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Friar Tuck

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We are close to Ta-Koro, though security might be tightened thanks to the battle that just went down.

"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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yeah, considering kapura is in the guard, he probably would be hard to get, but you did brign up a good point about kopeke.but of course we would have to wait for the mata nui daily to come out, then it would make more sense, for our matoran to hear about tamaru's HORRID demise

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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We would need to get to a Koro first then, I don't think they would deliever news tablets to Kini-Nui.

"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged"-Jaller(Jala) :smilejala: 
"We're on our own here-like we've always been-and we'll stand or fall on our own"-Tanma
"He may seem slow and strange to you, but his simple words often carry a hidden wisdom"-Turaga Vakama on Kapura

Kanohi: Stories of a Matoran Vigilante The Impact of a Rebirth: a Kanohi Fanfic The Willing Exiles: a Kanohi Fanfic SKA PC Profiles: Kanohi, Collector, Mahrika Kardaka BZPRPG Profiles Avatar by @Harvali 

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A REMINDER TO ALL PLAYERS:You are not game hosts. It is not your job to enforce your own resolutions upon matters of GMing, auto-hitting, and the like. If an issue of illegal play comes up, PM a staff member linking to the post in question - taking matters into your own hands doesn't help anybody, and only creates more trouble. Backseat moderating makes our jobs harder, and instantly muddies situations. So please, to respect to your fellow players and out of courtesy to the staff of the game, don't do it. Another note - it's just plain obnoxious to use oversized font to try and make your point heard. Please don't do that. Only we have the right to get all of your our attention withPOINTLESSLY LARGE TEXT!Y'hear? See how annoying that was? I don't like big text. It reads through the internet as shouting. Shouting is rude, especially when people are trying to write in here! Again, be considerate of the needs of others. Thanks.


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HELLOOOO ANYONE WANT FREE GOODIES? Go find Kriigata's leather sachel in the Charred forest.. she left it in a tree a couple of days ago. Keep the stuff inside if you want:500 widgets,1 amano volo sphereFOOD-- berries/nuts. Nuthin much. :Psome waterOH YEAH, and a really nice sachel! (black leather with a sliver clasp)

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HELLOOOO ANYONE WANT FREE GOODIES? Go find Kriigata's leather sachel in the Charred forest.. she left it in a tree a couple of days ago. Keep the stuff inside if you want:500 widgets,1 amano volo sphereFOOD-- berries/nuts. Nuthin much. :Psome waterOH YEAH, and a really nice sachel! (black leather with a sliver clasp)

Ooh, I've got a character in Ta-Koro who'd like an Amana Volo sphere...





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whats an amana volo sphere? all i know is that it was the "medkit" in bionicle the game. i didnt know it was actually canon :\

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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It's the same here-they'll heal one upon consuming them. Dudes can get them by removing Rahi's infected masks. And yes, they are canonical. They only make one non-canon appearance and have several canon cameos, not to mention one canonical in-game one. -The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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A REMINDER TO ALL PLAYERS:You are not game hosts. It is not your job to enforce your own resolutions upon matters of GMing, auto-hitting, and the like. If an issue of illegal play comes up, PM a staff member linking to the post in question - taking matters into your own hands doesn't help anybody, and only creates more trouble. Backseat moderating makes our jobs harder, and instantly muddies situations. So please, to respect to your fellow players and out of courtesy to the staff of the game, don't do it. Another note - it's just plain obnoxious to use oversized font to try and make your point heard. Please don't do that. Only we have the right to get all of your our attention withPOINTLESSLY LARGE TEXT!Y'hear? See how annoying that was? I don't like big text. It reads through the internet as shouting. Shouting is rude, especially when people are trying to write in here! Again, be considerate of the needs of others. Thanks.

Yeah, I'm guilty of the large text thing. :P -Snipe

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I think it's time this discussion was taken to its rightful place -- the Discussion Topic.So Ghosthands's pirate crew on the Infernavika followed Kalama's Gheluka force into the Temple of Wisdom. At first things went as-planned; however, when our crew began to interfere with the Ga-Koro marines' progress, an argument was ignited. Kalama got angry because he said we were interfering with his story; but, in my opinion and in Ghosthands's opinion, he should have either said he were interfering from the start or made sure to account for outside interaction.I have several things to point out here, Kalama, if you do read this:

