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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: Wherya (Ga-Koro)


I had walked into Ga-Koro today with nothing really on my mind, aside from my usual habits of groaning loudly at poor fashion choices and rifling the pockets of well-off shoppers (because they have more money than they know what to do with), and otherwise just peeking around looking for inspiration in unusual places. Looking around like that I've gotten some strange works together in my head, some of which by a miracle or stroke of genius made it to actual sculptures, which a few eccentric art collectors just fell in love with apparently.


OK, so I kinda got off track there for a bit, that may or may not have been intentional, anyway...


I hadn't expected to end up in the middle of the closest thing I usually got to polite company, and on top of that to suddenly jump on what was apparently a permanent thing.


Maybe it was because I had nothing better to do, or maybe I just needed a change. Whatever the reason, as I was making smalltalk with my new crewmates, I felt a rising feeling in my stomach.


This was nice.




Perhaps in spite of that guy, though.


"Keep the ball rolling, me"


I tilted my head in his direction and smirked as I was wont to do when I felt like getting frisky.


"Maybe I heard that, what are you gonna do then?"

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IC: What does that even mean?

So what if she heard it? 

Wasn't that the point? I mean, it's the same thing either way so she's not wrong, but still, the act going on here is -correction-. Isn't it obvious that he wants her to hear him, if in a discreet manner? And isn't it obvious what the intended result is, given that he is correcting her on the terminology?

I don't get it.

Wherya headed with this?


I refuse, dear reader, to apologize.

helo frens

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IC: Haruru



Haruru slightly jumped at the sound of the feminine Toa's jubilant shout.



"By Mata Nui's name she's a loud one!"  he exclaimed in his mind over what felt like the sounds of bells ringing in his ears.



Refocusing on what what going on, he found that the loud one was close in front of him. She was violently trying to shake his hand off as she introduced herself. This Toa, who was apparently named Onamazu, then proceeded to ask Haruru and the two others for help.



Haruru looked back at the two suspicious Toa as they whispered amongst themselves. He couldn't quite make out what they were murmuring about. His eardrums were still recovering from what felt like a small child beating on a bongo drum. 



Turning back to Onamazu, Haruru was ready to give his reply. 



"I don't know how much help someone of my age and physique would be..." he began. "... but if that Toa has really been taken against her will like you say she has, then I will come along and-"



At that moment, Haruru was cut off by a figure in a thick cloak and bronze Kakama.

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IC Onamazu


Another toa has approached, a bo-toa by the looks of him, bearing bronzed armor and kakama. This brought my party to five, counting myself. What had begun as a failure was looking to be turned around, I introduce myself to the kakama wearing toa. Explaining the events that had transpired with the fe-toa and her abductors.


"Our meeting here is fate, I would ask all of you to accompany me on my quest."

...but close to it

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IC: Panyk, Chavara, Wisp, Mirra and Onic.


Finding Chavara wasn't too difficult. She must have finished talking to her sister, since she was now downstairs ordering a drink, keeping to the opposite end of the bar to the grey-armoured Toa from earlier. "Onic wants you," he reported in a flat voice.


"This had better be important..." Chavara muttered, rising to her feet and following Panyk out the door. 


* * *


Wisp saw them leave, and his brow furrowed. He quickly headed upstairs to go find Mirra. "How'd things go?" he asked her when he entered the room.


She didn't reply. Instead, she took a huge gulp of his drink, then snatched his cigarette and took a puff of that as well. 


"That bad, huh?" Wisp didn't laugh. "I just came up to let you know that your sister's been led off by one of her cronies. I think they're up to something. You want me to follow them?"


Mirra thought about it for a moment. "No. If they're leaving, then it's got nothing to do with us. I know Chavara. Subtlety isn't her style. Anything she tries to do will get her noticed - and arrested. Preferably killed, too." 


"If you say so..." Wisp frowned, deciding to go back downstairs for another drink. 


* * *


"Oh good, you're here," Onic spotted Chavara and Panyk as they entered the now-very-crowded alleyway. "Welcome to our crazy little party." 


"What in the name of Mata Nui is going on here?" Chavara demanded. She considered the name Mata Nui to be the vilest of curses, which was why she used it now. Makuta's name was a title of reverence, only to be used under the direst of circumstances. 


