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Posted (edited)

I'll be chatting with Greg Farshtey soon. The purpose of this topic is to gather a number of good questions from you all so that he may answer them. This is your chance to grill the writer for an answer you have wanted to know for months (feels like years really :P).Rules:

  1. Try to limit your questions to 1 or 2 each. If it's a long question, limit it to 1.
  2. BIONICLE-related questions only. I can always ask him about Ninjago or Hero Factory another time.
  3. I will be filtering out questions, mostly because of the next two rules.
  4. Research your question before posting it. I don't want to see questions that have already been answered before in the OGD.
  5. Do not ask for canonization of certain things, except for Matoran/Toa/Turaga Elements. Whether this means new prefixes or asking Greg to maybe, just MAYBE, create a new element. It won't be that easy though. You'll have to absolutely work for it. Use quotes from the old OGD topics and logic to prove your points. Chances are Greg will instantly say no to any of this, so do not be surprised if you don't like what you get back. I can always use this opportunity to confirm that there are only 15 natural Toa Elements. We all know how excited we can get when it comes to Toa Elements lol This is more complicated than I thought. Still looking into this.
  6. Any question is fair game, whether they are referring to past or future story line.

Examples of Questions:Bad: What is Podu's destiny? Is there another Toa of Light now? Can you canonize this Dark Hunter please?Good: Can you finally reveal what substance is used to create Bohrok-Kal? What happened to the Shadowed One after he discovered the virus and killed Ancient?Please understand that not all questions may be answered in this chat with Greg. Any questions not answered addressed by Greg will be saved for the next time I can have a conversation with him.

Edited by Erebus
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If the serials are never going to be finished, could we actually just ask for the fates of our beloved characters (Toa Mahri, those in the fortress, Lewa...basically everyone with serial plot :P)? How things were supposed to go, were the serials to continue? Or is that too big all around?



Ladies and gentlemen, here is what will be the next biggest topic in the Bionicle Story and Theories Forum. :PJoking aside, here are my two questions. One, aside from Mavrah, what other 'deceased' beings did you plan to show in the Red Star? Also, were any of the 'deceased' beings in the Red Star ever going to find a way out and onto Spherus Magna?

Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.




I have a couple of questions to ask:1. What was the mysterious green cloud that fused with the Piraka, Zyglak, etc.?2.What did Kopaka see inside the Red Star that freaked him out? (Specifically when he used his Akaku-Nuva to see through the walls of the star/ship.)Thanks. - OG Bionicle Fan.

If the serials are never going to be finished, could we actually just ask for the fates of our beloved characters (Toa Mahri, those in the fortress, Lewa...basically everyone with serial plot :P)? How things were supposed to go, were the serials to continue? Or is that too big all around?
You can try, but chances are he won't answer them because he is still interested in continuing the serials one day.



1. What is Takanuva's destiny Av-Matoran ability? It was confirmed that Av-Matoran retain their abilities when they become Toa, so I was curious as to what it is.2. Can the Red Star still teleport the dead MU Inhabitants to it now that the MU is effectively destroyed, and if not (out of range or something), how was it able to reach the Matoran in canisters in Voya Nui to turn them into the Toa Inika?That second one is kind of a hotly debated topic for my group: one side says that the Red Star needed the MU to find where to teleport, the other (my side) says that the Star can reach outside of the MU and that the Inika on Voya Nui were proof of that. This'll be interesting to hear from.


1. How much progress is being made on the serials, and how close is the next one to being published?2. If part of Krika's armour was white, does that mean he still had a little light left in him?

If you use correct grammar in your posts (or try hard to), place this in your signature. Join Myst's campaign for correct grammar usage on BZPower!

Posted (edited)

1. More information about the Kingdom, what happend to their spaceship?2. How did Zaktan survive the attack of Teridax to fuse with the other piraka

Edited by Toa Temporal

I'm back!


Just one...1. Are A Thousand Years Untold 2 results canon ? (according to bonesiii they are, but BS01 doesn't seem to be of the same opinion)

Keep in mind that if Star Trek fans had, as a group, said, "No point in talking about this anymore, it's never going to come back," it never WOULD have come back.

-- Greg Farshtey


1. So, that chamber underneath the great sundial with that golden mask. From MNOG back in 01. What were those, their purpose? What were they even?2. Also, when Takanuva destroyed/reviled the statue of a mask at kini-nui in MoL, was it a Pakari like I'm the movie or an Avohkii like in the book? BS01 said Pakari but in Legacy of Evil it's an Avohkii.Thanks Greg for not forgetting us and thanks Erebus for being the middle-man ( that's a compliment :P ).

Ladies and gentlemen, here is what will be the next biggest topic in the Bionicle Story and Theories Forum.
No doubt.Anyway, I won't be asking anything just yet, I'm going to think it over first... :lol:

save not only their lives


but their spirits

Posted (edited)

Well, to begin I have a question for Erebus. Are you already planning on asking the thing about the Shadowed One yourself? Or, if we want to know that, do we have to re-ask it? That would have been my first question, so I'm not really sure.Regardless, my other question for Greg is:How does the Nuva Cube work? It was created by Artakha and teleported to the Bohrok nest when the Toa Mata formed a Toa Seal around the Bahrag, and has the power to break that Seal...but in a previous quote, it was stated that it could break only that specific Seal. So how does it know the difference between any other Toa Seal and the Seal around the Bahrag, which technically wasn't meant to exist since they should have never been woken up prematurely?EDIT: Thanks, Erebus. Second Question - What have White Teridax and Mazeka been up to ever since the MU shut down?