Yes but it's far easier on me if you ASK AHEAD Ghosthands. There's no reason not to and it lets me expand on my thinking. It also lets me keep track of who's actually engaged in what I'm doing verses everything else in Po-Wahi. It's also far more polite then just walking up and and doing something sending events in a completely random direction I wasn't wanting to go in. No one likes getting a story hijacked and that's exactly what I saw you doing. One thing I do have control over is the story and I'll be DEAD before I relinquish control of THAT without prior planning and coordination. Even sandbox RPG's have their own brand of etiquette that makes their experience more enjoyable when observed. I don't care if every last boardmember showed up in here, if they ask then it's easier for me to set up events in which everybody can do something instead of having to improvise when the party gets crashed and the story falters and collapses because too many supports were taken out and those remaining were made out of poor quality quick fixes to hold it up.

In real life, do you e-mail someone making sure it's okay for you to accidentally bump into them at a corner? Or do you e-mail a criminal to make sure it's okay to call the police on him? No. In the same way, in an RPG, everyone is free to interact with everyone else. You can't just tell someone to go away so your character can meet his destiny or whatever -- you have to deal with the interruptions in-character. If your character Yorlonda had told us to go away in the first place, you probably would have "saved" your story. You can't complain about our interactions with your characters if you let us do so in the first place.

Weak stories don't last long and this one is definitely coming down, there's nothing I can do to stop it. I should have just terminated it when you just quick traveled after my group ignoring the fact they'd already passed though a few chambers without even ATTEMPTING to solve any puzzles between the entrance and where we were. I was not thrilled to learn your crew killed something that would have survived being beaten on by a Toa of Stone with a Pakari. (If it can survive that then how the devil would you have killed it in a few shots? At least you personally had the decency to take three posts to fight it while the rest of your only took one post each? Explain THAT because I would really like to hear how realistic THAT is...)

If we did skip any puzzles I apologize, but you have to admit your posts were rather long and filled with dialogue; forgive me if I skimmed to catch the main events.And we didn't destroy the beast in "one post each", we defeated it together by attacking it from multiple fronts. The creature was an NPC, and thus it was fair game to destroy it -- unless, of course, it wasn't meant to be destroyed. According to you it indeed wasn't, but you never said anything about that until after we destroyed it.

I was even LESS happy to have a 6 member pileup tossed at my feet and after I'd untangled the mess, the claims within were so conflicting and confusing you had pretty much derailed any chance of getting the story back on track forcing me to "deal with my opponents" with which you took to griefing about my methods of damage control.Do you seriously think that's fun for me?

Since when were our claims conflicting and confusing? Lohkar found a side exit; Raknar ran after your characters. I was following that part quite clearly.

I probably should have brought in staff when you started to get involved in a way I wasn't comfortable with instead of soldiering on trying to get this worked out. Lessons learned eh?

But is it the staff's job to tell people to buzz off just because you're running your own story arc? The RPG is for playing with others; as I stated in the Po-Wahi topic, if you wanted to run your own story without anyone interfering, you should have posted a story in a Library forum.

"Oh Kalienthia, have you learned nothing on this trip? In all of the tombs I've explored they all have one thing in common. There's always ONE chamber..."His foot went backwards searched for something. He grinned as it found a depression."...where the floor drops out form underneath you."Jamming his heel down on to the switch hard a loud "CLACK" noise was heard before the tiled floor suddenly gave way dropping the occupants into the abyss.

If the switch was there all the time, and the fighting in the chamber was chaotic, how did no one step on the switch before?

Heat blasted her in the face making her stomach turn as she saw what was up ahead.Magma.They were being dropped straight into a river of Magma!

In having everyone fall toward magma, you've basically auto-killed us. We don't all have Mirus or sharp enough objects to grab onto the walls; I actually had Raknar swing his axe at a stone block before, and even taking a running start and having all his weight behind his swing, he only cracked the stone, not dug the blade into it. So how are we supposed to save ourselves?I apologize for the walls of text, but I felt I really needed to clear this up.
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Ah, Friar didn't get around to RPing Matau, oh well....tomorrow I guess? My characters are kinda stuck otherwise.

As I have said since the beginning, this second-story option is on MY schedule, NOT yours :P If I want to enjoy my weekend I will.

I could possibly create something for your characters to do. Can anyone explain the whole mystery thing going on?

Best way to get a summary is to read this post from the bottom up. It gives recent developments and storyline revelations in short descriptions.

