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Bzprpg News And Discussion

Friar Tuck

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Ok, guys, EW said he'd like to see more Wiki discussion. And I have something bugging me. So let's discuss:Does anyone think that it would be a good idea to make a new Wikia wiki for our current RPG?I have various reasons for suggesting this:

  • [*]The current Wiki's admins are notoriously inactive, so certain stuff never gets updated and we have an increasing list of problems[*]Article, images and so on from old RPGs are cluttering the place up, so it might be good for us to start afresh with a blank slate[*]There are only about 5 people (TDC, BioBeast, Blitz, LegoLover and myself) who actively edit there, and even we have got in a bit of a rut with it, so it would hopefully be an incentive for lots of RPers to write about their characters[*]As a sidenote, it would eliminate the abbreviation problem





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If there's only five people editing the old wiki, then that suggests (to me at least) that there isn't much interest in a wiki. So what would be the point in a new one?

The old wiki is bogged down with detail from old RPGs and held up by absent admins. The quantity of old info may be intimidating to potential new editors.And a new start of anything almost always attracts new people.





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The old one sounds like its running properly if you ask me. If you can still edit things, then its doing its job a a wiki. Your problem is a lack of interest. And just making a new one isn't going to solve that

I disagree. For one thing, we have a severe lack of publicity. It's months since the front page was updated.The community is perhaps the most important part of a wiki. And the current community seems to be stagnating.And incidentally, I was aiming this idea at people who either are already contributors to the wiki, or who would be interested in starting. Not, with all respect to you, to people who don't use the wiki and only wish to complain about the idea of changing things. Edited by Ghosthands





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In all honesty, I've found the current wiki less than adequate when I wanted to look something specific up, mainly b/c nobody really worked on it besides a few people. Sure, I could update a section with all my profiles and what my characters have done, but nothing would really come of that in my opinion as anyone could just simply PM me or look at my actual profile entry. I'm not saying a new wiki is a bad idea, I'm just saying I don't really see the point in having one to begin with.

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I agree with making a new wiki. It could be linked to the old one, too. Hopefully, since BZP's back, it would have people editing it left and right. That would be nice... So, yeah, I like that idea.Oh, and MicroSnipe (where is he?), I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but Kinvex responded to Tuara in Ko-Wahi... so feel free to respond any time you like.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought a wiki was meant to be a resource and lexicon for information. But in this new age of the BZPRPG, we have things like character profiles all in a topic and weekly updates in the front page, so the information is all self-contained in the RPG itself, thus defeating the need for a wiki. Maybe it's just the pessimist inside me, but I personally don't see the need for a wiki at all to begin with. I mean, I never had to refer to it at all. We have new members in this game in part because they can start anew completely; what's the use of divulging to them the intricacies of many years of RPing?I mean, maybe I'm mistaken entirely, but it all seems really moot to me...

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought a wiki was meant to be a resource and lexicon for information. But in this new age of the BZPRPG, we have things like character profiles all in a topic and weekly updates in the front page, so the information is all self-contained in the RPG itself, thus defeating the need for a wiki. Maybe it's just the pessimist inside me, but I personally don't see the need for a wiki at all to begin with. I mean, I never had to refer to it at all. We have new members in this game in part because they can start anew completely; what's the use of divulging to them the intricacies of many years of RPing?I mean, maybe I'm mistaken entirely, but it all seems really moot to me...

A character profile does not provide an in-depth biography of a character's in-game adventures, for one thing. The Wiki can be very helpful if you want to find a good summary of a particular location, character or event without having to trawl through pages and pages of posts for the relevant bits.What you've just said is a bit like saying, "We don't need BS01, all the information is already in the books, films and on the BIONICLE website."And also, I personally find it very enjoyable to chronicle my characters' adventures. I can't remember everything that happens to each of my characters, and it can be incredibly helpful for reference (and also quite fun for light reading).





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Tell me, have you ever gone on a certain site that has Tropes?I find it a quite nice read when I'm bored. I can use it to get recommendations and other such things about movies, books, and other things.Same thing with a BZPWiki. It would allow us to see a brief overview of the adventures of each of the chars entered on the wiki, cross-referenced with other chars and locations and Miracle Cacti.

Edited by Nitro Frost
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Tell me, have you ever gone on TV Tropes?I find it a quite nice read when I'm bored. I can use it to get recommendations and other such things about movies, books, and other things.Same thing with a BZPWiki. It would allow us to see a brief overview of the adventures of each of the chars entered on the wiki, cross-referenced with other chars and locations and Miracle Cacti.

