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[IC: Timak, Ga-Koro]

Timak obediently fell in behind the veteran Toa and followed towards the crowd. What are we going to do if the dragon isn't friendly? They thought to themselves. Will the village be in danger?

Entering the gathered mass of people and watching the tides of blue heads part around Leah's confident stride was something to behold, especially for Timak who had never dreamed to have such confidence in their whole life. Then she pointed out the Dasaka royalty.

Timak spoke to Leah, just loud enough for her to hear but hopefully nobody else. In fact, that particular hope led the Toa of Sonics to attempt a new sonic ability. They reached into the space surrounding them with their mind, and pictured a bubble of perfectly still air around them, manifesting a sonic shield around their conversation. "I've never seen people like that before, let alone royalty. Where do they come from? Should I bow?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Umbraline Yumiwa

Edited by Rahisaurus
Edited to explain Timak discovering their sonic abilities, instead of just inherently knowing how
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 IC: [Ga-koro, Inner Port(Yukie)]
Yukie had spent too much time in political circles not to notice the careful neutrality that Tuara approached him with.  It was almost comforting, that sense that people really were the same everywhere, even if they didn’t offer their clans in greeting.  If toa could be cautious…then perhaps Dasaka could be vulnerable.

“Plangori Yukie, but Yukie by itself is acceptable.”  He thought about extending a hand—that was how people greeted each other, one of the matoran had said, but given their cautious distance he opted for a slight bown instead.

“We came here fleeing an invasion,” he said, looking between both of them but keeping his gaze steady and serious.  “It was an invasion of demons—I believe you call them rakshi.”

OOC: @Palm @Vezok's Friend

Edited by Mel
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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Vilda Mako (Tidalpool Inn)

::Several days ago by now,.:: I answered, ::The attack Cephala here describes rings a bell, I think it was around that time::

I could tell Prahdai's mind was on the move. If she was about to embark on some sort of foolhardy rescue mission, then she was a women after my style, which  already knew she was.

My train of thought was interrupted by the moment when a local burst through the doors into the inn, and her gaze fixed on us in a way I had begun to recognize. More curiosity, no doubt given an extra boost with the undue arrival of all the others who had arrived here over the last day. I decided to get ahead of her by speaking up first.

"Hey there, you wouldn't happen to be a curious islander who's curious about the new arrivals, are you? I'm one dragon short of a fistful, so I hope you are"

OOC: @Mel @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) @Toatapio Nuva

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IC (Lai Lai - Ga-Koro, The Tidalpool Inn):

They speak our language! Lai Lai thought in surprise. Aliens that speak our language. Just where are these guys from?

The person who had spoken to Lai Lai was shorter than some of the others, yet surprisingly handsome in appearance. His impressive-looking crystal armor gave him an other-worldly look in Lai Lai's eyes, but the noble Kakama he wore also created a sense of familiarity.

They wear Kanohi too...

"I - um - yes, yes I would be..." Lai Lai stuttered, trying to simultaneously speak and to process this new encounter. She gave off a slight cough and reasserted herself. "I'm a messenger and newswoman in this village of Ga-Koro... I've heard some interesting rumors about you. I was wondering if you'd be interested in answering some questions for the wider public?"

OOC: @Mel@Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva)@Geardirector



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IC: [Ayiwah - Ga-Koro, Yukanna, on deck]

Young One. That was a new one. The most senior officer of the Dasaka Navy definitely wasn’t used to being called that. She certainly wasn’t old by the standards of Dasaka life-spans, but it had been a very long time since she could pass for a Menti fresh from the yards. She had put in the time and earned the experience her rank demanded. If that counted as ‘young’ to the dragon, just how long had they existed? For the blink of an eye, she entertained the thought of their visitor turning out to be younger than her. Wouldn’t that be amusing?

However, the idea that their kind originally hailed from Kentoku and there being no record of them as a people clearly implied the opposite. Could it truly be? Was the draconic Umbraline and Dasaka heraldry based on this being before her and others like him? It certainly would explain the odd sensation of familiarity she’d felt. If any of their historians had made it to the island, they would have enough studies to occupy them until they were ready to reclaim Kentoku. If the rora actually allowed them enough time with their visitor to do that sort of research once she met him.

The commodore slowly reached up and carefully took hold of the gifted spear. The weapon was clearly meant for someone larger, but it was still a gesture that set a friendly tone for the start of…well, whatever this relationship would turn out to be. Preferably a diplomatic and productive one. Before she addressed the dragon’s main concern however, she took time to acknowledge the amiable gesture. She inclined her head, though just far enough to maintain eye contact, and said:

“Decorated or not, this is a well crafted spear, and a fine gift. We expected neither visitors nor gifts today, we only hoped to find refuge for our people. Thank you.”

“We do share our homeland with dragons - but ones that for all their might and beauty are far less articulate and are best observed from a great distance. But their image and other similar ones have marked our iconography since long before my time. Whether that is rooted in common history or mere coincidence is impossible for me to say at this time. And I can not speak for my people as a whole, but me and those under my command would also prefer, if not cooperation, then at least peaceful coexistence.”

As she spoke, she noticed the gaps opening up in the crowd surrounding them, and furthermore, that the other Menti, up until a moment ago entirely focused on the two of them, now glanced towards the dockside as well. A heartlight flash later, she realized the cause, as she caught a glimpse of the approaching rora. The corners of her mouth tugged up ever so slightly, hinting at a smirk.

“However, I do know someone who very much has the authority to speak for all of us.”

She turned to where the empress was emerging from the crowd and bowed deeply, while announcing:

“Her Majesty Umbraline Yumiwa, Rora of the Dasaka Empire.”

OOC: @BULiK @Umbraline Yumiwa @Ghosthands @Bjorkway

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IC: [Ga-koro, The Tidalpool Inn(Pradhai)]
Laka was beginning to unwind itself from around the table, and Pradhai put a hand on her companions scales, a little comfort in a strange land.

“And what questions would those be, young lady?”

OOC: @Toatapio Nuva @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) @Geardirector

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC (Ageru Tazera) [Aboard the Chiisai Ryuu]

Tazera completed her sweep of the bridge quickly: the room was secure, everything was in its place, all instruments showed (to her basic understanding) their normal values. All was well.

With a brisk nod of satisfaction, she turned and strode back towards the door she had entered from — and stopped dead in her tracks.

Tazera had passed through that door virtually every day since the expedition to Mata Nui left Sado. Whether the sub was gliding its way through uncharted waters, or docked at this strange port as (effectively) the Dasaka Empire's only embassy on foreign shores, the lieutenant's duties brought her in and out of the bridge on a regular basis. She knew this bridge like the back of her hand; its familiarity was almost tedious. And she knew the door just a few strides ahead of her, opening outwards from the bridge, set within its two-foot recess.

Except it wasn't. It was flush with the bulkhead wall. The door looked just as it normally did, but it was — impossibly — in the wrong place.

Even as she blinked her eyes, as though it might make some difference (it didn't), it struck her that this was not the first thing that had been in the wrong place today. That humble basket, with its pretty little pot plant, sitting neatly where it had no business to be...just outside this door. Which had now apparently moved two whole feet from where it had any business to be. And only minutes ago, the Rora had been asking her about illusions...