Hey, if you have an element like, say, fire, you actually have slight control of ice, right? Since you can absorb and take away heat, shouldn't that be kinda cold? Similarly, find ice and heat it up correctly, you can create water, although weakly. Right? So, lightning can create a small magnetic field, and if you hit a tree, you can also create fire, right? Different element plus different area means you get a bit more powers thanks to versatility which can help combat things. These are allowed, aren't they? The wont get you banned if you create rising air using stuff like fire and water, right.

You can create them, but you couldn't control them. While you could cause frost over things by leeching the heat out, you couldn't turn that into spikes of ice and throw them at people.While you could make fire by striking a tree with lightning, you couldn't stop that fire spreading or just going out
Characters can only use the elements described in their powers section of their profile; there is no crossover in powers, otherwise I would let you all have more than one. TPtI did an excellent job defining this, and I applaud him, though if you are looking for specifics please read this post about sub-powers; it will answer your question(s). However, any over-use of them or cross-over will be seen as rule-breaking and will be dealt with accordingly. About RPG interactions... what legolover said, he does have a point: this game IS about interactions, and technically at any time you could bump into anyone and suddenly the two stories collide, intertwine, and now you all have to work together (or against in some cases). This is what this game is about, what happens, and what is suppose to happen. What legolover fails to realize though that this game is as much respect as it is interaction. Granted, it is in his right to simply drop in, but if someone (or a small group) have been working on a project, seeking some lost treasure, or solving some ancient clue, and you get that close, and suddenly Indiana Jones comes swooping in to save the day and steal the credit, well... that's just bad sportsmanship, not to mention terribly rude and inconsiderate. Those with this type of adventure have every right to have their story not interfered with on the basis of the world they are creating. This is not real life, and while most day-to-day interaction here I say just go for it and sort it out later, important personal stories and adventures I honestly WOULD PM permission, because you have no idea most of the time how much work has been put into it. By simply barging in you are exercising your right to play as the game is set up, but you are also showing that you have no regard for other people's work. The Constitution guarantees the right for you to say want, but it does not guarantee the right to be taken seriously. This game guarantees the players freedom to interact and do as you will, but it does not guarantee the right to be interacted WITH in return, nor does it give you the right to RP with impunity in regard to other players and what they are doing, and this means from GMing in fights to simply dropping in uninvited or unannounced. The biggest thing I have learned over the years of being the GM of this game it does not matter how many or how few rules I make, its all about how well the players not only stay in character but how well they respect each other and the game. I could have maybe five rules, allow every mask and power, and if all the players were respectful and courteous, playing within reason and limits that are simply common sense, there would be no issues. Please guys, be courteous to one another, and you'll find it a much better playing experience than trying to out-do and name-calling :) Remember, we're here to have fun, not tackle someone else's story :P

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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What legolover fails to realize though that this game is as much respect as it is interaction. Granted, it is in his right to simply drop in, but if someone (or a small group) have been working on a project, seeking some lost treasure, or solving some ancient clue, and you get that close, and suddenly Indiana Jones comes swooping in to save the day and steal the credit, well... that's just bad sportsmanship, not to mention terribly rude and inconsiderate. Those with this type of adventure have every right to have their story not interfered with on the basis of the world they are creating. This is not real life, and while most day-to-day interaction here I say just go for it and sort it out later, important personal stories and adventures I honestly WOULD PM permission, because you have no idea most of the time how much work has been put into it. By simply barging in you are exercising your right to play as the game is set up, but you are also showing that you have no regard for other people's work.

But I do realize that -- it's the whole reason for the fair play rules in the first place. And I did say that, if Kalama didn't want us interfering, he could have had Lady Yorlonda send us away. Because he didn't, he let us in on the story; he even later admitted he shouldn't have let us in, but that's that.We didn't just barge in. We were out sailing, Lohkar recognized a cutter as the Ga-Koro marines', and we decided to follow because marines wouldn't leave Ga-Wahi except for something important.There's still the matter of the dropping-out floor to resolve... Because everyone was in the chamber, everyone should have fallen, which would count as an auto-kill. I don't understand why pirate characters are posting as if they were saved, and I don't think Kiox should have been able to save everyone by levitating. Retcon, anyone? :P
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What legolover fails to realize though that this game is as much respect as it is interaction. Granted, it is in his right to simply drop in, but if someone (or a small group) have been working on a project, seeking some lost treasure, or solving some ancient clue, and you get that close, and suddenly Indiana Jones comes swooping in to save the day and steal the credit, well... that's just bad sportsmanship, not to mention terribly rude and inconsiderate. Those with this type of adventure have every right to have their story not interfered with on the basis of the world they are creating. This is not real life, and while most day-to-day interaction here I say just go for it and sort it out later, important personal stories and adventures I honestly WOULD PM permission, because you have no idea most of the time how much work has been put into it. By simply barging in you are exercising your right to play as the game is set up, but you are also showing that you have no regard for other people's work.

