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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Plagia Simul - Pala-Koro Gate"Sounds like Ril." "Island Liberation Squad? Rama hive? They -- were all being controlled by the Makuta, right?" "Who?""Ril, one of the more memorable people here," I replied, walking over with Frii'Glokk to the trio of Toa. From what I could tell, there was at least one Ko-Toa (Atonal), a Toa of Plantlife (Jenali), and a third, whose element I couldn't tell, due to the coat she wore (Skrihen)."So, what's going on here?" I asked bluntly, tucking two stolen bottles into my bag.-Void



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IC: Skyra - Bright-Star Inn, Le-koro -I eyed Morik up and down. The Akrainid was big, to be sure. "Oh, another mark bearer already? Well, at this rate will have found them all by lunch time." I joked, though truth be told finding another mark bearer really didn't make me feel like we were any closer to getting rid of the marks at all. I recalled they're was one other way to get rid of the marks, through blood loss. It would have to be done carefully so it wouldn't kill me. And without a mark bearer of fear...the other mark bearers would never be able to get rid of their marks.

Edited by King Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Lumira - Doc Verik's Office"It was some bar, I think," I replied, struggling to remember the name, "A place called the Makuta's Retribution? No, Revenge. The Makuta's Revenge.""Sorry, I don't really remember that much," I added, "It's all sort of a blur of smoke and... stuff."-Void
IC: (Doc Verik)"Completely understandable, I think the ILS should look into this. In the meantime there's a vacant hut nearby, I would like you to take up residence there until your wounds heal. And to be honest given your wounds I will carry you over to it if you're ready or get one of the many Toa that have taken up residence in this village. You should rest and maybe in three days or so I'll check up and get you a clean bill of health, how does that sound." I said, cowardly as I was I couldn't help but feel empathy for my patients. I worried about all of them, how they were doing, and if some Toa or matoran I treated were now laying dead somewhere. I wish I could be more proactive but a matoran like me, couldn't really do much. I couldn't really hold a candle to any of these Toa. Just noticing Madrihk I turned to him, somewhat surprised."Unfortunately I have no new information on that, I was questioning her on the group that attacked, my notes are on the table next to her. Could you do me a favor, sir? This lady needs some rest, and there's a vacant building right next to this one. Could you take her there, while I prepare our other patient. "I mean I understand that asking you to do such a thing might be insulting and I am sorry about that." Edited by The Mask


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IC:Skaarn walked quickly through the streets of Le-Wahi. The people thought him tamed, controlled by the Toa and those that called themselve the ILS. It was true, they had captured him during the Nui-Rama Hive attack, but he was far from safe. He was just an animal biding his time, watching a learning, just like any good Hordika such as himself or Rahi would do. An eventually the animal would bite.But for now Skaarn had to at least seem innocent enough. He looked around for anyone interesting to.... meet.ooc: anyone?

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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"Unfortunately I have no new information on that, I was questioning her on the group that attacked, my notes are on the table next to her. Could you do me a favor, sir? This lady needs some rest, and there's a vacant building right next to this one. Could you take her there, while I prepare our other patient. "I mean I understand that asking you to do such a thing might be insulting and I am sorry about that."
IC: Madrihk"What? Oh, no; not at all, not at all," Madrihk said, looking back over at the injured Le-Matoran. "I might be an army leader, but I'm still just a regular Toa as well. Of course I can escort a patient, if that is required. The papers can wait a few more minutes, I suppose.""Can she walk, by the way?" he asked, having overheard part of the conversation that had just transpired between Doc Verik and Lumira.
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IC: Plagia Simul - Pala-Koro Gate"Oh. Well, that's cool," I said, taking a careful glance at the two newcomers, "So, what brings you folks to Le-Wahi?"IC: Lumira - Doc Verik's Office"Yes," I called out abruptly, "I can walk."Getting down off the bed, I stumbled the first couple of steps, noting the amount of effort each one took. Fortunately, I was quick to gain a sort of rhythm, and had managed to make it over to Madrihk."So, where's this hut?"-Void



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IC: (Doc Verik)"Thank you Madrihk, it is good to know that power does not control you, like it does to so many others." I smiled, most other Toa in that position of leadership seemed to lord it over others, believing that a rank made them above helping people. I winched as I saw the burn victim try to walk. "Please just let Madrihk carry you over, I noticed the difficulty you had walking to him. Please, take it easy for now and you'll be back on your feet in no time."