Tazera's eyes narrowed. The lieutenant may not have been concerned by the incongruous objects before, but she was no fool.

Something was up.

:Koso, Inzu,: she Ideatalked to the two guards at the dock, this time making no outward indication that she was doing so. :I have a possible situation on the bridge. Inzu — I want you down here immediately. Koso — remain at your post. If you don't hear from me again in the next three minutes, alert the Commodore.:

There; the alarm was raised, if it needed to be. Now to investigate.

The lieutenant raised her right hand, as though reaching for some invisible object around which her fingers now curled. From between them, a fierce orange glow came into being: a long, crackling cord of psychophysical energy sprouted forth out of nothingness until it was as long as Tazera's own height and half again. She brought her hand sharply down, sending a ripple pulsating down the Soulwhip's length with a sound like the buzz of a hornet. She then raised it again as she stepped forward — and whipped a searing-hot lash at the door that was not a door.

OOC: @Razgriz

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On 12/14/2021 at 3:04 PM, Vezok's Friend said:

As she spoke, she noticed the gaps opening up in the crowd surrounding them, and furthermore, that the other Menti, up until a moment ago entirely focused on the two of them, now glanced towards the dockside as well. A heartlight flash later, she realized the cause, as she caught a glimpse of the approaching rora. The corners of her mouth tugged up ever so slightly, hinting at a smirk.

“However, I do know someone who very much has the authority to speak for all of us.” She turned to where the empress was emerging from the crowd and bowed deeply, while announcing, “Her Majesty Umbraline Yumiwa, Rora of the Dasaka Empire.”

IC Yumiwa | Ga-Koro, the Yukanna

Oh, it me! That's my cue!

It's been a while since I've been announced, and the title felt somewhat hollow in the state of things, but as if this entrance was planned I strode up the gangplank with my head held high to match the dignity of the moment. I'd heard most of the conversation's most recent progress so far from the pier, since people had gotten quiet no doubt due to both the spectacle of the dragon (eeee!) and my presence in the crowd, so thankfully I was not walking into this blindly. It spoke of hopefulness and cooperation, virtues I'd personally come to believe in out of necessity in the wake of disaster, and so I believed perhaps there was indeed opportunity to make something out of this interaction. Speaking the matters of virtue, I instantly wondered what, if anything, this draconic being had to say or think of our Dasakan Virtues, and whether Power, Order, and Honor held any place in his own belief system. These things, and many others, would likely be discussed at some later point... I hoped. 

I came to a confident stop on the deck a full step in front of my cousin, easily subsuming the being's attention away from the commodore as I took center stage representing my culture to another. "I am the Empress Yumiwa," I said, my tone conveying the weight of my position alongside warmth of hospitality. "Just as it is the commodore's role to protect the Dasaka people it is my duty to represent them, and it is my honor to meet you."


@Vezok's Friend @BULiK @Bjorkway

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IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks]

The soulfire warrior stopped following Yumiwa as the Rora embarked upon the Yukanna. Pragmatic as ever, Dihunai knew she had a perfectly fine view of the creature from the edge of the docks, and that staying put had the least likelihood of causing any further delays.

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Surdo - Ga-Koro - Streets

“I believe I know just the place,” Surdo said, beginning to walk down the street. “And don’t worry about paying, I can cover it for you. I mean, what are friends for?”

There was a noticeable exaggeration to the Fe-Matoran’s existing limp as he moved. Although Baszlin had already caught on to him, Surdo was going to make sure that everyone else still assumed he was as defenseless as any Matoran with a Skakdi bodyguard could be. His speed increased when their location was in sight.

“Here we are,” Surdo said, gesturing with his cane as he stepped inside. “The Tidalpool.”

OOC: @Perp

(shout out to max)

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IC: [Leah - Ga-Koro]


As they moved through the crowd, Leah felt her ears pop slightly as Timak asked her in a low voice. Sonics, then? She answered just as quietly, which wasn’t an obstacle for aToa of that element after all: “Well, to answer your questions in order: these are Dasaka. They’re from the Far East of here, a place called Kentoku. But surprisingly…we share a language. Somehow. Some have been here for some time - they came on the submarine - but this crowd is new. Arrived just before you did, in fact. You have that in common, for a start. I’ve only met their royals once. And no, you needn’t bow…”


Her voice trailed off as the crowd parted once more, revealing an unobstructed view of the docks and the…meeting in progress. Timak saw Leah’s hand twitch towards her staff, as she laid eyes on the so-called dragon. The last time she’d seen bipedal winged creatures, she had been a Matoran in Le-Koro - but not like this one. The Toa Maru relaxed, taking a deep breath. She came to a stop just at the front of the crowd. She wasn’t going to speak up just yet, but it hopefully helped to show she was present.


IC: [Rhow - Ga-Koro, The Great Takea]


The Skakdi harrumphed but otherwise made no comment. She glanced at Shuuan. Sure, the Dasaka all had a bit of a stuck-up vibe to them, even the opinionated ones, but the glimpse she’d gotten of the people as a whole since the previous night so far didn’t make them look too terrible. Then again, her baseline for what made someone ‘terrible’ was probably a bit different than that of her patrons. Who knew what their struggles were. Probably not being hunted for sport because a clan elder felt like having entertainment. Although, when someone fled their home because disaster struck and their main concern was still the societal shackles on them…


Dainuno’s question pulled her back out of her thoughts. She stared at her with a look of someone who’d just stumbled across a whole new perspective on things without realizing it.


“That’s…a darn good question.” She said after a moment. “Can’t say anyone smart has come up with something yet..we just…rolled with it. Until you lot showed up no one even knew there was other land you could get to.”


“But..yeah. You on your boats. You remember. So…whatever’s caused the rest of us to forget is either gone or we got here by different means. Most just..washed up.”


IC:[Agni - Ga-Koro]


Agni’s eyes widened. “Rahkshi Invasion?” He asked, alarmed. Had he heard right? He shot Tuara a worried glance. The Toa of fire remembered when the dark walks first formed…dug by Makuta’s sons. He’d faced down the horde then and only Makuta’s timely defeat had saved their lives that day.


He felt a chill run down his spine. “How organized were they? Or were they more like Rahi? Like animals? Did they attack coordinated or more randomly?”


Deep down he knew he probably shouldn’t ask someone fresh off the back of such a tragic experience this much at once, but he couldn’t help himself.


Tuara could tell the detective was going to keep going like this if no-one stopped him.


OOC: @Rahisaurus@Palm@Void Emissary@Mel sorry if I forgot anybody 

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Most of Sato's story was only making a surface level impact on Whitehot, a case of neglect that she would come to regret for the rest of her days. Sinshi would ensure she never heard the entire story again, no matter how much the Toa of Earth whined, pleaded, or stomped her foot with enough force to level a house. That said, as much as she would have loved to tuck such a salacious, lewd piece of blackmail away on her Menti companion, the toothy description of Sado's assailants had begun to gnaw upon Whitehot's spine. 

"You guys had never seen a Parakuka before when the Ryuu first arrived," she mused, chin cupped in her palm, remembering the chaotic day on the docks when the Dasaka had first arrived. "So I'm guessing you've definitely never had Rahkshi, either. That's...pretty insane timing."


