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Corpus Rahkshi

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IC: Revenge-Dorms


Revenge led the group down the halls.  "These are the Dorms, you should have a room already assigned.  I suppose you could ask a porter or something if you don't which one is yours yet."


OOC: I won't be able to post for about a day, I will get back to the tour as soon as I can.

Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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IC: "I see..." Well at least Xara seemed to be sticking to her word about not hurting others as much, even if only taking fingers was restrained by her usual methods. "I can probably reach her, if you wanted to find her faster." Palma finished attaching the last of Booger's fingers. well, the one's he'd brought anyway. "Flex them a few times. I need to see if the connections have healed properly."



IC: Suvak saw everyone to the bunks in the Crawler, so their wounds could be seen to and patched up depending on how serious they were. Some, like Rain's wrist, were easier to see to than others, like Exxan's arm where the medical arms took painstaking care at trying to get the pieces of glass out.

Tridax stood back on the beach where all the injured could see and hear him.


"Are there any pressing emergencies here? I am needed elsewhere on the island to monitor the apparent Visorak incursion, so if anyone is near to death then I will need to see to them now."


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IC: Exxan - Backstab (Terrain Crawler). 


"Visorak? Where?" I wanted to get up, but there was still glass being removed from my arm and I didn't want to risk screwing that up. "I've still got people at the village. They need to be warned." 



IC: Sliver - Doublecross (Beach).


I took my time, waiting slowly until I felt I was ready to move out once more. The ragged slash across my chest armour had stopped bleeding, and the pain in my neck had faded to a dull ache. I was as good as I was going to get.


I started walking, following the beach around towards the cliffs that jutted up behind the village. If a direct frontal assault had failed, maybe a stealth mission would fare better....

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Scoops


Scoops was alive.


Or, whatever the Makuta had called him. Existing is a mighty interesting thing indeed. One day you do, another you don't. But for Scoops, he was honestly getting comfortable with it. Having limbs and such was kind of weird at first and felt like having spaghetti attached to you, but as he grew, he had found it to be quite a lot of fun!


He now stood in his dorm-cell, flopping around aimlessly. All he had in his crooked cabinet was a Hard Core Action Matoran figure that he had found in his Makuta's lab. Hmmm he'll probably come back to get me for that, probably disintegration, but hey, I'm "alive" now!


He went back over to his bed and picked up his finely and expertly crafted weapon of mass, ultimate destruction: a rock with a string attached. Oh ho ho, how proud Scoops was indeed! He had made this all by himself. Imagine that! He sat down and recalled the story... It's like it happened just yesterday! Even though technically it did.


He remembered how he had been walking outside, minding his own business outside his Makuta's layer. The bright sea shined beautifully against the glowing white sand. A true work of art by the Great Beings nature. Suddenly, he saw it! He had been collecting see shells when his eyes ran across a perfect rock in the distance. He dropped the large shell that he had been holding and ran to this rock faster than when he had ran to hug his Makuta when he was brought to life.


He gently and hesitantly knelt down to scoop up this rock is his hands. It was fantastic, a rock like no other! And in that moment, Scoops knew that this was no ordinary rock, this was now his rock!


But suddenly he felt a burst, an explosion of inspiration flow through him! Quickly, not pausing for even a moment rushed to his pack, and started digging through. It had to be in there somewhere! And there it was indeed! A finely crafted string, the fibers tough and strong, resistant against force. Scoops paused for a moment to feel it, to understand this powerful component. But no, he couldn't stop here. He had to keep on going, and so he took the string, and then he took the rock, and did something fantastic, unspeakable!


He tied the string, around the rock!


It was earth-shattering for him, mind-blowing! And suddenly, it dawned on him, he had created this! Yes, his very own self, still fresh and new, had become a craftsman in the span of a minute! He wondered if he could perhaps pursue the path of becoming an engineer, but alas, he realized he could not, at least not yet. His Makuta had told him that he's getting shipped off to some academy for others like him. The thought was exciting, but he didn't want to disappoint his creator. He then immediately forgot about his dream of being an engineer when his Makuta called nutrition hour, and he rushed off to show him his grand invention.


Back in the present, Scoops continued marveling at his very own rock mace. He decided he wanted to take it out for a spin, see how it handled.


He stepped out and began walking down the hallway, his strangely pink and silver colored self swinging the rock around all funny like, oblivious to the other rakhshi that gave him weird stares as he passed by.


As he was flopping and wobbling down the hall, he suddenly hear the voices of what seemed to be a tour group coming by. Curious and seeking information about this school, he approached this group. My oh my, what fascinating beings! I wonder what they''ll think of me! Better put out the 'cool' vibes!


