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Warm Up: Flash Fiction Marathon


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Warm-Up: Flash Fiction Marathon

Today we have come to you with a unique form of contest: You are to run a marathon. A marathon of short stories, or, more appropriately, flash fiction pieces. For the next twelve (12) days there will be twelve (12) themes. And, also uniquely, this will be the first crossover contest including both COT and the Library.Sound like something you’re interested in? Then make sure you read the following:

Contest Rules and Important Information

  • [*]Each entry MUST be between 400-600 words. This is flash fiction.[*]One new theme will be given out each night. Each theme will be given out at Midnight, EST (hopefully; I have finals and graduation and other things next week), every night for 12 days[*]The contests will alternate between BIONICLE and COT. The first contest will be BIONICLE, the second will be COT, then going back to Bionicle and so on.[*]Bionicle entries may be human-Bionicle, if you wish. Just as long as they have some sort of relation to Bionicle. As usual, the story does not have to follow the canon storyline -- you may create your own characters, settings, etc., as long as in some way the story relates to Bionicle.[*]COT entries are not allowed to be Bionicle. That's what the Bionicle themes are for.[*]For each theme, contestants will have 48 hours to enter – so, if it’s a Bionicle theme, you will have until the next Bionicle theme is announced (as there will be a COT theme in between there) to enter your story.[*]After the 48-hour entry period, the entries will be placed in a poll for you – yes, you! – to decide the winner for the day; each winner will be receiving a small prize. At the end of all 12, the 12 winners will be pooled together and judged by judges for a final prize of greater monetary value.[*]It is very likely that an extra prize will be given for those who enter all 12 challenges, both COT and Bionicle.[*]Each winner for the 12 themes will receive a small prize, to be announced.[*]If you are going to post your stories, do so in the correct forum; COT stories belong in COT, Bionicle stories belong in the Short Stories section of the Library.[*]All entries must adhere to BZPower's rules and guidelines.[*]Your story must be new and never before posted on BZP. You can certainly have been working on your entry before this, but it must be posted on BZP after the start of the contest for it to be eligible.[*]Keep it PG-13-ish appropriate. So no gory descriptions, excessive violence, inappropriate content, et cetera.[*]You cannot edit your entry 30 minutes after it is posted. Once you post your story, you will have thirty minutes to edit it in order to make any formatting changes or to edit your story itself -- if you edit your entry post after that, your entry will be disqualified. PM me if you have to edit for story for some reason after 30 minutes before you do so.[*]If your story is not posted in this topic with the correct format, your entry will not be entered into the contest. [*]Do not use unnecessary formatting -- see more in the "How to Enter" section.

How To Enter:

There will be two main topics, one for Bionicle (this topic) and one in COT (which will be posted when the next theme begins); make sure you post your entry in the right one. If you are entering a COT theme, post in the COT topic.To enter, please use this form:Member Name:Theme:Word Count:Story:NOTE: Do NOT link to your story. It is fine if you wish to post it on BZPower, but for entering this contest, we ask that you post your story in this topic. Thanks!Furthermore, do NOT have any unnecessary coding when entering your stories. This means no color, not signoffs, no indents, etc. You may use italics, underline, etc. if it’s used for the body of your story, but please leave your posts as bare possible.And so, without further ado, I present to you:


The Legacy


As usual, any interpretation of the theme is valid, but it must be a BIONICLE story

and it must adhere to the rules in the first post.


June 5th, 4:59 AM EST (keep in mind the time -- this is the night of the 4th, but at ~5am EST or ~2am PST, due to the late time that I am posting this theme)

Theme #7


Alternate Universe

As usual, any interpretation of the theme is valid, but it must be a BIONICLE story

and it must adhere to the rules in the first post.


June 2nd, 11:59 AM EST

Theme #5:



As usual, any interpretation of the theme is valid, but it must be a BIONICLE story

, and it must adhere to the word count restriction posted above.


May 31th, 11:59 PM EST



The Legends of Lhii

As alluded to in the banner above, the second theme will be "The Legend of Lhii." Write a Legend of Lhii. One of the stories invented or adapted by Turaga Vakama and told to the Matoran of Mata Nui. See the

BS01 article. This is a BIONICLE theme, and it must adhere to the word count restriction posted above.

Deadline: May 29th, 2:59 AM EST (note: changing time limit to three hours later to compensate as I didn't post the theme until now)

It is our honor and pleasure to host yet another contest for you. We wish you all the best of luck, and hope we receive as many entries as possible!Your hosts,Andrew (Velox)John (55555)

Edited by Velox

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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Oh man, so doing this. I don't know how you guys came up with the inspiration for such a unique contest. Writing short stories quickly on a selected theme every day? Brilliant. :3 -aaaand the fact that we actually have a COT contest is awesome. That will definitely make writing easier to those of us who find it frustrating to write within the confines of the Bionicle Universe and the laws therein.I AM WRITING HERE.

hey it's Studio Comic

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This is going to be an interesting contest, to say the least. Sadly, I won't be able to participate, but I wish good luck to everyone that does enter! :)Edit: On second thought, I might be able to enter this after all. :)

Edited by The Smoke Monster

Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.



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Hmm, I think I'll give it a go. My main weakness in writing is that I find short stories difficult to write. I'm not very good at introducing characters, plots and concepts in a relatively small amount of words, especially with a limit such as this, but then I've never fully tried before. So, why not give it a go? Practise makes perfect as a lot of people like to remind each other. So yeah, count me in.


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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I really love the idea of flash fiction, it makes for a great challenge! Thank you to the contest hosts, and happy writing, everyone!