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IC: TurokTurok observed, wondering when the "experiment" would begin.

Edited by Toa of Smooth Jazz

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC- Verak

Ankt said little as he and Verak walked through the warm and humid jungle. At least, until a thought struck him. Now, he didn't usually think this much, in fact, ever since meeting Verak he had though more than he had ever had to before, but when Ankt did think, he usually came up with questions. As he did this time. "Hey, how is it that it can be smouldering in Ta, freezing in Ko, humid in Le, damp and cold in Onu, dry and hot in Po, and just right in Ga?" He had run it over in his mind a few times, and it still hadn't made sense to him. "Shouldn't the temperatures be overlapping somewhere?"
"An excellent question," Verak said, punctuating his statement with an upwards pointing finger. "I've thought this many a time. See, Mata Nui is a bit odd, brother- It has jungle on the southern side and desert up north. However, it's a big island, and the both biomes are caused by heat. Le-wahi just gets more rain, see?'"Ko-Wahi is cold because it's so high- any mountain at that altitude would be snowy, really. Ta-Wahi's hot 'cause it's near a volcano- nothin' odd about that.Ga-Wahi is between moist Le-Wahi and hot Po-Wahi- it is caused by overlap, now. So, you see, it all makes sense, right?"Verak smiled back at Ankt as he ducked under a low tree branch. He checked the distance to the Mangai, and concluded they were getting close to Lake Pala.

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC:AnktThe Toa scratched his head and shrugged. "I guess that sorta makes sense." He said, running what Verak had just said through his brain. After a while of deliberating on it, he decided it that he enjoyed just believing that Mata Nui was a magical island with magical Wahis. Then his pesky brain came up with another problem with this new information. "But wait, Onu-Koro is barren, with no sand, no water, no nothing. But it's still as hot as Po-Wahi, and Ko-Wahi's snow is literally a few meters from the Onu-Wahi Border...

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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Ic: The workers continued toiling as planned, and they did this for days. When news that the the rest of the Island Liberation Squad had arrived spread through the rank and file of masons and workers, the builder foreman sought out Mahdrik, blueprints in hand.Already they had done extensive work on many of the objects, such as the camouflage and waterfall, and the additions to the main walls were already fast underway. There was little that could be done to stop the work, though as a formality the foreman had been directed to deliver the word to the ILS leader, as well as answer any questions the toa may have had on the technologies being used on his fortress.

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IC: Lumira - Doc Verik's Office
IC: (Doc Verik)
IC: Madrihk"I can see that," Madrihk commented with some humor at the Le-Matoran's attempt to stay straight on her feet. She appeared to be in some pain still, struggling with the burns she had sustained. "I believe I shall be carrying you. It's a shame I don't have a Kanohi Matatu, I am fairly certain that would make moving you a lot less straining on you. Then again, I'm not clear of how the power of the mind works on lifting things either. For all I know it's just like lifting you with my hands. Oh well."One could not see it on the Toa of Ice's face, but he was mentally grinning at Verik's words. Him? Not power-hungry? If only they knew... Seeing the village grow and the Nui-Rama hive burn was not so much a spot of hope as a sign of power to their leader, and Madrihk greatly enjoying bossing so many people around. Now, if only the Turaga could be cured and reinstated, their trust in him would prove extremely valuable in subtly controlling the island's workings."I must admit I'm not up to date on where everyone lives right now", he continued, "particularly not with growth of our team and the amount of workers running around outside - but I suppose finding an empty hut won't take long. Allow me to introduce myself, by the way. I am Madrihk, Toa of Ice and - as I'm sure you realized from Verik here saying so just now - leader of the Island Liberation Squad; name possibly to change now that we've grown so large. And you would be...?"
Ic: The workers continued toiling as planned, and they did this for days.
OOC: How much time has passed, you say? As fleeting as time is in this RPG, inside the village it can't possibly have gone beyond one or max two days, since the team returned before the workers had much at all, and they are barely done with saying "hi".
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IC- VerakVerak sighed. "Nono- The snow starts a few bio away, but it's many bio higher, y'know? Onu-Wahi is sort of... never mind. Don't worry about it. Sometimes you've just gotta stop thinkin' too hard about things. Whenever I see a Fikou I feel small and have a little bit of an existential crisis, so i ignore Fikou, right?"

