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IC: Sohmak - Fleeing The Battle of Fort Garsi

Safety in numbers, another harsh lesson for the brawler to learn. So used to standing alone at the top, punching down any who would challenge his rank. And yet, so glad he was to be among this motley crew when the hill burst forth with spires of stone and steel.

He couldn't find it in himself to spare a thought for their proud warlord. His loyalty to Zanakra could barely be called that, an alliance of immediate convenience at most; Sohmak didn't get shot by a trigger-happy warlord, Zanakra had some muscle to bring to her ill-conceived raid (for the lot of good that did them all).

The fog would dissuade their pursuers for a few vital moments, moments that required decisive action. Decisiveness Sohmak was not capable of in these conditions, in the stubborn city mindset that each rumble and explosion was gradually shaking loose from his brain.

T'harrak may not have had much of a plan past "run away", but her vested interest in keeping them all alive was winning a lot more loyalty from the Slugger than the warlord of Razorfish;Vaa ever did.

"Boss, where to now?" he blurted at the tinkerer, trying with all his might not to look or sound scared out of his wits and just barely making the mark.


OOC: @Nato G

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The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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IC: T’harrak – Fleeing Fort Garsi

The earth quaked and quavered underfoot as T’harrak ran. She glanced behind her for a moment, her x-ray vision piercing the fog to reveal the imposing spires of stone and tangles of snaring steel spearing up out of the hillside. She could see the dim silhouettes of Skakdi impaled upon some of them, squirming and screaming and raining liquid crimson down onto the dirt.

In that momentary glance, she couldn’t tell if the dead and dying were friend or foe. In all likelihood, it was a mix of both; Ipsudir's vague announcement over the speaker had offered little time for Fort Garsi’s forces to react or get out of the way. The implications of the horrific scene felt T’harrak with a new kind of terror.

Ipsudir could have deployed the collapsing hillsides or stone spikes as soon as Zanakra’s forces had arrived, but she’d instead sent out her full force of bikes and rahi riders, deploying trap after trap with her own warriors caught in the crossfire. She’d been toying with them from the start. This was a warlord who had no regard for her own people or resources, who’d chosen prolonged bloodshed over efficiently dispatching her enemies.

Jojax… Sohmak… T’harrak… even Zanakra herself… none of them had been ready to face an enemy this ruthless, dispassionate, and well-prepared.

"Boss, where to now?" 

The voice was familiar, but the title wasn’t, and it took T’harrak a few moments to realise that Sohmak was directing the question at her. Boss? No… I’m not… don’t…

“Back the way we came,” she blurted out, saving her protests for later, “Back to the boats. Back home.”

If they made it that far… Between the fog and the sea of stone spikes now behind them, she hoped any remaining snipers wouldn’t have clear sightlines on the retreating group. But in the chaos, she’d completely lost track of the two rahi riders, and there was no telling if they or anyone else were planning to pursue.

@Techn0geist @ARROW404 @Sparticus147 @Mel

Edited by Nato G
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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Gashril and the Tahtorak crew - Fort Garsi warzone

Yavonna abandoned all hope the Nakihl could have survived that. "It's over Miraule," she told her earth-aligned partner.

Gashril agreed with a nod. "Even if he survived that, there's no getting him out now." She grunted in frustration. She'd wanted to get a chance to speak one on one with them. Now it seemed that would never happen.

By her side, Sohmak designated T'harrak the crew's new leader. She couldn't complain, she'd already proven to have more sense than their old one- and now stood alive because of it. Living proof the foolhardy Skak:Dii way would one day eat itself alive, she thought. Their new leader made a choice. Gashril spared the open door of the fortress a glance, but shook her head. Why trust someone who offered peace, then let their underlings pick off the ones who had surrendered but simply didn't leave quick enough?

"Agreed," she echoed T'harrak's sentiment, and the rest of the group fell into step with her.

"The ride back is going to be light," Okulmo commented. Gashril allowed herself a small sigh of relief at hearing his voice. He was key to the group, and he had survived. The $$$$ show was over, and they had paid steeply for it, but all was not lost.

Speaking of... She peered through the mist and located Mandokk, the gravity-aligned member of the crew. Quietly, she fell into step beside him and spoke in a hushed tone.


