Tufi Piyufi Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Official BBC Contest #69: Everything Old is New Again!So it's official: Bionicle's back. There's no takebacks on it, either, seeing as people have been buying the new sets for about two months now. It'd be a very ambitious and ill-advised recall. Your Skull Spiders are safe.A takeback's totally not happening, but what about a... throwback? You know, to Bionicle: Round One. A decade of sets, stories, and characters... It kept us busy for a few years afterwards, and that was without any new products. Here in the wild world of 2015, the only thing that's changed is we now have a bevy of neat new pieces to work with.To kick off the new year and the new line, your theme is build a Generation 1 (2000-2010) character in the style of Generation 2 (2015)! Whether they were released as a set or only appeared in the shadow of a serial, all of this has happened before and will happen again. I think somebody already took your idea of making the Toa Mata, though, so I'd avoid those.One last thing: read the paragraph immediately following this one. It'll be painfully obvious if you don't. Now get to work!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entries begin being accepted as soon as this topic is posted, and will stop being accepted on Saturday, February 21st at 11:59 P.M. EST. We will accept unlimited entries for this contest, so there's no need to rush your entry. To enter, simply submit your entry name and entry picture through this handy form!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A running tally of entrants will be updated daily IN A SEPARATE PINNED TOPIC, which will be posted shortly after the first entries are received.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Voting Process:Preliminary Voting begins February 23rd and ends February 26th at 11:59 P.M. EST.Final Voting begins February 26th and ends February 28th at 11:59 P.M. EST.The contest winner and final voting results will be posted in a separate thread on February 28th.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rules:1) Your entry may not have been published prior to the start of this contest. You may make your own topic before submitting your entry through the official form, but you must submit through the form before the entry period ends in order to be officially entered. If, after posting your entry anywhere on BZP but before officially entering it (including the blogs), you modify it and then enter it, you will be disqualified. You may only start one topic for your entry. You can do pictures as normal in your own separate thread. If you need help posting pictures, please see this topic.2) Don't PM the contest host unless you have to. Ask questions in this topic and the host or an assistant will answer it.3) Painted parts are NOT ALLOWED. No non-LEGO parts. All other LEGO parts are fair game; however, for the most part, they should be Bionicle pieces and Technic pieces. Let's say, at least 75% of the MOC Bionicle/Technic parts. Pictures in which the appearance of the MOC has been edited in Photoshop or other editing software are also prohibited. If either method is used, the MOC will be disqualified. The background may be edited, as long as it does not alter the appearance of the MOC.4) Only one entry per member. You cannot switch or modify models mid contest. Once you have entered, you may not "un-enter" your models and enter new or modified ones in their stead. You may opt to bow out of the contest for whatever reason but you cannot reenter under such a situation. If you get disqualified for any reason, you will not be allowed to reenter with another MOC in that contest.5) Any flaming will result in disqualification from the contest. Competition is good if you keep it clean. Everyone play fair, NO WHINING, no insults. I reserve the right to DQ any entry at any time for any reason.6) Absolutely, positively NO CHEATING! Anyone found to be cheating or even suspected of cheating will face immediate disqualification from this contest and will be banned from participating in future contests. They will likely also be banned from the site. Mods know this information, so you're not fooling anyone but yourself by thinking you can get away with it. We run a check on people with multiple accounts too, which is an offense that results in banning from BZP entirely, aside from the contest... DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.7) No "this is unfair" posting. Some people have more parts, money, time, birds, gigs left on your hard drive, etc than others. That's life; we each have to do our best with what we have. Any excessive complaining may, at the judgment of the contest runner, disqualify you!8) Discussion is encouraged. Feel free to ask questions about models you see or about the contest in general. This is for us, the BBC builders; let's have some fun with it.9) The contest is open to all BZP members, and voting is open to all BZP members to participate in even if they did not enter a MOC. "Advertising" your MOC is fine by making a signature or avatar reminding people to vote for you, but mass-PMing is frowned upon and will just get you disqualified. Advertising your MOC in someone else's thread is also a major no-no. Spamming may result in proto loss or even post-count reductions, so don't do it.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prizes:Exciting prizes will be announced soon!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contest Host:Tufi PiyufiWell, what are you waiting for? Get building already! 19 Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!