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC: Morik [bright-Star Inn]The large Akrainid dipped in head in responce to Elianne's question. "Mark of Confidence," he said, looking back up at the group and indicating the dull mark on his upper arm. "My name is Morik."He watched the group carefully, incase he was wrong about their intentions or goal...



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IC (Merror)Merror looked at the Akrainid with uncertainty. It seemed odd to have encountered another Mark Bearer so quickly...But Merror was never one to push away the hand of friendship."You bear a Mark as well, then," he said. "Do you know of any others?"





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IC- Verak"No, it doesn't." Verak said simply, deciding not to prolong their conversation. It wasn't the sort of talk Ankt was skilled yet. The two continued through the jungle.

- - -

Verak raised a finger to his lips, signaling silence to his accomplice. The two moved, as Verak had indicated, silently towards the nearby clearing.In it lay the walled village of Pala Koro, where their target resided. Madrihk was not an easy person to kill. The walls were large and infused with stone and metal, and the gate was no more than a slab of metal that only a toa of iron could open and close. Dozens of workers crawled around scaffolding, barely visible from outside, working hard on continuing to fortify the Koro.There was no way the two could get in and kill the leader of the operation unscathed, an observation that Verak whispered to Ankt before withdrawing farther into the forest.“The only way to get Madrihk, brother, is to lure him away from his army. We can’t do that forcefully, now- the army itself prevents that from happenin’. We’ve got to get that sonnuva Piraka to come out of his own accord. My strategy? Play off his honor. He’s a proud toa, and if we can make him think that leavin’ himself vulnerable is the best way ta serve the island or whatever, that’s what we’re gonna do.”Verak paused in his lecture, leaning against a tree stump to gather his ideas. “Maybe- no…”Suddenly his face lit up. “You said that Madrihk had some clone or somethin’ that committed a crime, am I right?”Ankt nodded.“We’re gonna pull a con here. Now, we pretend we’re Sanctum guard, and that the government of Ko-Koro has accused Madrihk of his twin’s crime. We march up to the gates, demand to see the toa of ice, and then announce he’s been arrested in the name of the law, right? Hopefully he comes quietly, and then we lead him away from the gates, prolly a day or so’s travel out to shake anyone who tries to follow us. Then you can challenge him to that duel ye were thinkin’ of, brother.”Verak paused, thinking for a few more seconds, then continued.“Chances are, it’s not gonna work- there’s no proof we’ve got that we’re guard. I’ve got a few back up plans in the back of me mind in case our bluff doesn’t work on them here. If none of those work on ’em, we can always fight our way out. Let me do the talkin’, and this plan should work out fine. Savvy?”Verak grinned at Ankt, excited to pull this off. If, by some miracle, he got Madrihk’s head, the toa would be well of his way to getting rich. And who didn’t want to pull of a con of this difficulty? It was too much of an opportunity to give up.

