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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IThe whole bar froze, gazing at the stand off. The bar tender put her hand of Xantlahlm's shoulder, but he just shrugged it off.

I do believe that's suppoused to be a "his". :P Also, that's one heck of a profile you've got there for your Toa. He has magnetisim and gravity, along with a pakari? You might want to clear that up with Nuju Metru.IC: Hajia, Ga-KoroHajia glanced at the Toa of Plasma once more when he said "Dude, chill..." Something was just too familiar. Walking back to the counter, she began to once again serve drinks and deal with customers while the Po-Matoran worked the bar.
OOC: Oh, sorry :P I'm mainly a Toa of Magnetism though, gravity powers are very limited.IC: XantahlmThe warrior had left the table a few minutes ago, letting the other two have a decent chat, until the Toa made his way back over to there area, multiple drinks in his hands."So, I'm a Toa of Magnetism, Xantahlm, you're a Toa of... Plasma? And you seem to be very close to that waiter.Friends? Anyway, I'm going to celebrate outside with these drinks, come out if you can. I'll need someone to stop me getting out of control!" The Toa cheerfully said. The warrior stood up, his drinks wobbling and a wide grin on his face, and went outside as the glistening moon hovered above the tides.


Through fire, through ice

Through the endless pain

He payed the last price

When the acts seem tame

That the sword be drawn

That the trumpets blow

When it comes to dawn

We will all bow low

For the ice warrior

For the final singer

For the last protector

For the flame-bringer

It was his greatest fear

It was his final fight

His name glistens here

In the stars tonight


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OOC: Ah.... Yeah, that was a while ago, but I'll try and get it in. Somehow. :)IC: Gravity"Not really. I'm Toa of Gravity," I replied to the tall being. "I just have a Mahiki. You can probably see why I used it."I indicated the tentacles and said quickly, "Ah yeah, we're friends, just friends."



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OOC: Yeah, I couldn't post 'cos I was on hols. But now I'm BACK.IC: XantahlmThe Toa poked his head around the door, like a small hunched Turaga in a comic book."Ah yes" He said, a smile behind his Purple Pakari "Great Mask of Illusion, now could you come outside, on this beautiful night? Don't worry, I can stop the high tides. I need to party." The Toa sank behind the door, he was definitely excited.

Edited by Matoro --- Preston=Xd


Through fire, through ice

Through the endless pain

He payed the last price

When the acts seem tame

That the sword be drawn

That the trumpets blow

When it comes to dawn

We will all bow low

For the ice warrior

For the final singer

For the last protector

For the flame-bringer

It was his greatest fear

It was his final fight

His name glistens here

In the stars tonight


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OOC: Double-elements aren't allowed to any degree, without express permission from RPG staff.IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk looked at Xantahlm sharply. "A warrior should never grow so intoxicated that he requires one to watch over him. For warriors are the ones with the power to cause great harm, should they cease to control them."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Gravity"...What the big guy said," I agreed.My head is going to explode, I thought to myself. In case you haven't noticed, I think I had been through enough in the past day or two to kill me ten times over. And I was still freaking alive. That meant I hurt. A lot."OK, thats it, anyone have any painkiller?"



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Kale Ironshaper- Ga-wahi Riven DailIC: With one final ink covered metal plate, it was done. Kale leaned back and stretched, working out the cramps and loosening muscles that had stiffened over the past few days of him leaning over a table. Stacks of metal plates filled the corners of the room. At first he had planned on just reshaping a single plate for each page, but then he decided to leave each page a plate so that others could copy the book if they wanted.He closed the Tome of the Student and stood before grabbing his cloak and walking out the door. It took him about two minutes to return the book and explain what he was doing to Dail. Then he was running out the door and off to Po-wahi at Kakama speed.OOC: Kale to Po-wahi.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk stood, paid for his drink, and left, walking vaguely in the same direction Riaril went. His mind, however, was elsewhere, shrouded in the mists of the past.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: RiarilSun spots. They chased each other around the sky, following the sun's rays like little sand snipes following a torch at night. They played across a blue and white canvas, the fluffy clouds in the distance evading the notion of their disasterous potential. Riaril sighed and stretched a little more. Lounging on the roof of the floating house, she could feel the lap of the waves three stories below while reclining in an ivy chair, grown solidly from the the plant itself by a toa of plant life. She had a single foldable fan in her left hand, and the slight sweat dripped off her body, leaving crusty salts along the rim of her integral pieces of armor. Funny, how now that I'm here I feel so different. So relaxed.

