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Corpus Rahkshi

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IC: Kuma


Kuma left the library having given up on his futile attempts to repair the tattered book. "I think I'll go get a bite to eat, maybe find Shock and apologize if I accidetally used my powers on him."


Kuma began walking through the halls.

Edited by ToaKapura1234

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: Exxan - Backstab (Farsholt Village Lighthouse).


I sat down on the lighthouse steps, oily black fluid dripping from my wounded arm. I'd managed to pry some of the glass out of my armour, but there was nothing I could do about the shards that had dug under the armour and shattered inside my arm. 


The best I could do was sit back and hope this all came to an end soon. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Rain - Farsholt (Team Doublecross)


Good. The Blueback didn't quite... equal the dedication Rain would show. That would allow her to nurse her wounds and rage and prepare for their final encounter.


And it was a good thing too. Her pace slowed as her injuries took their toll. Pretty soon, she was back on the ground, stumbling among the trees back to the Crawler. She had thrown her map at the Derahk, so she would have to navigate by memory.

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IC: Venom and Liar - Hallways

Venom glared at Liar upon seeing Illusive accept him into the group. She couldn't quite pin down exactly what she didn't like about the new arrival, but there was something about him that just seemed to get under her skin.

"And just who are you supposed to be, exactly?" she asked, not even bothering to hide the suspicion in her voice.

"Wouldn't you like to know...," the Rahkshi of Magnetism replied smugly.

In an instant, the blade of her polearm was positioned against his neck.

"Talk," she growled. "Or die."

"If you insist," he sighed, casually pushing the weapon away with the tip of his finger. "My friends call me Liar... well, they used to anyway. They've all since perished in a series of very unfortunate "accidents," you see. I like long, moonlit strolls on the beach, kittens, pastries, and strapping explosives onto people who ask too many questions before kicking them off of rooftops and into unsuspecting crowds of people. My birth sign is the Kane-Ra, my favorite color is purple, and I have a very interestingly shaped birthmark right on my-"

The next word to come out of Liar's mouth was conveniently drowned out by the sound of Venom facepalming herself in regret for asking such a stupid question.


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC: Illusive - Hallway.


Enough, I signed. Meet back at the Causeway in ten minutes. We're going to the mainland. With that, I started striding away, heading for my dorm. During that moment, the voice came back with a vengeance.


This was bad enough when it was just you. Now you've dragged all of these other rahks into it as well? What the is wrong with you? What's it going to take to get it through your thick carapace? Destroying the school won't bring your brother back.


I didn't dignify the voice with a response. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Squid


Squid was hungry, so he went to his dorm. He remembered the way quite well, and truly felt at home when he arrived. The walls were a beautiful ocean, and even his makeshift decor looked good. His sword, shield and backpack were all under the bed, hidden my a blue cloth blanket. He reached inside his backpack and found, to his delight, that all his food was still in perfect condition! The fruits seemed to have gotten even riper, and no mold or decay had occurred.


It must be that the air of Corpus Rahkshi is much colder than that of Malebranche, Squid assumed.


He looked around his room, marveling at the wondrous ocean scenery that had been painted by Rain. Squid pondered where Rain could be and resolved to go find her. He put his backpack, shield and sword on, then grabbed his lamp. "Squishy" managed to wear it by using the straps on his pack. He was ready for an adventure, and he set off towards the Infirmary.



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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IC Kat:


With venom in my right hand, and my own shorter sword in the other, I started back through the jungle.


Woe betide anyone who got in my way.


Venom was a longer and heavier sword than I was used to, but presented no problem. I'd always made sure to train with a variety of weapons.


It was a good blade. Slightly curved with a wicked tip, it was imposing. Good cross guard, too. Simple, but solid.


Kinda like Fang, really.


I smiled grimly, traipsing through the dense foliage.

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OOC: So what exactly is Shield doing. He pushing off of me, and then tries to pull on my knee?


IC: Stronghold/Backstab/Makeshift Prison

By pushing off of me, he dislodged my left hand out of his shoulder, and let me go, allowing, to try to perform a quick sweep to try and knock him to the ground. Then I would try to thrust my spiked fist into his other shoulder. If he did fall, it would leave me open to Plantrahk's useless whipping.