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IC: Rudra, 小さい竜 (Chiisai Ryuu)Bridge

He, having satisfied himself with the fidelity of his ploy and optical deceptions thus far, had taken the moment to turn almost fully away from Tazera, who he'd last seen as being absorbed in her checking up of the place. Surely these things took enough time that a guy could spare an extra thirty seconds or so, when cloaked from her view by a perfect 1:1 copy of the doorframe. Overcaution was the death knell for opportunity, you see— better to just devote his attention for a few moments than split it for a minute more.

Now the knob wasn't all that complicated. Just a simple wheel on a corkscrew mechanism to secure the bulkhead shut and latch it free again, essentially a regular knob made a little sturdier and more esoteric due to this room's importance. The lock, however was a bit of a tricky-looking thing that he was mildly certain served, in effect, as a deadbolt. Not one to second-guess, he grunted a little as he yanked it into what was probably the right place, going off of what understanding his short thieving career had given him of locks and such,

But what was that Rama-like buzzing behind him?

The image flickered in the corner of his eye, and he saw a streak of orange light crossing its boundaries right into his scapulae.

Oh just carking BALLS!

He threw himself into the door at the last moment, but the crackling lash little miss fastidious had swung into him wasn't so easily escaped— the sparking energy tore through the thick cloth of his shabby coat like a knife, drawing a thin line of whitehot (not the one up there, you morons) pain across his back as it sliced into the top layers of Vo-Toa beneath. His mind raced, a thousand thoughts barraging the forum of his train of thought. Where had he screwed up? They could do those energy sword things in flexible form as well? Had she caught him back out in the corridor?

His mouth too raced, expressing what he was feeling just as fast as he was thinking.


Perhaps faster than any thinking could be done, actually, but no less eloquent.

Nonetheless, the lapse of concentration lead to the shattering of the illusion, revealing to the Lieutenant one male Toa the color of sea foam, Hau-shaped Mahiki contorted into a grimace of pain and anger. Where could he go from here? Where could he have gone to not get here? Was talking an option? He turned to face the lieutenant, one hand twisted be hind his back to grab at the burning slash the soul whip had left him, still crackling and spitting in her grasp like an angry orange viper—

"No, y'know what, screw this—"

And his opposite whipped up into a finger gun as he made a very, very quick decision. The smell of ozone began to fill the air as a pinprick of white light appeared against the tip of his outstretched pointer finger, aimed squarely at his antagonist.

He'd never really faced another person in combat before now. In terms of voltage, it was best said plain—

He had no idea how many it took to stun another Toa.  He basically just figured that if a certain strength killed and half-roasted a fish from the bay, it'd probably make a person think twice about gunning for him. Blasting her with that would certainly be decent payback, so hopefully things progressed from there in his favor.

Ha. "Gunning".

Sit on it and spin, ya stuffy dickhead!

And a bolt of the makers' fury burst forth from that point of white, the snap of a small thunder filling the bridge as the lightning surged along the line his finger had set out. Whether it crashed into the officer and incapacitated her or blew out a window in a straight miss, either was at the very least enough of a show of force to get this woman thinking twice, and from there he might've still had a chance at wrangling a deal for the ship out of this.

Kinda did want to just take it, though.

Spite her extra.

Edited by Razgriz
So well-spoken. It's the words he isn't filtering.
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helo frens

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IC: Tuara Drigton - Ga-Koro

Tuara returned Yukie's slight bow, and carefully adjusted the tone of the conversation, "I'm sorry that happened to you and your people, it must have been very difficult to leave your homeland behind," she did her best to give him a reassuring look, "You've probably realized we're familiar with them here too."

She looked to Agni, then back again, "If you don't want to talk with us about what happened right now, you don't have to. I'm sure you've been through a lot."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Mel

Edited by Palm

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[Ga-koro, Inner Port(Yukie)]

Agni’s questions, brusk and to the point, reminded Yukie of a book series he had been entranced with as a child—the tale of a legendary unprecedented second son of a rora who had refused a cushy political marriage and become the royal executioner instead.  There was no way anyone in the Imperial court would have had been able to spent that much time in disguise rooting out the true evils behind random violence, but Yukie had always appreciated the idea of a justice that worked for everyone.
Nostalgia and routine, both things that helped handle the looming horror that nipped at their heals, and that had been ever since that fateful day.

“Thank you,” he said to Tuara, real gratitude at her empathy making his voice waver a little.  “But I think I can answer your questions at least—to tell the truth I think many of us might benefit from someone to voice our loss to.”

The journey had been one of silence, healing at first but steadily growing stifling as they ran out of ways to avoid thinking about the wreckage they were leaving behind.

“At any rate, I can answer your questions,” he continued, looking back at Agni.  “My clan fled to the capital almost as soon as we caught wind of the creatures.  We couldn’t escape all of them, and although we were able to slay the ones that followed us it wasn’t without loss.”

Yukie adjusted his coat buttons, a habit that he’d learned to use to conceal signs of anxiety around his older sister.   It helped him calm down, think of something besides how close he’d come to loosing Shuuan.

“They were far cleverer than any rahi, even a single encounter could tell us that.  But when they began to besiege our capital, that is when we learned the true extent of their power.   You see, one of the physic disciplines we practice is mental entry.   But we quickly found out that any attempt to mentally control the creatures resulted in—“ his mouth set in a grim line “—retaliation.   From those that survived, we learned that they were being directed by an incomprehensibly strong and malevolent intelligence.”

He cocked his head.  “Does that answer your inquiry?”

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Palm

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC (Ageru Tazera) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

Since the expedition's arrival in Ga-Koro, a great deal of cultural exchange had been going on. The Mata Nuians couldn't have been more eager to greet and explain the ways of their island and peoples to the expedition, and despite the generally more cautious and guarded instincts of the Dasaka, it hadn't taken long for curiosity to win out and for a healthy flow of information to be established between the two societies.

One such exchange was of the abilities wielded by members of each species. It was soon established that, for the most part, the mask-wearers among the Mata Nuians shared the same pool of powers known in the Archipelago. Their innate powers, however, were a different story. It wasn't long before demonstrations of these powers drew awestruck crowds of Mata Nuians and Dasaka alike. 

Masters of each of the psionic disciplines had drawn appreciative gasps from the natives, of course, but at the end of the day there were only four of them, and all stemmed from the power of the living mind. Whereas the native 'Toa' wielded a staggeringly broad and varied array of the elements of nature itself, from simple fire and water to the invisible pushes and pulls that (it had been explained to her) anchored one's feet to the ground and commanded the precious lodestone in her compass to point north. Among those, one had made a particular impression upon Tazera: as a sailor, she knew well the crack of lightning, the jagged white bolts that could split a mast down the middle and strike a woman dead where she stood. That some among these Toa could command that fury of Zuto Nui herself...it was incredible, and not a little disconcerting.

So when the now-revealed interloper pointed an accusing finger straight at her, and its tip glowed white and the smell of ozone met her nose, her instincts took over and she threw herself bodily to the ground with a fraction of a heartbeat to spare. The jagged white bolt stabbed past her, faster than thought, and struck one of the bridge's instrument panels in a shower of sparks and broken glass. Knowing a second attack could easily be on its way, the lieutenant scrambled her way into cover behind another bulky panel.