"I've got no clue." Panyk admitted. 


"Well..." Onic began, then shrugged and trailed off. "Just listen. We're getting to the good part." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: He glanced over and found an entirely too crowded alleyway in his vision, the normally discreet location no longer so anymore due to the sheer concentration of people within.

"What is this, a re-enactment of Ta-Koro a week ago?" he muttered, stopping and giving the group a once-over. Hectic-looking Toa, Decidedly annoyed looking firespitter, the Dastardly Duo Panyk and Onic, and somebody with a cloak.

Motley crew bound to go on some sort of crazy adventure. In other words, not helpful bystanders he could ask for directions to an inn.

...That he'd screw up anyway.

Keep walking, Cipher.

And so he did.

helo frens

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IC Onamazu


"Another? Excellent!" The statue-like toa had brought his acquaintance, she seemed the noble sort. Clad in golden armor and bearing a Hau.


I explain to her the events of the day, the strange group of evildoers brainwashing the fe-toa and abducting her, for what nefarious purpose she did not know.


"So, with that said. I am a hero of justice. I can tell you are all as well! So, let us be off! We'll need to gather information about the strangers, perhaps question some of the local inns and taverns. I know a priest nearby that may recognize them."


Most of the party appears... Confused, to say the least. "Maybe I didn't clarify things?"


"It will be good fun!"

Edited by Tiragath

...but close to it

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IC: Haruru



"Well, I don't know how much fun it would be, " Haruru thought to himself as he glanced around at the rag-tag group that now numbered six beings all crammed into an alley. "I mean, we're dealing with brainwashing and kidnapping here."



Haruru proceeded to walk quietly over to a piece of undamaged wall and lean up against it to rest. The older Toa decided that, for now at least, he would simply listen and wait to see what the others would decide to do next.


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IC: The Toa Shaydas.


"Why are we here?" Chavara hissed. "What's this all about?" 


"She's crazy," Panyk pointed out Onamazu. "That's about all I understand."


Onic chuckled, "She thinks some Fe-Toa got kidnapped or brainwashed or something. I think she's drunk. She intends to go looking for this likely nonexistent Fe-Toa and rescue her or something. I say we tag along, see if we can't find something to destroy along the way. We can use crazy here as our scapegoat if things go crazier than they already are." 


A devious smile flitted across Chavara's face. "See, this is why you're the team strategist." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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OOC: I am vague with timeline and numbers of people in this post, so anyone that doesn't feel like questing can opt out.


IC Onamazu


Everyone seemed eager now, and we had not a minute to waste. I sheathed Gram and adjusted my pack and cloak, "As I said, our first stop is a church. The priest there is the knowledgeable sort, he knows and speaks with many shadier persons," incredulous looks abound, what sort of priest does that?


"In his efforts to bring blessing and peace to them!" I add, looking to reassure the others. I turn and begin to walk, setting a brisk pace. I do not look behind me, I have faith those ready and willing will be following.


Soon, I reach the church. It is off of the direct roads. A backwater area so to speak. One of the few buildings incorporating wood or masonry in the floating koro. A rare and beautiful stained glass window, shaped as the holy symbols for Unity, Duty and Destiny adorns the front of the building, several bio above the heavy set of doors.


The doors open silently, the building is dark, the light filtering in through the scarce windows grey and dusty, or dimly colored by the stained glass above me. In my mind it has the air of a sacred and secluded place, not for petty matters. To others less naive and wishful; it would give the feeling of a crypt or some other underground area. Not a place meant for the sacred, but a place not meant for the living. Tall bookshelves line the antechamber, filled with old and worn tomes bearing titles like The Necronomicon, Unaussprechlichen Kulten and A King in Yellow.


Wherever the filtered light does not reach lays in shadow. Silhouettes of an altar and pews are visible in the distance, but faint. A rumbling comes from the distance, the voice of a figure walking in at the far end, wearing the heavy and dark cloak of a pilgrim.


"You do not answer my summons, and now you bring a strange party."


The figure is tall and imposing, large and formless with his cloak on. His dark gray Akaku covers all but his smile, more readily described as a smirk and his eyes, as pale and dim as a corpse. Without realizing, I take several steps back. The priest is not scary or intimidating, but he has a gloomy presence, one that makes the air about him feel heavy and stifling.


