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IC: Ra’lhen - Ostia, Old Apartment

The Toa of Lightning admired his new appearance one last time before setting out to the Ostia Iron Mahi station, Sentinel ensign and good luck charm from former Akiri Hewkii in tow. Now that much of his uniform had changed, he would need to have his identification papers updated with the Sentinels. Wokodin had already been notified via radio. With little fanfare, Ra'lhen hopped onto the Iron Mahi and sat down in one of the cars.




Po-Koro, Streets

Ra'lhen rarely visited his commander his person, so it took him a little to get his bearings in the bustling city. 

"Every time I come here, it's like the rebuilt from scratch," Ra'lhen said softly. He was impressed. He still remembered vividly when the area better matched its namesake, though those memories weren't often positive ones. 

Ra'lhen continued into the city square, walking tall and displaying his Sentinel ensign proudly. Bustling carvers, tourists, merchants, and other travels were moving about in a display of organized chaos. So much was going on that it was difficult for any one event to stand out. As such, Ra'lhen trudged forward, making his way to Wokodin's office in the Sentinel HQ. Still, Ra'lhen kept a watchful eye on his surroundings as he walked. 



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"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


4 hours ago, Snelly said:

IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi

"Sure sure, it is pretty loud." Far be it for me to argue with my doctor, at least when it comes to actual medical advice. I took my blunderbuss out of it's holster and opened it up, making sure it wasn't loaded. It wasn't, cause even I wasn't crazy enough to leave something that dangerous loaded when it was literally strapped to my hip. Didn't want to accidently blow my leg off while I'm doing whatever. 

"Once you set up the targets and get the ear plugs we should be all set." 

OOC: @Pteronura Brasiliensis @The UltimoScorp


"Certainly, just give me a minute..." As Luten went to check with Kale, I quickly ducked down below the deck myself, making a quick jog off to my quarters. Right next to the medbay, so that I could more easily keep track of all of my charges if they hurt themselves...assuming I could convince them to stay in one place, even when hurt.

I didn't rate my chances too high on that front.

Thankfully, I was keeping everything better organized here than in that hut I had on the outskirts of Le-Koro, so I was quick to find the earplugs I'd made and pull out two of the pairs that were specifically meant for dealing with gunfire, rather than just general loud noises. "Luten shouldn't need any, right? Being just a...projection from a mask?"

I pursed my lips, and after a moment pulled out a nub of beeswax. It wouldn't be the best, but if Luten wanted to plug her ears it'd at least help.

Then another quick jog - thankfully I wasn't as out-of-breath as when I'd first started exercising in this ungodly heat - and I was back on deck, and with a wave of my hand set out a few targets floating in the bay. Just wide bases, standing posts, and a big circular piece to aim at, nothing fancy today. "Alright, Skyra, Luten, ears and then you can shoot."

  • Like 1

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi

"#### yeah." I put the ear plugs on as I took a metal pellet out of my pouch and loaded the gun. I waited till I knew everyone present had their ears covered before I took aim and fired at one of the standing posts of ice, I kept my arm steady, but you always felt that recoil in your shoulder a bit. The target was obliterated.

"Woo! Alright who's wants to go next!?" 

OOC: @Pteronura Brasiliensis @The UltimoScorp

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My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar


IC: Tirokk - Ostia, Fowadi

"Close quarters, specially so getting there." Tirokk responded as Kale gave him the tour, looking everything over with a hidden look of appreciation. "This is a good ship you've got here. I admit I was hesitant to go out on sea, but on a vessel such as this, that prospect seems much improved."

  • Like 1

IC: Ember - Ostia, the Docks

The look in the Toa of Stone’s eyes - staring out through to the past, briefly rising to the surface of consciousness before one’s resolve kicked in - was too commonplace on this island. She’d seen it in those she admired, others she despised. Seen it in her own rippling reflection when peering over the side of a schooner. Old memories for another time and place.

For now, she was content to make new ones. She tilted her head back, closed her own eyes for a moment, letting the warmth of the sun flow over her face.

“I’d like that, Toa Rynekk,” she said at last. “Been too long since my feet last tread a real deck.”

___ __ _


IC: Jokaro - Po-Koro, Technology Emporium


The high-pitched scraping sound of one of the Emporium’s largest tools being dragged back into the workshop cut through his concentration so severely as to drown out any idea he’d had of what he was doing mere seconds ago. 