Edited by Visaru

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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OOC: I was gonna wait for Veef, but I can still post this. IC: Draeverian JoskiirAckune's master craftsmanship had taken a week to complete, the village around beginning to disappear into a conglomerate mass of spiritless buildings. Needless to say the construction was impeccable, flawless to the point of giving Draeverian no grooves to run his hands along while walking through the development. Every home wasted from only the smoothest sandstone, leaving the tow of sound no choice but rely soley on his powers for any form of travel. Luckily, his element was greatly appreciated by the work crew, Matoran who knew his colors quickly approaching for aid in quieting the din of work. His time was spent earning the spare widgets of those who needed peace and tranquility, or the rare chance the foreman wished to be heard throughout pala-koro. It was no wonder then when Ackune asked for his payment, Draeverian was able to produce a stack of viable income he would have otherwise not had to give. The widgets transferred with a hand shake and thanks, he finally held Rivet in his hands once more. OOC: I'll wait to add more description or dialogue from this point out in a new post so people can interact of they are in the forge.

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IC: Plagia Simul - Pala-Koro Gate"Cool," I replied, "I've never really been one for adventures myself, but hey, to each, her own, right?"Realizing that I was the only one talking, I added, "So, you guys were headed to Le-Koro, right? Well, there's plenty of room here, if you're interested in staying..."IC: Lumira - Doc Verik's Office"Name's Lumira, former navigator, and currently, Mata Nui's resident hero," I replied, smiling at Madrihk, "So, this Liberation Squad; what does it do?"-Void



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IC: As the knot of beings returning from Ko-Wahi slowly dispersed, Demetrius found himself meandering after Madrihk, following the Ko-Toa to a hut he recognized as belonging to the team's resident physician. Apparently he'd been spending the time since the battle studying the slugs that had latched themselves onto the Turaga. Disgusting little things. Given his way, Demetrius would've just burned the blasted things off the elder's backs and been done with it.Whatever. He was here to speak with Madrihk, not examine some morbid Rahi. Unfortunately, the Toa of Ice seemed occupied by some sort of discussion with Verik. Boredly, he leaned against the doorframe, listening in on the conversation.


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OOC: Sulov from Le-Wahi.IC: The matoran entered the deep jungle at about dusk. Mounting a bough, he leaped from tree to tree, still traveling quickly. He had to shake any pursuit; moving irregularly and with great haste would do the job. He was nearly heedless of day's passing into night and back again. There was no true rest for him, no time to enjoy the sunset or natural beauty of the wahi.Sulov only stopped for brief snacks. He had to keep his reserves of energy up. Covering great distances was almost second nature to him now, but it could easily exhaust matoran. His travel was regularly interspersed with breaks to consume dried victuals for this reason.His last snack break was before his makeshift memorial. The exile munched on jerky as he kneeled before his shrine to all the fallen and remembered their names. Yet he didn't let down his guard even this close to home. His eyes and ears scanned the barren plain, examining what was left of the field and ensuring that nothing hostile was nearby. He continued his journey following the stop with as much speed and thought as always.Sulov returned to his hut in late morning. He struggled to keep awake, eyes drooping and limbs leaden. But the matoran still checked the crude building and its immediate area for any sign of intruders and was assured of the fact there were none, need to live overpowering wish to sleep. And finally he slept.