"These are my loyal companions, we are on a quest and I come here seeking advice and knowledge."


The priest walks past me, observing my companions. His stature and his dead eyes, deep beneath the Akaku give me the feeling that he looks through and inside of you, rather than at you.


"I am Karna, the one entrusted with this church. What are your names, companions of Onamazu?"

...but close to it

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IC: Haruru 



Inside this "church" was the peaceful silence yet eerie presence of a tomb. Haruru could hardly hear a breath at all coming from this specter of a priest that stood before the group. The priest gave each party member a soul piercing gaze before introducing himself and asking for names.



Slightly stepping out from the group, Haruru decided to break some of the tension and be the first to introduce himself.



"My name is Haruru," the thin and grey Toa said with a quick bow of his head. "I am a De-Toa and a wanderer."



Stepping back, Haruru waited for the rest of the group's introductions to follow suit. 

Edited by LUBrickon
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"..." The Le-Toa stared at him, head cocked slightly with eyebrows arched upwards a few more degrees. "... What are you doing?"




"Yeeeeah, you probably do. Might slow down that decent into chaos. But," The Vo-Toa jerked a thumb towards herself cheerfully, letting an electrical charge dissipate into the air with a crackle as she stretched one more time. "You're stuck with me. Sucks to be you."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Being deceptively cute. It's a habit."




"You ain't without your finer qualities," Raknar insisted, throwing a hand around Song's shoulders and lifting her under his arm like a duffel bag.





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"Eh, it's only deceptive if there isn't a small degree of truth." She shifted to pick her mug up again, draining its contents and setting it back down. Liara glanced towards the counter, then back to the Ba-Toa opposite her, and rolled her eyes.


"I forgot that speed isn't this place's forte."



The Vo-Toa chuckled quietly, putting remarkably little effort into complaining about the new method of locomotion. "Pretty sure that one's ."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: (Rekhyt)


"Lets go back to Obsidian."


IC: (Mura)


Mura was the first one to brake the silence...

"Um...er...where should we start looking then?"

IC: Angitu


Fed up with the old toa he was sitting next to, Angitu stood and left silently.


"Can't get a moments peace around here.." 


If you asked him where he was going, he wouldn't have an answer for you.


He started walking down the street, as he came around a corner he was on a collision course with a grey-cloaked being. Unable to stop himself in time, it looked as if Angitu was going impact helmet-to-hood with the being


"Come on, man. I'm walking here." 


"And I know you're trying to be all mysterious with the hood, but you could at least look where you're going."


IC: Casanuva narrowed his eyes. "Well, you all can do what you want. I found who I came for, I will be leaving, post haste."


Kalyss bristled. "You are not leaving."


Casanuva was already backing out the door, mouthing watch me. The Fa-Toa waved his good arm for his traveling group to follow him.


IC: Skorm couldn't believe he was so caught up in thought he had ran into the toa. He could understand tripping over a matoran, but this was just embarrassing. Skorm let out a throaty growl, and sidestepped the toa, pulling his hood back down. He prepared to stalk away, but... actually...


"Have you been in Ga-Koro long? I'm looking for some friends of mine. A male blue Fa-Toa, and an onu-matoran with an orange mask, both wear Pakaris. Have you seen them?"

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: The Toa Shaydas.


"I'm Onic," Onic had been taking charge of the Shaydas so far in this situation, and he was happy to continue doing so.  "This idiot here is Panyk."


"And I am Chavara," Chavara cut in, giving a slight bow in the priest's direction, difficult to do with her arm still in a cast. 


"Can I go now?" Panyk grumbled, before Chavara gave him a look that convinced him to shut up. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC (Ayiwah):


The giant cephalopod had been driven to the surface by hunger and fear, but instead of a meal it had only found more pain. These little, squishy things had stung, cut and hurt it , despite being outmatched. And now it saw three of them plunge towards it.


Out of her peripheral vision, Ayiwah noticed Arisaka and Sinshi falling next to her, shimmering soulswords ready to strike. Almost simultaneously the three Menti hit their target. Ayiwah's rapier pierced into the sensitive tissue with the full force of the drop. The monster reacted instantly, twitching and thrashing, but they kept striking and slashing and hacking at it, until the beast was certainly blind. 


