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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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OOC: Yeah, the bunnying is fine, Aerixx.


IC: Vlad / Drift's Dorm



Vlad set his tray down on the edge of the small desk, where it promptly almost tipped over before he managed to clumsily catch it and set it on the desk, a little further from the edge this time. "So, did you figure out how ve turn zer slop into glowink paint?" he asked Drift.


* * *


IC: Gaever / Gym



Springs are great. You push them one way, and they just bounce back in the opposite direction.


Gaever's legs were spring loaded, and she intended to take full advantage of it. So instead of simply smashing headfirst into the wall, as Grim might have hoped, it was her feet which made impact with the wall for a brief moment, while she snatched up the shaft of Grim's staff with her free hand. Then she pushed off the wall again, moving away from Grim at the same impressive speeds, and pulling sharply back on his staff in the hopes that it might be wrenched from his grip.


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IC: Dakilik


Dakilik stepped around the diminutive Frog, facing straight at Malattio. "Actually, no. Trips to the mainland, while they are slightly discouraged, are completely and totally allowed." he paused, and continued, "How do you think I got this?" he ran a slender finger down the scar on his spine. While this was a bluff; this scar was a birth defect; he hoped that the point got across.

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

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As Blade charged her, Beat resisted the urge to dodge again. That wasn't going to get her anywhere. Instead, she stayed where she was...but she repositioned her axe so that the pointy tip of its head was right where her opponent's gut would be in a matter of moments. He might take her knee, but if he did, he'd probably regret it.


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IC: Blade


but it was too late, Blade continued with the Kick, and had an Axe in him. he then backed away, one hand on the wound,

You made a mistake. You lost. or Did you? Here is the plan...

Blade's other hand went to his Cloak, taking it off, and Flinging it at (Beat)'s Face.

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IC Vaalku


He shouldn't have spun that knife.


It gave Vaalku the warning that he was attacking. With most of his strength, he pulled himself to the side as the knife dug into his arm. Growling, he swung his other arm at Deadeye's head in an attempt to grab it.



IC Flabbergaster


"Oh, quite a bit." He said before picking up a bowl and dumping it through his crimson mouth. After a few seconds of swallowing, he grabbed another. "try to keep up."



IC Frog


Frog glared at where he assumed Dakilik stood. A slight grumbling croak could be heard.

Edited by Ghidora131
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IC: Vlad / Drift's Dorm, Halls



Vlad shrugged. "...Probably... I'll go unt get some from a vashroom." He grabbed a good-sized beaker from the desk and made his way into the halls, towards the washroom closest to the dorm. Being out of Drift's presence - safe from his hungry compulsions - was relieving. And yet her absence was somehow depressing, he reflected, as he filled the beaker with crystalline water and started off back towards the dorm.


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IC: Draco

"Does it look like I am joking?" Draco said.


IC: Vitesse

Well... Karz. She may have two opponents now, both fairly big. She readied her bow.


IC: Malattia

Malattia held back a biting comment about how he was overconfident. "So... Do you need a new band member?"


IC: Shock

Shock arrived at the school, and waited for Nightmare.


OOC: Mortsia open for interaction in the library.

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Vlad / Drift's Dorm



Vlad complied, pouring a little bit of water into each vial. Done, he straightened to admire his work, at which point he managed to spill most of the remaining water on the floor. "Oh... oops. Sorry..." he apologized sheepishly, faceplate burning with embarrassment, as he scrambled to find something to sop up the small mess.


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IC: Hoto - Flying


Hoto frowned as Xara made her estimations. They had to be going faster than that. She wasn't sure she could keep this up that long.


"Kat... when are we going to stop?" she asked.



IC: Rain - Hallways


At last, Rain arrived back in the school with her new gear. Everything was replaced after Visorak, though it could never be as good as the things Mommy gave her.


With nothing better to do, Rain took to wandering the halls again. With any luck, someone would acknowledge her new look. Or they could insult it, and she could test out her new staff.

IC: Char - Hallways


Char was getting bored. What was taking that guy so long? Was he even coming back anytime soon?


Though Char had learned much in her stay at the hatching grounds, patience was not included.

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Beat didn't like admitting it, even to herself, but she was slowly losing ground. Her shoulder hurt, her stomach hurt, her knee was threatening to give out from that kick, and, as Blade's cloak flared out in front of her, she knew she would never be able to dodge it.

So she didn't even try. Instead, she filled her free hand with plasma, and as the cloth settled over her, she used the heat and her claws to make a hole big enough to stick her head through.


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IC Flabbergaster


"Oh, quite a bit." He said before picking up a bowl and dumping it through his crimson mouth. After a few seconds of swallowing, he grabbed another. "try to keep up."