Edited by XyzTheDay!
| Sig Credit: - Everclear - |

1. If the Red Star is a place that beings were sent after they "died" in the Matoran Universe but that system malfunctioned, does this mean characters such as Zaktan, Jovan, the Makuta who invaded Karda-Nui, and Ancient are still "alive" in the Red Star?2. Was Velika in the Kingdom Alternate Universe also a Great Being?Thank you for giving us this opportunity.



"Don't criticize what you can't understand."

Bob Dylan


Bionicle-related only? Shoot. All the questions I cared about in Bionicle were answered a long time ago.Tell me when you finally get around to asking Ninjago questions. I'll be waiting.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

does this mean characters such as Zaktan, Jovan, the Makuta who invaded Karda-Nui, and Ancient are still "alive" in the Red Star?
The Makuta are confirmed permanently dead, and Ancient's probably dead too, he was disintegrated.

Credit goes to Linus Van Pelt (Formerly known as Cherixon) and Spectral Avohkii Enterprises

My Memoirs of the Dead entry, Reflectons:




Now watch this topic go up by 3696514795084 posts in just a few days :P. Anyways, here are my questions:1) What kind of glitch malfunctioned the Red Star?2) Is there any reason why only Av-Matoran transform into Bohrok?





Thanks to Erebus and GregF to make this possible =DHere my questions :1- What happens to Toa Varian now that the Great Spirit Robot is out of service?2- How Onewa get the Chisel he gave to Takua in MNOLG?


(This isn't a question, but I really don't think we should try to get any new elements canonized at this point.)I was wondering how long it takes corpses to go to the Red Star. It seemed normal for them to stay long enough to be found.

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I realize I haven't updated my stories or posted much for quite a while. I will get back it it sometime, and I am still checking the site daily for any interesting topics.

Brickshelf Gallery

1. What was the mysterious green cloud that fused with the Piraka, Zyglak, etc.?
Just one...Was there ever actually a name assigned to the Gold-Skinned Skakdi Fusion? If so, can we have it? It would make referring to him quite a bit easier. X3
1. Are you able/willing to tell us now what the "green mist" was that helped to create the golden being?2. Has the golden being ever been given a name?
I have already asked these questions and will be posting the answers very very soon. I can tell you right now, though, that the Fusion has not been named because of a setback.Feel free to edit your posts with new questions.
Well, to begin I have a question for Erebus. Are you already planning on asking the thing about the Shadowed One yourself? Or, if we want to know that, do we have to re-ask it? That would have been my first question, so I'm not really sure.
I'll ask that question myself so that you can get to ask a second question.


1. What was the mysterious green cloud that fused with the Piraka, Zyglak, etc.?
Just one...Was there ever actually a name assigned to the Gold-Skinned Skakdi Fusion? If so, can we have it? It would make referring to him quite a bit easier. X3
1. Are you able/willing to tell us now what the "green mist" was that helped to create the golden being?2. Has the golden being ever been given a name?
I have already asked these questions and will be posting the answers very very soon. I can tell you right now, though, that the Fusion has not been named because of a setback.Feel free to edit your posts with new questions.
Well, to begin I have a question for Erebus. Are you already planning on asking the thing about the Shadowed One yourself? Or, if we want to know that, do we have to re-ask it? That would have been my first question, so I'm not really sure.
I'll ask that question myself so that you can get to ask a second question.

I'm back!


Hm, So many questions, but I think my main ones are:1. Are there currently two Hydraxons? We know one died in the GC and the Ignika created a new one out of Dekar, but is the original alive up on the red star?2. What's happening to Lewa right now? Last we saw, he was being held captive by a bunch of plant-armored Agori.There's my two. signoffffff.png

~Your friendly, neighborhood Shadow



~Credit for Avatar and Banner goes to


Posted (edited)

When's the next serial chapter?(Half joking, half not, with that question :P I kinda expect that one to not be allowed)Do you see there being a point in the future where you can once again contact the fans or has Lego completely blocked you from communicating with us, aside from Erebus?Missed the Bionicle-only rule.Is Takutanuva connected to the Red Star? (If so, how?)How long ago was the Red Star broken? From the start, or was it due to the Great Cataclysm?

Edited by Lewa Krom

Keep in mind that if Star Trek fans had, as a group, said, "No point in talking about this anymore, it's never going to come back," it never WOULD have come back.
-- Greg Farshtey


So I've been wondering for a long time what Takanuva's Destiny actually is. Greg said he hasn't fulfilled it yet. If he can't answer that, I'd like some kind of hint.

I know, my banner is gone. Mata Nui will RickRoll everybody yeah.

I can tell you right now, though, that the Fusion has not been named because of a setback.
Is the name he chose also the name of some obscure trademarked company or character?
More like he lost the list of names.


I can tell you right now, though, that the Fusion has not been named because of a setback.
Is the name he chose also the name of some obscure trademarked company or character?
More like he lost the list of names.
:( The capitalist me says that it makes sense Lego would do that. The Bionicle fan in me has found new depths of irritation and dislike for Lego. The Bionicle fan is winning by far.

Keep in mind that if Star Trek fans had, as a group, said, "No point in talking about this anymore, it's never going to come back," it never WOULD have come back.
-- Greg Farshtey


1) When Vakama faced down Makuta in Time Trap, was he bluffing or not about destroying the Mask of Time. I consider this to be unlikely because Makuta has the power to read minds, and I would think Teridax would not allow himself to be bluffed.

How well will you die?

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