Safe for the moment, she brought her breathing under control. Time to take charge of the situation. First: confirm the alarm.

:Intruder on the bridge!: she Ideatalked, with enough power to reach the guards outside the sub.

Next, confront the interloper.

"Toa!" she barked from behind the panel. "You are trespassing in a highly restricted area! Surrender immediately!"

OOC: @Razgriz

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IC: Baszlin - Ga-Koro, Tidalpool Inn 

Amble. Am-ble. Baszlin caressed the word in his mind in much the same manner a blind man may caress a surface and feel its grain, its texture. His thoughts became fixated on the word as he did just that - ambled - behind the Matoran leading him further into the village. Surdo did no such thing, however. Amble. No, his gait was much more focused, much more direct and purposeful than the Skakdi’s, even considering the exaggerated limp. It was only a curious observation; Baszlin was much taller, after all.

His slow gait gave him more time to think, and that was something he’d been doing more often of late. Sometimes, pondering over the most inane things gave way to minor revelations about himself. Often, they did not. This was unfortunately a case of the latter, but there were other thoughts to ponder, and perhaps one of them in particular would hold more merit.

Obsidian Outpost.


A name he recognized but couldn’t place, mentioned first by the other Matoran who had met Surdo and then repeated by Surdo himself. He’d make sure to ask over their meal. Speaking of -

Green and green and green. The same verdant huts that permeated Ga-Koro, but stacked on top of each other in a seemingly chaotic fashion. The exterior looked like a poor attempt at papier-mâché, perforated with holes that formed windows in an otherwise lumpy sculpture of damp leaves and seaweed. Stepping into the interior, the chaos became much more organized into a livable, functional, and dare he say trendy venue. A bit spartan for his tastes (he had taste? Odd.) but… 

Stepping into the Tidalpool behind Surdo, another thought quickly overrode the others.

“I don’t see a pool anywhere.”

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IC: Rudra, 小さい竜 (Chiisai Ryuu)Bridge

The woman had cottoned onto him the second before he loosed sky-splitting thunder, and his eyes followed the blur of blue and green as it dove behind the panel of those fancy controls and instruments— which, in a shower of sparks not even half a blink later, exploded as his bolt struck and the meaty snap of the superheated air surrounding it filled the chamber. His arm, the one not aiming bursting fulmination, was yanking on the handle, tighter, tighter, tighter as she shouted at him for his intrusion. 

"Yeah, I'm aware!" he shot back, brow furrowing as he stalked forward, satisfied he'd "locked" it as much as he could have ever figured out under duress. "But I didn't come all this way to give up— I'm gonna sail this thing straight outta here!"

He had her pinned here— moment she shot her head over the top of the panel, she'd be directly in his sights, and they both knew it.

Well, he knew it.

He fired another bolt, a little less intense this time, pointed just above where he'd last seen her ducking down, skimming the top of the panel. Keep her from getting funny ideas, while his eyes darted around, searching for how he might keep pressing this.

"And it don't have to be this violent, neither, you know!" he hollered, beginning to hear the rhythm of footsteps. He couldn't have ever hoped on keeping thunderclaps quiet for very long, he realized. He had to make something stick. "I saw those guards on the hull— you guys got family sailin' in! I know they're itching to go see them!"

Another bolt.

Karz, maybe keeping her pinned was his best shot if more were coming... But he had to get around that whip of hers, and keep it from coming back out.

Another thunderclap.

Pointing this to her head...

Might do it.

Within the lone brain cell, an idea began to coalesce.

Edited by Razgriz
gee it sure would be a shame if that was the buoyancy controls that just went boom huh
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helo frens

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IC: Cephala (Tidalpool Inn)

Cephala eased back into her chair, one hand itching towards her notebook.  She'd spent a solid chunk of time grilling a pair of foreign old coots for information, and only now that someone else was gearing up to do that very thing did she feel self-conscious about it.  Go figure.

In any case, it wasn't her show right now, and she let the hand at her notebook fall.  Probably best to sit back and let her friends do the talking; it wouldn't do to beat them to their own story, after all.

OOC: @Mel @Geardirector @Toatapio Nuva

It is not for us to decide the fate of angels.

Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts.  I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now.  (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something.  :P )

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IC: Daijuno | The Great Takea

I took another drag on my cigar, now little more than a smouldering stump, before putting it out in a nearby ashtray and tucking it into a pocket.

"You ask me, you're better off forgetting," I said. "Not much from back home that's worth remembering for me, at the very-- Ach, you must think I'm being insensitive, which isn't my intention. Tell ya what, we've got people from the archipelago that we call Willhammers -- people who're trained to, ah, get into other peoples' minds. I can ask around, pull some strings, maybe get one of them to go 'round and look into this. Given that the imperial coffers are halfway 'cross the world, I think most of them would appreciate the work. Shuuan, you wouldn't happen to know anyone for the job, would you?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Mel




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IC: [Rhow - Ga-Koro, The Great Takea]


The Skakdi looked a bit puzzled at first. She must have missed the supposedly insensitive part.


“You sure they’re willing to help the likes of me? I’ve known willhammers too. Could crack someone’s mind and will and whatnot real good. Just with less metaphor and more actual hammer.”

OOC: @Void Emissary@Mel


IC:[Agni - Ga-Koro]


Agni listened, but when Yukie reported on the intelligence of the Rahkshi horde, he glanced back over his shoulder, inland. Toward the dark walk. 


Then he turned to Tuara, the two Toa exchanging a knowing look, before Agni looked down at his feet and muttered a single expletive.


After a moment, he shook his head. “Yeah…that about answers it. Rahkshi are tough nuts to crack. Will you be staying here in Ga-Wahi? Not that Hahli would ever kick you out, but it’s starting to look somewhat crowded.”


OOC: @Palm

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A jarring, forceful sneeze ruined the threat of the glare that Sinshi bestowed upon her cousin. And her nose, truly, had itched long before its threat was made good. What the 'taka? She hadn't sneezed like that since she got to Mata Nui. Someone was talking about her. Someone was really talking about her, or mayble multiple someones, and that made her suspicious. Daijuno. Probably. What could that little creature be up to...?

"Never seen them before, and never seen anything like them before. I guess Rahkshi might have an extremely superficial resemblance to Shinushya, distorted by time, but that doesn't feel right. But if Rahkshi are appearing on the Archipelago a couple months ago, that would be..." The Menti rubbed her nose to stave off another sneeze. "That would be around when the Commodore and I escorted Soraya to the Kini-Nui, White. And there was that storm."

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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[IC: Timak, Ga-Koro, in the crowd near the Yukanna]

Standing next to Leah, Timak looked up and saw the three figures standing aboard the Yukanna. One he recognised as the Dasakan Empress, whom Leah had pointed out just now. There was another of her race there too, standing proudly across from the third - a tall, intimidating figure that seemed completely alien and wondrous to the amnesiac Toa. They leaned over to a nearby member of the crowd, not taking their eyes off the scene, and asked in a sideways whisper - "What the heck is going on up there?"

"Karz if I know. That dragon just splashed up from under the ship and started chatting to the leader of the Dasakan navy, like it was a normal thing. What does a dragon have to say to anyone non-dragon anyway? I didn't even know they could talk."