He sighed again, setting down the disparate pieces of the haggard patero as he searched for something to soothe his sandpaper throat.

  • Like 1

IC: Dehkaz [Ostia Docks, Fowadi]

Dehkaz produced an unlabeled bottle from the same cabinet, the dark faceted glass painting a kaleidoscope of color around the cabin from the desert sun. He uncorked the bottle, pouring for them both, before placing it between them as he took a seat next to the de-Toa. One elbow propped upon the desk, he swirled his glass absentmindedly as he thought.

"I know what you mean," Dehkaz agreed, taking another moment to collect his thoughts. "Things are different now, it's not just a single criminal, some petty gang leader. We're right back where we were before. Ko-Koro caught us, the island, all on the back foot, we should've been ready for that, expecting it. We got complacent, trusted that the peace would last, let down our guard."

"They're bigger now, bigger than any single person can confront on their own, or should have to confront on their own."

  • Like 1




IC: Kale Ironshaper - Ostia - Fowadi

"This ship is designed to carry large things across the ocean. You'll have nothing to worry about while you are aboard her."

Kale glanced over Tirokk one more time. Then at the footlocker that could slide beneath his assigned berth.

"Are you don't have anything else.? No camping gear or the like? Space is limited but there's enough for you to bring some personal effect with you."

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"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."




IC: Rynekk | Ostia Docks

Rynekk nodded. He stood back up, waved a hand for Ember to follow him, and slowly made his way up the gangplank and onto the Fowadi herself

"Ahoy!" he shouted, barely restraining a grin. "Permission for two more to come aboard?"


  • Like 2



IC: Farzan (Tech Emporium)

The scraping died down, actually, and when Jokaro managed to once again look upon me he saw me come back in, with Kreff coming behind carrying the lathe.

As Kreff dutifully plonked the contraption down next to where Jokaro was in the middle of some classic Po-Koronan thirst, I came up to where the barrel of the launcher still stood tall like an un-embarassed Muaka Bull.

"Alright, do we have the tools now? I'm ready to bring your vision to life even without you if I have to"

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...


IC: Kale Ironshaper - Ostia - Fowadi

Another call rang through the ship. Kale looked through the side of the ship where his elemental abilities said that a pair of people were standing on the dock. One of them felt, and sounded, very familiar.

"Busy day today. I'll leave you to get settled in Tirokk. It seems I have some more business to attend to. Feel free to mingle with the rest of the crew."

The shorter Fe-toa flowed out of the room. The stream of metal constantly streaming around him following in his wake like some sort of billowing eddy. It didn't take long for him to arrive up on decks once more. A wide smile on his face and hands on his hips as he looked out at the duo standing at the foot of the gangplank. The flowing metal hovering around him rippling with his amusement.

"Rynekk you dog! Where have you been?! Yes yes, come aboard and bring your friend with you."

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"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."





I hefted up the disk launcher I'd grabbed while below decks, pulling back the cocking piece and putting one of the metal disks up between its mandibles. It was almost like an absolutely gigantic crossbow, the way it was designed. Sure, I could've used the blunderbuss, but I don't remember if that requires Skyra to charge it (in which case my training with it is somewhat pointless) or if it just pulls anybody's elemental energy to work, so why not practice with one I might get to use more often?

"Here, Luten, hop up on this," I said to the smallest member of the crew. "You can help me aim so that I don't embarrass myself in front of Skyra, or any of the other crew members up here now." Of course, I didn't really know Rynekk, so the most I gave him in greeting was a small nod. "Just make sure I'm pointing the right direction and tell me when to fire. I'll try not to pull it off the mark."

  • Like 1

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



IC: [Kohra - Po-koro, Streets]

The Vortixx blinked, straining to keep her thoughts on track.

“I...yeah...I was...I was…” she started, brief images flashing before her mind’s eye. But she couldn’t get a hold of them, like trying to seize the reflection in a pool of water.

“I...hurt and then...was left behind. Can’t remember...but crawled...here.”

Something about here seemed familiar. Like she’d been here before. But when? And why?

“Datrox...name.” she repeated, squeezing her eyes shut, concentrating hard. 