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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk's feet walked of their own accord, marching to their own beat, as it were. Unconsciously, Krayzikk continued to walk toward Riaril's house, as he reflected on his life.***************************In his mind's eye, Krayzikk was back in the Charred Forest, in the middle of one particular training session. The task was simple. Krayzikk was to successfully escort his charge, Hikarui, to a specific point in the forest. If Hikarui was rendered incapable of movement, the mission was failed.Krayzikk was on full alert. While he hadn't expected it to be easy, he hadn't expected Song to be in the forest, trying to stop them. He had already warded off a few attempts.Hikarui was trailing a few steps behind him, with a katana drawn. Krayzikk was holding his favorite morning star. Suddenly, a kualsi-earing figure appeared in front of him, and attacked. Krayzikk had looked at Hikarui, and yelled. "Run! I'll hold him off! Keep going!"Hikarui had done just that. Krayzikk had swiftly beaten back the attacker, but just in time to see a knife fly through the air toward Hikarui. Krayzikk had activated his mask, and warped in front, taking the knife in the shoulder. Even as he did so, he felt a foot smash into the back of his knee, and a hand on his chest shove him to the ground. He looked up, and saw Hikarui knocked out on the ground, and Song standing over him. She was angry, very angry. "You forgot the first lesson I taught you, Altair. Never, ever, become emotionally invested in the outcome of the mission. Because if you do, you will not only fail, you will fail to protect yourself."She had pulled the knife out of his shoulder, it hadn't gone deep, and walked away. "Carry Hikarui back. You failed."**********************Krayzikk had arrived back at Riaril's house. Unconsciously, he felt underneath part of his armor, where the scar still remained. "Ha. Song, if you could, you would slap me now."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Yeah, I won't use both elements. It was something that would happen in my characters history.IC: Xantahlm"Alright, alright." He said as the figure walked away "Mata Nui it was just a joke. I've been through alot to not just get stressed again." The Toa looked back over his shoulder as he reluctantly made his way to the collapsed Ice-Warrior. "Why is he unconscious? Anyway, I don't see how you'll have to watch someone who can't blink. Well, I'll be sight-seeing I guess. It has been over 10,00 years since I've been here."Xantahlm stood up, turned around and strode to the glass door, the moon shining upon it. "Oh, and why the disguise?" he said, looking over his shoulder while opening the squeaky door.


Through fire, through ice

Through the endless pain

He payed the last price

When the acts seem tame

That the sword be drawn

That the trumpets blow

When it comes to dawn

We will all bow low

For the ice warrior

For the final singer

For the last protector

For the flame-bringer

It was his greatest fear

It was his final fight

His name glistens here

In the stars tonight


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IC: Kirian & Hajia, Ga-Koro"Uh... That's not too long..." Kirian grumbled as he continued to rub his head. Hajia made her way over to Kirian and Gravity's table, her presence would be no surprise, thanks to the tale-tale clicks and clacks of heels on the bar's wooden floor.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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IC: Hound, Ga-KoroHound spoke, his voice containing a questioning edge. "That depends. For beings? Beasts? Or things inbetween?"

IC-Raxa:"Well, I would probably consider KAL to be in between," Raxa said. "What do you say. Sometime soon, once the others are back?"OOC: I think I want to make a Denuian. I'm fairly certain that's what Hound is...if my memory still works.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: RiarilThe boathouse swayed heavily. Then a knock. Oh karz, it's Krayz. Letting herself take a slight chuckle at her comment, Riaril called as she rolled up from her lounging couch on the roof and dropped through the trap door to the third floor landing, "Yeah? It's open!" Do I look alright?

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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk carefully opened the door, seeing as the knob wasn't scaled well to his hand. Then he stooped so he could fit through the door. "Hello, Riaril."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: I'm sad to say this, but the Denuian, for now, are a only one-member race. As Hound's personal story moves on, there might be an opportunity to introduce another of his kind, but at the moment, I'm sad to say that the species is restricted. IC: Hound, Ga-KoroHound sighed as he spoke. "I am occupied tonight, but tomorrow, yes, I shall hunt." He said.IC: Hajia & Kirian, Ga-Koro "I noticed." She said with a smile.Kirian momenarily paused his head-rubbing to glance at Hajia. "Uh... Hello, I guess..." He said, not feeling especially articulate.


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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk, after having squeezed through the doorway, straightened. A thought occurred to him, and he looked up at Riaril, slightly worried. "Ma- " He started to say, then stopped himself. "Riaril? What are the odds of your sister arriving here during our stay?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Rynekk - InfernavikaRynekk, not expecting an attack of such speed, was completely unprepared for the strike. The kick sent him sprawling, hitting the far wall, hard."Well, that was fun," he muttered, before raising his fists, ready for a counter-attack. Unfortunately, Song had his spear, so he was at a disadvantage. Oh well, it was more fun that way.Activating his mask, he sped across the room, hurling another punch, this one aimed for her stomach.OOC: Two Kakama users against each other. This'll be fun. :evilgrin:-Void



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OOC: Hurr, I'm bored. That means something bad might happen. :evilgrin:

OOC: You're bored? Well then get your behind to the Ko-Wahi topic! :PIC: Mimira - Ga-koro -"She doesn't seem to be answering, should we come back later?" Mimira asked. OOC: We should do something else with these guys while we wait for EW to come back. Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: Sorry for being gone for over a day... this topic moves too fast for me!IC: Vacir glared behind his mask at the large Toa of gravity. Why me? He thought to himself, wishing for a more competent conversation. He excused himself from Onuzek, and began to wander the camp, pondering his next steps.OOC: I may be heading to a slower-moving area soon... anyone else leaving Ga-Wahi soon?

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OOC: Hey guys, I'm gonna be away for a couple of weeks, might be able to make a few posts.IC: ReaverShe sat silently, playing with her Dagger, pricking the tips of her fingers, letting the blood run down her hand. 'Mata Nui, something happen, already! I'm tempted to summon a tornado!' She then saw the other Mark Bearers leave for Ko-Wahi, and followed suit.OOC: Reaver to Ko-Wahi

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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