A dragon? Is that some kind of Rahi?

Timak gave a nod of thanks to the matoran, and stood up again, focusing on the trio ahead. Squinting, they raised their left hand, palm open towards the ongoing conversation, and Timak could suddenly hear the three members talking as though they were standing right next to them, the noise of the crowd dulled as if in the distance.

OOC: Timak open for interaction with anyone nearby @Vezok's Friend @Umbraline Yumiwa @Bjorkway @BULiK (sorry if tags were unnecessary)

Edited by Rahisaurus
Mild swears aren't canon apparently
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IC: Surdo - Ga-Koro - Tidalpool Inn

”Hmm,” was Surdo’s reply as he looked around the inn, leaning against his cane. “Astute observation. I believe the name was merely chosen to be catchy, not literal.”

The Fe-Matoran limped through the establishment towards the counter. “Find us a table,” he said, gesturing behind himself at his Skakdi companion. “I’ll order the food.” He had forgotten to ask Baszlin what he wanted, but considering his lack of knowledge about the area, Surdo figured his new friend wouldn’t know what to pick. A seafood sampler seemed appropriate.

After ordering the food he returned to Baszlin, hoping the Skakdi had found a comfortable—and lowkey—place to sit as they ate and discussed things.

OOC: @Perp

(shout out to max)

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On 12/16/2021 at 6:20 AM, Mel said:

IC: [Ga-koro, The Tidalpool Inn(Pradhai)]
Laka was beginning to unwind itself from around the table, and Pradhai put a hand on her companions scales, a little comfort in a strange land.

“And what questions would those be, young lady?”

OOC: @Toatapio Nuva @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) @Geardirector

IC: Lai Lai (Ga-Koro, The Idalpool Inn):

"I have many," Lai Lai responded, "but the one I'm sure most Matoran would have is... where have you come from? And how did you find out about our island?"

OOC: @Mel @Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva) @Geardirector

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IC: Aeragot - Ga-Koro

Aeragot was leaning against a railing and keeping to the edge of the crowd, a sea of various shades of blue which shifted and trembled much like the real ocean all around.

He reflected that, perhaps, he should not have come here at all. If he was a diplomat, a reporter, maybe he might have been able to get close enough to find out something interesting. But with this crowd? No way he was going to get to talk to somebody who really knew what was going on. 

Not that it was a complete wash, of course. Whole new civilization showing up on shore? Dragon flying in? Exciting to be sure, but seeing something exciting is just an unanswered question. A poet friend had once told him the whole world could be found in unanswered questions, but Aeragot had yet to be convinced.

It would have been easier had he been anyone else, and just taken the ferry from Forsi to Ga-Koro. Would have been a shorter walk across Po-Wahi, at least. As it stood, however, it wasn’t worth the sickness to take the boat. He wouldn’t have minded walking so much either, but then the prevailing wind carried in a little rainstorm just as he passed the border of Ko-Wahi going towards Ga-Koro, and the clouds hung around against the mountain range the whole time. He always found Ga-Koro a little difficult too, when he first arrived. Just the slight motion of the floating bridges and the grown walkways, undetectable to anyone who had been there long, made him a little tense. He could feel the potential for a headache just just hanging around the edges.

And yet, when he had heard from a contact that the whole fleet would be arriving, he left immediately. More out of a sense of obligation than anything else. How could anyone take him seriously as a student of history and seeker of knowledge if he didn’t show up to see this. He had seen their submarine surface once, from the cliffs on the edge of Ta-Wahi. And yet, now that he was here, he was standing before a crowd like any other. Countless people in awe, but it’s hard to get any real information from that.

OOC: Aeragot open for interaction.

Edited by oncertainty
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 [Ga-koro, Inner Port(Yukie)]
Yukie continued to walk, slowly yielding the leadership of their trek towards the two toa.  He had thought about what they would do once they got there, but even with all the planning ahead the islands response was still an unknown.

“It seems that even with the fighting force back on Kentoku, it would take a miracle to rid ourselves of those creatures…and my clan are not seafarers.  I was hoping I could petition your akiri to allow us to establish a settlement somewhere in the more verdant, forested part of your island."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Palm

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Aclaraung turned his fiery yellow gaze from Ayiwah to the newcomer aboard the ship. Her dress was similar to the commodore's, but rather than the insignia of rank, this seemed to carry a different sort of heraldry. "Charmed, I'm sure," he replied, turning his head away for a moment, peering back in the direction that the empress had come from. He thought, for sure, that he could hear the sounds of yelling and fighting, even through the rest of the noise at the docks. Whatever it was, though, it didn't sound particularly widespread...yet. "Hopefully this island proves hospitable to you and yours."

He turned back, now peering at Yumiwa more closely. "But, something remains...strange." He turned back to Ayiwah again, looking between the two. Seeing that the commodore was a female of their species wasn't particularly surprising to him, but these titles...Rora, Empress, those were certainly unexpected. Emperor, perhaps; warlord far more likely. "Even through my foggy memories, I seem to recall that the Dasaka were still far from being called centralized or stable, neverminding the obvious shift in leadership. It seems there's much I'll need to be caught up on, whether those were just stories told to me in my youth, or experiences I truly lived."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Umbraline Yumiwa

Edited by Bjorkway

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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 [Ga-Koro, The Great Takea(Shuuan)]

“My clan’s whole sheebang is a touchy feely ‘subtle willhammering’,” I replied, looking at Daijuno.  “That and catching Vildas.  Probably could ask around, find out if some distant cousin doesn’t have too much of a stick up her rear to do a job on the side for uh…” I looked at Rhow…hopefully the whole “resemblance to the chaotic six” wasn’t a huge sticking point “an acquaintance.”

OOC: @Vezok's Friend @Void Emissary

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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On 12/30/2021 at 7:36 AM, Razgriz said:

"And it don't have to be this violent, neither, you know!" he hollered, beginning to hear the rhythm of footsteps. He couldn't have ever hoped on keeping thunderclaps quiet for very long, he realized. He had to make something stick. "I saw those guards on the hull— you guys got family sailin' in! I know they're itching to go see them!"

Another bolt.

IC (Ageru Tazera) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

Tazera remained crouched, tucked close against the bottom of the thick instrument panel as the intruder sent bolt after bolt of lightning to spark off its edges. He had her pinned; the moment she left her cover he'd be able to fire off a shot long before she could close the distance between them. Between the miniature thunderclaps, she could just make out the sound of hurried footfalls approaching in the corridor — hopefully Inzu on her way to help. But she heard something else too: the grinding, wrenching sound of the Toa heaving the door bolt as tightly closed as it would go. The bridge door was designed to be secured from the inside; it would not be easy for Inzu to get through if the Toa had successfully secured it.

She would have to turn the tables on her own.

You could've been forgiven for thinking the lieutenant had little defence against ranged attacks, being armed only with a Miru, an axe and a whip — but that whip was still a Soulsword. There was one technique she'd trained in that might work; very handy against bow-wielding pirates, or the rarer ranged Soulsword practitioner. She couldn't be sure it would be effective against elemental Lightning, but it was better than sitting there and waiting for him to flank her cover and zap her anyway.