(disclaimer: none of this banner art is original, I just smooshed it together in gimp. Torchic, Matau)
Those pesky firespitters... 
Library | The Sculptors and the Smelters | The Ternion Review Topic 

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I probably won't participate in all twelve, but I will try to enter a few of them.Though, 48 hour entry period? Meaning each theme will overlap by a day? That would be helpful if I had an extremely busy day.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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I'm very tempted to join this, I'm thinking about it. I'm writing the BIONICLE theme into a story anyway, just for the sake of writing, and in case I do join, I'll have a story at the very least. =P Still, this is a great idea, guys, and I hope everyone has fun - happy writing! ^^

On the day the wall came down / They threw the locks onto the ground

And with glasses high / We raised a cry / For freedom had arrived


On the day the wall came down / The ship of fools had finally run aground

Promises lit up the night / Like paper doves in flight


I dreamed you had left my side / No warmth, not even pride remained

And even though you needed me / It was clear that I could not do a thing for you


Now life devalues day by day / As friends and neighbors turn away

And there's a change that even with regret / Cannot be undone


Now frontiers shift like desert sands / While nations wash their bloodied hands

Of loyalty, of history / In shades of grey


I woke to the sound of drums / The music played, the morning sun streamed in

I turned and I looked at you / And all but the bitter residues slipped away


slipped away...



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Member Name: Varkanax39Theme: VisionsStory: Vision of the Fall

Vision of the Fall

The city of Shadovar gleamed in the light of the rising sun as the brilliant hues of orange and red reflected off the pale, translucent mirror-glass. The massive buildings of the City of Mirrors and the tall, twisting spires were made all of the same reflective glass, which was shot through with tendrils of gold material.The Citadel at the heart of the city stood facing the mighty Pyramid of Glass, which was made entirely of opaque crystal harder than the most solid protosteel.Some said that this city had been built by the Ancients; the enigmatic beings that had left many constructs behind them and had once inhabited Shadovar before vanishing without a trace. Others said it was the work of even older forces, perhaps the Mindeaters or the Infinus themselves. In any event, the modern inhabitants of the city, Toa, Ix, and Elemental alike, did not know.But they all feared to approach the Last Spire, the obelisk that was home to the Seer. Even now, Seer stared through the translucent glass of the Spire, he shook his head, sighing at what he knew was to come in so short a time.His visions had warned him of these days, the last days of Arcaea. When everything would be torn apart, and the Elemental Kingdoms would become nothing more than a memory of what had been lost.Even now, the visions he seemed to whisper to him. He did not see the city as it was now, but as it would be soon. He saw the citadel of Arcaea against the backdrop of choking ash and brilliant flames, torn apart by brilliant displays of elemental power.The Seer watched as a dark, powerful Elemental, surrounded by a group of shadowy, hooded Ix, stand face to face with another Elemental, who had two Toa flanking him. They were locked in a battle on both the mental and physical level as they fought in both the aura field and with elemental power, blinding flashes of light detonating all around him.And at last, the Seer saw the end of Arcaea. The Twelve Elemental Kingdoms torn apart, dispersing on the wind into nothingness. Soon all that was left was a remnant of Shadovar, a broken, pitiful reminder of all that the City of Mirrors had once been.Then the sun of Shadovar itself was extinguished, and eternal darkness fell over the city.Silently, a being stepped from the darkness to stand beside the Seer. He wore a black cloak, like an Ix, but he was clearly not of their kin. One hand was gloved; the other was pale white and twisted.The being stared for a moment at the brilliant cityscape below in silence.“You have seen what is to come.” He whispered.It was a statement, not a question. The Seer nodded quietly. “Yes,” he whispered.“The end of an era,” said the hooded being. “The visions must come true, or the Dark One cannot be stopped.”The Seer knew that the being was correct. Every vision he’d seen with his Kanohi of Foresight had proven to come true. He had paid a price beyond comprehension for the legendary mask, and it had always served him well.“You know what you must do,” continued the hooded being. And though it pained the Seer to know his vision would come true, and though he knew he was passing judgment on the lives of far too many beings, he nodded quietly.“I shall do it,” he whispered as the visions of the destruction to come flooded his mind once more.Word Count: 598

Edited by Varkanax39





Volume I: Into the Darkness (PDF / Review / CBW PageVolume II: The Shadows Coil  (Review / CBW Page| Volume III: The Darkest Light  (Review / CBW Page| Volume IV: Shattering (Review / CBW Page) Volume V: The Final Prophecy  (Review / CBW Page| Volume VI: Eternal Darkness (PDF / Review / CBW Page)


Xaterex Art Blog | Xaterex Wiki



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This sounds suspiciously like it's based off the write-offs you've been having, Velox. :PI definitely wish to enter this contest. The first theme looks great. I know I'll have trouble conforming to the word limit (expect me to enter a five hundred ninety-nine-word entry sometime during this contest :P), but it's a challenge I wish to meet.

Edited by Legolover-361
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Member Name: Zosia DarrTheme: Bionicle - VisionsStory: The Visionary


"Get out,"Dispatched to the Northern Continent on Makuta Icarax's orders, Pridak had been granted jurisdiction over a small peninsula. What the Makuta had failed to mention, however, that the land's primary inhabitants were rocks and Rahi.Perhaps to lessen the sting of the slap to Pridak's ego, they'd dispatched a small herd of Matoran to go with him and serve as his staff.The Matoran ducked his head in compliance. "Sir,"Pridak sat down heavily on his stone work desk, knocking the scout's report tablets to the floor with a resounding clatter. He looked out the window of the shack that he was supposed to call a fortress. Instead of seeing the occasional boulder that littered the landscape, he saw Xia.The imposing skyline stabbed into the sky, reaching for the twin suns as though trying to dethrone them. Fire fueled the race to the heavens, new factories and foundries being created every day. Smoke and haze seeping from the buildings hung in the air, tasting like grandeur. The addicting sensation of success, production, and monopoly thrummed trough the streets, making the realm of the Vortixx truly unique and beautiful in the Universe.It wasn't only the landscape that made Xia enviable. It was the spirit of the inhabitants. They were forward thinking, always. Sharp minds formed the backbone of the population, while the perfect combination of ruthless and genius sat in the seat of authority. Manipulative, cunning, and clever, the Vortixx were at the very least admirable.And the beauty didn't end there. In his mind's eye, Pridak saw Xia's smog spreading across the world, turning everything to the same twisted beauty. Nothing in existence would be able to compare, of that Pridak was sure. It wasn't long before the sharp skyscrapers and strong fortresses of factories blotted out the suns completely.It was majesty.And one day, maybe not so far away, that envisioned majesty could become reality. Of course, Pridak would have to work for it. Dreaming could only get one so far. Naturally, he wanted to get out from under the thumb of the Brotherhood of Makuta. At the moment, Pridak thought that would be a bit pre-mature. He would establish his tiny dominion on this Northern Continent Peninsula for now. Pridak was not a Toa, but he did believe in destiny. He would lay low, and wait until the time destiny called for change.