That site is not allowed to be referenced on BZP due to possession of forums. I'd not bring it up again if I were you.I agree with Geisthaende. A wiki is excellent for reference without having to go back to the middle of a topic which is undoubtedly bound to be gargantuan (it's the bzpiii folks what can i say) and find the info yoself. If the wiki system had at least a lot of the more active of the chars in the actual RPG on it and consistently updated, we'd have an easier time keeping track of them. -The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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What you've just said is a bit like saying, "We don't need BS01, all the information is already in the books, films and on the BIONICLE website."

Not a suitable comparison. The whole Bionicle story is not compiled in one source already, which is why BS01 exists. The BZPRPG, however, is self contained.

And also, I personally find it very enjoyable to chronicle my characters' adventures. I can't remember everything that happens to each of my characters, and it can be incredibly helpful for reference (and also quite fun for light reading).

Sure, in fact I've been tempted to do the same, but if it's for personal reference, it's far better in a short story or epic format. Still not reason enough for a wiki.
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Hey, I've always wondered about that mental link thing Toa can supposedly do, you know, like Gali's and Takua's mental link in MNOLG. Are we allowed to do that here or no? I don't see anyone ever really trying it here so I'm assuming no unless told otherwise.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Hey, I've always wondered about that mental link thing Toa can supposedly do, you know, like Gali's and Takua's mental link in MNOLG. Are we allowed to do that here or no? I don't see anyone ever really trying it here so I'm assuming no unless told otherwise.

That's funny, since I thought about that earlier. I'm not sure if it's allowed... but that would be awesome if it was!
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I'm having difficulty making my pages on the wiki "pretty." :P Also, is there going to be an entirely new Wiki, or will the old wiki just be repurposed? Someone please PM me with information on how to work on the wiki so I can make as few mistake as possible for others to have to clean up. Thanks!--KughiiALSO!!!Dear People who've had interactions with Kriigata:I've been saving up posts as a form of "light reading" and somewhat editting/consolidating them in the few spare moments I have for that sort of thing. I'm wondering if those who interacted with Kriigata would be interested in having my publish them by chapter on my blog for general reading, with credit to the original authors of course. Pm me if you're interested in this!

Edited by Kughii
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I'm having difficulty making my pages on the wiki "pretty." :P Also, is there going to be an entirely new Wiki, or will the old wiki just be repurposed? Someone please PM me with information on how to work on the wiki so I can make as few mistake as possible for others to have to clean up. Thanks!--Kughii

I was thinking of starting a new Wiki for this incarnation of the BZPRPG.

What you've just said is a bit like saying, "We don't need BS01, all the information is already in the books, films and on the BIONICLE website."

Not a suitable comparison. The whole Bionicle story is not compiled in one source already, which is why BS01 exists. The BZPRPG, however, is self contained.True, but I think that the format in which the BZPRPG contains itself can be fiendishly unhelpful to read - having to trawl through pages of irrelevant posts, picking out the ones you want.

And also, I personally find it very enjoyable to chronicle my characters' adventures. I can't remember everything that happens to each of my characters, and it can be incredibly helpful for reference (and also quite fun for light reading).

Sure, in fact I've been tempted to do the same, but if it's for personal reference, it's far better in a short story or epic format. Still not reason enough for a wiki.
When we write short stories/epics, we write in a fiction format, do we not? Wiki articles use a fact format, presenting things as clearly and succinctly as possible.Tuck and Emzee both condone the current one, as well.And I would also remind you: in the downtime, where did the BZPRPG community keep in touch most (if at all)? The Wiki. The new forum may well be prone to periods of downtime, and a Wiki can help keep the community together.





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Newsflash: role playing is a form of literary fiction. Compiling exploits as a story does little to alter what is already fiction, especially if it's for personal reference with no need for fluff and extras. The community gathered in the wiki? Interesting, though I think we gathered better via instant messenger than a wiki. I did, at least, and I reckon I was not the only one. And, um, forgive me for this stupid question, but current one of what does Tuck and MZ condone?

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Newsflash: role playing is a form of literary fiction. Compiling exploits as a story does little to alter what is already fiction, especially if it's for personal reference with no need for fluff and extras.The community gathered in the wiki? Interesting, though I think we gathered better via instant messenger than a wiki. I did, at least, and I reckon I was not the only one.And, um, forgive me for this stupid question, but current one of what does Tuck and MZ condone?

