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IC Daltrahk



As they made their way down the twisting tunnel, Daltrahk tried hard not to get irritated by the fact that he could only see by flashing pointless blasts around.


The light far away was still incredibly dim, but it was getting a little brighter...


Maybe. Whatever the case, Kuro and Prose were there, and... Maybe that's an advantage.

GM IC - GEM OF ???
As the party progressed, a faint rumbling could be heard, seemingly a ways off. A small amount of pebbles and dust fell from the ceiling. However, there was no significant evidence of imminent danger, as the Skakdi and Rahkshi continued onwards towards the light...

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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IC Lefia:

Lefia was stalking down the halls, fuming about that stupid person with the rifle, when she heard several weird sounds, including but not limited to roars, clanging, and retching. She sped up. Maybe she could steal something.

OOC: Lefia closing in on Alisa and Ekial.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Von Worten (Queen's Quest)


I maintained my silent vigil for some time (though I suppose that, if I'm honest, that is really a fancy way of saying that I was standing around doing nothing but waiting), watching with half understanding. My mind was fading in and out of the present, as the atmosphere in the room was beginning to conjure images of the past. My adorable companion continued to hum, but it took on a more mournful quality. I began to rock on my feet.


The trees around me disappeared, and the ground began to morph into a black and gray rocky surface. The walls around me cracked and took on a less uniform appearance, shifting into those familiar rocky hills and cliff faces. The ceiling was no longer a ceiling, but a thick layer of black clouds that. My adorable companion's notes began to drag out, and soon he sounded more like he was groaning than he was humming.


And then suddenly even the groaning stopped, because he was gasping and falling to his knees.


"No..." I whispered, shutting my eyes and gripping my book more tightly to my chest. "Please, no..."


A fuzzy hand gripped my arm. I would have jumped, but my body was locked up.




The dopey voice moaned the word, and I could not help but open my eyes. My adorable companion knelt before me, staring directly into my eyes. The smile was gone, replaced with sadness. He reached up with his left hand--the same hand that had gripped my arm--and placed his thumb against my cheek. He swiped futilely at my tears.


"Let me out. Let me out."


My companion's lips moved with the words, but the voice was not his. A chill washed down my body. I collapsed to my knees and my book fell to the floor with a smack!


The floor.


I breathed hard for a few moments, staring at the floor. It had changed back. I was no longer at home, but back here with the Queen and the others. I looked to my right. My adorable companion was gone.


I desperately wanted all of this to be over.

My epic: For Them (Review Topic)


BZPRPG: Trauer and Faora


Bionifight Ultimate: Daedalus Drachoren and Von Worten Undtränen


The Elder Scrolls: Ashfall: K'Larn

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IC Lefia:

"WOAH!", Lefia yelled, coming to a stop as the big, scary monster looked at her. Summoning a psi-rapier to her hand, she activated her Charisma. "You big, scary predator, I think you're tired. You should really take a nap.", she said soothingly, hoping to actually make it think it was tired.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC Maccha Yellow! - Training Sector

"Get my sense of justice checked? You're crazy!" You took a step forward, encroaching of the crimson anarchist's personal space. It could mean nothing save back off. "So fiend, are you done terrorizing innocents? Or will I have to make you leave? I won't stand for criminal behavior in such a hallowed location as a gymnasium!" Of course, you did not realize that the equally fiendish Tirkah had left as soon as you saved his sorry hide. It wasn't like you needed a reason to soapbox. Nay, it was an intrinsic and fundamental facet of your being!

IC: Haarnak (Training Sector)


"No, I'm not crazy! It's just the rest of the world!" 

Maccha took a step forwards.

"Give me two seconds."


Haarnak launched a stream of fireballs all over the place.


"Okay I'm done now. Happy?"


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IC: Kuro/Gem of ???, with Prose and Daltrahk

I noted the falling pebbles, perhaps dislodged from the small vibrations caused by our movement. I decided to walk more carefully. The pebbles were distracting me.