Her Soulwhip sprang to life in her hand and she grasped it further up with the other, holding a two-foot length of it taut. She tensed, reading herself to spring out —

And the deck beneath her suddenly moved, tilting slightly, accompanied by a low groan. Tazera's eyes widened. The movement was unmistakeable. She glanced up at the scorched and shattered instrument panel, where she could make out one partly-destroyed label:


Oh ####.

Water began to swell at the bottom of the bridge's wide viewing window. From outside, the alarmed Menti watching the Ryuu, still waiting for reinforcements to board the submersible, saw the craft shift in the water and gradually begin to sink.

The situation was all the more urgent now, Tazera knew. By regulations the hatch ought to be closed, so at the least the Ryuu should not be flooded, but who knew what damage an uncontrolled descent into the reefs of Naho Bay might do to her. She had to regain control of the bridge, and the sub as a whole, as soon as possible. Time to act.

She sprang out from behind the panel, gripping that two-foot length of Soulwhip taut in front of her.

By all of Zataka's magnificent assets, I hope this works.

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IC: [Ayiwah - Ga-Koro, Yukanna, on deck]

The commodore was still focused on the dragon’s words when she felt a sudden, urgent mental contact. 

.:Commodore, Koso. Lieutenant Tazera reports an Intruder on the bridge of the Ryuu. She’s engaged, Inzu has gone below to assist. The Ryuu is down by the head and trimming.:.

Koso had wasted no time when the alert had gone out. Ayiwah felt herself tense, but then her breathing slowed - a long practiced habit to maintain focus, now more instinctive than conscious. First contact with Aclaraung had been unexpected. Unlike the arrival on Mata-Nui, she had no time to prepare. Thankfully, it went well - so far. But for this situation now, there were no doubts - she knew what to do.

She quickly turned to the empress & the dragon (making a mental note of the potential title for a children’s tale) to inform them. For Aclaraung’s benefit she addressed them verbally - as briefly as possible. There was no time to explain it in detail. 

“Forgive the interruption but we have a security situation.”

She fixed the Rora with her gaze and switched to ideatalk.

.:Yumi, there’s an intruder aboard the Ryuu. Until I know more, you and your guards get aboard the Yukanna, get below. Wait for my all clear.:.

Then she reached out to one of the other Menti nearby.

.:Get eyes on the chojo. Keep her safe. And inform the clans’ Toroshu. Their retainers will have to protect them.:.

The Menti confirmed the order and hurried off, relaying the information. Meanwhile, Ayiwah continued with more orders.

.:Put every vessel on alert. All captains, lock down your ships, retract gangways, search from top to bottom.There might be more.:.

Under the wide eyes of the crowd, despite minimal vocal orders given, it looked like every Dasaka in naval outfits sprang into action. The decks of the ships erupted with activity. The level of noise rose considerably as the sailors retracted gangways and began to shift cargo and other items around.

With orders given and without missing a beat, Ayiwah rushed up the gangway, across the deck and towards the Yukanna’s stern. From there she had a perfect vantage point of the pier - and the Ryuu performing an unscheduled, unauthorized and ungainly dive. The angle of the submersible told her a lot already. Either the ship had been damaged or whoever was performing the maneuver didn’t know what they were doing. With this angle and sink rate, the Ryuu was going to the bottom of the bay and nowhere else. But, Koso was still on deck, despite the tilt. 

Ayiwah reached out towards the vessel on the mental plane: 

.:Lieutenant Tazera, status report. Confirm number and identity of intruders.?:.

Much as she wanted to, she had to consider more than just what her eyes saw. Espionage seemed like an obvious motive, but perhaps it was something else. A distraction to achieve some other goal perhaps? To open them up for an attack, an assassination attempt or any number of other possibilities? She had to get a handle on the situation. 


OOC: Well...guess that's most meetings in the Koro adjourned. @Ghosthands @Rahisaurus @Bjorkway @Umbraline Yumiwa @Haman Karn: A Magical Girl and anyone else involved.

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IC: Long Dihunai [Ga-Koro, Docks]

A spark kindled on the mental plane, joining the waves of alerts and confusion. The Rora knew many eyes were on her, and that one of them was a familiar enigmatic Tajaar.

::You were just there. Coincidence?::

OOC: @Umbraline Yumiwa

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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[IC: Timak, Ga Koro]

“Forgive the interruption but we have a security situation.”
Timak heard this and saw the Commodore rush to check out the situation. They turned to Leah, feet bouncing with excitement,  hurriedly speaking while barely containing themselves, "That sounds important! We should help out, right?" Without waiting for an answer, they immediately turned and started pushing through the crows to get to the edge of the dock. "I gotta see what's going on!" they called over their shoulder.
Upon reaching the edge they looked in the same direction the Commodore had, and saw the sinking submersible. They called up to her on the deck, projecting their voice so that she could hear them clearly. "Commodore! If I can help, just say the word!"
Timak winced immediately. What were they thinking, offering help in this situation? How could a Toa of sonics possibly make things any easier?
Hang on a minute, there's a Toa of water right here!
Timak called back again. "Leah! A sinking ship's no problem for you, right?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend

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IC: Baszlin - Ga-Koro, Tidalpool Inn 

The Skakdi nodded at Surdo’s back as the Matoran hobbled away towards the counter. It seemed to Baszlin an error not to accompany him if he were indeed to pose as the Matoran’s bodyguard - a detail an astute observer would surely notice that discrepancy having knowledge of the purported relationship of the two. However, it seemed unlikely that anyone within the dining section of the Inn would become so curious as to make such an inquisition, even if the appearance of the Skakdi himself was sure to turn a few heads, as was Baszlin’s own observation of those around him as far as he could remember.

To at least preserve a modicum of the established ‘bodyguard’ pretext, he wound his way through the dining section in a looping, wandering manner, routinely shifting his gaze between his patron ordering food and the available seating. Unfortunately, the more discreet booth near the back and corners of the room were occupied, so an ordinary one against a wall would have to suffice. He located one closest to him with a clear view between himself and the counter where the duster-clad Matoran continued to wait on his order, which arrived a couple of minutes later. In the meantime, Baszlin propped his double-barreled weapon up on the seat beside him, like it was a third member of their party. His attention returned to the now-approaching Surdo, clanging about the dining section. It was a miracle that none of the tray-bound food was knocked to the floor with how much he was playing up his limp. Perhaps too much. A small gesture with Baszlin’s organic right hand was enough to attract his attention and indicate where he had chosen to sit.

He opened his mouth to make plain his concerns, but ultimately stopped short and filed them away for another time as Surdo set down the platter.

“Hmm,” came the substituting statement, “better than what I ate yesterday.”

OOC: @Tarn

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IC: Aeragot - Ga-Koro (Docks)

All at once a shudder went through the crowd, Ga-Matoran and Dasakan alike, and a great din of mass movement rose up among them. This, Aeragot could tell, was something. Anyone else could have told this too, but they wouldn’t have been quite so pleased. 

At that moment Aeragot did not wade into the shifting crowd, for while he exceeded the majority of its members in height the combination of the Dasaka returning to their vessels and the Matoran jockeying for a better view would have made getting to the other side challenging. Instead, he peered over and past them, staring at an open spot at the edge of the huge lily pad platform. Aeragot concentrated for a moment upon that spot, and his eyes unfocused and blurred until, for the briefest moment only, his vision failed. And then, he travelled without moving.

