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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Shock

Shock landed on the shore. He scanned the area around him. He then called out, "No cave here! Why are secret areas so... Secret? Also, any idea what the karz that Rahk was on about? I don't believe it, but it did remind me that Rahi may lurk in the caves." Shock started his babbling. Truth was, he had seen that Rahk briefly give a prophecy before the others left. How could she see the future, though? Nothing here added up. Shaking his head, Shock took flight.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



The blade descended, as if eager to taste blood once more. Era's blast, dulled by the silence field, could not deny it that. But a killing blow... by fortune or fate, the sonic blast knocked it just shy of that.


Not to say it wasn't a serious wound. In a short time, between poison and blood loss, it could easily escalate to something deadly. With Caoutchouc and Era closing in, though, Shark had no time to hasten Fang's demise. Half blind, half scalded, and at half the power level of either one of them, he didn't stand a chance. The deed done to the best of his ability for the moment, he fled into the forest towards the Crawler, following the path he himself and Fang had created and favoring his right leg slightly.


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IC: Hoto - Malebranche


"Sounds like fun," she chirped, "I've... never been to an Amphitheater."


...whatever that was.



IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


Meanwhile, oblivious to the struggles of her teammates, Rain wandered through the forests of Visorak. The late Scribbler's limbs flailed ridiculously behind her as she dragged his carapace along. She casually hummed a cheery tune to the macabre beat.


Though the heavy suit was beginning to wear on her more... delicate frame, she couldn't just leave a specimen of her talents to rot in the jungle. Even if it was the body of her former enemy.

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I make my entry to no great fanfare, a entirely untoward and iniquitous entrance for one prepossessed of my preeminence and momentousness. The wind in my ears is like the gnashing, rotten teeth of the slain. A chorus of revenants, chanting their vacuous aria through hollow tongues and broken, melting lips, procheilon all set a quiver as they work their way to a climatic overture. Their moans quiet and vanish as I decelerate, joining with the flat air and soft pastel grey of the hovel before me. A place sentient and conscious of boding, even if only subliminally, she knows who I am. The opulent titan garbed in sumptuous aureate and the deep crimsons of royalty, ready to ravish and plunder the delicacies laid out before him.


A prince or king or warlord of the highest caliber.


I land and begin to stride through the ground's outer limits. The only sound the soft roiling of the sea and the circadian onomatopoeia of my satchel as it impacts my thigh with every step. Naturally, the middling leather bag is filled with all the tools a degenerate of my sort could ever want. I stay in the shadows cast by the great broken sea-teeth, some ancient defense of some sort I am sure. Two rahkshi depart with gadarene haste. Their eagerness speaking of immense cupidity, or a foolhardy charge to reclaim some advantageous position or lost memento, it evokes the amusing cecity of a blundering garrison, eyes cast forward and ahead only. Never seeing the unostentatious villains surrounding them, abominable wraiths reaching out to strangle and rend their soft unguarded necks.


The hovel has an unremarkable adit half a dozen bio from my anterior. A quick scan of the horizon reveals nothing. With the adroit perambulation of a muaka, I secure a foothold in the ingress. Softly opening it to allow myself in and closing it with the same controlled motion. I had but a single goal, annihilation and domination. Another notch to add to my belt, an alma mater for my resume, so to say. This would begin with an elimination of those that poised threats to my being. To learn of their identities I first had to survey the academy's social minutiae. I had to learn. Learn and plan.


* * *



His boiling blood was countered by the chill of fear. He hated to admit it, but he was terrified of battle with the elasmobranchal rahkshi. He contented himself to move towards Fang, picking him up as gently as possible. "Era, Fang is badly hurt, very badly. I am taking him to Suvak."

Edited by Tiragath

...but close to it

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IC: Sidonas - Crawler

Sidonas looked over at his left hand as he waited for Suvak's reply. Pain still filled it, and the burning sensation felt, though slightly less painful, still as if he had put his hand into a fire. It would be some time before he could get this fully healed, assuming that the assignment would last long, which he guessed it would.

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Era - Team Backstab (Jungle).


"Okay," I cursed, unsure of what to do. "I.... someone needs to tell the others.... tell Kat.... I guess that's me..."


I turned and started flying back the way we'd come, honing in on the sound of the nearby ocean. Fang's attacker had to have been a silence or sonics Rahkshi, it was the only explanation I could think of for the disruption to my powers. 


