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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Burst


"This guy was running all over the place, so I tripped him, these guys tackled him, and now they're using poison to get information. You know, just another day here."


OOC: Smudge left, so I don't think Omega is getting up for a while.



Chuck Norik is no match for Bruce Lhikan!



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OOC: Wow, I am gone for longer than expected and so much happens


IC: Revenge


If Revenge could have he would have backed out, but instead he dropped Omega's armor and ran over to the others.  Even though he had been wanting to fight so badly recently he hoped to avoid one right now.

Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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IC: Raptor


Raptor grinned at this unexpected development. He grabbed a small instrument from his satchel, lunged forward, scooped a microscopic sample of Omega's (Kraata's) skin, then stuffed everything (except Omega, mind you) in his satchel and left for the door.

"Thanks, guys, for participating in this huge experiment! Now I can learn more about the psychology and sanity of Rahkshi! I never meant to hurt anyone. Omega, what I actually "poisoned" you with was a small dose of medicine that'll help you recover faster. You'll be fine. Now I'm leaving for my dorm to analyze all your behavior and unlock new knowledge that'll help us in the future! No hard feelings, after all, this was done in the name of SCIENCE!"


OOC: Yep, you didn't see that coming.

Edited by Gukko Lord
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IC: Burst


"Da f****?! This whole thing was an act?! F****! I thought I was actually part of something important for once! Son of a Muaka!"


Burst stalked over to the corner to continue reading his book, muttering profanity under his breath.



OOC: That was indeed unexpected. Nice.


Open for interaction



Chuck Norik is no match for Bruce Lhikan!



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OOC: not gonna lie, that seemed like a really big cop-out.


IC Kat: I flew back to the Acadamy with glee, looping lazily around the teeth of the causeway. Soon, my responsibility to my fellow student would be paid off, and I could focus on....



My smile fell away. What would I focus on? I'd convinced myself I was a leader, but that obviously wasn't working in my favor. Maybe I'd talk to Tridax. Or Suvok. The grizzled Skakdi certainly taught much of the lessons at the school. It was worth asking, anyway. I zoomed over the Causeway, my face set in determination.

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IC: Raptor


Raptor smiled.

"Ooh, more things to learn about! I'll definitely consider your reactions when looking over what I've learned. I didn't mean to use you; this was a learning experience for us all! Next time you'll reconsider after seeing someone having a strange shift of personality. See ya 'round!" With that, he left the library. His experiment was a success!


OOC: Annnnd I'm done for today. Definitely the most eventful so far! T'was fun!

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IC: Glass


"Maybe that's it, then. You don't have to be the best fighter: you have to be a better Rahkshi. That's more than just the battle," Glass looked away from Xara. Her distress was very... Distressing, to be honest.


"Come on, we'll talk more when we get into the school. The weather looks bad."

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IC: Burst


"I f*****g know, right?!"


Burst knew he needed to stop thinking about the incident, or he would just end up in a murderous rage again. Trying to keep from sounding angry, he asked the newcomer; "So... I haven't seen you before. What's your name?"



Chuck Norik is no match for Bruce Lhikan!



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IC: Xara.


"Sure..." Xara sighed, "...you're probably right." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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OOC: Assume that in the time that this was all happening, Toxin and Bullseye learned of the level 3 happenings. And they are walking in the hallways.


IC: Toxin and Bullseye


"I can't believe it."

"I can."

"We need to step up our game!"

"Hush. We have to remain quiet. If we are going to attract popularity and potential members, we have to show our skills, but not too much to attract unwanted visitors. I suggest we go do the next assignment when it's assigned."



OOC: Open for interaction.

Edited by ArcticFreeze17
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IC: Fang


With his injuries, both physical and mental, Fang was walking slowly enough down the halls for Poly to easily catch up. He marched down the hall, still using his sword as a crude walking stick. His eyes were fixed firmly on the floor. Not many students crossed his path. They had been there when Snake announced his attack.


OOC: Fang open to interaction.

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IC POLY: I managed to catch up to the wounded warrior Rahk easily. 


"Hey, you aren't like most of the students here. You seem to have it out for anyone who does what they're told, and....well, two of the biggest names in the school in particular, you seem to absolutely hate.What's your deal?"



~he might be useful~


Yeah. Maybe. But now's not the time.

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IC Vaalku: Now open to interaction.


Vaalku trudged through the hallways. He couldn't think of a single reason to sit quietly right now. Then something caught his eye, A Rahk who appeared to be injured. Another one came over and helped the hurt one, but it still made him frustrated to know someone got hurt. He walked over, metal parts clinking and said "What happened?" in a lifeless tone.

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IC: The Twins.


Hidden away in a distant corner of the empty dormitory wing, The Twins prepared themselves for battle. While they sometimes trained in the gym, they preferred to train here, in isolation, where no one would find them or even know to look for them. Only here did they dare to use their powers, and now that they had these new weapons, this was the place to test them out as well. 


