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Nuju Metru

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I don't see how a toa would be able to mind control a Willhammer (or anyone, for that matter)?



(Honestly, I think he meant using the mind control mask, which...isn't it banned? Not sure on that...)


Steam name: Ehksidian

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The Komau is banned, yes. All of the mind-affecting Kanohi are.


Psionics Toa too.


Mask of Charisma, et cetera et cetera.


No mind-control powers here.

Figured as much, would have been surprised if it wasn't, honestly.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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A komau exists in-game though. So does a mask of illusion




One noble komau exisits, but the thing is that it's a noble komau. it's not terribly powerful. I've got a feeling that it would take an awful lot more power than that to mind-control a willhammer who has extensive training in mind controlling others and not getting mind-controlled themselves. It would be like putting a muaka in a cage made out of blades of grass.


So yeah, no chain-mind-controlling is going to happen, at least not with Mata Nuians initiating it.


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Any war will be a terrible idea.


Far too far away.


And also waste of money.


We need that money.

Aye, mate. Money make the world go round.


Personally, I believe the war would be launched over either a trading dispute or over a disagreement over what to do about the Piraka; it would probably end pretty quickly when everybody realizes how stupid the war is and it would be more profitable to work together.

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The war that's a total possibility though and might even lead to the discovery of the second Abettor: Kentoku Civil War. After the death of the Rora and once the new empress takes off for a foreign land what's really to stop the clans from turning amongst themselves and fighting over scraps and/or this little thing called vengeance? I think it'd be smashing to have a war in Kentoku. Just smashing. We might even explore all five islands that way.

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Ok, I am kinda out of the loop on everything here :P. So anyways, do we know anything detailed about how the Kentoku bureaucracy works?


The war that's a total possibility though and might even lead to the discovery of the second Abettor: Kentoku Civil War. After the death of the Rora and once the new empress takes off for a foreign land what's really to stop the clans from turning amongst themselves and fighting over scraps and/or this little thing called vengeance? I think it'd be smashing to have a war in Kentoku. Just smashing. We might even explore all five islands that way.

I vouch for this. But, wait. "The second abettor?" Are their two of them?

-Insert deep message to prove I am alive here-

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Nuju posted in Kentoku a while ago. Apparently, there's a second poem and a second Abettor (this one appears to have water-related liquification powers) on Mount Koshiki. Can't remember where it is; just search either "Abettor" or "Koshiki" in the topic.

Thanks, I am looking for that now.


Ok, rule check here. Can I have a toa without any elemental powers?

-Insert deep message to prove I am alive here-

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I'm pretty sure that's been done before a few times.


The most notable case is Joske, who doesn't/didn't have powers, though he lost his in exceptional circumstances. If your character has a good reason why they don't have any either, it shouldn't be a problem.


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Krayzikk doesn't/didn't have elemental powers.


I'm surprised people remember 'ol Krayz. On a more serious note...



Ooc: The funeral and coronation posts will follow, probably tomorrow morning. I'm not sure if they'll be in one or two posts, but unfortunately they won't invite PC interaction in the interest of haste. However, when they do happen, feel free to say your characters were present. :)


I mean this with all of the respect and affection for the staff I have, but this is a horrible idea. On many levels, all of which have to do with the same basic principles. As I'm sure everyone remembers, we recently had a Feedback topic for the BZPRPG, and one of the most prominent flaws cited was the lack of player involvement in events. This is an extreme example of this. Now, it is understandable for the players not to be involved in Yumiwa's little council; She was shepherded away by characters largely controlled by one person, as well as NPCs. Nor is that an event that most people would have a character that could rightfully influence the sequence of events anyway.
The line is drawn, however, here. The Empress' funeral and the coronation are massive events, with world-shaking ramifications. More importantly, they are, by their very nature, exceedingly public events. This is something that is noted by the above quotation; Players are permitted to have stated that their characters were there. But that is the extent of what we are allowed. These massive events will occur over the span of, at most, two posts, with the players permitted to retroactively state that their characters were there. From what I have been told, I am not the only one who has had this complaint, either.
The funeral and coronation are events that would logically entail interaction between characters, be it discussion of the political scene at the coronation, or tearful presence at the funeral. To bar these places from character interaction is to completely and utterly trade what makes the BZPRPG interesting, character interactions and individual player responses, for the efficiency of a railroaded sequence of events.
I apologize for taking up time with such a long-winded protest, but frankly, I needed to lodge that complaint.
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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Another thing, somewhat related to the above: what purpose did the party serve? I mean, I know I was looking forward to stuff happening at the party. Like, legitimate stuff. At most, we got some conversation and a bit of drama before the Rora was killed. Then it was over.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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@Simon: If people would rather take the time to engage in the funeral/coronation sequences, then I'll cater to them. The idea behind making them quiet events was to speed the process along and move on to the expedition, which, I know, a great many people are anxiously awaiting. The complaint is noted.


Also I remember Krayz. :P



@Al: The party initially was meant to increase activity in Kentoku since, as we all remember, Ketoku had zero in the way of things to do up until a month ago. The party eventually took on other purposes, such as announcing the expedition and featuring a Fursic act of sabotage.


Honestly, it'd been going on for what, three weeks, right? There was plenty time to do things within that span of time, and I'm sorry if it wasn't everything you hoped for but there comes a point where things need to move on lest people become bored and frustrated that the game isn't progressing. Ultimately, the party was a success: It dramatically increased player activity and interest, added an element or the to the narrative and moves the story arc along. A lot of things happened there and that deserves some applause.