Paleo Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Just for clarification: is this any character introduced in 2001, or just characters depicted in set form? Flickr
Tufi Piyufi Posted February 7, 2015 Author Posted February 7, 2015 Just for clarification: is this any character introduced in 2001, or just characters depicted in set form?Your entry doesn't need to have a precursor set, no. 1 Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!
Paleo Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) Just for clarification: is this any character introduced in 2001, or just characters depicted in set form?Your entry doesn't need to have a precursor set, no. Sorry – I misread the topic to say any 2001 character. All of Gen 1 makes a bit more sense Edited February 7, 2015 by Paleo Flickr
Voltex Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 I feel like I might actually enter this. Like, legitimately enter. With something intentionally designed not to get far, because I suck at MOCing and shall embrace that, but it shall be fun. is this the end?
believe victims Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) Question: does Voriki qualify as a Gen 1 character? (i'm assuming not, but it's worth a shot ) edit: also I've always been unclear on this, but does the rule against altering the appearance of your MOC apply to touching up photos (i.e. adjusting white balance and saturation), or just to making wholesale changes? Edited February 7, 2015 by Wally
Tufi Piyufi Posted February 7, 2015 Author Posted February 7, 2015 Question: does Voriki qualify as a Gen 1 character? (i'm assuming not, but it's worth a shot )Official characters only, I'm afraid. Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!
Rahkshi Lalonde Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 no chance of success, given i only have two 2015 sets plus 30% of a stormer. oh well, it's fun doing these things. :U
Saint-14 Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 no chance of success, given i only have two 2015 sets plus 30% of a stormer. oh well, it's fun doing these things. :UWith some nifty part organizing (and maybe a couple Bricklink orders) you could probably create a very cool MOC! Like you said, its fun just to build, and hey, having a possibility of winning is always great 1 BZPRPG: Akamu, Toa of Ice Talk to me about Destiny! Ask me about stuttering and speech impediments!//Feel free to talk about Dungeons and Dragons with me!
Kanakalackin Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 OoOoOoOo I like this! I have an Instagram page where you can see these pictures and more like them! Just click HERE!
Ballom Nom Nom Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Here's where I'm sad I posted both such MOCs of mine before the contest. Alas, with college I don't have time to make another. ~B~
Pomegranate Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) Unlimited entires? No "original" characters (not that those are bad, I just think everyone gets excited when they recognize who a character is 'supposed to be')? This is really cool Now these trays and bags that I sorted all my technicle/CCBS parts into for BFTGM and never touched can be put to use! If only I'd bought a single CCBS set before Bionicle came out... this is gonna be tricky! 3) Painted parts are NOT ALLOWED. No non-LEGO parts. All other LEGO parts are fair game; however, for the most part, they should be Bionicle pieces and Technic pieces. Let's say, at least 75% of the MOC Bionicle/Technic parts. Pictures in which the appearance of the MOC has been edited in Photoshop or other editing software are also prohibited. If either method is used, the MOC will be disqualified. The background may be edited, as long as it does not alter the appearance of the MOC.I'm assuming CCBS is "Bionicle/Technic", right? Maybe that rule should be updated for clarity?And does "style of 2015" include the look of the animated characters, or specifically the sets?Thanks in advance ^^ Edited February 7, 2015 by Pomegranate .
Voxumo Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) Does it only have to be bionicle or could hero factory characters from 2010 count as well? Also doesn't rule number 4 kind of contradict 'We will accept unlimited entries for this contest,' since it specifically states only one entry per member. Edited February 7, 2015 by Voxumo: Lord of Ice Picks Banner made by Onaku BZPRPG CHARACTERS Syvra-Tivanu If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.
