'm a quiet inventor with no friends who wishes he could do something good in his life and be recognized for at least one good thing, not the bad things. Tridax seems to think we are just weapons or pawns in some sadistic game he has planned, but I believe otherwise. If we are smarter than a normal Rahkshi, why not have better morals than one? Why don't we heal instead of kill? Help instead of hurt? Do what is right, in the stead of that which is wrong?" Sidonas sighed and ran his finger along Hook's hilt. "Listen to me talk, Rahkshi with morals who are more than just slaves of Makuta? You probably think I'm a blundering idiot saying something like that." Sidonas opened his Codex and looked over his schematics for old ideas.

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"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


Fang smirked at that last bit. "Why do you think I'm dragging your friend through the jungle when it would be so much easier to just leave you two to die? I've seen enough death. I've seen the Rahkshi who cause it, and I am not one of them."


Not anymore, if we can just make it to the Crawler in time...


He tried to turn from his worries, though he continued to keep his face hidden from the smaller Rahkshi. "You are a victim of first impressions. So much of the school first saw you ranting about getting revenge and breaking into their rooms. It would be hard to move past that."

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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

After listening to Fang's words, Sidonas replied. "Thank you, for assisting me with Recoil and for what you've said. I get the whole reason why I am not trusted, though I am not sure how to undo that. Fang? By the way, those fruits you believed to be poisoned when I first referenced them? I can assure you it is quite the opposite." He stayed silent for a while as they walked, then spoke again. "Hey Fang? I don't really know how to say thank you for helping me, but if you ever need any weaponry, gadgetry, tools, or the like then just let me know. For helping me potentially save Recoil's life? It is the least I can do to say thanks. She...she means a lot to me."

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Fang - Visorak Jungle (Team Backstab)


"I think I... understand," Fang replied. He didn't seem willing to say anything else, and just walked in silence for a while.


His breathing was becoming labored, and his progress was much less steady. His face was devoid of emotion save a grimace of pain. Occasionally, he would stumble for a bit before catching himself against a tree. His injured wrist helped little. But he had to make it.

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