OOC: Scoops interacting with tour group!

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IC: San

San fainted for no reason. Fourth wall breaking no doubt caused it. When he awoke the halls and such were still as grey and broken as always. San could not remember where he was, nor how he got there, but that didn't matter to him. He got up and walked out the door into the light. He saw a group of rahskshi and walked down to meet them. When he got there, he said:
"What is the point of this, umh, gathering of sorts?" He said, to no-one in particular.


OOC: Open to interaction from any member of the tour group.

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IC: Snake - Refectory

"Nah, I'll be fine..." I say, I don't have time for games-- What am I saying? I've got bloody tonnes of time. Might as well.

"On second though, that'd be much apprecia'ed." I continue. Couldn't do any harm...


IC: Raith - Library

I walk up to the apparently sleeping Avzirahk with the noise of a complete lack of noise (for those of my readers who a description such as this causes a neural overload, I was silent.)

I recognise him - like the majority (assuming that the number of students has less than doubled during my hibernation) of students here, I have made a brief study of him, although I'm not sure of his name. Last I saw he was acting with irrationality associated with at least three specific forms of insanity.

Edited by 000



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IC Vaalku


"Well then, we're open to newcomers. Anyway, we've covered the majority of the areas. Other that the ones which we have visited, there is the Library, which has a book on any topic in the universe. If it doesn't, then you might want to request it. Be careful, though, as this tends to be one of the most violent places here. I almost got killed there."


"Now, is there any questions, or shall we proceed?"

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IC: Vitesse

Why is it that wherever she went, there was always nut jobs around her, oblivious to the obvious that they were all being used? Because of the lies they were fed, she thought to herself. She sighed, and started sharpening her knives.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

A blade behind him and a sword-wielding-homicidal-maniac in front, Sidonas decided that the only way out was either the left, up, or right. He chose the last option. In what felt like forever but only lasted a few seconds, Sidonas, jumped to the right and received another, less severe slash on his left arm.

As he jumped, however, a thought rose in his mind, one he knew was true.

I'm fighting a homicidal maniac who would not hesitate to kill me if given the chance, he has no wounds and I have two. The odds are not in my favor, and if I wish to live another day, I believe it is time for a tactical retreat. He can be dealt with later when I am more battle ready and have more weapons, tools, and possibly more combat skill to be evenly matched with his own. Time to run.

So Sidonas ran, he ran with stamina and agility, sprinting off in the approximate direction of the Crawler. He loaded a bolt as he ran.

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Vitesse

"If you want to see it, I could kick you back to the beginning of it, so you could see it all and have your breath already taken away." Vitesse said, having little patience for this newcomer.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow
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Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



As Sidonas turned tail and ran (that coward, he'd been boasting about how much he'd like to take down Shark in the crawler) Shark began to sprint silently after him, snatching Faithful out of the air as he did. He hurled Faithful at Sidonas' Kraata case with one hand, silent and undetectable as it flew through the air towards its target. With his unnamed sword he smashed aside obtrusive foliage in equal silence as he charged after his prey. There was no way in Karzahni he was going to let him get away if he could help it.


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IC: Scoops


Scoops looked at the she-rahkshi called Vitesse as she sharpened her blades.


"Nice knives! Very slick indeed. But hey, check this out!" He held out his silly rock mace for her to see. "I've got a rock! I made it myself." At that he leaned close, smiled and winked as if he was sharing some sort of secret.


He was a little disappointed that he hadn't gotten to see the cafeteria or gym, but he was sure he would still be able to get around, as long as he stuck close to others whom could be trusted. He wondered what kind of tasty foods he might find there, and started craving lunch.

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IC; Kuma


Kuma spoke with a cold and terrifyingly detached tone: "I may let people walk over me all they want for the sake of peace but when you act like an entitled jerk to my friends and your choices are apologize, leave,or get the whooping of a life-time"

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: Vitesse

Typical. Everyone in this group would side with this whining brat just because he did not get to see the rest of this unimpressive building. Granted, it could be worse, redoing the entire tour. She continued sharpening her knives.


She then heard Kuma, and smiled for perhaps the first time in her life. Perhaps he wasn't utterly useless. "Big words, perhaps backed up. But what happens when you bite off more than you can chew? By the looks of it, you already have." Looking at San, she gave an apology. "I see that, but the string may be a little short for that rock. Maybe a longer one would work better and cause more damage." She said to Scoops.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

As Sidonas ran, he turned around to see if his foe was close behind, as it had seemed very likely his intentions to kill him. Sidonas saw the blade come towards him and ducked, then continued to run through the greenery. He saw up ahead some sand and hopeful thoughts came to him as he kept running, sprinting as fast as he could to the Crawler's approximate location.