Word Count: 401

(disclaimer: none of this banner art is original, I just smooshed it together in gimp. Torchic, Matau)
Those pesky firespitters... 
Library | The Sculptors and the Smelters | The Ternion Review Topic 

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Member Name: PyrrhonTheme: VisionsStory: The Storm The chilling wind swept across the empty field like floating knives, forcing the small blades of grass downward. The storm was coming, I could sense it in the air. A small drop of liquid dripped down onto my face, slowly sliding towards the ground. The water dropped from the edge of my mask, falling down to the grass below. The rain had come, and with it, the storm drew closer and closer. The weather was a sign, a grim warning. I knew that he was coming, charging headlong into the future, and towards a destined fight. The storm, it was only part of what was coming towards the field. But I knew that the storm was the least of my worries.My mask had shown me this many days, many weeks ago. It had revealed to me what I did not wish to see. I had pierced into the future, seeing what would be... and there was no way I could change it, no way to stop it. But I knew I had to push that from my thoughts, to concentrate not on what I knew would happen, to prepare myself for what was coming. The Mask of Clairvoyance had at times been the greatest of blessings... now it was a curse. I had seen the future, and I would have given anything to have wiped those memories out of my mind. The storm was coming.How had it come to this? I wasn't even fully certain myself. I had had the vision before I even knew what it meant, Back then, it seemed impossible, unlikely to even be close to reality. But now the coldness I felt wasn't the storm. I had known what was going to happen, and I could have done nothing to stop it. My death had been written out before my eyes, the end of my own life playing out in my mind. And my mask could show me what was coming, but I could not stop it... what I had seen, it was going to happen... and nothing could change that.My thoughts were shattered by a clap of thunder as it sounded in the sky. The storm was here, I could feel it around me, throughout my entire being. The air and winds were no longer peaceful. The storm had come upon me as I knew it would. He would be here soon... and destiny would enact itself just as my mask had shown. Death was awaiting me, as clear in my mind as the flashing of lightning across the darkened sky. I didn't want it to end like this... but destiny could not be undone. I had seen it, and it would happen... I just wished that it could have been differently.I can do nothing about it, I have no choice but to fight. I can run no longer, destiny has placed me here, and here I shall face the future. Though it is futile and I know that I will not win, or even have a chance... I will fight as I have been destined. But I will not just surrender to death, I will not die easily. Destiny shall get its fight, but it will learn that a Toa never surrenders, even in the face of death.Words: 544

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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Member Name: Grimoire AlbastruTheme: VisionsStory: ContactFor the first time in countless millennia, the desolate silence of the cavern had been pierced by the arrival of one such noise that it had imagined it would never again hear since its very creation.I emerged into the cavern, the sounds of my heavy breath echoing against the walls. My name is Vezon. And though I had no true idea as to why I had arrived at such a curious location, I knew my duty was done. I had arrived.A distant voice had called me here from the very recesses of my shattered mind. Ever since I had left my old “allies” back in the lair of my birth, I had been egged on by the deep desire. This urge to press ever onwards. This need to travel somewhere, though with never a clue as to where or why. But now, here I was.And there stood my prize, waiting for me. The rivers of lava threw a meagre light upon the glistening ornament that rested upon a throne of rock. I knew that it was meant for me, and the voice approved, so I surged forward to claim it, my heavy footfalls creating vibrations that shot around me.But what I couldn’t have seen coming was that as soon as I laid my hands upon it and pulled it close to me, my already fragmented mind exploded. I tried to stifle a scream, but it tore through my mouth regardless. I threw myself to the ground and thrashed wildly like an injured Rahi. Images swam before me, faces I could not place, locations I might never live to see, scenes of which I could never have dreamed of. I slammed my eyelids shut as if I could escape this hideous torture, but it was to no avail, as all this resulted in was the ceasing of the war between reality and the visions that threated to tear through my own skull. And the visions had won.All before me was beautiful, yet all was terrifying. I knew now what I held, the Kanohi Ignika. A source of terrible, yet glorious power that could devastate the entire universe, or perhaps save it. It could fall armies or raise them from the ground. It had seen the beginning of the universe and it would remain to see it at the very end. And now it was mine. I cradled it in my arms as I screamed helplessly for whatever assistance the Great Beings might lend me.They offered no solace, but even as my mind unravelled at its last remaining seams, the voice that led me here whispered ever so softly, like a lover, “Let me show you.”And so I did. I felt my prize sink into my body, even as I beheld the worst of it. For following this example of power and horror, came visions even more sublime than any I had hitherto witnessed. For I saw the end of the world. I saw the fire in the sky, the fall of Metru Nui and the extinction of the very stars. I stood back and stared as the last breath of life was swept away in the hurricane that enveloped all I might ever have known.The sights receded eventually, but the damage had been done. Devastated, I rocked back and forth, sobbing gently. The back of my head seared with pain and the ghosts of those visions were alive in my mind. And as I lay, shivering and alone in that deep, dark, desolate cavern, slowly, I began to laugh.Word Count: 596

Edited by Grimoire Albastru


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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Member Name: Astris JanusTheme: VisionsStory: FatesToa Radeic sped through the chute system, using his powers over sound to block out any distractions. He checked the device on his wrist. “Twenty minutes,” he whispered.Time seemed to slow as he looked down, his eyes fixating on a Matoran being terrorised by a Visorak. He released a quick concussive blast, accounting for the change between liquid protodermis and air, and knocked the Visorak off its feet, allowing the Matoran to escape. Under any other circumstance, he would have gone down there and helped the Matoran more thoroughly, but the situation was dire…


From the beginning, Radeic had the gift for seeing visions. Some would say gift, others would think it a curse. Radeic had mixed feelings. It had helped him before, seeing things that would happen and then being able to stop them, but sometimes the visions made no sense. This was a problem at first, leading Radeic to believe he was going mad, but that stopped once he acquired a Kanohi Rode. Now he could tell the difference between the true visions and the mere delusions.