Edited by World's #1 Dad



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Lumira - Doc Verik's Office"Name's Lumira, former navigator, and currently, Mata Nui's resident hero," I replied, smiling at Madrihk, "So, this Liberation Squad; what does it do?"
IC: Madrihk"Why, we liberate the island, of course" Madrihk replied with a smile. "So far we've bickered with criminals in Xa-Koro, made a settlement here to reclaim the area from Rahi, burned down the Nui-Rama hive and rescued the Turaga from Makuta's clutches. Sounds easy when I put it like that, but it's been rather hard on many of us. We've also resolved a hostage situation in Ko-Wahi after the recent attacks there, and it seems we have made some enemies over the past few weeks. At least three attacks on this place have been narrowly averted.""But don't you worry!" the ILS leader said as he carefully lifted Lumira in order to move her next door. "With all of us here and the rather unexpected workforce prepping our defenses, we can likely hold off most intruders that do not match our force."
The Toa of Ice turned around with the Le-Matoran in his arms, but stopped when he notice Demetrius waiting for him."You wanted something?" he asked.
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IC: Tank - Le-Wahi - Chapter 2No. 4 - The Seventh(?)An odd name I'm aware. She was first brought to my attention on the road to Ko-Wahi. I had been traveling the opposite direction, off the path of course. The Matoran had apparently attempted at her things, to which she replied with a swift response in the form of fists, leaving the Matoran on the road. I had decided to follow her, knowing at some point I'd need a Matoran to test on. She's got a little bit of a mouth on her though, fairly self-absorbed. From what I gathered with a conversation with her-What?Tank stood up, still reading, this time with more speed and urgency.-she's from Ga-Koro. Apparently a lot of siblings too.-Tank looked at Kearrstrun, a bemused look on his thin face.-Before parting ways I had already decided to Mark her. Courage was fitting enough. The next day she'd be waking up on the northern tip of the Kumu-Islets.Additional Notes on No. 4-Turns out there are a lot of issues with Matoran Marks. It seems. She's had some side-effects, getting close to dying in the past day. I'm not yet sure if Matoran Marks all act this way, if they're more sensitive to the possibility, or if Seventh is simply a special case. I'll have to try again with another Matoran somewhere down the road.Tank slammed the book shut, suddenly realizing what he had been meaning to ask Kearrstrun ever since the two met. The slam was loud enough, Tuara rolled over, now awake, she groggily sat up, "Who is Arekule? And I want a straight and honest answer from you, don't beat around the bush, no cryptic answers."Kearrstrun raised an eyebrow, but his expression didn't change, "Why did you wait so long to finally ask me?""We've been a little busy, who is Arekule?"Kearrstrun didn't say anything, instead, he turned his attention back to the fire. Just before Tank moved towards him, he spoke again, "The nature of your question stems from the possibility of you being Arekule, with a mind wipe," Kearrstrun caused more sparks from the fire to come into existence; pushing a log with a stick. This time he looked up, making direct eye-contact, "You are not Arekule."Tuara raised an eyebrow in a quizzical fashion, her voice still under the effects of drowsiness, "What about the memories we found?"Kearrstrun looked to Tuara with his eyes, but not his face, "In his Mark, not his mind Tarn. You know that better than anyone else."Tuara scoffed a little, "He won't even let me see them."Kearrstrun went back to messing with the fire, "Regardless, Tank is as a mystery to me as he is to himself.""Then why do I have memories planted in me? Are they Arekule's at all?""I don't know if they are Arekule's, or why Arekule would plant his memories in a Mark, especially without me knowing. The only way you'll be able to find out is if you let Tarn in."Tuara perked up, Tank bit his lip, carefully calculating his next move. If he gave Iris access to the memories now, Tuara would no longer help him. Probably. But he needed to know, "Fine."OOC:TL;DR-Turns out, Arekule actually spoke to The Seventh in Ko-Wahi. This is big, because as far as we know, he had never made direct contact with a (conscious) Bearer before, maybe even after this point. Tank wants to investigate that later.Kearrstrun has confirmed finally, Tank is not Arekule. Or he might be lying. He's been known to do that.Tank has agreed to let Iris into the Mark's memories, to see who's identity has been planted in Tank's Mark.

Edited by We Are Legion

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IC: Ackune"Well," the Toa of Fire said, shaking the being's hand. "I suppose I should be thanking you for the opportunity to work on such a fine weapon. She's a real marvel."Ackune had accepted the widgets, although, only a few, as he believed working on Rivet was payment enough. "If she ever needs some repairs again," Ackune had said, "Please don't hesitate to come and see me."



