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Bzprpg News And Discussion

Friar Tuck

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Allright, I went back to that interview I mentioned and made a transcript of the relevant part. Here it is if you want the man's exact words.


Black Six: Could you give us a glimpse of what you have planned for the next year of the BZPRPG?


Nuju Metru:


This year (the 2012 story of the BZPRPG) has really been all about the power of Makuta.

(explain for non-RPGers that the current arc is set on Mata Nui, 2001 style… blah blah blah.)

So, this year has been all about Makuta’s power and players trying to overthrow it or trying to defend it.


Next year is different in a very fundamental way, because rather than being about the power of an overlord on the island. The game is about – is going to be about – player versus player, fighting for power, which is something that I don’t think has been done, to the same extent that I’m planning to do in 2013, before, in the RPG, although I could of course be entirely wrong. Next year, you will see the ordinary players take on much more important roles in the story and shape the story in a really interesting way, and I think it will be a lot of fun. There’ll be a lot of team mentalities, which I’m excited about (although I hope all of you remember to play fairly, even in the heat of competition).


And there will of couse, also be the introduction of new elements into the world of the game. I mean, we are staying on Mata Nui as I’ve said before, but, as was hinted at in the teaser image that you referenced with the submersible (I will admit that it’s a submersible – it looks like one, it is a submersible), there is something new coming to the island of Mata Nui, and that something new will, eventually, be open to played by players, which I’m excited about, allthough that’s going to be somewhat delayed from the beginning of the year, considering it takes a lot of figuring out.


So, that is, we get the team mentalities, you got the introduction of some new elements, and a lot more player power. And, the technology level on the island will be higher than it was this past year, which means that special tech items for toa and Matoran will no longer be out of the question (and there will be more explaining that, obviously, when next year starts).


So, those are some things I think most of you probably haven’t heard yet, and I hope it excites you even more about next year.


Black Six: Awesome.


Just a couple of points to make: When he talks about introducing new elements in to the game, he makes it sound much more like elements in the sense of story components rather than elements like fire, air, psionics, etc. The tech is there, as I mentioned, but I think the most important part here is that:


Whatever in in the submersible will eventually become playable.


This makes me think that it isn't just the six Piraka. If it was, then that would only be six characters for six players - not exactly what Nuju is talking about here. They might be included in this new group of beings coming to Mata nui, but I don't think they would be all of it. Maybe TDC isn't too far from the mark with his DHs theory.

Edited by The Lorax


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Would anyone be interested in playing a team of paladins in training? I'm aiming for something along the lines of Legends of Metru Nui - just a buncha rookies trying to get the hang of their powers. Send me a PM if you want more info :)

Paladins make me think of Toa of Light.....



And what you wrote sounds like it's a guild. Sounds interesting enough, but I'm not gonna be making too many new characters this year. Just focusing on making the old ones bring tears to other people's eyes when they die.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Sounds like a Saturday Morning Cartoon."Next time on Rahkshi Knights on Hoverbikes!"

On topic. Lorax, your analytical skills are beyond belief (for my puny intellect, anyway).


I wouldn't say it's so much analysis as having a little too much curiosity and paying careful attention to the information that's out there.


But I am flattered nionetheless. :D


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More tech for matoran?...Perfect [insert maniacal laugh]Voutok will fit riiiiiiight in next year >=)

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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Well... maybe my Piraka guess wasn't so far-fetched after all. :P


Anyways, I've been putting together a few character profiles in preparation for the BZPRPG's upcoming season, and thought I'd inquire as to whether the RPG in question has an 'unofficial standard profile layout design' or something. From what I can gather, it seems to be pretty open-ended?


Oh, and while I'm posting, I'd just like to drop a quick thank-you to those who took the time to welcome me. Not going to quote or name names or anything; you know who you are. ;)

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It is pretty open-ended, as you say, but there is (or used to be) a recommended skeleton that you can copy and paste as a template. I'll edit it in if I can find it.


Other than the recommended profile fields here, you are pretty much free to put whatever information you want in the bio..


BTW, a little late, but welcome anyway.



Edited by Elrond of Rivendell

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

BZRPG profiles

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Hmm, it's technically the weekend now, isn't it(at least in my time zone)? Why isn't the RPG starting? Or are the mods aka Nuju and Tuck, waiting for Saturday?

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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Hmm, it's technically the weekend now, isn't it(at least in my time zone)? Why isn't the RPG starting? Or are the mods aka Nuju and Tuck, waiting for Saturday?

Well, Friday isn't the weekend. They are waiting for Saturday, as that is what the weekend is defined as.

I used to have a banner here.

But that RPG is dead.

What now?

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Or it could happen later tonight (four hours or so?). Oh well, we'll find out soon enough.

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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Yay! Some Nuparu action! Also, if this hasn't been pointed out already, that's the alternate build for the Boxor set.


Actually, I don't think anyone has spotted that yet - good job. It's another interesting twist, and raises a few questions. For example, is it the alternate model just beacause this is an alternate timeline to the main universe and things won't turn out exactly the same, or is there some other reason to use the non-canon but still official model? I'll have to put some thought into this.


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Yay! Some Nuparu action! Also, if this hasn't been pointed out already, that's the alternate build for the Boxor set. I'd only seen the submersible, Crystal-Toa, and April 1st one before.

I knew something about that silhouette looked familiar...interesting.

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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They said sometime during the weekend. That could mean as late as Sunday. =P It's definitely not the weekend in my timezone, especially since I have a final tomorrow. I think that robs my Saturday of it's weekend status.


So much catching up to do. So this is what being a noob feels like. I'd forgotten.


A couple questions: How does everybody react to the presence of matoran types outside of the basic six? Are they just chill about them? Or are they still considered rare?


Can I make a character that's already a member of an established group (like the Ta-koro Guard or the Ga-koro Marines)?

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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