Radeic saw his stop, and cut through the chute, using soundwaves to cushion his descent. He landed next to a railing, over-looking a large gorge half full of silvery liquid. He checked the device again. Fifteen minutes. He checked that he had everything. The sword, the Kanoka, the scales, the venom, the torch, everything was here. He just needed one more thing…


The last vision Radeic had seen was disturbing. At first, he wrote it off as another delusion, but it kept recurring and, with the use of his mask, he learned it to be the truth. He had panicked at first, but eventually managed to calm himself. He formulated a plan. The vision was terrifying, but it had shown him how to stop it.He just needed to collect some items; the sword said to be able to sunder protosteel walls with the merest slice; the scales of a Kanohi Dragon; a level 8 reconstruct at random Kanoka disk; venom from a Nui-Jaga; and an ever-lasting torch of legend.These items would be hard to find. But he had to try. He was more worried about what he had to do with the items, but that didn’t matter right now. Now he had to get them, because he only had one week left.One week until his island was destroyed.


He looked over the railing. It was a long fall. Even with only ten minutes left, Radeic hesitated. All the items were strapped to him and he knew that had to do this, but still he hesitated. The outcome was still uncertain to him…


One thing had plagued Radeic. Every time he saw the vision, the ending would change. There seemed to be two outcomes, one good and one bad. He tried to use his Rode to determine which result was true, but they were both the same. It would appear that he couldn’t see what the results of his actions might be. This was new to him. Occasionally, he would see what would happen if he didn’t follow the vision, and while that was bad, it seemed that if he did follow his visions, there was a chance that it would be worse.But he couldn’t worry about that now…


Radeic wished he had thought about it before. He wasn’t sure what to do.He took a deep breath and calmed himself. He had to take the chance.“For the island,” he said, leaping into the energised protodermis below.


Words: 598

Edited by Astris Janus

Right, new forum, new signature. Or, at least, a reboot.


Dual Sides; An Expanded Multiverse Epic

Bionicle Anime: Toa Mata

"If at first you don't succeed, redefine success."
- Anonymous

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Member Name: Inferna FireswordTheme: VisionsTitle: In the Swirling Vapors (word count: 592)It was rare that a Makuta would hallucinate, and the idea of one attempting to do just that was almost unfathomable. Inconceivable, one might say. Yet, Makuta Hecate was planning to do just that. The Virus Master observed her locked private quarters once more, checking the array of ingredients she had. They were all exotic, but easily obtainable for someone like, as they were ingredients that she normally used for monster-making work. Taking them from the storehouses in Destral had provoked no questions. It was a good thing, too, because what she was about to do would definitely provoke questions, if anyone were to see her. The floor around her table, the lone virus vat that bubbled with the base potion, and she herself was ringed with a thin trail of salt. It felt somewhat silly to her, but the texts she had consulted for this sort of ritual had all advised the circle be placed around her workspace before beginning. As she was a novice – albeit a skeptical novice – she wasn’t taking any chances. Taking a breath, she solemnly began placing the ingredients into the bubbling liquid, waiting for the color to change before she added the next one. With each element that was put in, the fluid hissed, the high temperature quickly liquefying it all. By the time the last part was in the brew, it had turned a sickly green that smelled terrible: even the most vile of virus combinations didn’t smell as awful as this. Hecate tried not to gag as she spoke the formal words that preceded inhaling the vapors. “To the hunters of the dark realms, hear my call. I come with an appeal to you. Let my visions herald your coming and be the medium between my desires and yours.” She felt silly repeating the archaic chant, but went through it all, holding a black crystal of onyx in her hands in prayer. In the most reverent manner that she could, she leaned directly into the rising steam, and deeply inhaled the fumes. The reaction was immediate: the world blurred around her, and she was forced to stumble back and sink into her throne-like chair before she gracelessly fell onto her backside. Blackness welled up in her vision, but since Makuta couldn’t fall asleep, she remained awake, though she wasn’t completely sure of that fact. Things that seemed similar to the few dreams she’d had when she’d had a physical form were floating through her vision, making it hard to differentiate from reality. Then the voices came. One male, two female, they whispered in her ears, their shapes lurking in the corners of her eyes and vanishing when she tried to look at them directly. “We know,” the strongest female voice hissed. “We know what you desire. We will fulfill it. “You have the means to give us what we desire. Promise us that, and we will insure success in your endeavors.” A remainder of Hecate’s rational mind got her to speak. “Yes, but I would rather discuss this later. There isn’t privacy on Destral.” Hisses came from the other figures, but the stronger female voice silenced them before she spoke again. “Look for us in mirrors and the echoing places. We will wait.” Slowly, the visions ceased, and Hecate raised her head up again. The churning of her brew had stilled some time while she was gripped by visions, so all was quiet. Lowering her head down into her hands, she rested. And thought of the consequences making deals with the Nightborn could be.