That wasn't someone I was in any kind of hurry to face again....

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Jayar / Fifth Tier



"Nor have I," Jayar agreed. "But I've read of them, at least..." Oh wait. Think, you idiot! You shared her mind not so long ago and you just made such a pitifully mistaken assumption? She hasn't the faintest idea what you're talking about. How could she? Hoto couldn't read, and 'amphitheatre' wasn't the sort of word to come up in everyday conversation.


Embarrassed, Jayar continued to explain, "It's like... a stage, where they put on performances, plays, and there's often music... I thought you might enjoy that." As long as, of course, they didn't mimic the song of Sontiri's wings, and it wasn't too loud, and none of a vast array of other bad things happened... So much could go wrong, and he fervently hoped it wouldn't.


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IC: Hoto - Malebranche


"Oh," she grinned with a hint of embarrassment. "Yeah, let's try it."


She flinched as the thundering being known as Veltorm came out behind them. "As... long as they don't mind him," she added awkwardly.

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



The Crawler came into sight once more for the finned Rahkshi of Silence. He made his way inside and said respectfully, "Suvak, sir. Could I receive minor medical assistance?"


* * *

IC: Jayar



Jayar glanced at Veltorm. "There are others like him here," he said, thinking back to the contents of the crowds above. "He shouldn't be a big problem, I hope." Most likely the Rahkshi would be the unusual ones.


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IC: Sidonas - Crawler

Sidonas was looking over at his left hand, when he saw a face that he would have punched right that instant if he was in condition to fight with his fists. Instead he decided to make a remark. "Look who it is, the fool who went from strategy to trying to convince a moral person to commit homicide, on his own team members I might add.

Funny, you take a hostage and try to get Recoil and myself killed. Now you come seeking revitalization of health not too long after trying to completely obliterate the health of two others, and possibly one more if your demands were not met. I do not recall taking hostages and trying to kill fellow team mates being apart of the plan that was organized. You both sicken me and are very much apparently an idiot, by my standards that is."


OOC: That is Shark.

Edited by Kovika

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Era/Exxan - Team Backstab (Farsholt Village Lighthouse). 


"Kat, Exxan?" I ran into the lighthouse, wheezing for breath. I'd ran the whole way. "Anyone?" 


"Era?" Exxan popped out from behind some rubble, "What happened?"


"Where's Kat?" I demanded. "It's Fang. Someone... they nearly killed him. Cao had to carry him back to the Crawler." 


He paused, and when he spoke, I was sure there was a flicker of fear in his voice. "I'll get her." I followed him to a trapdoor of some kind, and helped him clear away a chunk of rubble to haul it open. "Kat?" 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Shock

"I know right?" Shock said. "In all seriousness though, we may want to look out for wild Rahi or Dark Hunters." Shock said, flying along the shores. He landed again, searching for a cave, when he spotted something. "Oy, we may have something!" Shock said, heading for the area with the hole in it.

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


Even when weary, their foe was besting them. They would have to act quickly before...


Root paused mid-twirl as a world-shaking rumble echoed through the small chamber. The door was opening, and they could not have more villains pouring in. He collapsed to the ground where he stood, giving a soft cry as his wounded shoulder was jarred.


'Twould have to wait, and perhaps this time he could be free of his bonds.




IC: Hoto - Malebranche


Hoto turned back to Veltorm nervously. "If you say so. Can he... understand us, do you think?"




IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


She fell silent as a large group of Rahkshi came into view. They were waiting just outside the Doublecross base, perhaps ready to attack. But how... her worries faded as one of them turned, revealing the red scars below their eyes. This was her team.


Rain quietly slipped up next to one of them, a strange Rahkshi painted half white and half black. She had the... air of being in charge. If she wasn't the leader, she would be a good Rahkshi to report to.


"We... encountered the opposing scouts," she began in an official tone. "Rahkshi of Molecular Disruption, Elasticity, and Plasma. The first was taken captive and... exterminated when his teammates failed to comply with our demands. Two of our members are in pursuit of the Rahkshi of Elasticity. The last will not be bothering us. The soft-hearted fool critically injured two of our own and proceeded to carry them to the Crawler. He still thinks that he can save his teammate." Though Rain tried to remain impassive as she gave her report, she couldn't resist smirking at that.

