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Nuju Metru

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Actually, it is quite on topic.


Your characters follow the same ... "brand" of personality, so to speak, with quite a few traits universal throughout them. I'm curious at what other universal character traits that other players' characters have as well.



All of my characters share mediocre writing.




Okay, seriously, I think some of my speaking style has creeped its way into all of my characters. Unless I'm purposely trying to write a character with different mannerisms of speech, they all seem to be unnecessarily professional, use long words when short words would do, and are grammar freaks. They just feel, well, robotic when they talk.

Edited by Last Son Amakusa
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I'm curious at what other universal character traits that other players' characters have as well.


Malignant Narcissism, with an emphasis on Millon's Nomadic and Maleovlent Antisocial Personality Disorder subtypes.


Sesquipedalian loquaciousness and a stupidly universal lack of empathy, I suppose (which is a direct result of my laziness in writing~). 


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A vast majority of mine are almost cookie-cutter type mercenaries with marginal differences at first, and they usually differentiate after a while.


In terms of writing style, in depends on how I feel when Im writing. Unless I am feeling particularly mediocre, they do talk differently but in general, they usually talk to the point.


Which might be an product of their personality types, but I'm not sure.

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In my RP characters I usually come at constructing them from the approach of pinning one or two traits together that I want to study and experiment with (i.e. Hubris and Wisdom in the case of Ishi.)


I tend to take a DND/literary/longest possible list of questions approach to constructing characters, as well as sitting down and spending far too much time letting them roam around in the world of words outside the RPG.  Before I plop a character down into the game I always try to know some mannerisms, speech patterns, etc. of that character.  Are they racist or welcoming of all cultures?  Are they proud and ignorant, or shy but brilliant?  Do they enjoy contact with others or time alone?  After I answer some of those questions, and a whole lot more, I begin kindly jamming their little minds with things I want them to say and see if it feels right or not.  In the case of Ishi Polzin, I have absolutely nothing in common with the character save a love of learning.  As for Koga, he's just one of those typical power hungry elites, with far less compassion for people than I have personally.  


I guess what I'm getting at is I always try to give a character time to develop into something other than myself, or a facet of myself, before I toss them into play.  Naturally, some personality traits or quirks (such as Ishi constantly flipping a coin or rolling a die), come through from my real life, those little meta moments.  Adding our personal life experience helps a constructed character feel a little more, well, real, in my opinion.  

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All of my characters should be imagined with English accents :P


On a more serious note, my older characters tend to fit into common (or even hackneyed) romantic archetypes: the Tortured Hero, the Evil Scientist, the Eccentric Pirate etc. I'd like to think that my more recent ones are more nuanced, as I've put significantly more thought into their creation.


Also, I think Tolkien's influence sometimes bleeds into my writing style, and thus often my dialogue too...do let me know what you think!





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My characters almost all start with the same traits before growing in different directions.


Something I am trying to change but it is an interesting subject.

Edited by Silvan Haven

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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I used to have a common theme of scheming with a side of dubious/subversive personalities, but that was awhile ago back when villains were my MO. Now, I honestly can't think of any common archetypes that my characters share. If there's anyone who can, then feel free to point them out. :P 

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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I like to think of each of my characters as embodying a slightly different and heightened part of my human spectrum. They all have root in me, though.


> Kuno


TylerxAaron foundation confirmed 



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Most of my characters are people caught up in things they don't understand, and are just trying to get through life.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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They're my clan of mooks.

Unlike you, I don't churn out cheap and disposable characters by the dozen in order to boost my post count.



I recommend that you read up on the Kentoku Archipelago, Onarax. Then you'll understand what our gibberish means. ;)

Thanks Gabe. I'll try to catch up. From what Hubert has been telling me, it's ... Japan?

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Hubert, I love how you made a joke about fearing one's post count to someone who has a higher post count than you do (Ghosthands).  I think that spy has been lurking and getting the jump on us.  :P


Welcome back Onarax, if you want any additional help please PM me, but also check out the new topic Nuju made for Beginners b.c there's a gorgeous timeline of events. :)

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Hubert, I love how you made a joke about fearing one's post count to someone who has a higher post count than you do (Ghosthands).  I think that spy has been lurking and getting the jump on us.   :P


Don't be so sure. I am not ze one in disguise...





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Where exactly is everyone involved in the bank robbery? Like, is it all happening directly outside the front door of the bank or is it off to the side, leaving the entrance open?


It's a little ways inside the bank's main hall, just beyond the front doors.






Where the front doors were.



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Hey, all. I want to get back into the game, but just wanted to make sure that the Le-Koro Rama force was still a thing, and that it wasn't disbanded after an incident, or that the Nui Rama didn't rebel or whatnot. I didn't see anything in Emzee's weekly updates about it (going back a few months, at least) so I assume it still exists, but confirmation would be nice. Thanks!

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Sorry for falling back again, hehe... I'll try to stay more on top on things.  Read a few Bionicle books last night to restore my muse.  ;D

"a b c d e f g, Rahkshi are my enemy.

Some are black, some are blue.

That one's chewing on my shoe.

Now I'm running for my life,

One of the Rahkshi has a knife!"

~ My 8 year old sister



Tukeli [+Kiru]




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