But I do realize that -- it's the whole reason for the fair play rules in the first place. And I did say that, if Kalama didn't want us interfering, he could have had Lady Yorlonda send us away. Because he didn't, he let us in on the story; he even later admitted he shouldn't have let us in, but that's that. We didn't just barge in. We were out sailing, Lohkar recognized a cutter as the Ga-Koro marines', and we decided to follow because marines wouldn't leave Ga-Wahi except for something important. There's still the matter of the dropping-out floor to resolve... Because everyone was in the chamber, everyone should have fallen, which would count as an auto-kill. I don't understand why pirate characters are posting as if they were saved, and I don't think Kiox should have been able to save everyone by levitating. Retcon, anyone? :P
Delarix can fly and Gunner has a Miru. That leaves just Lohkar, Raknar, Yasurek and Arzanyos for Kiox to lift. Four beings isn't such a huge challenge. Nuju had a little trouble lifting Vakama in LoMN but he'd only just learned to use his Matatu. If we assume that Kiox was in the doorway when the floor fell out, he'd have been able to catch those who needed catching. It makes sense to me.





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Ah, Friar didn't get around to RPing Matau, oh well....tomorrow I guess? My characters are kinda stuck otherwise.

As I have said since the beginning, this second-story option is on MY schedule, NOT yours :P If I want to enjoy my weekend I will.
Well I knew that, and I understand, I can still bug you if I want though. :P

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Lol, if that's the case then it's up to you two to sort out - if he gave you permission, then all is fair game! :P All's fair in love and war, and there should be "the BZPRPG" in there somewhere as well! I cannot know everything so I simply respond to what I hear. And while is was aimed at you legolover it is something that all players needed to be reminded of every so often, and an opportunity presented itself, so don't feel singled out since there ARE recent events that could have used some of that as well :sly: I'm glad you understand that and DID take the time to ask, which is really all I ask and I greatly appreciate it... so anything after that, well, needs to get sorted out between players. To me it sounds like one person wanted it harder, and the other is thinking of ways to get past too quickly. But then again it's up to you two to figure out ;) *looks at Snelly and pulls out magnifying glass* Bug me will you? :evilgrin:

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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Lol, if that's the case then it's up to you two to sort out - if he gave you permission, then all is fair game! :P All's fair in love and war, and there should be "the BZPRPG" in there somewhere as well! I cannot know everything so I simply respond to what I hear. And while is was aimed at you legolover it is something that all players needed to be reminded of every so often, and an opportunity presented itself, so don't feel singled out since there ARE recent events that could have used some of that as well :sly: I'm glad you understand that and DID take the time to ask, which is really all I ask and I greatly appreciate it... so anything after that, well, needs to get sorted out between players. To me it sounds like one person wanted it harder, and the other is thinking of ways to get past too quickly. But then again it's up to you two to figure out ;) *looks at Snelly and pulls out magnifying glass* Bug me will you? :evilgrin:

*EEP* :OMG: Did I say bugging? I meant I will inform you of my situation on a daily basis.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Alright. Nokama's Son and somebody trying to assassinate the Ga-Matoran in the Chroniclers Company (Out of sheer fear) is over at Nokama's hut, waiting for her to return from walking on the beach and saying "Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. If somebody attacked, we would all die! Wrong!" I hope she doesn't take too long. Mmm. Also, the infected guy just got banished from Ta-Koro; that means he has to get in through special ways, right?

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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yeah, from what my friend told me, if you try to cannibalize someone in fallout everybody in town will attack you xD

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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I cannot know everything so I simply respond to what I hear

is what tuck said, so shooting him a pm would speed things up

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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So, uh, hey. It's been a while. A few years, in fact. Did I miss much?

Short answer? Yes. My arrival, for one thing. I don't know how you survived XD The RPG's been officially rebooted. Twice. Whole new universe to play with. Means your characters never existed (at least, their previous life never existed) and Tuck's a little touchy about people carbon-copying old chars. Chance to start afresh.





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