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IC: Nightmare

"What have you found?" Said Nightmare, walking over to the Spot that Shock found

IC: Sanurahk

"Well, here comes Victory, anyone who wants that Flag is gonna have to Brave the Visorak Horde." Said Sanurahk to himself, Before turning to see one of Doublecross's Scouts back "Welcome Back!" He said

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IC: Stronghold/Backstab/Lighthouse

Fang? Almost killed? I stuck around Era and Exxan but stayed out of the sights of our captives


IC: Punch/Doublecross/Forest

I sat down without a word, and simply nodded at her response.


IC: Alpha/Doublecross/Forest

Rahkshi of Plasma? Oh no...not Fang, can it? To avoid a conversation I turned around to face the base, overrun with Visorak.

"Well, no one's going to get that flag now."

Edited by ArcticFreeze17
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IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


"What are you all... oh." Her prize hit the ground with a dull thud. What had once been their base was now covered in writhing webs filled with Visorak. Despite the danger, she grinned. As long as the spiders didn't come any nearer, this could play right into their hands. If this group couldn't hold them back, the ragged remains of the Bluebacks would have no chance to get through. They had won.


"So, what's the plan, boss?" Rain asked smugly. "Seems we have a new guard on patrol, courtesy of Visorak. If I may make a suggestion, now would be a good time to throw all we've got at them. Our advantage has never been greater."

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IC: Nightmare

"This is Oddly Calm of a Cave, no Rahi, no nothing. It seems too easy. We need two sticks to Make a Torch, and Make sure this is Safe."


IC: Sanu

Sanu looked at the Source of the Thud, and saw a crushed Shell, he looked back up and Thought Well, note to self, Don't get on her bad side.

"I'd be Ready to Attack." He said, hope in his Voice, he would get to test his Knife for the First time, and his Staff, His first battle...

Lets see, what weapons do I have,

1. Staff

2. Knife

3.Brass Knuckle

4. Small Hammer.

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IC: Shock

"Or... An electric fire!" Shock exclaimed, grabbing a long stick nearby. Using his powers on the stick, however, proved to be a bit of a challenge. When he used his powers on it, the entire stick decided to completely suicide and catch on fire. Yelping, Shock threw the burning stick into the cave. Thankfully, the stick lit up a section of a cave. "Uh, I meant to do that..." Shock checked the cave again...

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Nightmare

"sure ya did." He said Sarcastically, looking into the Cave, it seemed to be empty "Now, lets Mark it somehow," He Picked up a Stick, and walked over to the Burning one, caught the end of the stick in his hand on fire, than putting out the Fire on it, and used the Resulting Charcoal to Write

Nightmare Cavern

in the Entrance "There, we labeled it. now, Where are we gonna Get a Lightstone?" 

Edited by Dragon11603
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IC: Shock

"Oh there have to be lightstones all around the school. How else would the biggest building on the island be lit? Granted, we live in darkness, so... Eh, I don't know. I'm going fishing." Shock said. He dived into the water, and started shocking the water.

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Nightmare

Nightmare just came up with a Wonderful Idea

"Hey Shock, I have a Way to Stop eating the Refectory Slop! I go Fishing, you Start electrical Fires, I Make a Grill, We Cook the Fish, and we get food!" Then another Lightbulb Moment Happened "We can also bribe people with better food than Gruel!"

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IC Visorak Beach

Karz, Fang was heavy. The Crawler comes into view at long last, Caoutchouc breathes a sigh of relief and enters the structure.




Why is he here?! He doesn't react in any way his enemy might perceive, but increased heart rate does mean his wound starts bleeding faster. With gentle movements, Fang is laid on one of the beds. "Suvak... Fang is badly hurt, he needs immediate attention." My eyes flicker to the elasmobranchii, "stabbing wounds to his Kraata. Possible poisoning."

...but close to it

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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Crawler



Silence field was lowered now that Sidonas was done his senseless rant. Though Shark would not hesitate to put it up again should he try once more.


To Caoutchouc's words, Shark remained impassive. Inside he was mildly irritated that Fang was had apparently survived. He'd have his chance again, though, to be sure, as long as he made it through this assignment alive. And got his sword and elbow blade fixed somehow. They was no good like this, all blunted and warped. At least he had Faithful for now if he needed something sharp.