Edited by EmpressYumiwa
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I want to chime in to this discussion since I really do see this subject in a few different ways.


I feel Krayzikk's view is entirely valid, and I agree it's certainly not a positive feeling to spend time giving staff quality feedback in the new topic about the game only to have something so overwhelmingly talked about as player interaction and power within the staff plot be side-railed for perhaps two of the most crucial cultural events so far in Dasaka game history (funeral/coronation). The last time something like this happened was the Akiri Summit, which was pushed forward because things were falling to pieces and the game needed to be brought back into alignment with its purpose: being a communal game and a mass roleplaying story for the fun of all participants. Now, from the need to get things back on track and moving toward finishing this bloated story arc I am in complete agreement a time-skip, even if filled with a couple lengthy posts to explain happenings, is a good backup plan for the plot's shortcomings and should be used to help bring things up to speed.


In Kentoku, I think the problem of having to continuously push things forward lies in two or three major areas. The first was the mass breakdown of the triad clan system with the introduction of getting a perk for "rolling a male," no better way to put it, because everyone wanted one of the rare baby-makers. I'll admit at the time I thought the perk was an awesome game decision to increase world-building, but now I realize having a bunch of tiny clans run by one to three players actually crippled the game possibilities of Kentoku. IF we were to somehow fix anything I think the first part would be to condense the clans. The second part, I think, is heroic mentality. Everyone wants a character who stands out in the crowd, therefore no one stands out in the crowd. Everyone (and I include myself in this statement of course), wants to be creative and therefore simply flowing with the idea of three clans bicker and fight all the time looks like taking the middle road, picking the cheese pizza, not shooting for the extreme, and therefore it's boring. Creating a bunch of cool unique things, an unlimited palate, damaged that area of the game I feel. The third, which has already been heavily talked about in Feedback, was the power structure of Kentoku. Maybe players simply weren't posting but if felt like Staff were the ones in control for almost all of the Kentoku experience and that, in large, was a major turn off. I didn't want to be part of some story with only a bit-part and I don't think anyone does when they've spent time trying to be "abnormal" with their character design. Perhaps these three points were what's led us to where we are with Kentoku?


In light of all that, I agree with EW: the party served its purpose. Interaction had indeed dropped, and no one was really biting on a Paero game, so something had to be done. Staff stepped in, threw us a bone, and boy did we all gnaw on it for a while. It may not have been the absolute coolest idea, since it was basically just all the rich people showing off and pretending not to know each other while getting too drunk to actually remember who they were, but what it did do was give us something to do. If we had wanted to create another concomitant plot we could have, but we didn't. We all hopped on the party boat and went to the Dragon Hall because it was easy and available. (Okay, IC reasons of having a Chōjo send a personal invite kind of helped in that matter.) After that enterprise I only feel it's best to get things back on track, like back with the Akiri Summit, and push things forward with a time skip. I don't care if there's a big lengthy staff post telling me what happened like some old MUD, those can't be any worse than they have in the past, as long as it helps move the main plot forward.


In the future I think the best way to view this game is thus: if you want it, write it. If we want awesome inspiring action and espionage and romance we need to write it and not get ourselves stuck in flock mentality of "oh look, staff made a plot let's go join in because we have nothing better to do." We need to seek out the staff plot, make it happen on player terms by really doing our best to influence the game. I know we can all do a lot, just look at the Rama Hive. :)

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Small question.  Is the Rora's death common knowledge by the time of Nuju/Plank's posts?

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Ladies, gentlemen, and variations thereupon, may I have your attention please.


We're doing some spring-cleaning over at the BZPRPG Wiki. As most people who've been on the Wiki will have noticed, a lot of important information is out-of-date or missing, and the organisation of articles isn't totally clear and thus appears somewhat jumbled, so navigation can be difficult.


Now, we're creating a project to solve that. It's called 'Lorebook'. The Lorebook will consolidate the pages that have relevance to most players (major locations, events, species, staff plot stuff etc) and make sure they're given priority, kept up-to-date and written to a high standard.


The Lorebook will also serve another purpose. We're going to stylise it like an actual book, divided into volumes and chapters on different topics. Each page will still be a regular, standalone Wiki page, but it will also have a header and footer with links to, say, the contents and adjacent pages for ease of navigation. Once complete, the Lorebook will essentially be an everything-you-need-to-know guide to the BZPRPG, which will be useful to new players who want to get a proper grip on the game-world, for returning players who want to catch up on the core stuff without trawling through forum history, or indeed for general reference.


To make sure that the Lorebook is put together in a thorough and organised way, I'd like to ask that anybody who would like to help contact me first (PM or Skype) so that our efforts can be properly coordinated. People with a good grip on BZPRPG lore and a familiarity with the Wiki would be most useful, but of course the only requirement is a little enthusiasm!


Even if you don't want to join the Lorebook project, now is a good time to start using the Wiki (or return to it if you have, understandably, drifted away). We're adding new templates and tools to make editing easier (and help standardise formats and such), and there's a nice set of shiny achievement badges you can earn (recently customised with nostalgic MNOG images) as you make edits, add photos, and complete other activities. I'll be writing a couple of guides to help new editors as well.


I look forward to seeing you in the activity feed! :D


From your Wiki Overlord Administrator, Ghostie

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