Then all of a sudden, a tremor ran the length of the squid and its violent movements subsided. What was left of the eye wasn't moving anymore either. It was hard to tell, but it looked to the commodore that they had struck a major nerve and the shock had finally overwhelmed the monster. But they weren't quite out of danger yet. 


First there was a fleeting moment of silence, then, with an otherworldly groan,  the dying beast released its grip on the Ryuu. In a matter of seconds the tentacles slipped away or lost their grip. With the vessel free from the monster's grip, physics kicked in: The boat had not been turned enough to tip it over - instead of capsizing it wanted to be the right side up and fast. 


"Brace for impact!" was all the commodore could get out, before the ship forcefully returned to its proper orientation, a large wave of displaced water washing over the Dasaka clinging onto the carcass. 


Ayiwah held her breath, using her crystal dagger to hook into the squid until the wave passed. Slowly, the commodore stood back up. Her first order of business was to check to see if their ship had suffered any major hull damage, but the Ryuu once more floated safely next to the squid, stray rays of sunlight the broke through the clouds catching on the edge of the facets.


She turned to Sinshi and Arisaka. "Well done." she congratulated them, her tone returning to formal once again. "We should document this creature, for posterities sake. I am sure the taxonomists back home would be rather interested in it."


"Before you do that, ma'am, could you lend me a hand?" a voice spoke up behind her. The three Menti turned. Floating next to the creature, unable to scale the slippery skin from her position, was the Dashi Suihei that had gone overboard during the attack. Ayiwah smiled for a second, glad to see they had not lost the crewmember, as previously feared. She nodded to Arisaka and with her help, the Menti pulled the Dashi onto the squid's body as well.


"Are you injured?"


The Dashi didn't reply, just stared through the gap between the Menti, out onto the sea. They turned to see what she was looking at and then stared as well. Roughly a mile or so away from them, rows of fins had breached the surface of the water. Ayiwah quickly calculated their size, using the distance and proportional size. The result suddenly solved the mystery of why Mako had said the squid had been afraid. Whatever those fins belonged to, they needed to get away from it.


"Back to the ship. Hurry!"


As fast as they could, the Menti and Dashi used one of the giant tentacles as a bridge to make it back to the Ryuu. The others on deck who had also noticed the new danger approaching did not need an ideatalked command to hurry and throw some ropes down to them. While they were still climbing, Ayiwah took control of the situation again. 


"Engineering: do we have power?"


"Engine one is ready to go, engine two is having some trouble but we should be able to get  something out of it." came the reply.


"Good. Standby."


They reached the railing and climbed back aboard. Sailors who'd made their way topside again after the ship was the right side up once more were moving across the deck again, hurrying to man the crystal launchers once more or attempting immediate repairs on those that had been damaged.

"What in Zataka's name is that thing?" she heard the Dashi next to her ask out loud, fear in her voice. 


"We are not gonna linger to find out." the commodore replied. "Engineering: get us out of here, full speed ahead!"


"Aye aye, ma'am!"


Astern, the water turned white as the engines started back up, bringing distance between them and the squid as fast as possible. Spray started to hit those on deck like heavy rain as the bow smashed through the waves ahead of them, water washing over their feet. 


The ship kept moving and soon after, the squid was just a dark shape floating in the ocean behind them - until the fins reached it. Those aboard only caught a short look of something even more massive emerging near the carcass, before dragging it back to the depths from which it had come.







Once it disappeared, Ayiwah turned to Tazera. "You have the conn. Get us back on our original course. Maintain full speed for the next fifty miles before slowing down. I'm not taking any chances with that thing."


Then she turned and headed for the main-hatch, climbing back down inside. 



OOC: Bye bye, beasty =)

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"Was that a slip of a tongue, or did you just knowingly admit that I'm cute?" the aggravating Toa of Gravity needled.




"Consider, if ya will, that if you didn't have yourself a few admirable traits or quirks, I'da chucked you overboard years ago."





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IC (Dakte)


As the Ryuu made all speed ahead, Dakte stood by the aft rail and gazed across the waves at the squid's remains and the many-finned leviathan as they sank down into the black depths.


"There's always a bigger fish..." he muttered.