* * *


IC: Jayar / Fifth Tier


"Hmm. I don't see how he would..." Jayar replied. Kraataslugspeak was a language limited in speakers, as far as he knew, to New Breed Rahk and a select few (quite possibly dead after the arena cave-in, he realized) Matoran living in Phantom-On-The-Water. "But I'll ask him anyways, I guess."


He looked at the colossus. "Can you understand what we're saying?"


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IC: Nightmare

"Thats what our base of operations is for, Monopolize in there, Sell in there, the staff won't suspect a thing."


IC: Blade

Blade walked up to the School doors, and opened them up, he stepped inside and looked around

"Hello?" An empty hall. that didn't carry much potential for a Story, he continued forth, maybe some sort of Horror story

The doors creaked open, a dim glow came from lights in the Ceiling, Quiet footsteps in the distance, slowly growing louder...

"Anyone here?" He asked.

Edited by Dragon11603
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IC: Revenge-Causeway->Hallway


Revenge touched down at the school and ran inside.


IC: Melody-Hallway


Melody sighted and left the courtyard.  It looked like the talent show wouldn't be happening.  She wandered gloomily towards the dorms.  Things had been going so good but than Cuutuk had left and the show had been canceled.


IC: Booger-Gym


"Where are my fingers!?"  Booger shouted.  "I want my fingers back!"


OOC: Booger and Melody are open for interaction.

Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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IC: The Venom Flyer did not have to try and shoot Silver. By grabbing at its legs he had told it exactly where he was, and so it reacted by trying to grab at Silver, its four bladed limbs clutching and swiping through the air to try and ensnare its Rahkshi prey. Silver had put himself almost literally at the belly of the beast, and was now faced with punishment for that hubris


* * * * * * * * *


If Vorzorak could understand the tongue of Visorak he would have heard a conversation of some interest as they dragged him off.


"Fresh prey. Fresh meat. Fresh sport."


"Queen will want her share of each."


"Alert her. May need her support if saw-legs are in jungle."


The one Visorak nodded and withdrew as the rest of its kind start layering more webs around the cliffs so reinforcements could simply walk across the treacherous ground before heading into the jungle to hunt their quarry. With his allies fleeing and a tide of spiders approaching, it seemed poor Vorzorak was consigned to a venomous future...


* * * * * * * * *


"I remind you all that this is a neutral zone," Suvak barked, shooting a noticeable glare at Sidonas. The Rahk was healed enough of his burns, Suvak wasn't entirely sure why he was still hanging around. He moved over to Shark for a moment, watching the Crawler's limbs work over the twisted ruins of the Rahk's own arm, then to Fang. The wounds were nasty, but it was the poison that was the real danger. The Crawler could stem the venom's advance, make sure it spread no further and did no harm, but not remove it entirely. 


"You, loudmouth." Sidonas again, "You want to actually help, get back out there, see if you can flag down Tridax. He'll be watching from somewhere, so try and get his attention then bring him back here. If he won't heal Fang himself he can at least teleport him back to Palma."




IC: Veltorm looked blankly at Jayar with his little black eyes. There was sapience in there somewhere, Grossh wouldn't have taken a complete moron into his service, but it was plain that the giant had no idea what Jayar was saying. The student's language was alien and unknown to him, and conversations between the couple were safe



* * * * * * * * *


With the departure of the the three Rahkshi from the dining room, Grossh got up off his chair and clapped his hands. The much-harried apprentice Juleeka emerged from a side door and began clearing away the used plates and left behind food. Which was a little disconcerting as Juleeka already appeared to be standing on the other side of the room, having just given Grossh his Rau.


"You see enough?" Grossh asked, taking the aforementioned Kanohi off his face.


Cracks rapidly spread across the apprentice's form, and she appeared to explode, falling apart into millions of crystalline shards that whirled round in a vortex before reformed into some entirely different species.


"I saw plenty," answered Johmak

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IC: Silver - Airborne


I tried to swerve away from the bug legs, tilting myself sideways. Although I did succeed - kind of - the bladed appendages sliced into my carapace, drawing a low growl from me. Thankfully, it wasn't deep enough to scrape my Kraata, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. Regaining my sense and angling myself upwards, I transformed and flipped over in midair. At this close range, there was really no feasible way for the Venom Flyer to dodge me - I descended with my naginata on my back and my hands out, ready to grasp onto the Rahi's head crest.

Edited by Aerixx: Gukko Lord
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