IC: Dreidel/Training Sector, Sparring with Ignis

A halberd. Interesting fighter already.

I performed a Thunderclap (slide and clap) to try stun him momentarily with Thunder and then lashed and attempted to lash out at him with my bladed rollerskates.

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IC Lefia: 

It's working. 

Lefia said, once again using her Charisma, "Yes, you are tired, aren't you. Why don't you just have a nice, long nap."

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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Ignis was knocked back a little by his opponent's attack, but managed to regain his footing in time to parry the incoming bladed rollerskates. He then struck back by swinging his halberd forward.

A mantra repeated in his head. You aren't in battle now. Strike to disarm, not to kill...




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


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"It seems we have a history of violence in common," Hound's speech was slow, quiet; the rumbles of his voices subdued and almost gentle and in tone. "I sympathise with your plight. Killing is never easily forgotten."




"Do you have any prior experience in this tournament? I was previously unaware of this organization's existence, and am uncertain if that is the status quo for most worlds."


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The Queen glanced over to Von Worten with a worried look; Xaeraz would feel the worry leaking away from the Queen in the process. 


Deciding that Von Worten could be helped later (or by another member of the quest), the Queen responded to Albrecht.


Find a way to kill him, if you believe you can do so quickly - and painlessly, if possible. To leave this Toa alive would be to torture him ourselves. I may break minds, but... even I do so with the intent of repairing them. This is... far beyond that. 

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IC Lefia:

Lefia poked the beast with her mace to make sure it was asleep.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Colossus in Silver (Hallways)


[initiate system startup: Y/N?]




[Loading... Please wait. Do not turn off the power.]


[startup stage 1 complete. Running system diagnostics...]


[Diagnostics complete. Operating system is intact. Begin physical diagnostics: Y/N]




[Running physical diagnostics...]


[Diagnostics complete. Rocket fist appears to be non-functional. Boosters functional. Minigun functional. Complete startup: Y/N]




[startup complete.]


The Colossus' eyes, slits of mechanical green light, open, adjusting quickly to their surroundings as a message booms in the Colossus' head.


[information received. Save file: Y/N]




[File saved.]


They get up, pistons hissing, and move on down the hallway, encountering a being standing over a bestial creature which appears to be sleeping.


"What happened?" the Colossus drones, grinding out the series of syllables in a hard, cold robotic voice.


OOC: That's Lefia and Ekial.

Edited by Miras: Makuta of Awesome


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IC Lefia:

"Whew..." Lefia muttered, looking up. Hearing something spoken, she turned around.... And stifled a scream. This thing looked like a robot, and robots in her world were more often then not law enforcers. "T-this beast attacked me.", Lefia said, her heart racing.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC Maccha Yellow! - Training Sector

Seeing as how a mere second wasn't enough time to launch a slew of fireballs in every direction, as his author had claimed. You had time to dodge the scant spread of fire, resuming a defensive position with fists raised and legs poised to lunge.


"What you're doing is a bad idea, fiend!"

...but close to it

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IC: Minami



Her time with her novel would have to come to an end. She couldn't just sit around here all day, right? Though she did fashion a bag from her detestable curse to hold the book in.


After walking for some time, Minami reached what appeared to be this place's equivalent of the Yards. Seeing several beings locked in combat, she sat down on the side and observed...


OOC: Minami observing Haarnak and Maccha Yellow

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IC: Haarnak (Training Sector)


"Well, duh. I mean, seriously! I've spent my whole life testing out bad ideas! First was trying to bring down a tower in the middle of a battle- lemme tell you, that was hard- then I threw a fireball at some foreigners- who cares about a few of them dying? They're only foreigners- which earned me few months in prison- and then I sorta shot the island's tyrannical- Wow, tyrannical's a fancy word- ruler in the eye. With an arrow. By accident- I was actually aiming for his chest."