I should be nearly there. Suvak said the Crawler was a neutral zone, so I should be fine there.

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC Vaalku


Okay, tensions were getting high... Time for a reality check.


"Well then, we shall move onto the next subject: Authority. Officialy, Tridax is the head of the entire campus. Suvak, a Skakdi who has half his body replaced with electronics, heads many of the events and challenges. And if you ever get wounded and live to tell the tale, head down to the Infirmary to see Palma. She's a high-tier Rahk who can easily fix up wounded Rahks."


"Ay questions on what I just covered there?"

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IC: Kuma


"If it wasn't clear, that was addressed at San, or so I gather from his refferal to himself in the third person. So which option shall it be?". Kuma ran his hand along his staff feigning detached boredom.

Edited by ToaKapura1234

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



Shark kept going at full speed, unfazed by the dodge maneuver. Because maybe Sidonas didn't realize this yet, but Faithful returned when he threw it. By ducking underneath the sword he let it pass him, but it wasn't going to keep going - it turned around almost immediately after, intent on returning to its master. And that would take it straight through Sidonas' chest.


It was unfortunate for Sidonas, then, that he kept running even as he ducked. He was basically thrusting himself upon the blade, and because he wasn't looking forward for that moment, he couldn't even see this. By the time he turned his gaze forward again, the duration he had to dodge it was reduced to practically zero by his own frantic rush and the sword's even greater speed in the opposite direction bringing them together. His own inertia would obliterate any chance he had to dodge, and ducking would only let the blade strike his head.


There should really be no way out of this for the cowardly thief...


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IC: Kuma


"You misunderstand me. You don't need to apologize. San is the self-entitled jerk who should apologize or leave if he doesn't want his next stop to be the infirmary."

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: Kuma


"And what exactly is the punishment for breaking that rule? Knowing Makuta, I'd imagine its secretly encouraged. Though I fail to see what your stake in this is. But don't worry I have no intention of either of us fighting to the death."

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: Rain - Crawler (Team Doublecross)


Rain sighed with pleasure as she flexed her newly restored wrist. Her painting days were not over yet. That thought alone made her giddy enough to almost consider pardoning those who had wronged her. Almost.


As it was, she had business to take care of. With injuries healed, she hopped out of the bed and slipped towards the door as stealthily as a golden Rahkshi could manage. It would be almost painful to miss this chance to display her paint, but the beautiful lines had been broken and scarred by Noisy. She tried to hide her shame as best as she could.


Once outside, she slipped around Tridax and ran off into the forest. She needed to get her weapons back. And then... she heard someone coming towards her. Oh look, it was her failed teammate, with... Fins in hot pursuit. Rain grinned as she slipped behind a tree and got ready to grab the poor victim.



IC: Hoto - Malebranche


"It's your vacation as much as ours," Hoto ascertained. "And I want you to come along."


She wasn't letting Jayar's discomfort get in the way of an older friendship.


She caught sight of Zelnos, who had apparently been struggling to escape the crowds of the cable car, and grinned. "Look, it's Phogen!" she called. "She's back!"



IC: Tube - Library


Tube lingered in the doorway, fearfully watching the two students they liked least of all talked together. This couldn't be part of Checker's plan, could it?

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IC Vaalku


In a flash, Vaalku's sparking fist came flying out at the launched arrow, hitting it in the center and changing its course to skid down the hallway and land on the ground.


"It's called you get swarmed by bystanders who beat the living Karz out of you." Vaalku growled. "And this is a warning." Vaalku motioned to his missing limbs. "What happens when one Karzing idiot thinks it a joke to pick on others, and uses a cordak."

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IC: Kuma


"How am I the one picking on others here? And I don't have a cordak blaster. If he won't apologize then we can take it to the gym."

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC Vaalku


Oh, now this one was imperceptive as well. "Interesting bit of trivia for yah: peacefully resolving issues will end up much more comfortably for both parties. I'm not a peace-loving psychopath, but we've had about six dead Rahks in this school, and all because of pointless fighting."

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IC: Kuma


"And yet you threaten me? Why is it okay for you to fight me when I defend my friends? But like me make one thing clear. I would never kill another Rahkshi, cetainly not a sentient one.". As Kuma said this, fire burned in his eyes as if he was vaguely remembering some past experience.

Edited by ToaKapura1234

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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