At the edge of the platform, Aeragot grinned behind his Kanohi Kualsi. He could see what was going on now, and it was interesting. The submarine, previously surfaced and sitting above the water, now was trimmed by the bow. Observing the vessel for a moment, he noted as well that it was sinking at a not-insignificant rate. It was a good question, and he was going to have to get closer to find out the answer. Again he concentrated on a spot, this time the edge of the pier alongside which the submarine was sinking. Again, a moment later, he was gone.

Then Aeragot stood before the submarine. He admired the vessel, it really was beautifully crafted when you got up close. He smiled, in an excited reflex: maybe it was time he got to figure something out. And help some people, of course.

OOC: Hope it's all good if I get involved in this one!

Edited by oncertainty
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IC: Rudra, 小さい竜 (Chiisai Ryuu)Bridge

Well, she'd gotten the message.

Not the one Rudra was saying with his mouth, clearly, seeing as she'd not done the smart thing and just handed over the keys to the kingdom once stuck in a gunfight with a man whose shots carried out further and faster. Rather the one those selfsame "bullets" were implying— You don't want me to catch you pokin' your head up too quick.

He stalked forward, now that he'd well and truly wound the door tight enough to give anyone on either side ample pause in prying it open. Out ahead of his chest stretched his arm, hand, and index finger, guidelines for subsequent bolts resting upon a hair trigger if he saw a blur rather than something slow, measured, and submitting. The footsteps clamoring through the halls couldn't be ignored now— he'd kicked the Rama hive. He had to push for a checkmate... which meant a good, unassailable position.

"Come on!" he crowed through the tense air of the bridge, baritone bouncing off the angular walls in discordant trajectory as he began to circle across to his right. "All you gotta do is walk away, and nobody gets fried! A boat ain't worth her crew, is it, Sailor?"

As he walked, slowly stepping in a spiral out to starboard, his opposite hand rose and leveled upon the door, angry sparks of blue-white dancing and snapping around his fingertip. The Vo-Toa made a show of chuckling darkly and leering. Two ways it went here. Either she'd move to save them before they walked right into his line of fire, or her "help" might end u—


There was a heavy lurch in the flooring beneath him and hull at large, nearly costing him footing, followed by a groan that made him think a man made of metal and stone had been punched in the throat. A really, really messed up image, but then again, so was the rising waterline out the viewports opposite his position.


Hey, hold the godda—

"The Karz did you just do?!" The Vo-Toa hastily demanded, whipping his head back towards where he'd suspected her to be. Scuttling the thing?! Seriously?! Even if this was just how this thing slinked down beneath the waves, doing that while still moored would wreck something! Wait, if this was a distraction—

Sure enough, Up she came, holding that glowing energy whip thing in front of her like a garrote and with all the fight in the world in her eyes.

Psychotic stuff. They were sinking, for crying out loud.

He hedged his bets, loosing the bolt he'd primed. The lighting shifted, travelling from his far hand aimed toward the tightly wound door—in case some heroic little Dasaka had gotten through it in the confusion— and up through to the other, gunning right for the prissy, stuffy, defiant Madame Captain, as though to snap the length of psionic force in two with raw, stormborn destruction. He had no idea how those two elements were going to interact.

"So much for walking you and your men out to the dock with your carkin' hands up..."

Too late by a breath, he realized that they probably still had regular ol' lighting where she was from, and that she, on the other hand, just might've.


OOC: Shenanigans Being Noticed is the number one reason to try and pinch a submarine in broad daylight

Edited by Razgriz
i'm going to make the taser pun here in the edit bar and we're all going to throw our heads back and laugh
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helo frens

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IC (Ageru Tazera) [Bridge of the Chiisai Ryuu]

As the Toa launched another bolt at her, Tazera brought the taut Soulwhip forward, placing it quickly as directly as she could in the path of his outstretched finger. She had only a fraction of a second to gauge the path, the moment he would fire...even if the principle worked as she hoped, the simple act of lining it up would be a close-run thing.

The lightning leapt forth — struck the Soulwhip with a shower of sparks and a noise like a firecracker — and rebounded, shooting away to strike the floor, leaving a small scorch mark.

Tazera didn't bother holding back a fierce grin of satisfaction that her hunch had been right, but her moment of relief was immediately interrupted by the voice of the Commodore over the mental plane:


On 1/12/2022 at 11:29 PM, Vezok's Friend said:

.:Lieutenant Tazera, status report. Confirm number and identity of intruders.?:..

::One, Toa, Lightning, illusions,:: she responded, as quickly and tersely as possible. ::Engaged at the bridge. Controls damaged.::

She could hear Inzu struggling with the bridge door. The Toa, meanwhile, seemed taken aback by the countering of his attack, and downright indignant that his plans — apparently to hold her and the crew ransom and somehow commandeer the submersible single-handed — were not going as anticipated.


6 hours ago, Razgriz said:

"So much for walking you and your men out to the dock with your carkin' hands up..."

Clearly he liked to talk. She decided to humour him.

"I am an officer of the Imperial Navy," she growled through a dangerous smile, advancing cautiously, still holding the Soulwhip at the ready in case he went for another pot-shot. "We do not surrender our ships to the enemy. We fight to the death."

Another shudder ran through the Ryuu, knocking the Toa and Dasaka off-balance once again. This time the deck under their feet bucked sideways. Tazera quickly realised why: the mooring lines holding the submersible to the dock, intended only to keep the vessel from drifting away from its berth, had snapped under its submerging weight. The great bridge window was now entirely underwater.

OOC: @oncertainty Absolutely — in fact, with his Kualsi, and a clear view through the window onto the bridge, Aeragot is one of the only characters present who could feasibly board the Ryuu while it's sinking...

Edited by Ghosthands
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IC: [Ayiwah/Leah - Ga-Koro, harbor]

Ayiwah received Tazera’s response. She could feel her concentration even through the brief message. So she responded just as quickly.

.:Understood, LT. Take them down alive - if practical. We’re working on the situation - :.

"Commodore! If I can help, just say the word!"

Her head snapped to the sound of the voice. A Toa was standing on the pier, looking up at her excitedly. She had never seen this one before in the village. Certainly not one of Ga-Koro’s inhabitants, the coloration told her that much. But there was no time for proper introductions, much less a proper background check. So she repeated what she’d done with the dragon and pinged the Toa softly with her Arthron to determine if their appearance matched the return.

At the same time asking: “Name and element, Toa? What can you do?”

But the Toa had already turned away again, distracted by something or someone else. The commodore’s lips tightened a fraction more. She admired the island’s Toa for their bravery and skill. But the way they seemed to organize at large would have forced more than one sensei back in the yards into early retirement. 

Luckily, the person the strange Toa called out to was someone she did recognize. Someone she could trust.

"Leah! A sinking ship's no problem for you, right?"

The athletic figure of the Maru appeared from the edge of the crowd, fluidly making her way past people to step up beside the other Toa.

“Depends on what you want to do with it.” she answered the question - while asking the commodore one of her own, looking up at her with one eyebrow slightly raised. Almost like she was amused by the whole thing.