Silencer started the bout, pulling out Legion and absorbing the last vestiges of light from the already-dim room, leaving Illusive both deaf and blind. Silencer knew the small glow emanating from around Legion would mark him out as a target, so he had to act fast. He flung his flail at where Illusive had been, only for the spiked steel ball to pass right through the Rahk's barely-visible body. As the illusion flickered out of existence, Silencer spun, lashing out with his chain-bound fist and catching Illusive - who had, as usual, been sneaking up behind him - in the chin. 


Illusive fell backwards, but unlike previous battles, when he'd been forced to use his claws up close, he now had Serpent-Fang's reach to aid him. He jabbed the end of the staff into Silencer's gut as he fell backwards, willing the teleporting spike into existence. The forearm long blade sprouted from the end of the staff, plunging into Silencer's gut. 


Silencer let out a cry of surprise and stumbled back, but Illusive wasn't finished with him yet. As Serpent-Fang slid free of Silencer's body, Illusive hit the ground with a thud, sweeping his arms sideways. The blade slashed across Silencer's hand, causing him to drop Legion. Now they were both fighting in the dark. 


Still reeling from the unexpected wounds, Silencer fell back agaisnt the wall, pulling the business end of hi flail back into his hand. He spotted a dull glow on the far side of the room: Legion. Even as he saw it, he spotted a shadow pass in front of it, tracking to his left. Since Illusive wasn't yet powerful enough to create moving illusions, Silencer knew it must be the real Illusive. He threw himself at where he assumed his twin was, and ploughed roughly into him, slamming him to the ground. Illusive responded by letting go of Serpent-Fang and lashing out with his claws, raking them across Silencer's faceplate. 


Feeling a claw scrape uncomfortably close to his eyelid, Silencer rolled off of Illusive, gathering up his chain before rolling back the other way and attempting to slam the mace end down onto Illusive's chest. But the more agile rahk had already moved, and Silencer was beginning to grow weary. He dived for Legion, releasing the light trapped in the chain's links. Illusive stood above him, Serpent-Fang poised to deliver another strike. You win, Silencer quickly signed, again.


Infirmary? Illusive signed back. Silencer nodded, rising painfully to his feet, feeling thick ichor trickling from the puncture wound to his lower stomach. 


Silencer maintained their personal field of silence until they exited the empty wing and emerged back out into the rest of the campus, after which the duo began making their way towards the infirmary. 


OOC: The Twins open for interaction... if you dare...  

Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Fang


Fang never took his eyes from the ground in front of him as the two Rahkshi approached. He was too tired. Palma had said he needed to take it easy, and here he was, leading mobs.


"My 'deal,' as you say, is precisely that: I'm not like the other students. I'm not a schemer, I'm not a follower, I'm not one to watch the innocent suffer under the tyranny of the Makuta." His voice was raising in volume, but he checked his anger, reminding himself of what happens when he gets angry. "And for all my trouble, this is where it left me. Beaten. Broken. I suppose a more poetic Rahkshi might say it fits my broken mind." He gave a soft laugh at that which cut off as he grabbed his side. The wounds were healed, but the exertion was aggravating the remaining scars.

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IC Poly: My voice became softer, in sympathy ~weak~ hush. "What keeps you going, then...? How do you hold back the dark that surrounds you....?" My voice is hushed, almost secrective. I needed to know how to fight in my mind the way this one did in body. And how to help him, no one should be without allies, no matter my words earlier.

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IC: Fang


"I got in the way. I was merely an obstacle to be removed, and I was removed, forcibly. It appears that..." He stopped himself from saying the name. No need to repeat what just happened. "...they didn't see it the same way I did. I saw Matoran, their homes and livelihoods being ruined. They saw only their mission.


"The key to holding back all of that... well, I can't tell you. Look at me. Do you think I can give you answers? I can tell you that to keep going, you just have to keep fighting. Nothing will change if we don't..." He winced. He needed to stop getting excited. "...if we don't tell them it's wrong. But why would you want to know? I'm the only one who cares."

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IC: The Twins.


The two Rahkshi rounded a corner, almost running right into Fang and his entourage. 


"Well..." Silencer coughed awkwardly, "...hello again."

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Vaalku


Vaalku twisted around into the faces of the company that had come from the other hall and let out a threatening and surprising grunt. He then turned back to the damaged Rahkshi and said in his usual lifeless and dead tone "Now there are two." He slowly shook his hand. "I'm Vaalku."

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IC: Fang


Fang took the opportunity to slip through the Twins as if they weren't there, limping along as fast as he could to get back to his room.


Why did I answer them? They don't care. I'm the only one who cares!


He shut the door against any further intrusions and leaned against it, gazing out of the tiny window. Finally, he allowed himself to set the sword aside and crawl into bed. His beaten body gladly slipped into a dreamless sleep.



IC: Hoto


"Okay, thank you." Hoto ran off down the halls, slipping past any remaining Rahkshi there at the last second. There was one place she hadn't checked yet: the Library. She burst in and finally found who she was looking for. She picked up the sonic hum of Phogen on top of a bookshelf as she lazily read an atlas.


"I want to join you," she said, simply.

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IC: The Twins.


Exchanging a few brief hand signs, the pair watched Fang walk away, then continued onwards in the direction of the infirmary. 


OOC: Open for interaction. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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