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Bionicle Mafia XXVI - INSIGHT

Blessed Blade

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Pulse - 2

Petewa - 4

FF - 2

Automaton - 3

Shadow_Ignited - 1


-Day 1-


It was a beautiful day. The birds were singing, the sun was shining...


Petewa backed up with a nervous chuckle, as the mob of villagers surrounded him. He was innocent. He was a villager, right? So why were they... after him? Petewa took another step back, as a squeeing sound emanated from behind him.


"OH, YOU'RE NOT TRYING TO RUN AWAY, ARE YOU? WE WANT TO BE FRIENDS, WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY?" Petewa heard the high pitched voices, and seemed even more nervous, as he noticed red creatures all around the crowd. It appeared that the rest of the crowd, however, either didn't care, or couldn't see. He didn't have much of a chance to react, however, as the creature behind him lit a fire underneath him. If that wasn't bad enough... He couldn't move.


And he was indeed an innocent villager.


Petewa, Villager, killed Day 1 by Villagers.


Roles have 24 hours to PM.

Every single time.

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Pulse - 2

Petewa - 4

FF - 2

Automaton - 3

Shadow_Ignited - 1


-Day 1-


It was a beautiful day. The birds were singing, the sun was shining...


Petewa backed up with a nervous chuckle, as the mob of villagers surrounded him. He was innocent. He was a villager, right? So why were they... after him? Petewa took another step back, as a squeeing sound emanated from behind him.


"OH, YOU'RE NOT TRYING TO RUN AWAY, ARE YOU? WE WANT TO BE FRIENDS, WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY?" Petewa heard the high pitched voices, and seemed even more nervous, as he noticed red creatures all around the crowd. It appeared that the rest of the crowd, however, either didn't care, or couldn't see. He didn't have much of a chance to react, however, as the creature behind him lit a fire underneath him. If that wasn't bad enough... He couldn't move.


And he was indeed an innocent villager.


Petewa, Villager, killed Day 1 by Villagers.


Roles have 24 hours to PM.

Every single time.


I'm lovin' it. -Ronald

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Pulse - 2

Petewa - 4

FF - 2

Automaton - 3

Shadow_Ignited - 1


-Day 1-


It was a beautiful day. The birds were singing, the sun was shining...


Petewa backed up with a nervous chuckle, as the mob of villagers surrounded him. He was innocent. He was a villager, right? So why were they... after him? Petewa took another step back, as a squeeing sound emanated from behind him.


"OH, YOU'RE NOT TRYING TO RUN AWAY, ARE YOU? WE WANT TO BE FRIENDS, WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY?" Petewa heard the high pitched voices, and seemed even more nervous, as he noticed red creatures all around the crowd. It appeared that the rest of the crowd, however, either didn't care, or couldn't see. He didn't have much of a chance to react, however, as the creature behind him lit a fire underneath him. If that wasn't bad enough... He couldn't move.


And he was indeed an innocent villager.


Petewa, Villager, killed Day 1 by Villagers.


Roles have 24 hours to PM.

Every single time.


I'm lovin' it. -Ronald



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As our reckoning is drawing to a close, I'd just like to tell you how unhelpful you've all been. The one game I decide to take a larger role, and this is what happens? I'm disappointed in you, I really am.


I'm voting for Taka. If any of you get here in time then vote for one of the other suspects, that'll increase the chance of the Village surviving your stupidity.


You had one chance. What happens next is on you.


EDIT: Time up. For your sakes, I wish you luck. You managed to ruin your chances for guaranteed success, so you'd better hope you get lucky.

Edited by ShadowVezon


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"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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*A turaga sits before a campfire, with a bunch of matoran gathered around him*

Gather round matoran, I have a scary story to tell you.

*Clears throat* Not too long ago, a matoran, much like yourselves went missing. Some say he died, others that he ran away... no one truly knows what happened to him, but his ghost still lingers. On the stupidiest of lynchings, much like this one. they say you will hear his voice whispering on the breeze. If you listen closely, you can make out him saying 'Where's the logic? You fools.'. Scary isn't it?


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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I doubt there'll be stories to tell, Voxumo. If we've failed, which I do believe we have, I don't imagine any of us will make it out alive to get the word out.