Sparkytron Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Are Rahi allowed? Or will it just be the Toa, Dark Hunters, etc.. characters I had a signature once it's gone now
The Skakdi Chronicler Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) Could you enter a character from Gen 1 with a element swap such as Takanuva, Master of Time Edited February 7, 2015 by The Skakdi Chronicler
Djokson Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 What exactly does "in the 2015 style" mean? CCBS figures? Flickr DA
Banana Gunz Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 What exactly counts as "in the style of gen 2"? I have a MOC I'm working on that could work for this challenge, but has a custom built torso, for example. Are there certain elements that the MOC should have to make it gen 2, like the chest piece used in the sets? tumblr: it's a lovely place to be if you've gone madflickr: mah yummy gross pics mmmPew Pew Pew Pew Pew
Rauta Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 What's the verdict on LDD MOCs? As much as I'd love to build a real version, I'm short on CCBS parts and bricklink money. If they are allowed, I would assume they have to match colors with real pieces. "There are a thousand ways I could destroy you right now. And 941 of them hurt."Teridax to Vakama
Prowl Nightwolf Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) What's the verdict on LDD MOCs? As much as I'd love to build a real version, I'm short on CCBS parts and bricklink money. If they are allowed, I would assume they have to match colors with real pieces.This I want to know too. I don't have but LoSS, Onua, and PoE to work off of part wise. However in the LDD I have an unlimited possabilites for MOCs. Also I already have a MOC in mind I have been working on... A couple of people have seen part of it already. P.S. are team-ups allowed? Like collaborations or say... mods to existing sets that bring homage to Gen1 character? Edited February 7, 2015 by Prowl Nightwolf "A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance." || <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!
Arzaki Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Well. Too bad I don't have any 2015 sets and only like 5 CCBS sets that I know the location of amid the vast sea of in my room. I got Monster Hunter World on PS4, add me at bmrjw2 if you want Also I play FFXIV, my main is Anastasia Willow on Exodus but I've got characters on every NA datacenter.
Chro Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Come on folks, let's see those Gaardus revamps. 8 save not only their lives but their spirits
Saint-14 Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Come on folks, let's see those Gaardus revamps.Why revamp a perfect being, hehe If somebody does go that route though it would surely be... Well, quite the sight 4 BZPRPG: Akamu, Toa of Ice Talk to me about Destiny! Ask me about stuttering and speech impediments!//Feel free to talk about Dungeons and Dragons with me!
Tufi Piyufi Posted February 7, 2015 Author Posted February 7, 2015 edit: also I've always been unclear on this, but does the rule against altering the appearance of your MOC apply to touching up photos (i.e. adjusting white balance and saturation), or just to making wholesale changes?Simple post-production touches aren't anything to worry about. Moving from fixing up the photo to changing the MOC itself is when things get DQey. Are prototype/misprint parts allowed?Yes. Unlimited entires? No "original" characters (not that those are bad, I just think everyone gets excited when they recognize who a character is 'supposed to be')? This is really cool Now these trays and bags that I sorted all my technicle/CCBS parts into for BFTGM and never touched can be put to use! If only I'd bought a single CCBS set before Bionicle came out... this is gonna be tricky! 3) Painted parts are NOT ALLOWED. No non-LEGO parts. All other LEGO parts are fair game; however, for the most part, they should be Bionicle pieces and Technic pieces. Let's say, at least 75% of the MOC Bionicle/Technic parts. Pictures in which the appearance of the MOC has been edited in Photoshop or other editing software are also prohibited. If either method is used, the MOC will be disqualified. The background may be edited, as long as it does not alter the appearance of the MOC.I'm assuming CCBS is "Bionicle/Technic", right? Maybe that rule should be updated for clarity? And does "style of 2015" include the look of the animated characters, or specifically the sets? Thanks in advance ^^ It is. We're looking for the style of the 2015 sets. Does it only have to be bionicle or could hero factory characters from 2010 count as well? Also doesn't rule number 4 kind of contradict 'We will accept unlimited entries for this contest,' since it specifically states only one entry per member.Only Bionicle characters are permitted. No: the "unlimited" refers to all the entries in the contest, while the limit refers to what individuals can submit. Are Rahi allowed? Or will it just be the Toa, Dark Hunters, etc.. charactersRahi are fine. Could you enter a character from Gen 1 with a element swap such as Takanuva, Master of TimeNo. What exactly does "in the 2015 style" mean? CCBS figures?It should fit in nicely with the 2015 sets, yes. What exactly counts as "in the style of gen 2"? I have a MOC I'm working on that could work for this challenge, but has a custom built torso, for example. Are there certain elements that the MOC should have to make it gen 2, like the chest piece used in the sets?There's no specific required piece/s, but you should do your best to make your entry look like it would belong with the 2015 Bionicle sets. What's the verdict on LDD MOCs? As much as I'd love to build a real version, I'm short on CCBS parts and bricklink money. If they are allowed, I would assume they have to match colors with real pieces.LDD MOCs are not allowed in the contest. What's the verdict on LDD MOCs? As much as I'd love to build a real version, I'm short on CCBS parts and bricklink money. If they are allowed, I would assume they have to match colors with real pieces. This I want to know too. I don't have but LoSS, Onua, and PoE to work off of part wise. However in the LDD I have an unlimited possabilites for MOCs. Also I already have a MOC in mind I have been working on... A couple of people have seen part of it already. P.S. are team-ups allowed? Like collaborations or say... mods to existing sets that bring homage to Gen1 character? You have to enter as an individual: no team-ups. Basic modifications to preexisting sets will get you disqualified. Please put some effort and creativity into your entry. Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!