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Member Name: YukikoTheme: VisionsStory: Wake (487 words)He was standing alone on the black sand. The air pressed down on him. It would storm soon, his aching limbs told him that. This was too real as always, this surreal place. But he waited. He had learned to wait. There was nothing else to do in this world beyond his control.“They are coming, Vakama.”Vakama looked up. “Toa Lhikan?”He couldn’t keep his surprise completely concealed. He had not seen the toa of fire for a very long time, in life or in his visions. And yet, here he was, his greatswords slung over his shoulder.“I am what you want to see, Vakama. The storm is coming, and you must learn to make out the truth through the rain.”Vakama said nothing after that. He leaned on his staff, following his old mentor’s eyes toward the mottled gray sky. The wind picked up speed, piercing through his armor. He shivered. The rumble of thunder grew steadily louder, until a flash of light pierced the air above them.Lighting should happen in a split second, but Vakama could swear that he saw the jagged arms of the bolt reaching down toward them to embrace Lhikan. He shielded his eyes as the spot where Lhikan stood blazed with light. He could make out nothing.When the light faded, there was only Lhikan’s golden hau, laying on the sand before him. The eye-holes of the mask blazed red, then green.“Turaga!”Vakama sat up in his pallet. He rubbed his hands over his face to clear the last shadows of sleep from his mind. That voice...it had been Jaller’s voice. But the Captain of the Guard was gone. Gone to the land of the dead, most likely never to return.Vakama had learned to accept his visions. After all, his people venerated him for it. No longer did others question his sanity when he told of his dreams. He was the noble Turaga Vakama, leader of the Ta-matoran.The things he saw in the fire, after all, were not incomprehensible. He stared at the now dead pot of coals in the center of his hut. When he was awake, he could make sense of it, turn it into real voices and figures and events. But in the unconscious territory of his dreams, his mind melded and twisted and dissolved. There were still some nights when he woke feeling cold all over; when he was not sure if he was awake at all.And those eyes. Red and then green. What did that mean? The Makuta? His eyes were red, and his poison turned the eyes green. But matoran could have green eyes as well. Then there was Jaller’s voice. It had sounded different. Almost…Older, Vakama thought. Like a toa’s.He sat up and began to tend to the coals, as the sun hid the dying stars from the sky.

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Blah. Wrote an entry and didn't check the word limit. I assume 1300 words is way out of bounds, right? :PJRRT

Stop making us look bad. XPBut yeah, I guess I have time to do this one. Edited by Ballistic Jello Pickles

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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Member Name: DespairTheme: VisionsStory: The ObserversWord Count: 546In the time before time…I watched as the once-mighty planet shattered into pieces, and I watched as the robotic vessel the others called their home started its journey through the stars. I observed the many events that took place within that robot – that universe. From the first hesitant steps of the Matoran to the treachery and eventual downfall of the League of Six Kingdoms; I watched it all. The others also watched, but I had no idea what scenes they were forced to view or if they too suffered the same way I did. It was our duty to examine the history of that world, and for most of us it was a wearisome task. I was no exception to this, for I would often grow tired of observing what had already come to pass.Among our numbers were a few who, like myself, wished to get a glimpse of the future instead of this endless stream of age-old history. When we were not busy fulfilling our duties of examining the past (which, admittedly, was not very often), we would often debate on what the future would be like. You see, we only knew of one time: the past. The present was hidden to us, and the future was an eternal mystery to all. Although you could argue that we each had our own time that could be labeled as the present, I believe most of us would agree that that was nonsense. When we were created, we were forced to cast aside our own lives for the sake of something greater.Or at least that was what we had been told. I found that “something” to be infuriatingly vague, for it gave us no idea of what exactly we were sacrificing what others deemed so precious for. Was it for the Matoran, who lived carelessly happy lives down below? Was it for the future that we would never live to experience, trapped as we were in a bottomless pit of the past?I kept these thoughts to myself, but this was my reason for wanting to see what would come to be. I wanted to know that my sacrificing my own happiness and the similar sacrifices of the others would indeed come to bring about something worthwhile. Even in my heart, I couldn’t imagine what could possibly be worth all that I had endured. I could only label that future as “something”, for none of us knew what it was.That was what I hated about the visions; the future was hidden from even we who had more than earned the right to know it. In all the events I had seen unfold, good had always somehow managed to prevail. So why, when there were those suffering for the sakes of others, could nothing but misfortune come their way?I closed my eyes, hoping in desperation that it would block out the images rushing through my mind. I knew it wouldn’t; I had tried hundreds of times before now and it had never worked before. However, a person could always hope.For me, hope was all I had left. I had hope, not for the future, but to see the future.Visions of the past were all I lived for, and visions of the future were all I dreamed of.

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Member Name: fishers64Theme: VisionsStory: Between Cities (463 words)“Where are we?”“It’s a little hard to tell, seeing as it’s dark in here.”“Nuparu, aren’t you the guy who is supposed to be able to see in the dark?”“When Kongu can see in pitch black, I will too.”Kongu reached out a hand to his side. A wall. Curved like a tunnel. He felt his way along it, only to run into a solid obstacle. “Hey, watch where you’re going! You’re just like Kongu, always so clumsy!”“Thanks, Nuparu, I really appreciate that. Let’s see, we are in a dark tunnel…somewhere…”“Metru Nui. I mean, I see Metru Nui. Bright and happy, people are their jobs, happily talking with each other.”“Come on, dude, knock it off.”“No, seriously, I see Makuta rising up the Coliseum, energy pylons bending to his will…I see Visorak spiders now.”Kongu grabbed his friend’s arm. “You’re hyperventilating from too much time in the dark.”“The city is deserted, dark, and still.” Nuparu said as Kongu dragged him forward. “The Matoran! They are coming back! They are rebuilding!”“Yes, we all know this. The Turaga told us about it. We saw it before.”“I see the Order of Mata Nui! Building fortifications around the city! They sent us away on another mission – but we were different.”“How?”“I can’t explain.”“Look, we have to get out of this tunnel – it’s driving you bonkers. There is no ‘Order of Mata Nui’. We are Mata Nui’s servants.”“Something dark…rearranging the stars…”“There’s a light ahead. Come on, Nuparu.”“Smashing…trembling…darkness...gone. The Matoran left. Bright sunlight.”The two Toa emerged from the tunnel. Magnetic sheaths blinked, liquid protodermis dripping onto the stone below. Rahi scurried through nests of debris. The floor was painted with a fine layer of dust. The ceiling was a grim web of girders encased in Visorak webs and bits of still-intact stone and wires. Walking across a sagging bridge, Kongu saw dim lights of forges still burning. He ran, almost without thought, to the edge of the silver sea, grimy and murky. The Great Temple, cracking and falling in. The top spires of the Coliseum, falling, crushing homes and sculptures the crafters must have put hours into. A lone Gukko bird flapped over the abysmal scene, coming to rest at his feet. Dead.“No!” he shouted.* * *“Kongu, are you all right?”Kongu blinked. He was on the ground, leaning up against a tunnel. His memory returned – a Zyglak, clobbering him against the wall. Nuparu offered a hand up. Kongu ignored it and scrambled to his feet.“What’s with you?”“Just a little taste of Karzanhi.”“What?”“Look, we have a city to save, and we don’t have time for visions. Now let’s get moving.”