Edited by ShadowVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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How would they know there were deaths? The Atmosphere isn't in the habit of leaving bodies. There's only evidence of five deaths, none of which include me. I'll be gone with the rest of you.

Edited by ShadowVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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Xaeraz - 2...?

Taka Nuvia - 2

Nevermore - 0

ShadowVezon - 1

Tiragath - 0


-DAY 2-. . . ENDGAME


The mid day sun glimmered, as an obscured person stood in the middle of the street. The person glanced around at the streets, as Taka Nuvia stood nearby in shock. "I... AM THE TURAGA, XAERAZ!" The mysterious man yelled out, as he tossed his cape back and floated into the air. The Atmosphere formed around him, as they prepared to attack the Turaga; however, two of the three remaining Heroes showed up in time to blast the Turaga away. The Turaga slammed into the floor, and rolled away for a moment, however, Ghidora followed up the attack shortly after, and launched Turaga Xaeraz away.


The Turaga quickly righted himself, however, and let loose a blast of light toward Ghidora, and knocked him through a wall. Without hesitating any more, the Turaga quickly turned to Tiragath, and launched off a light blast, which damaged the armour slightly. However, Ghidora followed up with a quick blast of ice, and caught the Turaga off guard enough that Tiragath was able to knock him away. As Xaeraz tried to recover, however, Tiragath began to launch off a stream of fire toward him.


"Go, Heroes! We never truly doubted you... Give the Turaga a run for his money! Take him out!" Nevermore yelled out, as he cheered for the Heroes to win. He wondered where the third Hero left was, but was more focused on the fight being broadcast on the TV...


The explosion of flames finally knocked Xaeraz away, and a follow-up attack from Ghidora knocked him into the nearby fountain. Xaeraz growled, as he let loose a blast of light, which hit the two Heroes, but the two managed to not succumb to the attack. Tiragath quickly drew a sword, and rapidly moved in on Xaeraz. The rapid attack managed to sever the Turaga's arm. Xaeraz roared out, as he stumbled back, grabbing what was left of the arm, seemingly in pain...


"Hey... that's probably enough, isn't it...? I mean, he's learned his lesson; we could just lock him up, now. Maybe the fight should end, now." Valendale said, and Shadow_Ignited, who was sitting nearby, nodded in agreement. However, the Heroes didn't seem to hear... Meanwhile, the Atmosphere constructs slowly began to vanish...


Tiragath and Ghidora advanced toward Xaeraz, as the Turaga took deep breaths. Ghidora paused for a moment, as he glanced at Tiragath. "Should we really go all the way?" The Hero of Ice asked, as Tiragath stayed quiet for a moment. However, as if in response, Xaeraz took a step forward, and made a sign, before light began to gather in his hands. Growling in desperation, Tiragath quickly moved forward and slashed...


Xaeraz fell to the ground, as the cameras cut out shortly after he started to split into two halves.


Xaeraz, Turaga, killed by popular demand, Day 2


One week later...


"I am Nato, and I am talking to you on behalf of the Heroes." The Hero of Water took a breath. He wasn't sure why he was alive. For all purposes, he should not have been. But after the brutal demise of Xaeraz, the Atmosphere had dissipated. And the victims who had been taken, all showed back up, more or less unharmed. "It has been a long week since the battle, which claimed many casualties even in the crossfire. However, as we all know, most of the people thought gone have returned. Everyone who was absorbed, has shown back up. Pulse, Kapura, and I, we're all examples of that. But... It's not even all happy like this." He paused, as he considered what had to be said. He wondered why this happened. Why any of this had to happen.


"What do you mean, Nato?" Asked TV show host Dragonstar. "Isn't everyone safe, and happy?"

Nato paused once again. But he knew the truth had to be said. "For the moment... But... I have something to say."


"The Turaga is still alive."


-To Be Con...-




Dragonstar gasped, as he quickly stood up in shock. "What are you talking about?!" The villager exclaimed in shock, as he glanced at Nato with an incredulous look. It couldn't be possible that the Turaga was still alive; the atmosphere was gone, everyone 'killed' by them was returned. And the crime had stopped, as had been expected. So how could it be possible he was still alive?