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IC: Sulov's eyes opened to dying light. It was late afternoon, the beginning of his day. He stretched and stood up. To become fully awake in both body and mind, he regularly trained before breakfast. His practice was not lengthy or complex. Sulov only practiced basic movements like punches and kicks, going through each one by one against dummies or in shadowboxing to work out kinks in his fighting style. By totally refining the parts of his motion that made his whole of any combat, he could improve overall, and save the sequences of movement for the real thing. The matoran thus worked towards total proficiency in combat via non-total refinement of its pieces.But Sulov cut the training short early today. Before working any more on his punches, he had to first test the pistol. He drew it and pointed it away from himself before exploring the weapon. A flip up and down of the small , protruding bit on the slide revealed that its 'safety' function was in order. The exile depressed the button on the back to eject the cartridge. Switching the incomplete out one for a full box, he painstakingly loaded it in and tried to aim. Its sights proved excellent. He didn't press the trigger even once--while he had seen the vortixx do so many times and had a good idea of what to expect, he only had one cartridge with six bullets and ten full others. Sulov simply sheathed it after the exercise with safety off.Training done for the day, he moved on to breakfast at sunset. He picked fruit and nuts from the jungle and took water from a river nearby. Sulov then boiled and roasted the nuts and water, respectively, in the small heat of his firepit. No other preparation required, he consumed the meal straight from his crude pots as dusk faded.Now the exile moved on to his early rounds of the night. He leaped through the trees and circumnavigated swamps in search of rahi wearing infected kanohi. This not only gave him food and more training, but furthered his protection of the island's people...The kind of furthering he had grown accustomed to in the jungle.Life in Le-Wahi was simple, he had learned. A person of it lived or died. Any act with a higher purpose than survival also had to factor in how well it helped to keep the person being that action alive for their benefit. Thus his entire day was carefully devoted to both. Every action of his was efficient. He lived nocturnally in order that he might hunt the more nocturnal rahi, but also because his advanced night vision gave him advantages in the dark. He hunted rahi with infected masks to protect people and provide himself with food to continue that hunting. Even the remembrance he now lapsed into at the memorial served the other purpose of ensuring no infected animals took up residence there with a scanning of the environment.His ambush of a with a thrown saperka continued the cycle. He hunted, ate, and lived to hunt again. That was his life.Dragging the limp carcass back to his hut, the matoran stopped only inside the building. From this Sulov had earned several meals and much material. He thus began to butcher it in preparation of usage.OOC: Editing profile when back from vacation to reflect recent changes.

Edited by World's #1 Dad



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Tank - Le-Wahi - Chapter 2Tank sat down. Tuara moved next to Kearrstrun, "You'll need to hold onto Tuara, assuming I'll be away for a while. She'll want out. Or dead."Kearrstrun nodded. Tuara sat down, still weary from the last time she entered somebodies head. Tank took another look at his Mark of Pain. Only now just fading from his last pain drawing session. Tuara went limp and Tank closed his eyes.Tarn was already the memories edge, preparing to get inside. Tank was there with him, 'I'd like to know something,' Tarn looked at Tank, 'What are you going to do from here?''These memories are your only leverage over me,' Tank shrugged, 'I'm not really sure,' Iris said with a smile, 'We'll have to find out later I guess.' Tank didn't really like the sounds of that one. He did however, crack the case into the memories, and Iris looked at him again, 'I can take you with me I think.'Tank was reluctant. What if Kearrstrun was lying? What if he really was Arekule? He shook his head. The truth was the truth, no matter how ugly it was. He needed to know. They dove inside.Tuara just lay on the floor, breathing heavily, too exhausted to do anything. Kearrstrun who had been watching her poked the fires again, "I know you want to die," Tuara struggled to move. Iris had been showing her what he saw in Dorian's mind for the past two weeks straight. She did want to die. More than anything. Now even more than ever, "But I can't kill you. You're too valuable."Tuara turned her head away, letting gravity do the work, "But what if I told you we found a way to get rid of Iris?" She turned her head back around again, "Angelus had done the same with Dorian, and now, we have the resources and information he used."Tuara fought to form words, "Why... why did-""We haven't yet because I need Iris and Tank to see the memories in his Mark."Tuara was confused, "You don't know what's in it?"Kearrstrun didn't answer that one, "Tank needs to decide who he is, and if those are his memories, great. He's discovered himself. If those are Arekule's, maybe we'll find a clue as to what to do next. Maybe something important Arekule left behind for us before he died."Tarn had stopped the pair in a memory in Ko-Wahi, the being they were watching had stepped up to the Wall of History, looking around, checking their surroundings. The Toa looked down at his notes, reading "Left wall". The being moved over to the left hand side of the room, scanning the writing on the wall with his hand, until finally stopping upon noticing a small symbol etched into the wall, directly below some writing. He reached up and gave it a push. The pair suddenly realized the little symbol was the Mark of Fear. A small slit in the wall opened up, and the being quickly looked around to make sure nobody was watching.They reached up, and pulled out a thick wad of papers, covered in writing, and most notably Marks.