IC: Colossus in Silver (Hallways)


The Colossus turns its head with a mechanical grinding, focusing on the creature lying on the floor.


"It should not have done that," CinS grates.


[Engage target: Y/N]



Edited by Miras: Makuta of Awesome


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IC: Ekial

The creature's eyes snapped open at the sound of pistons grinding. It was loud, and it was interrupting his nap. He tried to get up and attack the thing, but he felt too tired to. Ekial simply grumpily snorted, and laid back down.

Edited by Sharkydane



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IC Maccha Yellow! - Training Sector

Was this one of those pitiful bragging speeches that villains were wont to give? You didn't need nor want another lecture about the greyness of morality or how they had suffered a tragic backstory. As that was usually what followed these bragging speeches.


"Are you done, fiend? Halt your destructive actions or I shall be forced to halt you!"

...but close to it

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OOC: Technically my character doesn't have weapons, though.


IC: Dreidel/Training Sector, Sparring with Ignis


I respond to his move, with a twirl to the side, the twirl directing a gentle breeze at him (Ignis) that did nothing. What it let me do however, was provide momentum to blast a top of electricity at his hands. Since this was a spar, the shock would cause him to let go of that at most. at most.

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IC Langmuir - Tunnel

Karz, the entrance had collapsed. Or rather, shrunk in some obscure way. I quicken my pace to match that of Halken and the large matoran.

IC: "Aye, I would try, but it wouldn't be a gentlemanly duel," Halken replied, his voice echoing about the tiny tunnel. Well, comparatively tiny. Halken found himself crouching to minimize spine scraping, as that would lead to spine bending and, eventually, early-onset spine curving. He didn't want to have curved spines before they started silvering at the tips.


"And besides. There's not enough room in this tunnel to throw a lateral punch."


GM IC - GEM OF ???


The tunnel remained dark as the quartet of explorers continued onwards. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary - until Halken took another step and his foot met empty air.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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IC Tirkah:


He was restless. So many annoying people, and he wasn't supposed to shoot any of then?


Bloody nightmare this place. He'd already been everywhere. Currently he wandered the lower hallways, wishing that an arena fight would happen already.


Karz, he'd fight that giant sword wielder again if it meant doing something.


OOC Tirkah open for interaction.


IC Kotak:


"It seems whatever you did fixed it." He said warily. The vahki certainly didn't look in good shape with a large dented gash in its head.

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IC: Halken felt himself falling as soon as his foot failed to touch down, and realized he had no way to stop it. Perhaps this was the next step on the path? Or maybe it was just a trap! He stuck his arms out as far as they could stretch, catching himself at a precarious angle on the narrow tunnel walls.


"Well then!" he thundered, a note of mirth in his voice. "Looks like this is a minor setback, here!"

Edited by This Is Spinal Thirst

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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IC - Ilyin:


Just to make sure Halken didn't get hurt badly, I reached out, grabbing the back of his cuirass and yanking him backwards, to where there was an abudance of solid ground, not a dearth. I then stepped forwards, thrusting out the haft of my axe in search of solid ground past the edge, to determine whether we'd have to make a jump or if we'd have to climb down.


"Not only is our tunnel very small, it's also unfinished. Go figure."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Kopen - Queen's Tunnel


The Queen's words gave her little courage. Though whatever was down there did not sound dangerous, it only meant there was something far worse up ahead. "What could have done that?" she wondered. Then came her unspoken question, and are we safe?



IC: Mirror - Gem of ??? Tunnel


Their progress came to a sudden halt, and Mirror nearly collided with the... Matoran in front of him. "What is it?" he asked softly.



IC: Virse - Knowledge Sector


She suddenly sat up in the chair and looked back at him. "So... what do you fight for, back home?"