"It's simple." Nato replied. "Xaeraz was never really the Turaga to begin with... He was actually one of us, a Hero. See, he had an ability to copy others... The rest of us, we didn't really agree. When Xaeraz said he had a plan, and it would get him killed... we didn't think it would go like this." He clicked a screen, which opened a camera that was focused in their hideout. It showed Xaeraz laying in bed, seemingly still unconscious, and getting healed by Taka Nuvia and one of the other heroes. "Xaeraz copied Taka's powers. He acted as the Turaga, so that everyone could have their target be seen as dead, but without actually having anyone innocent die. Taka never wanted this; all she wanted, truly, was peace. To have everyone be united, as one. But..." Nato paused at that, as he sighed. "As the Atmosphere showed that second night, that can backfire easily. I was captured, simply because I was outside; Pulse, because he'd run from whatever killed Automaton. Taka had good intentions, which is why Xaeraz didn't want to kill her to get this to work out."


"I'll admit, when the others told me about what happened, I'd thought it crazy, but-" Nato was cut off, however, by metallic laughing from the screen.


"That... was a good nap..." Xaeraz sat up, wincing slightly, as he glanced at the camera. "You obviously haven't spent enough time around me, kiddo; if you think that. In the end... it doesn't matter."


Nato paused, as he considered that, and looked back to the screen. "Xaeraz is right. We stopped the threat. Everything is quiet and peaceful now. The Turaga and Xaeraz aren't a threat. So please, I urge everyone... Don't repeat our mistakes again."


To say everyone was surprised is an understatement. At first, everyone was a bit uncertain about what this meant... But then, everyone slowly began to accept it.


A hooded man stood with a frown, as he glanced over the emptier plaza, people unwilling to go near the site of the fight against Xaeraz. "Hmph. So they did it, with trickery. Well, well..." He smiled smugly, however, as he walked away...


-Scene end-

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We... did it? We actually did it? Xaeraz actually got lynched? We did it!


Well, ShadowVezon, looks like you were wrong. HEY! Other Heroes! Doesn't ShadowVezon look like he might be in trouble to you? We just triumphed, let's celebrate. We need a good meal for the celebration, and I think we just found it!

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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Well done, Xae. I must admit that was a rather brilliant plan. We were right to trust you.


And I even got to survive! Yay!

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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The Heroes just won. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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What just happened was that I just messed with everyone's perception of who was what in terms of normal roles. =)


The Turaga was good and evil, with good intentions, but bad outcomes.

The heroes were good and evil, with good intentions, but bad luck.

The second secret role...


not so much.

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So, now that the game's over, are you going to tell us more about the second secret role? Who it was and what it does? 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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*shoots again*

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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-Scene 5 - Epilogue-


The cloaked man wandered through the streets, as he scowled slightly. The plan was failing; everyone was rejoicing over the 'victory' they had. But he knew it would be short lived, and decided to try and show that in the way only he could - by attacking the city at its heart; at the heroes.


The man warped into the heroes' hideout, and looked around, sticking to the shadows. An emotionless look was on his face, as he walked through the place. Everyone had failed him, but it didn't matter now. They'd be shown their true nature anyway. a red construct appeared next to him, as he approached two of the heroes talking among themselves. He saw all the heroes gathered in one place, and the Turaga, and smiled. It would be so easy, and no-one would be able to react in time. Pulse and Kapura seemed to not notice the cloaked man approaching, even as the construct moved to strike out at Pulse, aiming to finish the job from a week earlier...


The man's eyes widened, as Pulse whirled, and sent a spear through the construct. "I-Impossible..." The man said, as a blast of wind from Pulse blew the hood off of the man's head. ShadowVezon stood there in shock, as he stumbled back, unable to comprehend what had just occurred.  How could they have known? And yet, the six heroes gathered around, as if this was planned all along.


"We knew there was someone else." Pulse said, as he took a step forward. "The construct was too flashy; it wasn't anything that was known otherwise. You also were outspoken during the last voting period... as if you had an ulterior motive for doing what you did. It didn't take long to put two and two together." he explained, as he took another step.


ShadowVezon grit his teeth, as he tried to jump into the air... However, a beam of light pierced his heartlight as he did so. The chaotic master gasped in surprised, as Taka Nuvia frowned at the being, even as he fell. He couldn't go like this; he couldn't... It was... impossible...