Ballom Nom Nom Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) Come on folks, let's see those Gaardus revamps.Actually, Sparkytron had a very cool WIP of Gaardus from a while ago (link), so a version of Gaardus with a sane color scheme and fewer limbs could look pretty impressive. ~B~ Edited February 7, 2015 by Ballom
Arzaki Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Uh... Who is Gaardus? I got Monster Hunter World on PS4, add me at bmrjw2 if you want Also I play FFXIV, my main is Anastasia Willow on Exodus but I've got characters on every NA datacenter.
Saint-14 Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) Uh... Who is Gaardus?Gaardus was the combiner from all of the Stars sets in 2010. Due to the multiple colours from that range, he could basically be considered a weaponized rainbow Edited February 7, 2015 by Haxorus 12 BZPRPG: Akamu, Toa of Ice Talk to me about Destiny! Ask me about stuttering and speech impediments!//Feel free to talk about Dungeons and Dragons with me!
Prowl Nightwolf Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Well I'm out... Don't have enough 2015 sets for MOCing. with LDD out I can't really see me coming up with anything off what I have that would fall under the class of "Everything Old is new again" without breaking some perjury deal. "A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance." || <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!
Makuta Luroka Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 I think this should be called the CCBSBCC 7
IcarusBen Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 7) No "this is unfair" posting. Some people have more parts, money, time, birds, gigs left on your hard drive, etc than others. That's life; we each have to do our best with what we have. Any excessive complaining may, at the judgment of the contest runner, disqualify you! If LDD isn't allowed, what's the point of that line I highlighted? LEGO Republic:The ValkyrieThe "Christmas Brick" My BZPRPG Profiles Now a proud member of The Kanohi Force
Zaxvo Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) To clarify, the MOC we submit does not have to be made with Gen2 pieces (ie CCBS), it just has to look similar to the Gen2 sets, correct? So if mine was, say, 90% Gen1 pieces, but it looked enough like the Gen2 sets, that would be fine? Edit: 7) No "this is unfair" posting. Some people have more parts, money, time, birds, gigs left on your hard drive, etc than others. That's life; we each have to do our best with what we have. Any excessive complaining may, at the judgment of the contest runner, disqualify you! If LDD isn't allowed, what's the point of that line I highlighted? Check with the mods, but I'd guess that might be referring to picture quality? eg. "He used a 10 megapixel image, I don't have enough space on my hard drive for that, etc." Edited February 7, 2015 by Zaxvo . {Z}
Tufi Piyufi Posted February 7, 2015 Author Posted February 7, 2015 I think this should be called the CCBSBCCThe contest is named for the forum it takes place in. 7) No "this is unfair" posting. Some people have more parts, money, time, birds, gigs left on your hard drive, etc than others. That's life; we each have to do our best with what we have. Any excessive complaining may, at the judgment of the contest runner, disqualify you! If LDD isn't allowed, what's the point of that line I highlighted? That part's been in the contest rules for over a decade. It's part of the point that you shouldn't complain about what somebody else has to work with. It has as much to do with LDD as a bird gap has to do with anything building contest-related. To clarify, the MOC we submit does not have to be made with Gen2 pieces (ie CCBS), it just has to look similar to the Gen2 sets, correct? So if mine was, say, 90% Gen1 pieces, but it looked enough like the Gen2 sets, that would be fine? Edit: 7) No "this is unfair" posting. Some people have more parts, money, time, birds, gigs left on your hard drive, etc than others. That's life; we each have to do our best with what we have. Any excessive complaining may, at the judgment of the contest runner, disqualify you! If LDD isn't allowed, what's the point of that line I highlighted? Check with the mods, but I'd guess that might be referring to picture quality? eg. "He used a 10 megapixel image, I don't have enough space on my hard drive for that, etc." You could enter it, but the voters will be deciding whether or not it fits the theme. Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!