As the mist slowly drifted along and away from the battlefield, one last figure stood, where the rest had gone, walking slowly toward the open door of the fortress, his weapon held over his head in surrender. His colors gave away his element- gravity. He walked slowly, cautiously, ready to bolt at the first sign of treachery.

@Techn0geist@Nato G@Sparticus147@Mel

Edited by ARROW404
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IC | Kirik - Fort Garsi's Blasted Slopes

Kirik let his eye beams dissipate as he felt the sweet bloody satisfaction of his bladed knife-hand sinking itself into Zanakra’s shoulder, just in time to see her massive jet-powered hammer slam itself into his chest. As it did, part through luck and part through his lightning fast reflexes, the hammer passed through his half solidified electro-blade, which sunk a blast of electricity into the metal hammer. Kirik didn’t find out if it damaged the rockets or Zanakra, because suddenly he felt the electricity course through him too, a tingling feeling to add some spice to the excruciating bludgeoning crunch of the hammer which took him off his feet and tossed him through the air. 

Kirik bounced and rolled along the dust, uphill toward the fort, while the hillside exploded on either side of him. As the smoke cleared and Ipsudir’s taunts echoed across the hillside, he lay limp, the wind knocked out of his lungs, his whole body tensed tight from being electrocuted and smashed like a cockroach. But like a cockroach, Kirik was tough, and he’d been through worse, so after a moment he managed to suck in a deep, sharply painful heave of air. He looked around, vision swimming. The battle looked to be over. The Garsi fort had ejected its enemies. All but one…

Although Kirk was in no shape to continue fighting, he propped himself up on one of his robotic arms (the other appeared to be broken) and snarled at Zanakra. Despite his mad desire for glory in battle, there was a significant part of Kirik that hoped she’d run, knowing it was the only way they’d both make it out of this alive. But he if he backed down now, he’d lose his honor. If Zanakra was up for it, he’d have to keep fighting, even if it killed him. 

For now, all he could manage was to glare at her and let out snarling grunts as he tried to heave air into his damaged chest. 

OOC @Snelly the Fort Garsi crew, and whomever else is still around

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--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC: Jojax-Fort Garsi

The earth beneeth Jojax suddenly birst to life, shooting Jojax high into the air. Jojax screamed obcenities all the way up. When the pillar jerked to a stop Jojax was tossed in the air, and landed back on top of the pillar with a thud. She groaned and got back to her feet. From up here she could survey the entire battlefield, and it wasn't pretty, a thick mist obscured most of the area, large stone spikes jutting out of the ground. It was a mess of battle cries and screams of pain. This battle was nothing like the sarke ring. 

"######################## I'm outta here!" With her enhanced streingth she jumped as far away from the pillar as she could, decending onto the ground below. 

Edited by Smudge8
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Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/5/2023 at 5:09 PM, a goose said:

"Aren't you a little early, Rhuvok? There's still actual work to be done here."


IC (Broker NPC: Rhuvok) [Burning Steppes Outskirts]

"And I intend to make sure it gets done properly, Adaan" the Raven retorted, not giving her the courtesy of shifting his gaze from the tomb entrance. "The Broker may have forgiven your antics at Katha;Vaa, but he has not forgotten them, and neither have I. The fact that you are on the payroll this time does not mean you have my trust."

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IC: Krex (Fort Garsi Battle)

It was at this point, that things changed a bit for the hopeful escapees. Krex didn't particularly appreciate the fact that her firepower had been blunted. She was running out of ways to be effective up on the wall.

So it was to her eternal delight and to the presumed horror and dismay of the beaten enemy when they heard the whirr of an engine.

Krex barreled out of the exit to the fort on two wheels, take a wide turn to avoid the torn-up and churned area of the battlefield that represented the successful defense. The speed of her bike would be more than enough to make up for that.

"Get your scrawny asses out of here already, before I blast you all to the steps of Kino-Ur" she bellowed after skidding to a stop next to a mound, halfway obscured by it. She was weighing a grenade in her hand.

OOC: @Smudge8 @Snelly @Mel @Visaru @ARROW404 @Techn0geist @Sparticus147 @Nato G

Just an approach and a threat for now. Krex should be considered within reach, but slightly covered.

Edited by Geardirector
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IC: Sohmak - Fleeing The Battle of Fort Garsi

Sohmak was an idiot but he was no fool. The look in T'harrak's eyes betrayed her, told him that dubbing her their new warlord was the last thing she needed weighing her down. He felt ashamed... and suddenly, determined, to make right. A discussion to be had back at the fortress, if they made it that far.