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Member Name: KumataTheme: VisionsStory: Doubt (596 words)Sunlight stained the sky with streaks of gold and violet. Below that colourful canvas stretched a barren plain; a desert that - even though Spherus Magna was reformed - remained as lifeless as ever. Upon it lay a vast figure of dark and rusting metal. That the final resting place of the Great Being’s robot creation (which for a time housed the spirit of Makuta Teridax) should be on such unwelcoming terrain was a curious quirk of fate.Overlooking this scene was a lone figure standing upon a rocky peak. Turaga Vakama’s robes flapped gently in the evening breeze.“So, here you are.”The Turaga of Fire turned, startled by the voice, and set eyes upon another, more aged Turaga of Fire coming up the slope.“Dume,” said Vakama, the surprise evident in his tone.Dume considered the younger Turaga. “What troubles you?”Vakama’s eyes dodged Dume’s gaze. “I am not troubled.” Dume said nothing, but continued to stare. For the next few moments Vakama was silent - then sighed wearily and turned away. “It is my visions.”Dume stepped forwards, joining Vakama’s side. “Something you have seen?”“No. It’s… the fact that I have them,” Vakama replied sadly. He paused before continuing. “I thought my visions were messages from the Great Spirit. I convinced myself that they were meant to guide me, that I was shown glimpses of terrible things so I may prevent them from happening. But now we know we were all part of that robot… now I understand. They weren’t messages after all - just products of my own malfunctioning mind. They were no guiding force; the Great Beings simply erred when they constructed me. All that effort to assure myself that I was sane, and in the end I really am crosswired.”“Vakama…” said the older Turaga kindly, “you are a fool.”Startled again, Vakama looked up. Dume elaborated. “I may not have witnessed your time as a Toa, but I have heard stories enough of how you wrestled with doubt during those days. Particularly how you overcame it. And now, centuries later, you disregard those crucial experiences? Only a fool does this.”“But this - it’s different now!” Vakama protested, an unusual desperation in his voice. “I thought my visions were meant to be. I thought they played some significant role in the course of my destiny! But they were only glitches, hallucinations-”“Answer this,” interrupted Dume sternly. “Did your visions provide insight that allowed you to help others?”“Yes, but-”“Were there times in your past where, had you not experienced visions, you would have failed your goals, your duty, even your destiny?”“I… yes, I… believe so.”“So. Whether these are visions or glitches is irrelevant. They supported your personal growth and - much as we were components in a larger robot - your visions and your acting on them were vital gears in the machinery of history. Without them we may never have reached this new paradise.” Dume placed a hand on his companion’s shoulder. “I understand that the revelation of what we were and the true nature of our universe is difficult to take in. But you must remember that it does not alter who were are. It would be a terrible thing for you to succumb to doubt after all your years of courage and wisdom.”Vakama’s only response was a gradual, grateful smile. Dume lowered his arm. The two Turaga stayed atop the peak for a while, looking wordlessly at the fallen giant. Then, without another word between them, they began their journey home.

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Member Name: ClickTheme: VisionsStory: Rock of AgesIt had fallen without warning in the middle of the night, nearly crushing Gekara on her way home, and neatly slicing a half off of Verius’s hut; luckily he wasn’t home. From a distance, it had a boring appearance, like any rock you might find at the edge of the Black Spike Mountains, but on closer inspection, became a powerful enigma for the inhabitants of New Atero. The entire boulder was covered in writing in an unknown language; the only pictogram of a stout little being with a triangular head and a disk in one hand. Once Solis Magna had risen, it revealed a large crowd of Matoran and Agori crowded around, torches slowly going out over their silent vigil.“Stand aside, villagers, stand aside!” A towering Glatorian of Fire broke the silence as he broke through the mob, wading up to the rock. A wizened old Turaga followed, and then a small Matoran of Ice.“What happened? What is this?” The Turaga immediately burst into questions, to which followed an explosion of stories and alibis, which were silenced with difficulty by the Glatorian. The Matoran was furiously taking notes on a small tablet. “Call on Nokama, she might be able to read this.”A flurry of motion and talking passed as a group of Matoran ran off to the north bringing the word. A hot hour passed before a light blue Turaga walked into the circle, villagers spreading to give her room. The group grew tense as they awaited something to happen, and Nokama furrowed her brow in intense concentration. After a few minutes passed by, she stood up in defeat and shook her head.“Mata Nui will not grant me a vision of its meaning. Perhaps, by knowing its past, we may be able to understand its purpose.” At those words, another group of Matoran broke off in search of a Toa, bringing back a Toa of Plasma wearing the Mask of Psychometry. As the orange being tried to break into the center, all eyes were on him, waiting to see the result.The Toa nervously glanced first at the crowd, and then at the Turaga, Glatorian, and Chronicler in the center. He tentatively reached for the stone, drew back for a moment, and then allowed the power of his mask to show its past to him. He first started shaking, and then his free arm started a spasm as elemental energy cracked through the air. His eyes widened, then his mouth gaped and a low moan escaped before he shot backwards into the crowd, smoking. The surprised villagers jumped back, and a few reached out to catch the limp Toa. All wide eyes were on the charred armor as one Matoran pronounced he was dead.“The vision must have been too much for him. This seemingly common rock may have an interesting history indeed,” said the first Turaga. At the sound of this, the Toa shook momentarily, and his heartlight flashed just long enough for one word to escape his sealed lips.“He…lp.”The pictogram flashed and a hairline crack grew from it, enveloping the whole stone until it collapsed in on itself in a shower of dust. After recovering from shock, the anxious crowd peered into the clearing hole.Inside was a rectangular pod with a clear covering, revealing a being like the one pictured on the stone. A disk flashed across as the being’s eyes opened, and the crowd saw a distant planet, split into seven elemental fragments and a race not unlike themselves…(589 words :P, 3 guesses what the being is :D)EDIT: All I did was add in enters in between paragraphs.