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IC: Nightmare

Nightmare Dropped from the Ceiling right in front of Shock and asked "So, did you find a Smith yet?"


IC: Sanurahk

"Room Clear!" he Yelled, Before advancing to the Second of three Floors. He hoped he would find Some action.

Edited by Dragon11603
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OOC: It's not that hard to understand, but ok.

IC: Shield

Shield took more of the hits, his eyes going dim. He fell backwards, WHAM! He edged backwards, getting free of the fists, his shoulders bleeding. He got up, and gestured for Stronghold to charge, his mouth a grin.

Edited by Sharkydane



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IC: Revenge-Refectory


Revenge was sitting eating his slop when he remembered something.  He leaned over and whispered. "Hey Rider, guess what!"


IC: Booger-Hallway


Booger grumbled and left, walking out of the library and towards the dorms.


IC: Melody-Dorms


Not sure what to do next Melody went into her room and sat on her bed.  "This can't be happening," she whispered. "Things were finally looking up."  She began to cry.


OOC: It was in the dorms where Booger was told to go in the note right?

Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


There was a soft rustle of leaves and branches just ahead of her. Someone was coming closer, and she had no desire to fight right now. Rain staggered over to a bush to hide herself, no easy task for one as fabulous as she. Her paint and eyes glittered out from among the shrubbery as she kept watch. Perhaps it could be an ally.



OOC: Angry Kat approaching... :P



IC: Root - Backstab Base (Team Doublecross)


Shield was on the ground once more, and Root wanted to leap forth to his companion's aid. But even the small motion sent pain through his shackled limbs. Alas, if he could but free himself from this clever trap, he may be of more assistance, wounded or not!


A mischievous glint shined in Shield's eye as he prepared what seemed to be a clever ploy to perhaps finish the fight once and for all. Root looked on eagerly to see what his companion could conceive, preparing to help in what few ways he could. Perhaps a well-placed vine could bring the foe crashing down to Shield's mercy... but not yet.

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IC Vaalku


Taking a different and much longer route, Vaalku avoided the odd Rahks. He was starving. Simply because he was racing around all day on two limbs like a weird caterpillar, and usually getting beat up. But it was giving him quite the workout. Maybe there were some weights in the gym he could use...


Another painful growl in his stomach reverted his thought back to the most important factor: Food. Arriving in the Refectory, he immediately grabbed a tray from the rack and one-handed served himself up some... "food". Also, he couldn't see what he was doing, being on the floor at the time, so that was impressive.


"Dense. It makes me more agile."



That sounded like Revenge! Eager to talk to someone he actually knew for a change, he carefully brought the tray of grayish gruel and a spoon to the table where Revenge and someone else he didn't identify were eating. The tray slid into a vacant seat and he cautiously hauled himself up. "Good evening, Revenge."

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IC Kat:


Now, I don't claim that my own armor is very.....subtle. Karz, it's bright red. But the sparkling gold and silver rahk I just saw dart into the bushes? Ha. I can hardly blame them, our armor is pretty much the only sense of individuality we have.


Unfortunately for them, they also matched the description of the Rahk Cao claimed had not only killed a student, but had helped defeat him and Fang.


My eyes narrowed, and I spoke up.


"Best come out now if you know what's good for you."

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IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


No such luck. Rain muttered a rather interesting curse as she peeked out of the bushes. Before her stood a Turahk carrying two very big and very sharp swords. The sapphire streak across her ruby back announced she wasn't going to be nice with them.


Meanwhile, Rain was left to cradle what remained of her painting wrist. She was completely defenseless. Though she tried to look pitiful, her eyes stared daggers at the Blueback. "Please," she cooed, though she couldn't completely keep the hatred from her voice. "I'm heading towards the Crawler, no man's land and all that. You wouldn't hurt a defenseless, injured Rahkshi, would you?"


Oh, you will suffer for this...

