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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: JiMing"WE'RE GOING TO DESTROY A FREAKING NUI-RAMA HIVE!!??" he exclaimed with a look of shock and horror on his face."HOW IS SOMEONE LIKE ME GOING TO SURVIVE THAT!?" he asked Mussiki.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC: Toa ArdokuDeep in the jungles of Le-wahi, something strange was about to happen, something never recorded into any book, not seen by anyone to tell. A rift was to form now, and through it, a warrior of fate was to step. From the other side, this warrior had faced many trials, some of which might have ended his journey prematurely... but to no avail. He passed them all, he passed everyone there, he became strong... and now he would return home.Toa Ardoku didn't know what day it was, how long it had been since he passed through first, since he awoke in the white bed in the white room, in the dead city of towers... as long as the eye could reach, and further. But he was here, that was for certain... and it didn't seem like much had changed. "Perhaps I haven't arrived so long after i departed as I thought..." A remark referring to how Le-koro looked excactly as he'd always remembered it...v--Edit--vOOC: Would anyone like to interact with my character? I'm going to be very active on him, so don't worry about inactivity...

Edited by The Firewalker
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OOC: That's talking to me, right? If not, I'll edit this.IC: JiMing"SURE, YOU'RE A TOA, BUT I'M A MATORAN!" he exclaimed."I'D MOST LIKELY GET KILLED IF I WAS TO GO ON THAT MISSION!"

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC: Madrihk"You don't have to come if you don't want to," Madrihk explained patiently. "If you want you can just sit here in the nice, safe village, so calm down, please."The ILS leader turned back to Reordin."Explosives, you say? That would make things a bit easier. If we do as Tarotrix says, with the Ta-Koro guard covering you while you do your work, we have part of the plan ready."Volin was next."You would go inside the hive despite your doubts about it; I respect that. Tell me if there is something else you would rather do, but I'll put you on the strike force list for the time being. But please... don't call it a suicide squad." He made a face. "The chances of success are higher than that, I would say."

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IC:Sisk turned his head as he heard the rather excited yell from above. Lashev had been right about the others following closely. As Claw-Wing landed, Sisk walked over to the Kahu as Lans slid out of the saddle and took the birds reigns. After all, that's what he did best. One of the other caretakers walked over, a surprised look of recognition on his face as he approached the two Le-Matoran. Sisk recognized him as well, but couldn't remember the name right away.The other held out his hand and Sisk handed over the reigns. However his eyes were more on Sisk and Lans."You're finally long-back! We were wondering where you had left-gone to. Where have you been? What did you do? Have you heard news?" he asked, giddy with excitement. Sisk smiled. He remembered the name now. "Easy Gaer," he said, holding up his hand, signaling Gaer to slow down. "We've seen many-much, bad things, some good, all interesting. Maybe when I have a time-bit I can share-tell all of it with you. For now, care-take Skyscratcher and Claw-Wing. Treat them well-good, they fly-earned it."It was a friendly order and Gaer recognized it quickly. He nodded and turned around, focusing on the two birds. Sisk looked satisfied and turned to Lans again. "Come on, we shouldn't linger-wait too long. With all that happened, the sooner-quick we talk to the Captain, the better, maybe for the whole-all Island." But Lans looked concerned, which was odd, considering his happy exclamation a few minutes ago."What's bothering you?"-----------------------------------------"I don't know anything right now." Rhow grunted. Leah raised one eyebrow, slightly suspiscious. Then, she relaxed, shrugged and smiled softly. "Well," she said empathically, "you wouldn't be the first to arrive with no recollection...ever since the Makuta expanded his efforts more and more strangers have arrived on the Island...your kind among them. How long have you been here?""Some months. I didn't count. Woke up, washed up on a beach. I know my home is elsewhere, but nothing about how I got here. Never went to the villages, though. Having to live every day can do that. Never learned of all this...whatever it is."Leah nodded in understanding. Rhow looked at Iraanus again. "I'm at a loss here. What do you reckon we should do?"




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IC:"Pull yourself together. Being a Matoran doesn't make you any less of a being than they are. Look at me, I survived against Rahkshi. Who's to say you won't do badly against a swarm of Rama?" Trakuda muttered to JiMing.He turned back to Madrihk, "I'll go with the Sanctum Guard and Reordin. We are from the same village, after all."

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IC: "You'll likely be paired with Toa," Tarotrix said in as calm a voice he could speak to JiMing. "And we have the advantage of a combined ILS-Guard force experienced against such wretched things."

Edited by Zombie Shark Ragnarok
I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro)"And we'll be glad to have you," said Reordin, walking into the briefing and turning to Mahdrik."I just spoke with Ussalryman Sulov from the 7th Squadron. They're prepared to leave Onu-Koro now."-Teezy



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IC: JiMingJiMing took several deep breaths to calm himself down."He has a point." he muttered to himself. "Maybe I have a chance of surviving if I was to go on that mission. A small chance, but there is a chance.Now JiMing was debating with himself if it he should go on that mission.