And she was. Leah could not help but feel a certain sense of dejà vu: It was just like last time. The Dasaka had appeared off the coast of Ga-Koro - and someone decided that was the moment to act a fool and try something aboard the Ryuu. Except Makuta had been defeated at the time and the Dasaka had been visitors - not refugees. The thought wiped the slight smirk off the Maru’s face again.

There was a cracking and snapping sound as the taught mooring lines or the wooden bollards they were tied to gave way under the strain. Ayiwah looked her straight in the eyes. “No ship under my command puts to sea without my say-so.”

Leah nodded once, took a two-step running start and launched herself off the pier, disappearing below the waves.

.:Taz, Leah Maru is inbound. She’ll take care of the unscheduled descent.:.

Then Ayiwah’s gaze shifted back to the other Toa, the earlier question still hanging in the air - unanswered. She also noticed another Toa had made their way out of the crowd and was watching the scene unfold intently. 

The water around the Ryuu churned, with the submersibles ballast tanks venting and visibility around the vessel was accordingly poor. But the water itself told Leah all she needed to know. She could feel it pressing against the vessel. She swam through the curtains of bubbles and made her way above the Ryuu’s foredeck, diving down in front of the conn tower before tucking into a roll and touching down on the deck feet first, standing up in front of the viewports. Inside, she could see the commodore’s second in command facing off against the intruder.

Aboard, they would have no trouble spotting her either. So she shook her head slowly and disapprovingly at the lightning Toa - before flashing a cheeky grin and casual salute.

OOC: @Ghosthands @Rahisaurus @Razgriz @oncertainty

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OOC:  Just going to use BZP time and say this is happening moments before Leah gets over, depending on how fast the Chiisai Ryuu is sinking. 

IC: Aeragot - Ga-Koro (Pier to Chiisai Ryuu)

The submarine was sinking fast, the crew still on deck probably weren't going to want to discuss how much a civilian wanted to get on board, and if Aeragot took the time to ask them he wasn’t going to be able to get in anyway. On the other hand, the great deck window wasn’t yet so far underwater that he couldn’t see clean through. If he wanted to do something, he had to make a call.

Aeragot stared into the now-underwater bridge, and focused.

He appeared just inside the bridge, back to the front window, without a sound. The floor was angled beneath him, and he held his arms out to either side to steady himself. He scanned the room for what was immediately important: tall, seafoam green Toa on one side, Dasaka in a smart-looking coat with some kind of energy whip—he had heard they could do something like that, but it really was another thing to see it up close—on the other. Didn’t take much to guess who was supposed to be on the bridge, though he supposed it might be rude to assume. Smell of burnt wood and melted protodermis, not exactly a good sign. Even with it mostly submerged, he could feel the back-and-forth motion of the waves working their way through the hull of the submarine, and he winced. He ought to have taken that into account.

All the same, he slid one foot outward, assuming a moderately wide stance. No sense in getting knocked down when one didn’t have to. 

He took a breath:

"I don’t mean to interrupt anything, but I’m realizing only now that there might be seriously differing opinions on what I should do to help here.”

Too light of an opener? Probably. Not much he could do about it now.

OOC: @Ghosthands @Razgriz @Vezok's Friend

Edited by oncertainty
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IC: Rudra, 小さい竜 (Chiisai Ryuu)Bridge

He clicked his tongue. Looked like that crackling little whip could, after all, be functioned into a makeshift barrier against his bolts and volts. Granted, it was a tight-run thing even for her— that wasn't a lot of line to work with, nor did it cover a whole lot of area. Maybe he could, like, wave his hands around. Hit her with a fakeout, and get her that way— her eyes were tracking his hand, not his face.

"I am an officer of the Imperial Navy," she growled through a dangerous smile, advancing cautiously, still holding the Soulwhip at the ready in case he went for another pot-shot. "We do not surrender our ships to the enemy. We fight to the death."

"Death? Sheesh. Pretty sorry reward for the hard work." For whatever it was worth, he met her with a wry smirk of his own as he began circling off to the side, a slow matador to her slow bull. "Sounds like your priorities are a bit off-kilter to me, babe. Better to live and avenge than die and hope someone else does it for ya." She was creeping forward, but if they were making eye contact...

He upped the voltage in his hand— and her attention snapped to it. D#mn. Better start talkin' again.

"You Navy types are all thewoAHSHI—"

He staggered as a series of muffled snaps reverberated through the hull, and the water table surged higher in the viewport— he knew it, the friggin' mooring lines gave. They really were gonna sink at this rate. With him alone, and everyone still aboard the ship after him. Not that he was in truly deep water yet, but...

Wait, why is there a bunch of person-shaped armoring in my right ey—

"I don’t mean to interrupt anything, but I’m realizing only now that there might be seriously differing opinions on what I should do to help here.”

He glanced over for as long as he dared— Onu-Toa, kind of scrawny, bit of a carefully neutral expression. Somebody not related to this, somebody who got nosy.

Not related to them— So somebody who understands the language of widgets!

"Well," His Mahiki split into a grin, a leering, daring smirk as he stopped moving, managing to fit the newcomer, the whip-bearing captain, even the viewport in his field of view— more or less, anyway. Two heads were better than one. At this point, he'd probably have much better odds with an extra hand to delegate defense and hostage-minding too. ... ... ... And, yeah. Yup. He could live with it, if only given the circumstances— half a state of the art boat's asking price was probably still more than enough.

"Suppose the first question you oughta ask, pal, is this— How do you help yourself? You're on a sinking ship in the middle of two people you don't kno—"

For the third time, the bridge lurched, cutting his train of thought off— And the floor pushed into his feet. Water outside was receding. Great! Now he wasn't going to slam the shiny merchandise into a scratchy old reef. Their buoyancy controls must have come back. Someone with sense was righting things. Mata Nui, you really are looking out for your favorite son here, aren't you?

Now, square one. Maybe one and a half. Screw it, this is getting somewhere whether somewhere knows

"Say. Tell me something, brother. Ya look sharp—"

He raised his hand, decidedly keeping the fingertip trained on her rather than him. In the viewport behind her, practically directly in his line of sight, however, a, count 'em, fourth face entered this scene— and hers was unmistakable. Leah Maru, the long arm of Ga-Koro's law and its pride and joy... tutting at him and smirking. Throwing a breezy salute. He could practically hear her tsk tsk tsk and see the finger she wanted to wag. Bad though that one was, something even his confidence couldn't ignore...

His own smile didn't fade, even refused to, but his brows furrowed into a tight line, eyes hardened dangerously, and teeth showed just a little more. You never back down meekly when you've got to inspire, after all— not to some smarmy merchandise mover, Makuta-beater accolade or otherwise. She was posting her face right there, begging to be knocked down a peg. Most people'd be cowed by the arrogance. Most.

As another pinprick of light emerged from the buzz at his fingertip, twice as furious as any before it, he regarded the smudge of black and grey-green out of his periphery. 

"—You feel like makin' a whole lotta widgets?"

He raised the finger gun past the Captain's shoulder, visualized the exact point between the Maru's eyes through the glass between them, and fired.

Edited by Razgriz
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helo frens

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