As their cover of fog drifted away from the scarred terrain, and the forces of Razorfish;Vaa with it, the Sonic Striker came to a realisation.

"Where's Jojax?" Sohmak queried in a hushed but harsh tone. "And..." he paused, realising he never learned the disquieting Nahikl's name. He shook his head "Did they make it out?"

His answer came with a raging cry and a dull thud. He looked back and peered through the edge of the mist, to a bruised, bloodied and battered purple Skakdi some distance away from them... and the motorcycle-straddling Krex not much farther away from her. He was unsure if the Garsi warrior had noticed Jojax's descent.

The brawler nearly called out to his teeth-clenched sister-in-arms but bit his tongue. He growled an obscenity beneath his breath before turning to speak to the rest of the ragtag group. "We gotta go back. She's still got breath in 'er'."


OOC: @Nato G @Smudge8 @ARROW404

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The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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  • 4 weeks later...

IC: T’harrak – Fleeing Fort Garsi

"We gotta go back. She's still got breath in 'er'."

T’harrak stumbled as if she’d been shoved, the insane suggestion striking her with all the force of a physical blow. She glanced back behind her, spotting the figure Sohmak was referring to. Jojax, stooped on the edge of the battlefield, battered but still alive.

But she also saw one of Fort Garsi’s riders parked by a mound beyond the spikes. She was hurling words their way, and the grenade in her hand made it all too clear what she’d be throwing next if they doubled back. She was alone for now, but there were still snipers out there somewhere, and other Fort Garsi survivors were making their way through the spikes. There were probably even more warriors still waiting inside the Fort, fresh and ready to fight.

The Fort Razorfish group had already lost or left behind so many today. Zanakra, Seeker, Ahuum, others whose names T'harrak had never known. And they would lose a lot more if they threw away their one clear chance for escape to go back for just one person.  

“I’m sorry,” T’harrak said, tears of shame shining in her eyes, “Her life isn’t worth all of ours.”

And then she kept running.


@Techn0geist @ARROW404 @Smudge8 @Mel

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Zanakra - Fort Garsi -

Zanakra knew her chances of survival were dwindling, her 'followers' were either dead or had turned tail and ran, she was surrounded on all sides by enemies, and she was currently bleeding from her shoulder. To top it off it seemed the punk's blades were electrified, which had given Zanakra a nice little zap to boot when their weapons had collided.

It went without saying things weren't looking good. Perhaps even Zanakra would admit that charging into this fortress as she had done was not her brightest move. Though right now, that didn't matter. She was a warrior above all else, she would not disgrace herself by retreating, or surrendering and pleading for her life. The very thought was sickening

No, she would fight till she could no longer move. What happened after that was up to Irnakk:Dii.

"You've fought well..." Zanakra finally said between labored breaths. They'd been glaring at each other for what seemed like an eternity now, gathering what strength they could. Without warning, Zanakra raised her hammer up, her wounded shoulder protested as it bleed a little faster in protest, but Zanakra didn't stop. She slammed the hammer into the ground, the weapon's power creating a shockwave that spread out towards Kirik. "...but it's over, I'm going to reach your fortress even if it's the last thing I do." 

If Kirik was smart he'd stay down once the shockwave hit him, no one would blame him if he didn't get back up. Though that really depended on what sort of Skadki he was. Zanakra would respect his decision either way.

Edited by Snelly
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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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On 3/28/2023 at 4:09 AM, Nato G said:

IC: T’harrak – Fleeing Fort Garsi

"We gotta go back. She's still got breath in 'er'."

T’harrak stumbled as if she’d been shoved, the insane suggestion striking her with all the force of a physical blow. She glanced back behind her, spotting the figure Sohmak was referring to. Jojax, stooped on the edge of the battlefield, battered but still alive.

But she also saw one of Fort Garsi’s riders parked by a mound beyond the spikes. She was hurling words their way, and the grenade in her hand made it all too clear what she’d be throwing next if they doubled back. She was alone for now, but there were still snipers out there somewhere, and other Fort Garsi survivors were making their way through the spikes. There were probably even more warriors still waiting inside the Fort, fresh and ready to fight.

The Fort Razorfish group had already lost or left behind so many today. Zanakra, Seeker, Ahuum, others whose names T'harrak had never known. And they would lose a lot more if they threw away their one clear chance for escape to go back for just one person.  