Edited by Belonephobia

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC-Mussiki:Mussiki looked down at JiMing, then back up at Plagia. "He realizes we haven't really signed on, right?" He asked the other Toa."Ah, but there's something you don't understand, Mussiki," Dendron said, smiling greatly. "We're making you, at least, come along with us." He laughed inwardly at Mussiki's stricken expression.IC-Lashev:Lashev stepped around on the wooden platform he was on-he couldn't help but think it was going to break under him at any moment. He stepped over by a tree, his mask whiter than normal, prepared to hold on to a vine if something started to break.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC:With the illusion gone, Soulgain's mind stabilised, allowing it to think clearly once more. As it inspected where the illusionary kitten had once been, it realised that it had never existed, meaning something must have created it.So within the burning circle of trees, it once more fired off several blasts of plasma everywhere.

Edited by It's a Gundam!
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IC: Amerikos ran into the jungles of Le-wahi, using his hands and feet to clear the brush away. Seeing a nearby vine, he front-flipped to grab it, catching it and swinging. Unaware of where he was going, he dropped off and landed in a clearing on top of a tree. "So this must be Le-koro," he mused. "it looks like my kinda place."OOC: Amerikos open to interaction.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

BZRPG profiles

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OOC: I'mma gonna time skip a bit. If you don't mind...IC: AelynnIt didn't take that long to return to Pala-Koro, and the two Toa walked in through the gate. As they walked in, Aelynn noticed that most of the beings were gathered in the main hut. "Huh, I wonder what's going on... Hey, Auron, go and see what all that's about. I'll be there in a minute, I'm going to put this stuff away," the Toa of Iron explained, already heading towards her hut.



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IC: Iraanus shrugged. "Well, under normal circumstances, I'd be the first to suggest we hunt down whoever did this, cut their throats, and take back the elder. But we can't very well do that if we've got no evidence to go on, can we?" He leaned against the hut's wall casually, hand on his chin, thinking. He pulled the mask out of his pack, tossing it into the air and catching it. "Though I'd really like to get this delivery over with. Shouldn't take too long. We can talk about what to do on the way, or I could go alone, whatever."OOC: He's supposed to deliver the mask to an NPC bartender, who happens to be dead. So...yeah. Kinda wrote myself into a hole with that one.


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OOC: Voi, Stronin, Trad, Ire and Soli from Ta-WahiIC (Voi, Le-Wahi):As Voi and his new group walked in the humid jungle of Le-Wahi, he could not ignore the magnificent sounds and shrieks of the local wildlife. Le-Wahi truly was a beautiful place, even more so for Voi, who felt like he belonged in this region. He was a Toa of Air, after all. If he hadn't known that his help was needed elsewhere, he would've settled in Le-Koro permanently.Just then Voi thought about his new mission. It was a dangerous one and Voi knew that his friends were actually quite foolish to join him. And Voi had to admit... he had not told everything about this mission to his new friends.If they find out what's really going on, they will become former friends, Voi thought sadly. On the other hand, if I don't, they will probably die finding out."Try looking for a cave", Voi said to his teammates.

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IC-Unari:Unari sighed, looking about the Bright-Star inn. Ryllia had left, Geriam was dead, and now running it was left up to him. He quickly set about fixing the room after the battle that had nearly occurred, along with checking the inventory.


Unari smiled, looking down in the wine cellar. Light Ga-Wahi whites, a few musky Po-Koro darks...perfect. He stepped up, before moving to the whiskey storage. He smiled, pulling out a special bottle. "Mmm," he moaned happily, "A nice Onu-Wahi vintage...very good." He quickly did a check of the various whiskeys, liquors, and other spirits, before checking the brew kegs.

"Uh-huh, there's the home-brew," he muttered, pointing to a rack of kegs he had. "There's the cider, straight from the trees outside...looks like everything is in order." He clapped his hands happily, before quickly running back up the stairs to the main platform, switching the small sign out front to 'Open.' Time for business to start back up


OOC: And the Bright-Star inn is now officially open, my friends!

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: @ Toatapio Nuva: Where in Le-wahi are your guys? If they're in the area and looking in caves, they might end up running into one of my characters.IC (Matan and Natan): The two Skakdi were hard at work on a Matoran's armour. The poor being had been snatched by a nui-rama and had most of his armour shredded. Once the healers were done with him, he had come to the Skakdi engineers to have his mechanical parts repaired. Under the influence of Natan's iron powers, a new shell was growing over his limbs and torso while the old one whithered away into nothing.


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