IC (Tazera)


"Yes ma'am!" Tazera barked, the leftover adrenaline putting a sharp edge on her voice.


Once back in the (relative) safety of the sub's corridors, the Lieutenant made a beeline for the bridge. As she went, she pressed two fingers to her temple and beamed some Ideatalk down to the healers.


:Medical, be ready for patients. Nothing too serious as far as I saw, but that thing's suckers leave nasty bruises.:


She switched her mental target to the Dasaka and Dashi in the engine room.


:Engineering, what's the status down there?:





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IC (Ayiwah):


The commodore, back below decks, had contemplated heading back to her cabin and cleaning up first. She was in her workout outfit after all. No uniform, just her armor and a whole lot of stuff clinging to her from the fight with the squid. Nothing that she deemed presentable or as proper attire to carry out her duties as commanding officer. 


Which was why she had left Tazera in charge for now. But instead of her cabin, Ayiwah found herself instinctively heading for sick bay, to check on the injured. Kyoshi Asa was already tending to as many as she could as the commodore entered. 


One of the injured sailors tried to salute, but Ayiwah waved him off. "At ease, Suihei. I am not even in uniform."


She turned to Asa. "How are things down here?"




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IC (Dakte)


As the Ryuu made all speed ahead, Dakte stood by the aft rail and gazed across the waves at the squid's remains and the many-finned leviathan as they sank down into the black depths.


"There's always a bigger fish..." he muttered.


IC: Vilda Mako (Chisai Ryuu)


Dakte was soon joined by a completely drenched Datsue resting his weary (albeit well-tended) muscles by leaning on the railing beside him. It'd been somethng else, this little altercation we'd just survived, sure didn't have this kind of problems to deal with back in my youth.


No wonder they say a male's best years are after retirement. And if no one's said it yet, I claim credit for saying it, just now.


"Now what we signed up for, but I guess I'll take it, what about you?"

Edited by Geardirector

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The battle had ended, and ended in victory. As the adrenaline faded, the fight or flight reaction diminished, Sinshi suddenly felt the weight of her limbs, and the energy she had expended. The Umbraline Menti hadn't used her Soulsword in weeks, and it showed; the effort of sustaining both of her weapons, one while out of contact with herself, for such an extended period of time, while expending so much physical energy, had been substantial. She felt hungry, she felt tired, and she wanted a bath.


Permitting her swords to dissipate, she swiped one of the more solid piece of entrails off of her shoulders, the bit of tentacle impacting against the deck with a wet smack. She could hear the engines starting, and not a minute too soon as the massive creature that they'd just dispatched was... Dragged down by one even bigger.


"Zataka's-" She dropped, intentionally, onto the desk into a sitting position, breathing deeply.Then, almost to herself, "I think I'm going to rest."


I'm going to sit here a while, then I'm finding a bath. And hopefully, no one noticed my little display.




"Don't be a grumpopotamus."




"I'd be swimming a lot more often if that were the case."

Edited by Ninth Krayzikk



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"But you're the grump."


The food was finally beginning to arrive in waves - ha! Waves! Ga-Koro!




"If only."



Edited by Parks and Rekt



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IC: Vilda Mako (Chisai Ryuu)


"Little bit of this, little bit of that, really" I answered.


"I signed on for some good old-fashioned hard work, exploration, and of course I had to take the chance to see what this new island was like. On Kentoku we only know one order of things, apparently these villages have seperate ones. New things to both learn and do, in short"

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"You're pouting, ergo, you're the grump." The Le-Toa responded, downing another cup of coffee and taking a large bite of her bacon. 




"I enjoy testing the boundaries of patience."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC - Nameless [Marine Headquarters]:


The Toa nodded and looked around the large lobby for any available seats. He found one a good distance away from any groups of people and sat down. He sat down and scratched his chin. He had never really given much thought to a name for himself and he had hoped that one day his real name would return to him. The anonymous young man sighed and leaned back in the chair as he concentrated on picking an appropriate name.


[Ga-koro, Marine Headquarters]


Talli was just packing up for the night when she noticed the ragged, nameless Toa from before sitting on one of the lobby benches.  He looked deep in thought, but something made Talli pause and slide in next to him.  She cut a piece of her galvi fruit and offered it to him.


“Want some?  You don't look like you’ve eaten a lot lately.”

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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