“I’m sorry,” T’harrak said, tears of shame shining in her eyes, “Her life isn’t worth all of ours.”

And then she kept running.


@Techn0geist @ARROW404 @Smudge8 @Mel

IC: Gashril - Fleeing Fort Garsi

She spared Jojax a glance as the fog swelled, soon obscuring her from view. "She could still make it out," she thought to herself. "Get to the edge of the mist, and follow." Then she shrugged dismissively. "If not, well... She should have known better than to jump right into the middle like that." The last part she left unsaid- that if Jojax died, it was her own **** fault.

"A wise decision, T'harrak," she said, following- though not at a full run. She didn't have enough breath in her lungs for that just yet, and to be honest, she wanted to give Jojax something of a fighting chance to catch up. Mindless hot blood had its uses. To her side, she caught an inquisitive glance from Okulmo. She knew what he was thinking. Do we take Fort Razorfish for ourselves now?

She shook her head and he looked ahead, taking the message without question. Taking over the fort had never been the plan, after all, and the loss of Zanakra hadn't changed that. Of course, it wasn't out of the question, but she saw no reason to do it either.

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On 3/30/2023 at 11:39 AM, Snelly said:

IC: Zanakra - Fort Garsi -

"You've fought well..." Zanakra finally said between labored breaths. They'd been glaring at each other for what seemed like an eternity now, gathering what strength they could. Without warning, Zanakra raised her hammer up, her wounded shoulder protested as it bleed a little faster in protest, but Zanakra didn't stop. She slammed the hammer into the ground, the weapon's power creating a shockwave that spread out towards Kirik. "...but it's over, I'm going to reach your fortress even if it's the last thing I do." 

Sure enough, the shockwave was powerful enough to break the tenuous grasp Kirik had on his balance and send him face first into the dirt yet again. He lay on the ground, one more sprawled broken body on the blasted battlefield.

But Kirik was still drawing breath, and he had made a promise to the gods that until that stopped happening, he wouldn’t let the fight pass him by.

So he achingly dug his robotic arm’s bladed tip into the dirt, and then writhed and forced himself onto his knees, before pulling himself painfully to his unsteady feet. His other metallic arm dangled broken at his side as he reactivated his electro-blade with his bruised right arm and raised it to the sky.

“Then let it be the last thing you do!!” He howled, and blasted laser vision at his foe, ready to see which one of them would be riding with their ancestors tonight. 

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--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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  • 2 months later...

IC: Sohmak - Fleeing The Battle of Fort Garsi

On 3/28/2023 at 3:09 PM, Nato G said:

“I’m sorry. Her life isn’t worth all of ours.”

The bruiser began to jog after the geek, a halfhearted few steps before again slowing to a halt. He looked over his shoulder, again trying to see beyond the mist.

Jojax was a braggart, the worst kind of braggart; one who hadn't earned it yet. Bloodline and birthright meant jack in Sarke. But she'd courage to step into the ring all the same, courage to fight and claim that right to proclaim her glory and the glory of her Ancestors. And further, courage to take that fire into the real world, standing on the enemy side of their barricade and daring the warriors of Fortress Garsi to cross her. Sohmak couldn't quite profess to have that kind of mettle.

But for the wrestler to make it back alive, he may have to. Sohmak gulped, and hesitantly activated his Thermal Vision to see exact numbers. The violently hot Krex seemed to be the only one overlooking their retreat. And there, his sister-in-arms, warm rivulets leeching into the cold soil around her. He shook off nausea as his sight returned to normal.

"T'harrak," he spoke in a grave tone, "you trust 'er. Trust me to get 'er out of this mess."

Sohmak faced the rest of the crew and barked "Stay long as you can, any heat and you scram." He turned now to the battlefield. "I don't make it back, it's been far from a pleasure." A bitter grimace, and the Spineless Slugger charged out, disappearing from Razorfish;Vaa's view.

Outside their cloud-cover, Sohmak now felt more exposed than before he'd entered it. The crew had made good ground back towards their boat; sounds of war still echoed over the landscape, but far from where he stood now. He knew stealth would be a tall ask with the heavy exo-gauntlets he wore, but still he scrabbled through and snuck behind what terrain he could on his approach to Jojax's position, praying it was enough to break Krex's line-of-sight.


