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A Beautiful Train Ride.

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Good evening boys and girls! Ladies...and a gentleman.

This is a tale of a beautiful train ride, a train ride so beautiful and gorgeous that everyone was having a grand time. People laughing, talking, eating spaghetti-os and discussing the recent sports news. It was a grand ole time! One of the train patrons was so overjoyed and impressed by this wonderful spectacle they went into Mr. Body's private car to thank him for this amazing train ride. As he walked in, Mr. Body seemed to the man as the life of the party, embodying the entire wonderful nature of this train ride. Mr. Body catered to the man and gave him many gifts and welcomed him with open arms. Suddenly the train passed under a long tunnel blinding the view of everyone's vision. of course everyone knew this was going to be over eventually and they could go back to partying. However, when the man had recovered his vision, Mr. Body was no where to be seen. The man started to search his car when he found Mr. Body lying there. Simply lying there. Did he pass out from too much partying?

No you dummy hes dead! Someone killed the poor fellow and now he's loose on the train! You must warn the others! Who knows, maybe hes out to kill everyone (Well I know hes out to kill everyone). The man rushed to the other car, but wait! Because of the awesome party-ness, people loss themselves into the party and didn't know each other's names! The murderer could be anyone! What ever shall we do!? (Well, what will you do, he's no threat to me really).

Everyone but one person is innocent. These innocent however know no one else's names except their own (with a few exceptions). They must hurry and vote to see which one of them will be chosen get tied down when the next tunnel passes. If no one dies, hooray, no one died.

Just kidding you caught the murderer, but if someone does die, then boo, he's still loose. If the tied down person died, then this murderer is just cold!

Suspect list: Well, as one guy put it: HARDCORE MAFIAAA (Even though this isn't mafia, but you get the point...maybe).

1 murderer: You dastardly devil you...
The murderer must kill at least one person per tunnel overpass. He wins if he kills everyone on the train. Some opportunities allow him to kill two person in that tunnel overpass.

1 The Detective: Train noire...
The detective knows the identity of the cops and can choose to learn the identity of the one other person on the train. You may get lucky and find the murderer fast!

2 Cops: Doughnuts before crime...
The bumbling cops know each other's identity, and can also take a vote off the other cop to even the playing field.

2 Newlyweds: Here comes the bride...
This lovely couple know each other's identities. They have an ability similar to the cops, but the vote is counted towards themself. Are they really in love enough to do that?

1 Bully: Someone has to point fingers...
The bully has two special abilities. They can count for two votes, or take one vote off someone and put it on someone else. How rude.

18: Party-goers: They'll be feeling it in the morning...
Innocents must vote for who ever they feel is suspicious, or simply bandwagon on someone. Your choice, this is your story to mold not mine.

All BZPower rules do apply.
Have fun, this game is kinda meant to be silly!

1: fishers64
2: Quisoves Lancelot, Died Tunnel 5
3: Plunderscore The Detective Dick Dastardly; Died Tunnel 1.
4: The Irrational Rock John Cena, Left Tunnel 4
7: Daniel the Dwarf
10: jed1ndy

13: Gunhaver Nuva

13.1: Unit
15: Toa Vanson
17: Nevermore Spitz, died Tunnel 3

21: Dallior Ice-Cube, innocent; Died Tunnel 2.
22: Neo ShadowVezon
23: Toa Onaku
24: Lewa the Soaring Champion
25: ToaKapura1234

Ghidora: Ghidora

Your Narrator: Me.

Edited by The Rider of Kikanalo
  • Upvote 7


Thanks Photobucket. Love you too.

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Spot 3, please.  :D


Scratch that. I want to be number 17. And I'd like to be a party-goer.


You don't get to choose what you are. The roles are assigned randomly to each number via RNG and then when you pick the number you get the corresponding role. At least that's how it's usually done. 

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Spot 3, please.  :D


Scratch that. I want to be number 17. And I'd like to be a party-goer.


You don't get to choose what you are. The roles are assigned randomly to each number via RNG and then when you pick the number you get the corresponding role. At least that's how it's usually done. 


Oh my, I just noticed what was wrong... I apologize  :( We're the same number...


Change me to a different number, please.

Edited by FordianL


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15 more spots!



Come on people, a story is to happen here! Is this ABSOLUTELY FUN TIME not going to happen? Are we to leave it to collect dust on the shelf?


Well all I can say is I hope it doesn't happen...

Is having 25 spots too many, or is it necessary to the game to have that number of people?


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I haven't really played a Mafia game yet, so can someone explain how the voting works? Do we just PM Slider of Slikanalo?


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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You just post your vote in this topic. 

Okay then! Thank you!


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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Thinking of it, we should probably lower this down to fifteen spots. All that agree tell Lewa those train sets were cool and worth it!


Yes I guess this is pretty close to a mafia game if you look at it.


Bionicle Mafia: A Beautiful Train Ride does have a nice ring to it.


Shoo! Away! I called this.


Thanks Photobucket. Love you too.

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Thinking of it, we should probably lower this down to fifteen spots. All that agree tell Lewa those train sets were cool and worth it!


Yes I guess this is pretty close to a mafia game if you look at it.


Bionicle Mafia: A Beautiful Train Ride does have a nice ring to it.


Shoo! Away! I called this.

If you make if 15, we only need three more people at the moment.

OqAhaVh.gif   qIprtVB.png     

A RUDE AWAKENING - A Bionicle G1 continuation and video-game project(MUSIC COMPOSER)  
special thx to Inary the Gunhaver for my new username. 


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I must thank you for keeping count Mr. Vanson.


Hurry hurry people! One spot left!


Oh, and by the way, one of our own has a (new-ish) game called Murder Mansion. Now to me sounds like a wonderful tale of the crypt, and maybe you should give it a go as well. Just don't forget me here when doing so hmm? Hmm? Okay.


Thanks Photobucket. Love you too.

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Right now there are just 14, so there is still one spot left. And if you are taking a role out you might want to remove the newlyweds as removing the cops nerfs the detective.

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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Pardon me for being blunt, but I do not believe that you got in Gihdora - you see, Jed got in on space #15, making 15 players, however, Fordian sadly had to retract, leaving that slot open for... Me! Leading back up to 15 people, as was the rearranged slots.

This is unless Slider allows 16 people, but until that announcement, you're out for now Ghidora.

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