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To all those not entering:Of course it's completely fine and your choice, but in case it wasn't clear: There will be twelve of these, and there are no restrictions as to how many you have to enter; just entering one is completely fine. And, as 55555 said, a 500-word story can easily be written in under 20 minutes. To those who have entered: Thank you! I am so appreciative and honored that this was such a success -- I would especially like to thank 55555 for the idea of having a marathon of flash fiction contests (we both chose the individual themes and agreed on the contest, but he was the one to originally come up with the idea).

Though, 48 hour entry period? Meaning each theme will overlap by a day? That would be helpful if I had an extremely busy day.

Yep, exactly -- we want people to be able to enter every single one, even if they're busy one day.

This sounds suspiciously like it's based off the write-offs you've been having, Velox. :P

Haha, well to be completely honest, John thought of this idea before we started the write-offs. But yes, these are basically just be write-offs, and I know I'll be writing most of my entries as part of write-offs. I look forward to seeing your entries!

Blah. Wrote an entry and didn't check the word limit. I assume 1300 words is way out of bounds, right? :PJRRT

Unfortunately, yes. =P Any chance you can shorten it? If not, be sure to post it anyway in the SSs forum; I'd love to read another story of yours.

A question: Can an entry be exactly six hundred words?EDIT: Another question: Do asterisks (as in, those used to separate sections) and dashes add to the word count?

An entry may be exactly 600 words, yes, but not 601. Any sort of punctuation (asterisks included) does not count towards the word count, so it's fine if you have exactly 600 words and a few asterisks. newso1.png

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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Member Name: Legolover-361Theme: VisionsStory: Returned (600 words)Koi is gone.Just yesterday over the meal table, she had sat and talked with the rest of us — Eknosis, Rea, and me — had eaten her fill, had smiled in her withdrawn fashion at every joke told, her eyes glimmering under the candlelight. Now she is passed like a dream, her seat empty. Her name only comes heavily to my tongue.As I prod at my food, Eknosis asks me if I feel fine. Concern is in the Toa of Earth’s eyes, but it seems thin as paper.“I do,” I respond, “but does—”Her name refuses to be uttered. Eknosis acquiesces. The remainder of the meal passes in silence.* * *Our dwelling is not overly large. It consists of four bedrooms, one per occupant; a dining room with a circular table and four seats; a kitchen; and a small living room whose bookshelf acts as a magnet for faint coatings of dust. Eknosis, being a Toa of Earth adorned with a Mask of Accuracy, does all the hunting required for sustenance; Rea, a Vortixx, cooks behind locked doors; and I, Ikara, remain in the library most of the day, scribbling on whatever paper I can acquire as I ponder philosophy.Koi would normally tidy the rooms, but with her absent, I go about the work myself. My subconscious mind recycles thoughts of the Toa of Water; my conscious mind expunges them as they surface.When I dust the last shelf in the living room, I light a candle with my fire powers and, under its flickering light, pore over a volume I have been reading for days. Reality, it suggests, is subjective. It’s wistful to imagine death is a dream, but I need solace from something.* * *Solace, I lament, left with Eknosis.Night had fallen, and the Toa of Earth had failed to knock upon the door. For the first time in what seemed like millennia, I had felt a shard of fear pierce my heart. Eknosis is still unreturned.Rea is apathetic. Expecting sympathy from a Vortixx is folly, true, but could she really ignore the absence of our lifeblood?She says she will cook using leftovers. No utterance of Eknosis’s name enters her speech, and I offer none in return.My reply is to nod and again open the book I had been reading: An Examination of “Reality”, by K. Aria.* * *“Don’t you leave,” I finally say to Rea over dinner.She doesn’t respond. Angrily, I repeat the question; she ignores me.Cold fear wraps around my heart. In panic, I round the table and grab her by the shoulders, yelling the question in her face. Finally, she snaps. The others aren’t gone, she says; I am.“No.” Yes.She’s hopeless. I stand up. “Forget you.”She says I can’t. “Stop bluffing,” I challenge, but she denies the allegation. She asks: How could I possibly erase a part of myself?My subconscious mind screams under the sudden pressure of pain. Rea must feel it, for she cries in return that I must be a fool to have fallen for this dream.This... dream?The thought serves as a trigger. The candles in the living room are extinguished. Rea laughs as my existence is turned off as if by a switch. She pulls away — as does the rest of the dining room — whiplash yanks my head back hard enough for my neck to hurt—I awaken in the cruel grasp of a prison: walls of debris in a cold, dead universe. My Mask of Illusion dims, fading from bliss into dead weight.I am returned.I am broken.