OOC: @Nato G @ARROW404 @Smudge8 @Geardirector

Edited by Techn0geist
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The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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  • 2 weeks later...

CW: torture, both shown and implied

[Fort Garsi, Environs (Ipsudir/NPC)]
The would-be surrenderer was watching for signs.

He didn’t get any.

The harpoon that Ipsudir carried was not, in terms of the technological wonders that Zakaz could produce, a very impressive weapon.   But it did not need to be—the combination of well-oiled spring loaded mechanisms and sturdy barbed blade was fast and silent and gruesome in its work—the work of pain.   It suited her.

The blade streaked out of the yawning darkness of the entrance and stuck fast in the gap of armor under an armpit, embedding itself deep.   Before his brain could process any of the terrible, ripping, wrenching pain Ipsudir had yanked him off his feet.   The cranking mechanism in her weapon dragged him slowly, agonizingly toward the shaded entrance, but Ipsudir closed the rest of the distance herself, placing a foot on the prone warriors chest, pressing down as she drove the now compact harpoon deeper.


Her voice started soft, almost a purr, but it quickly rose in volume and intensity.   “You come to my land, try to conquer my fortress, and when it turns belly side up you want me to invite you in for tea and crackers?”

She twisted, so virulently that she sent the rifle slung across her back swinging, and the skakdi cried out as bloody foam spilled from his lips.   “That ain’t how it works around here, sweetie.”

She pointed at where Zenakra and Kirik were pummeling each other.  “There, is where you should be.   Such a fool, but at least she will die with honor.   I will make sure her name is remembered.” With one last twist, she ripped out the weapon and spit on the skakdi’s face.   Her eyes remained focused on the melee down the hill as she kicked him again for good measure.   “Take this heu:nii to the dungeons,” she said, without turning toward her warriors at her her back.  “Make sure he lives for as long as possible.”

Kerigor’s X-ray vision pierced through the fog, but he had stopped shooting once the group had achieved range—anyone brave enough to charge the fortress was dead already, and powder was after all, expensive.   While scanning the remains of the battlefield, however, he caught the glint of unfamiliar copper.

Grinning, he tapped his partner’s currently-holstered impact crystal launcher.   “Shall we bring back a little bauble for the Lady?”

OOC: @Geardirector @Techn0geist @ARROW404 @Visaru @Snelly

Edited by Mel
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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

AU8R4.gif BkY1n.gif 5r6gI.gif MWEwd.gif ZMVSN.gif ODscu.gif FICZv.gif HZtia.gif XDvOI.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC:Jojax-Fort Garsi

Jojax hit the ground with a loud thud, barely avoiding various projectiles being fired at her. She started pulling herself off of the ground when suddenly, there was the loud whirring of an engine as something came barreling out of the battle towards Jojax. In an instant, she was overcome by an animalistic fear. She tried to run, but her Mask was still active, causing her to go careening foreward, smashing into rocks and other obstacles, but she was making headway. 

Then she hit a different kind of wall. The various gizmos attached to her mask dimmed, and the device exacted its toll. Sapped of all her streingth Jojax collapsed onto her hands and knees panting. No longer able to run. 

The rider skidded to a halt less than a dozen bio away and began to shout, "Get your scrawny asses out of here already, before I blast you all to the steps of Kino-Ur"  Out of breath, Jojax just knelt there and hoped she wouldn't be noticed.

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Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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On 7/4/2023 at 6:27 AM, Mel said:

CW: torture, both shown and implied

[Fort Garsi, Environs (Ipsudir/NPC)]
The would-be surrenderer was watching for signs.

He didn’t get any.

The harpoon that Ipsudir carried was not, in terms of the technological wonders that Zakaz could produce, a very impressive weapon.   But it did not need to be—the combination of well-oiled spring loaded mechanisms and sturdy barbed blade was fast and silent and gruesome in its work—the work of pain.   It suited her.

The blade streaked out of the yawning darkness of the entrance and stuck fast in the gap of armor under an armpit, embedding itself deep.   Before his brain could process any of the terrible, ripping, wrenching pain Ipsudir had yanked him off his feet.   The cranking mechanism in her weapon dragged him slowly, agonizingly toward the shaded entrance, but Ipsudir closed the rest of the distance herself, placing a foot on the prone warriors chest, pressing down as she drove the now compact harpoon deeper.