IC (As Zubarahk): "Hey, don't rush me, I'm just savoring my porridge." Said the rahkshi of confusion as he ate his porridge slowly, forgetting he had accepted an eating competition. "You must really love this stuff if you're eating an entire bowl at once." 

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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IC: Liar - Hallways

"And when do you propose that she had the time to conspire such a ridiculous idea?" the Rahkshi of Magnetism stated, his body relaxing a little as he did so. "Last time I checked, word in the halls was that she was busy trying to help capture the Matoran that somehow got in here for the majority of the day, and I'm sure that some of the others who were with her would be willing to confirm that. So unless she has the ability to be in two places at once, those accusations are highly unlikely to be accurate."


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC Optis:

"Wait, 'we'? Are you using the royal 'we', because I don't see anybody else around here."

NOTE: Find out why people react strongly to questions

NOTE: Does two heads have something to do with MPD?

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Dakilik


Dakilik stopped. "Oh, that's what you're here about!" he spoke quickly. "Well, of course! I'm Dakilik, by the way." He held out a hand. "What have you to offer?"

"Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran

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IC Kat:


I frowned, looking over my charges.


"We go another two kios and then we make camp for a little while."


IC Poly:


We growled, grabbing at Deadeye's shoulder to pull him away forcefully.


"The ascension is not complete!" We shrieked.


OOC: I meant more that grim threw her at a wall, but it's alright, we'll roll with it.


IC Grim:


Their staff was nearly wrenched from their hands, but grim had the advantage of leverage, and pulled back hard on the staff with one hand, sending his armored fist at Gaevers faceplates with the other.

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IC Vaalku


As Legion attempted to restrain Deadeye, Vaalku hit the wall and collapsed again before pushing himself upright.


Can I go two second without... Oh wait, I went a couple of days. Oh.


IC Flabbergaster


"Well, it isn't too bad," He said as he emptied another bowl in his mouth. "Then again, I can eat nearly anything."


He set the two empty bowls aside. "Here, i'll wait for you so it can be a fair contest."


IC Frog


Mumbling something about IQ levels, Frog noticed how hungry he was. He leaned over to Tangirahk, and whispered.


"What kind of food do they have here?"

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IC: Draco

"Hold. We received information from a small Rahkshi that she had brought the Matoran here as a sort of act of rebellion. And come to think of it... She was with the rebel Mangai, before we fought... But are you suggesting someone else brought the Matoran?" Draco asked, sheathing his weapons as well.


IC: Shock

"Bright weirdo. Shouldn't be hard to miss. Gotcha." Shock said, looking around.

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC Flabbergaster


"Well, it isn't too bad," He said as he emptied another bowl in his mouth. "Then again, I can eat nearly anything."


He set the two empty bowls aside. "Here, i'll wait for you so it can be a fair contest."


IC Frog


Mumbling something about IQ levels, Frog noticed how hungry he was. He leaned over to Tangirahk, and whispered.


"What kind of food do they have here?"

IC (As Zubarahk): The rahkshi of confusion shovelled the gray slop into his mouth and continued to eat until he had finished two bowls. "Well, I'm ready to go now, let's keep eating." Said the rahkshi of confusion as he took another bowl and ate it slowly. 


IC (As Tangirahk): "I don't know, I haven't found a place to eat yet." Said the rahkshi of sonics.

Edited by Liuth

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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IC: Holistic

(Near Library)

And now the winged stranger attacks her. I do what she said and move away. have no part in this, and I do not fight without a reason, for I do not enjoy the thrill of combat like some barbarians do. I understand that it is my duty, but only against Toa. I have no desire to hurt my brothers and sisters. I see this as an opportune chance for finally going to the refectory and filing my digestive system with food.


After a while I discover the dining hall after following the Rahkshi's directions. A rather simple setup of long tables, but it sufficient. For me at least, but I am certain some people are disappointed with the aesthetics of the room. Bah, those exacting snobs. Why do rooms and buildings need to be beautiful? They're conventional constructs used for living, not paintings or sculptures.


I pick up some grey porridge, for I found no other meals, and sit down to eat. The taste is nonexistent, but I hope that it is nutritious. Healthy food doesn't usually taste good.

OoC: Feel free to talk with her, she's in the Refectory

still alive somehow

BZPRPG profiles

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IC Vaalku




Vaalku clutched his wound and grimaced to stop the pain. It was becoming painfully(literally) obvious that there was more at work here than the random kindness of Legion's heart.


IC Flabbergaster


He scooped another bowl and began dumping it into his mouth.

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