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IC: Auron:From his perch atop one of the roofs of Pala-Koro, Auron sniffed the air tentatively. He'd felt the feeling earlier, when the ILS had returned. Naturally, none of them noticed him. That could be do to the fact that he hadn't spoken in at least a few days, not since the attack, and that his mask was active, preventing all but the well-trained to see him. However, the more important thing was that he felt like something was coming towards this place. The feeling he got when impending doom is upon him and everyone around him is going to die. Or it could be the crystals. Auron decided to follow his gut, and quickly began to brainstorm what the inferno to do next.

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IC: Plagia Simul - Pala-Koro"Yeah, c'mon," I added encouragingly to Jenali, "It's great here! There's drinking, sparring, swimming. I mean, sure, there's the possibility of... unfortunate events occurring on missions, but what's life without the risks, eh?"IC: Lumira - Pala-KoroI nodded, trying to absorb all the information being pumped into me. I had never heard of this 'Squad' before, but they seemed to be doing a pretty good job of protecting the island. Better than me, anyway.Of course, that wasn't exactly a huge accomplishment."Sounds pretty cool," I replied, taking a curious glance at the blade attached to Madrihk's wrist, and the odd seams around his left eye.-Void



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IC:"Speaking of missions, are we going to do something other than stand here? I'm incredibly bored," Frii'Glokk commented.

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IC: MadrihkIt hadn't been more than a few seconds since he picked up the Le-Matoran, but already Madrihk could feel something was wrong with the grip of his right hand again. He muttered something unintelligble before carefully setting Lumira down again."Sorry," he said. "I just need to check something."The Toa of Ice took a look at his mechanical fingers and frowned slightly. He didn't have any feeling in the digits themselves anymore, so it was hard to tell when they worked properly and when they didn't. The prosthetics seemed to lock up slightly now and then, mostly when Madrihk was not focused on what he was doing with them. He had not been able to thoroughly familiarize himself with them. Most likely, that would take weeks, if not months."Yes, we have made good progress," he said to Lumira in order to avoid any awkward silences. "And it's pretty cool, I suppose. I haven't really had the time to reflect over that particular factor, but I must admit I have felt deeply satisfied with our success."

Edited by Katuko
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OOC: Come one, come all, come try the Chinese cuisine of Jianzha! Just don't let her find out you're a major Makuta resister or she might just some nui-jaga venom into your yeung chow fried rice.IC: Jianzha opened her new restaurant. She had to move the place to Le-Wahi after the Ko-Wahi location was destroyed first by a bombing then by some lunatic with an axe. She put up her advertisements, then got to work with her staff to prepare the place

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IC:Skaarn noticed Madrihk, the leader of the Island Liberation Squad, walking near the doctor's hut in the shanty-town people called Pala-Koro. Skaarn detested the place, promising that it would be the first location razed to the ground once he and Makuta took control of the island. Still, it was useful at the moment. It collected all of Makuta's enemies in one place, so the Dark Lord and his minions did not have to hunt them down individually.Skaarn walked over to Madrihk. "Hello, O wise and powerful leader. Can I, a simple being, have your attention for but a few moments?" he asked mockingly.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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