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Oh, great. I decided to add in spaces between paragraphs, and finished editing 3 min. after the limit. Is that okay? I really hope so, because that story took me a whole 20 minutes! :P

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Member Name: TNTOSTheme: VisionsStory: The Curse of Vagueness (568 words)Kafor blinked and saw herself.No. That wasn’t it. Not exactly. She did see herself, but it was herself from the future. The Skakdi Seer watched as her future self battled a figure dressed in white robes. The being moved with the grace of a serpent; indeed there was something vaguely serpentine in his thin arms and legs that sent shivers up Kafor’s spine.Kafor wasn’t alone in this vision, however. She saw a black-and-green warrior fighting alongside her future self. She did not recognize his species at all. He was hunchbacked and hideous, with a round helmet with a protruding backside. He carried a sword and buzz saw shield, but he used them mostly for channeling shadow elemental energy.Who is that being? Who are we fighting? Kafor thought, but she really didn’t expect an answer. Her visions were always vague and this one was no different.It was then that Kafor sensed someone nearby. Glancing to the left, Kafor saw a Toa of Iron chained up (which she found ironic). She recognized him as Toa Nasis, a customer of hers, but she didn’t feel disturbed to see him in chains. She’d never liked him much anyway. She didn’t even bother theorize why he was here when she knew there wasn’t any point in speculating in these visions.Kafor turned her attention back to the fight. She saw her future self fire eye beams at the white-robed being, who ducked while at the same time with his arm blocking the shadow being’s sword. The white-robed being smirked and his face changed into a Kanohi Pakari. He slammed his fist into the shadow being’s face, sending Kafor’s future ally stumbling to the ground.Future Kafor gasped, but then the shadow being got back up and shook his head, as though he got punched in the face by unnaturally strong beings every day. The shadow being charged at the white-robed enemy again, swinging his sword. This time landing a hit on the enemy, cutting through his robes and revealing black armor underneath.Future Kafor shot more laser blasts at the white-robed enemy, which hit him in the chest. Kafor figured that should‘ve been a fatal blow, but the enemy merely staggered backwards and glanced down at the smoking hole in his chest. It looked as though the enemy’s innards were completely devoid of organs, similar to a robot’s anatomy.Then the enemy scowled and clapped his hands together, creating a sonic boom that Kafor couldn’t hear. She knew it was a sonic boom because her future self and her future ally clasped their hands over their audio receptors and reeled in agony. Kafor was glad she couldn’t hear it.The enemy ran at Future Kafor and her ally. Kafor blinked again and found herself lying rigid on her bed, staring up at the ceiling of her room. She cursed her vision for ending just then, but only halfheartedly. Her visions were always unclear and she hadn’t expected this one to be different.This one seemed more important than past visions, however, perhaps because it directly concerned her. Kafor only wished she knew when it was going to take place, if nothing else. She also wondered what Nasis had to do with it.Not much I can do about it, Kafor thought. Except, of course, wait. And, although I’ve become so good at it over the years, I hate waiting.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

A Writerly Blog

The Tasty Library of Sugary Goodness

(My Little BIONICLE: Friendship is Explosive Completed 01/05/14)

{The Shika Trilogy Omnibus Completed 03/31/14) (Review Topic)

(In the End Completed 09/01/14) (Review Topic)

The Biological Chronicle: (2001) (2002) (2003) (2004) (2005) (2006) (2007) (2008) (2009) (2010)

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Member name: Kal GrochiTheme: VisionsStory: Salvation (552 words.)Running. Jumping. Flying. He did all of these with ease.But there always seemed to be a hunger that he couldn’t appease.Life. Battle. Death. All these and more flashed before his eyes.But he couldn’t even see through the web of his own mind-created lies.A blinding light, there, at the end of the tunnel!But he couldn’t reach it, no, as his fate would tell.“Don’t worry, Vakama,” the resting red Toa said,“The Vahki and Makuta all seem to have fled.”Suddenly he turned, seeing weapons of destruction,Matoran reduced to a state where they could barely even function.He stepped back in fear, before realizing his mistake,Already he had resigned the Matoran to their fate.Suddenly, the vision broke, he recoiled from the sphere,Attempting to conquer his mind numbing fear.“Vakama!” Nokama called, “What did you see?”Vakama shook his head, trying from his mind to flee.“The Matoran, they’re in danger!” The distraught Toa cried,Seeing his friends go to sleep, their freedom denied.Nokama put a comforting hand on his shoulder,Though to Vakama, he only felt colder.


Vakama sighed, sitting beneath the stars, having finished the small poem. He had yet to find Lihkan, let alone discover what he was to do with the Great Disks. He closed his eyes, thinking over his recent memory again.


When he closed his eyes, he saw Lihkan. Chained, beaten, but his fiery will burned bright still. The elder Toa of Fire stared into Vakama’s eyes, his gaze piercing Vakama’s innermost thoughts.“Do not fail the Matoran,” he commanded, a dark laugh coming through in the background. “You’re their guardian now, Vakama, they need you. Do not lose hope, do not back down, and you will prevail.” Lhikan’s face contorted in pain, his back arching as a shadow whip burnt another bloody trail down his back.“Go, Vakama!” He commanded. “Do not tarry here, the Matoran need you!” The golden-armoured Toa of Fire let out a slight groan as he was struck again, fading from Vakama’s view, not hearing the desperate cries of the mask maker.


“Vakama!” The Toa of Fire heard. “Vakama!” He stirred awake, his hand instantly reaching for his disk launcher, ready for battle…when he noticed it was just Nokama attempting to awaken him.“Another vision?” She asked, concerned. Vakama nodded, averting his eyes. Nokama sighed, banging her fist against the wall in frustration. Vakama stood, walking to the front of the small canyon where they were sheltered. He had a perfect view of the Coliseum.He pulled out two of the Great Disks, again, looking at them intensely. Suddenly, he felt an almost magnetic pull between the disks…normally he would resist this, to prevent any possible damage to the disks…but this time, he let them come together.He was surprised by the result. Instead of just bouncing against each other like normal disks might, they merged. He looked at them closely, pulling out the other four disks, one by one, and combining them all, applying a little of his element to make sure they merged well.He smiled, looking at the finished product. A burnished, golden-hued disk, almost with a majestic aura about it.“Nokama,” he said, a determined look on his face, “I think I’ve just found our salvation."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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