Congratulations. You have missed my point entirely. In an article, you do NOT compile exploits as a story. If you are reading a Wikipedia article, for example, you will not find plot devices, suspense etc. Just what happened, stated plain and simple. What I suppose what I mean is that we write the articles as if they were fact.I was referring to the current Wiki. Tuck, Emzee and Sisen are all members, and you may not have noticed but there is a link in the official BZPRPG topic and Emzee is one of the admins.





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I was still thinking we were talking about using the resources as a personal reference. See, as far as I can tell, that's what you used the wiki for the most: personal reference. It seems that's the most relevant use for a wiki if I'm not mistaken, so naturally it is one of the more prominent issues to discuss. However, I was not arguing that a wiki article is not written as if it were fact. That's a no-brainer.Oh, I see. But I never said that the BZPRPG should have a wiki; to the contrary, I'm merely questioning the usefulness of it. Having game staff that support the wiki isn't a very valid point when the wiki languishes regardless. :shrugs:

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It's spelled "haughty," not "hauty." To RP as a haughty individual, one is prideful and snobbish, but not overbearingly so or making claims of clear superiority over other people. In essence, it's arrogance in moderation.Unless you actually meant "hottie," in which case I cannot help you.

The best way to go about doing something like that without seemingly going overboard on the "Arrogant" side of the spectrum is playing a confidant person WITH the actual skill to back up their words and having a bit of a mouth on them if someone challenges them.A good example of this would be my character Nuraka. She acts rather neutral in common interactions but on the subjects where she consider herself the 'Subject Matter Authority' (IE shipwright and repair) she can become a little superior in her attitude. However most of the populace agrees she knows what she's talking about. Those that don't may be in the same trade themselves and can get a little argumentative.Example. Nuraka is talking with Kalama. Both are on the same level of combat skill which allows them to talk evenly about it. On the subject of shipbuilding Nuraka may become a little more confidant because she knows more than Kalama. For the most part Kalama is happy to defer to her since he really knows nothing about it. Another Shipwright however may point out somethings she considers 'wrong' Nuraka considers 'right' and the two of them may get into an argument. Nuraka may refuse to accept when she's proven wrong and often acts smug when she's proven right.They also may tend to react with a scathing comment when someone has a "Captain Obvious" moment. Hotu is notorious for this.Example: Hotu and Lei are fighting a Rahkshi for the first time. It fires it's powers in the form of a beam but miss the two Matoran.Lei: Don't let it hit you with the beam! It probably does something bad!Hotu: *obviously sarcastic* NOOOOO! YA THINK?!?!

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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Say, what exactly would the tag for our character pages be on the wiki? Can it stay NBZP, or does it have to change to BZPIII?

I suggest you wait until it's been decided whether we make a new Wiki or not. For now, use BZPIII. But I wouldn't do any editing until we've decided if I were you.





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Perhaps it doesn't have to simply a RPG wiki. Perhaps a larger BZPower Fanfiction Wiki could be the answer to our problems? Think about it. Comics, Epics, Short Stories, COT Stories and RPGs all in one wiki.It would possibly get it more active, if we team up with several major figures in the other forums.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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Perhaps it doesn't have to simply a RPG wiki. Perhaps a larger BZPower Fanfiction Wiki could be the answer to our problems? Think about it. Comics, Epics, Short Stories, COT Stories and RPGs all in one wiki.It would possibly get it more active, if we team up with several major figures in the other forums.

There already is a Bzpower epics wiki and a Bzpower comics wiki, thought. Edited by BenLuke-116
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Perhaps it doesn't have to simply a RPG wiki. Perhaps a larger BZPower Fanfiction Wiki could be the answer to our problems? Think about it. Comics, Epics, Short Stories, COT Stories and RPGs all in one wiki.It would possibly get it more active, if we team up with several major figures in the other forums.

There already is a Bzpower epics wiki and a Bzpower comics wiki, thought.
Correct. This would be purely BZPRPG.





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Right, it seems that everyone who was enthusiastic about the current Wiki is in favour of us making a new one for the new RPG.The next thing to decide is the official name and domain name.I think bzprpg.wikia.com would be good as the domain name, but what shall we call the Wiki itself? Something simple, like "BZPower Bionicle RPG"? Or something a little more outside-the-box, like "The Wall of History"? All suggestions gratefully accepted!





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