IC: Arkrax - Commercial Sector


The projection stared blankly at the page. It wasn't so much the language that froze his circuits. Given enough time and enough data, he could spit out a translation. It was the thought of a contract itself. He was not bound to any being... not anymore. To do so would only hamper his ability to aid others in need. He looked back up to Hryfon with an almost pleading expression. For now, he would only watch to see how the others responded.

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IC: CinS (Hallways)


[Target engaging. Engage target: Y/N]




CinS' minigun begins swivelling, the barrel rotating in preparation to fire off a salvo of bullets at the creature.


[Target disengaging. Fire: Y/N]




The minigun slows down, terminating the rotations. 


"I am used to dealing with such creatures in my universe," CinS says. "There is a breakout most days from the Archives. Explosive rounds kill the ringleaders of the Rahi escapists quickly. The shrapnel from their armour injures many others."

Edited by Miras: Makuta of Awesome


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While she waited for Albrecht to return, the Queen walked over to the symbol that Xaeraz had discovered.


Infinite Gems, she said. The Host and I did some research into them before the tournament began. One of our theories was that certain gems were more powerful than the others - a 'legendary' set of gems, so to speak. We had guessed that there might be eight of these legendary gems... it would appear that our theory was correct. This symbol, however... these carvings on the walls... they are not good signs.


The Queen was beginning to suspect that the Psionics Gem was not what it seemed.

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IC: "I'll be right back," Xaeraz whispered to Kopen and walked over to the Queen. He stared at the carving for a moment, then said, "If I was a native of, say, Metru-Nui, I would assert that these eight gems obviously represent the eight major elements. Fire, Ice, Water, Earth, Air, Stone, Light, and Shadow. This, however, I think we can safely assume, is not the case, due to the existence of this Psionics gem. Perhaps, then, these eight gems represent the 'Lesser' elements of the universe; Lightning, Plasma, Sonics, Psionics, Magnetism, Iron, Gravity, and Plantlife." He paused, staring at the carving again.


"This doesn't make much sense to me either, though. I mean, as a native of N-Er, Destral, it does make sense to me that Iron would be important enough to be considered legendary, but not from an exterior viewpoint. Not when gems such as Sickness and Silence exist." Another pause, then he reached into the compartment on his armor where his gem resided. Pulling it out, he held it up next to the carved gems, trying to glean any information he could from the similarities or differences between the symbols and the gem in his hand.

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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IC: Tahnok Nuva - Tunnel - Gem of ???


In his desperation, Tahnok fully activated the Krana Xa and let it consume him. As it ran through the possibilities, (many of which involved bringing the whole tunnel down around it) time seemed to down around its almost robotic thoughts. It kept coming back to using its powers to bring down the tunnel. In all essence it should be perfectly possible, but the tunnel seemed to be illogically immune to almost all interaction. Should the rock not be easily melted down and/or smashed?

It decided: it would heat up its hands to high enough temperatures to dig into the wall and retch a boulder free and use it to shield Tahnok. It did just that, and braced itself against its make-shift shield.


*Click Banner to go to the Sikza Spriting Kit topic

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An interesting theory, but both ideas have been proven incorrect, the Queen responded. Or at least partially incorrect. The Enforcer found evidence of a Water Gem with defenses no different from the ordinary; a legendary gem would be far harder to acquire. I do not know whether your universe knew of the Masks of Time, Life, or Creation, but I would imagine that elements such as those are what the legendary gems provide control over. A power such as lightning is not as... fundamental as time. 

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IC: "Well, it was worth a shot, putting ideas like those out there," Xaeraz replied, unfazed by the dismissal. "Where I'm from, we do know of those masks, though...I would prefer not to dwell on them." He paused, thinking to himself.


"So, if we assume three of these gems are Life, Time, and Creation, and maybe a fourth is Psionics, what are the other four? Space, maybe? As in volume, not astronomy. It would make sense, maybe. I'd also posit Death and Destruction gems, as antitheses to Life and Creation, but they seem almost redundant to have both."

All are not the same

But three shall be as one

Freedom in the flame

The end has just begun

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