Ballom Nom Nom Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 7) No "this is unfair" posting. Some people have more parts, money, time, birds, gigs left on your hard drive, etc than others. That's life; we each have to do our best with what we have. Any excessive complaining may, at the judgment of the contest runner, disqualify you! If LDD isn't allowed, what's the point of that line I highlighted? Note that one's quantity of birds is not terribly likely to be relevant for the contest either. ~B~ 7
Prowl Nightwolf Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 It is ok... The LDD would be what one would call an unfair advantage to other MOCs that require physical pieces, though that also limits for those who have a larger income to burn on random pieces VS say myself and others who does not have the resources to compete. Kind of like how that contest with the larger more complex MOCs got further than say simple ones... I remember people thinking there was a complexity/simplicity bias going on there... A bit disappointing as people who post LDD MOCs have an unlimited supply of parts and color is no restriction due to being able to paint any part any viable color Lego has released instead of limited based on released color. We the LDD MOCers have to do without I guess. "A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance." || <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!
Nidhiki of the Shadows Posted February 8, 2015 Posted February 8, 2015 (edited) Aw yeah! This is a fantastic theme for a contest. I'm going to enjoy seeing all the entries popping in of 2015-style G1 characters. I actually built a G2 Trinuma yesterday so I might just enter him in! -NotS Edited February 8, 2015 by Nidhiki of the Shadows
Mate.397 Posted February 8, 2015 Posted February 8, 2015 I'm not sure about this Contest theme personally, I mean it will result in many too similar looking entries, since CCBS has it's limits and all, plus knowing the entries from previous contests it'll either be Toa Mata/Nuva (Kaita too) or Teridax/Makuta, and only a very few that stick out of that trend and look good, but it'll boil down to the obvious Toa or Makuta, calling it already.
Saint-14 Posted February 8, 2015 Posted February 8, 2015 (edited) Can we build a MOC for this contest then send it off for the convention circuit? I just finished building mine (Nuju Hordika!) and I'm kinda proud of it, hehe I'm not sure about this Contest theme personally, I mean it will result in many too similar looking entries, since CCBS has it's limits and all, plus knowing the entries from previous contests it'll either be Toa Mata/Nuva (Kaita too) or Teridax/Makuta, and only a very few that stick out of that trend and look good, but it'll boil down to the obvious Toa or Makuta, calling it already.It's all about how you use the parts, to be honest. Even if it just means a few CCBS shells here and there, as long as it looks like it can fit in with Gen 2 you should be fine Edited February 8, 2015 by Haxorus BZPRPG: Akamu, Toa of Ice Talk to me about Destiny! Ask me about stuttering and speech impediments!//Feel free to talk about Dungeons and Dragons with me!
Tufi Piyufi Posted February 8, 2015 Author Posted February 8, 2015 I'm not sure about this Contest theme personally, I mean it will result in many too similar looking entries, since CCBS has it's limits and all, plus knowing the entries from previous contests it'll either be Toa Mata/Nuva (Kaita too) or Teridax/Makuta, and only a very few that stick out of that trend and look good, but it'll boil down to the obvious Toa or Makuta, calling it already.The first 24 hours of a contest aren't the best time to make sweeping judgements about the remaining 336. Can we build a MOC for this contest then send it off for the convention circuit? I just finished building mine (Nuju Hordika!) and I'm kinda proud of it, hehe I'm not sure about this Contest theme personally, I mean it will result in many too similar looking entries, since CCBS has it's limits and all, plus knowing the entries from previous contests it'll either be Toa Mata/Nuva (Kaita too) or Teridax/Makuta, and only a very few that stick out of that trend and look good, but it'll boil down to the obvious Toa or Makuta, calling it already.It's all about how you use the parts, to be honest. Even if it just means a few CCBS shells here and there, as long as it looks like it can fit in with Gen 2 you should be fine Sure, as long as you make sure to take all the pictures you need before shipping it off. 7 Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!
Taria Pakari Posted February 8, 2015 Posted February 8, 2015 Well I had an idea to make Taipu, but then I remembered I have practically no tan pieces. Guess I'm out too.
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