The heroes sighed, as the last menace had been taken care of. The peace would last... for the moment at least. However, this time, no-one was worried about whether it would be for a long time or not.


-Game End-


So, can I just say how perfectly every single move went?


First of all, every single role was RNGed. We had Nato, Ghidora, Kapura, Pulse, Tiragath, and Xaeraz as the Heroes; and Nevermore as the guy who still can't be PMed because of having quote marks in the username. Then we had Taka Nuvia as the Turaga. Then we had Xaeraz as the Shapeshifter Hero, the first secret role. Then ShadowVezon as the second secret role, Chaos. Everyone fit the roles in their own way, especially with the oddities going on with the game and Atmosphere at the time.


Then we had Kapura disagreeing on whether anyone should be targeted, Xaeraz quoting Mega Man to me(which was awesome, btw xae, good job there), and Taka targeting kapura, which led to me finding that so amazing, since I could work in the disagreement into the actual scene. SV targeted Luroka and Valendale, and the nature of his role meant there was quite literally a 50/50 chance for either of them to die... SO much for Luroka being the RNGod. =P


The voting wasn't quite as amazing, you guys messed up a double hang at like literally the last moment, but I didn't mind it too much. =P


Then SV targeted Pulse and Automaton; and Automaton died.


But in that same timeframe... Xaeraz targeted Taka with the copy powers. That was so amazing that I had to laugh, since it triggered the start of Xaeraz's win condition, which would then extend to the rest of the Heroes and the Turaga herself. I'll discuss that more later. He was actually the one who 'killed' the latter half of people in that scene; Taka 'killed' the first three.


You guys had me worried that maybe it wouldn't have worked out, however, until Taka and Xae both voted Xae, and pretty much sealed his fate. See, because he copied the Turaga, they both had the 'three vote' power... which meant that Xae had a total of six votes. I'm also surprised you guys didn't jump straight for Xaeraz, after I pointed out how determined and crazed the Turaga seemed in the second point. xP


Then we come to the epilogue... This was unplanned, and theoretically could have extended the game if I'd both wanted to, and things had actually worked out. However, SV targeted Pulse and Kapura, and Pulse guessed SV was the second secret role, which was secretly a choice of who to target this scene... So it turned out that SV died anyway. Whoops. ^^'




Villagers: Same as always

Heroes: The combination of Mafia and Medics

Turaga: The combination of three nightly vigilantes and a Turaga.

ShapeShifter Hero: Combination of a Detective and Copycat.

Chaos: Combination of the Pyro, and the Godfather.




-Round 1-


Heroes: Manducus(Villager)
Xaeraz: Voxumo(Villager)

SV: Luroka(Villager) or Valendale(Villager)

Taka: Unit(Villager), Voxumo(Villager), and Kapura(Hero)


-Round 2-


Heroes: FF(Villager)

Xaeraz: Taka Nuvia(Turaga) > Petewa(ded), Dragonstar(Villager), Burnmad(Villager), Dane(Villager)

SV: Pulse(Hero) or Automaton(Villager)

Taka: Fishers(Villager), Pulse(Hero), and Nato(Hero)


-Secret Epilogue-


Heroes: SV(Chaos)

SV: Pulse(Hero) or Kapura(Hero)





Villagers: Kill all roles, or be a part of the True Condition

Turaga: Kill all other roles, or be a part of the True Condition

Heroes: Kill Turaga and Chaos, or be a part of the True Condition

Chaos: Kill all other roles, and outlast villagers.

Shapeshifter Hero/True Condition: Target Turaga, and then get self sacrificed instead of Turaga in the scene after, wins game for self, Heroes, and Turaga - also includes Villagers in Win Condition.


-Final Verdict-


This game was absolutely amazing, guys, I'm glad to have gotten this chance; it was short, yes, but I expected that from the start... though, it ending this round was unexpected for this final version of the game, since I had expected it to last one more round. =P

Edited by An/A Blade
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Okay, I'll admit it, I got outgambitted. But I was genuinely trying to help you guys back last lynching, I just got the Atmosphere's role wrong, and didn't know about the Shapeshifter Hero.


That doesn't change the fact that you were an awful village that round, though.


(What happened to the second in command? I knew I wasn't likely to survive the night, and was banking on whoever it was to carry on in my place.)


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"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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