Her voice started soft, almost a purr, but it quickly rose in volume and intensity.   “You come to my land, try to conquer my fortress, and when it turns belly side up you want me to invite you in for tea and crackers?”

She twisted, so virulently that she sent the rifle slung across her back swinging, and the skakdi cried out as bloody foam spilled from his lips.   “That ain’t how it works around here, sweetie.”

She pointed at where Zenakra and Kirik were pummeling each other.  “There, is where you should be.   Such a fool, but at least she will die with honor.   I will make sure her name is remembered.” With one last twist, she ripped out the weapon and spit on the skakdi’s face.   Her eyes remained focused on the melee down the hill as she kicked him again for good measure.   “Take this heu:nii to the dungeons,” she said, without turning toward her warriors at her her back.  “Make sure he lives for as long as possible.”

Kerigor’s X-ray vision pierced through the fog, but he had stopped shooting once the group had achieved range—anyone brave enough to charge the fortress was dead already, and powder was after all, expensive.   While scanning the remains of the battlefield, however, he caught the glint of unfamiliar copper.

Grinning, he tapped his partner’s currently-holstered impact crystal launcher.   “Shall we bring back a little bauble for the Lady?”

OOC: @Geardirector @Techn0geist @ARROW404 @Visaru @Snelly

IC: Mandokk - Fort Garsi

All of the curse words went through Mandokk's head in the ensuing thirty or so seconds. He had half expected this, but that harpoon had come out so fast... "Figures," he choked out. "Do whatever you want. I'm expendable," he coughed, half snarling, half grinning.

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  • 1 month later...

IC: Rezena, Burning Steppes

Not for the first time, Rezena pictured herself screaming across the wastes on a motorbike. Dust and ash billowed in her wake. She roared up to the dig site and dismounted coolly amid the murmurs of respect and admiration of her peers.

Instead, she crossed the Burning Steppes as did all the rest: one foot in front of the other.


Her arrival was likewise unimpressive. Though Rezena could hardly blend into any crowd, she was, here, but another slab of hired muscle.

She recognized a few of those present, but none of them she knew very--

Oh. Well, if it wasn't two of her favorite people. In a stride, she was beside them.

"Katha;Vaa? But that was so long ago," she said lightly. "And I seem to recall that it was mostly an accident."

OOC: @a goose@Ghosthands

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IC: Kihr [Burning Steppes, Outskirts]

Kihr hadn't turned to watch Rezena approach. From his perch on the berm, he puffed his cigar while the Kaiakan introduced herself to the other team members. His mechanical breathing continued along at its undisturbed rhythm.

Edited by BULiK

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BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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  • 6 months later...

IC: Aden (The Burning Steppes)

“Yes, our expert here accidentally prioritised his benefactor’s souvenirs over the preservation of an historical site.” The bitterness in her tone made it abundantly clear that the wound remained fresh, no matter how much time might have passed. “But you're quite right: that was a very long time ago, and we have more immediate concerns.”

OOC: @ all of the dig folks, but @BBBBalta and @Ghosthands in particular 

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Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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  • 2 weeks later...

IC (Broker NPC: Rhuvok) [Burning Steppes digsite]


"'Preservation'," Rhuvok scoffed. "This is Zakaz. The present consumes the past and carves the future from its bones. What is useful is taken, digested, put to use. What is not, has no purpose, and so is of no value. This is the natural order of things. There is no room for such...sentimentality for the past."

The Raven's thin lips curled, baring yellowed teeth in a mocking smirk.

"Ah, but then you are a Lesterin. I suppose the past is all you have."

Edited by Ghosthands
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IC: Kihr [Burning Steppes, Dig Site]

For the briefest of moments, the mercenary's clockwork lungs creaked with a slightly different resonance, as if a gear had slipped.

Probably nothing. The familiar rhythm returned.

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Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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  • 2 weeks later...

IC: Zassani [Burning Steppes, Dig Site]    (previous post)

Zassani watched the other team members arguing back and forth. He rolled his eyes, a pained look on his face.

"Gods am I glad I never had the privilege of working with you sorry lot already." He spat the word 'privilege', blackened spittle appearing on his lip, which he wiped on his arm. "Let's just get in, get out, and get paid." 

He turned with a grunt, and plodded through the dust to reach the entrance.

@a goose @NorikSigma @BULiK @BBBBalta @Ghosthands

Edited by Rahisaurus
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