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IC Kat:


I whirled my own blade lazily, still stained with Root's ichor, taking a step forward.


"I could be convinced to."


I looked her over. She was pretty banged up already. Results of the fight with Cao and Fang? No.... her armor was ruptured in places, not melted or dented....


"What happened to you?" I asked, my own sword still tracing lines lazily beside me.

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IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


Rain's eyes followed the blade's swirling motions for a while. So dangerous... yet so beautiful... the silver marred by antidermis, shimmering in the sparse sunlight... She snapped herself out of the trance. If this Rahk had killed before, she might not hesitate to put an end to Rain's painting days. If she had but the smallest blade...


"...Visorak," she lied. It might keep her alive a bit longer if she did not mention that eyeless Brakas. "The buggers tracked us into the forest... I had to leave everything to escape with my life."

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IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


Rain flinched as the lazy motions came to a threatening stop. This was getting out of hand.


As fast as she could manage, Rain sent a gust of wind at the Turahk while twirling behind a tree. The moment she was hidden from view, a bank of fog began crawling through the leaves to obscure her and the Blueback.

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IC: Shock

"No no no. You don't understand. He was writing a letter to TRIDAX TO PUT ON A PLAY. I AM NOT WATCHING RAHKSHIO AND RAHKSHIETTE! HES ALSO SO CALM THAT IT SICKENS ME! I CUT A BOOK UP AND HE DIDNT GET ANGRY. WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS IT WHERE YOU ARE SO CALM THAT YOU DON'T ATTACK SOMEONE. IF SOMEBODY INSULTED MY BOOK MURDERING SKILLS, I WOULD RIP OUT THERE SKULL!" Shock took a long, deep breath after his rant. "Yea. So, we need a smith. We might want to check the Refectory. There's got to be some students who know one."

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC Kat:


My feet had been planted, so the wind did little to me.


It did cause me to blink, losing me her position momentarily.


Then the fog began pouring out, giving her away once more.


I planted both blades in the tree next to me, stalked into the foggy bank, and sent a harsh kick into the center before it spread too far. With any luck, I'd knock her out of the fog, and I could tell her a few choice words.

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IC: Rain - Visorak Jungle (Team Doublecross)


Her fog wasn't spreading fast enough to conceal her enough to escape, but at least she had counted on the Turahk trying to stop her. As the foot came whirling out of the grey curtain, Rain sent another gust after it as she staggered away. The small tunnel the wind opened up quickly sealed as more fog poured from her armor.

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IC: Kuma-Refectory


Kuma walked into the Refrectory, took up some tasteless gruel, opened up his helmet, sat dowm by himself at a table and began pouring it down so he (that is to say the Kraata) could eat it.


OOC: Open for interaction.


Edit: Curse you auto-correct!

Edited by ToaKapura1234

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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OOC: So many people in the Refectory now!

IC: Nightmare

"Lets Go!" Said Nightmare


IC: Blade

Blade found the Refectory, and Sat down with some food. "Is this really food?" He asked a Porter, but the Porter just continued doing other things "Oh well. Time to eat." He got a Mouth-full of Not-Food, and if you asked him later, he would describe it as "Tasteless Filth."

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IC: Kuma


"Perhaps Kraata don't even have taste buds and that's why this is tasteless. Maybe, it actually tastes really good or at least better than it looks.". Kuma hopefully wondered aloud.

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



As he snatched up the returning Faithful Shark once more redirected his momentum. He came crashing down between and through branches, with intent to land upon Sidonas with both feet and crush him into the ground.


* * *


IC: Jayar / Cable Car



Jayar gently wrapped his arms around Hoto. He couldn't say it hadn't occurred to him that the city dwellers might find such a display unusual, but nor could he say he really cared in the current circumstances. It was much more important to comfort Hoto than avoid disturbing beings he didn't know and couldn't speak to. Particularly when you considered the fact that if any of them objected Veltorm probably had orders to pound them.


"Maybe... concentrate on something else..." he suggested quietly, carefully. One wrong word and it could all go to Karzahni... "A good memory."



OOC: This is probably my last post for today. Sorry.


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