“I’m….I am…”


“Kohra. I’m Kohra.” 

OOC: @Tarn





IC: Datrox Karvan - Po-Koro - Streets

"Kohra," he repeated, nodding. "Nice name."

Datrox glanced over his shoulder, looking for one of those newfangled public fountains. Left behind, crawled here...this woman had gone through a lot. The fact she couldn't recall much was no surprise, trauma did that to people.

He put his hand out.

"Here, let's get you out of the sun, yeah?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend

(shout out to max)


IC: Rynekk | The Fowadi

The more things change....

"Kale, Commander Daring!" he said, his grin fully revealing itself as he walked up to Ironshaper, hand outstretched to shake. "It's been too long -- how in the name of Karz are you?"

Kale and Daring had hardly changed a day -- although was that a new Kanohi that the first mate was sporting? Rynekk couldn't remember, but the face was familiar enough to be true-blue comfort after so long amidst the brave new world of Ko-Koro. There was another man there as well, whom Rynekk suspected was this Praggos character that the Aggressors tended to bring up. He returned his nod, noting as he did so the strange diminutive figure racing about the ship. He would have a lot of questions for Kale -- but before all that--

"Pardon me," he added hastily, gesturing towards his companion, "where are my manners? This here is Sergeant Ember Velliae, formerly of both the Guards and the Marines. She came all the way over to Ostia just to check out the Fowadi. Figured it would be nice to give her a closer look at the old girl."


  • Like 4


Posted (edited)

IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi

"It's um...just Skyra now." I cleared my throat, not wanting to get into it. I glanced at the Matoran named Ember, both a Guard and Marine huh, how interesting. 

"Nice to meet ya." 

OOC: @Perp @Void Emissary @The UltimoScorp @Pteronura Brasiliensis

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar


IC: Kale Ironshaper - Ostia - Fowadi

A handshake and shoulder slap greeted the itinerant Po-toa. It was always a pleasure to see the somewhat wanderhappy crewmate once more. If Kale held stuff like that against his friends he'd probably hate most of them by now. Aggressors had a tendency to wander off in search of more trouble the instant you let them out of your sight. So instead he looked forward to the times when they showed up out of the blue. Today seemed to be one of those times.

"Welcome Sergeant Velliae. It's a pleasure to meet a veteran of two different Guard forces. What do you think of our ship?"

Kale reached out a hand for the old seadog to shake. If she had still been in either Guard force he would have waited for her salute before returning one of his own. As a civilian he didn't need to worry about those formalities with her.

  • Like 1

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



Posted (edited)

IC: Ra’lhen - Po-Koro, Streets

Ra'lhen continued to strut through the busy walkways, around bustling workers and tourists. Gradually, the Toa of Lightning found himself in quieter parts of the town. 

Finally, the Toa came across a face he hadn't seen since, well, the last time he was in Po-Koro proper.

"Stannis?" Ra'lhen said. He wondered if the Toa Maru would recognize him in his new digs.


Edited by Emzee

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


Posted (edited)

IC Stannis | Po-Koro

He'd been reclining against the doorjamb of his abode and kept to himself while trying to shake the sleepy fuzzies of somnolence from his mind. It was a laborious process. As with all other things he did, the "Granite Guardian" moved at a dune's crawl, and recovering from what felt like the deepest slumber he'd enjoyed in a long time was no rapid feat. He was mid-sip when a stranger came up and hailed him with one word more than he expected.

"Stannis?" Ra'lhen said.

The Wanderer spit his coffee out in a spray across his stoop in surprise. "I know your voice," he said and narrowed his damnably grey eyes at Ra'lhen. But from where? Something tugged at his anxiety yet he could not definitely place the memory. "Who are you to me?" he asked as his gaze shifted to the proto-knuckles the toa bore.

Edited by EmperorWhenua
  • Like 1

IC: [Kohra - Po-koro, Streets]

Something in her had warned Kohra not to share her name, as if something terrible might happen if she did. But she’d pushed past that - and found nothing of the sort had happened. Why had she felt that way? 

She looked at the offered hand.


Datrox saw the Vortixx shrink back for a moment and shiver, before she started to reach out with her left hand, immediately stopped the movement before it could leave the confines of her poncho, and instead reached out with her right.

She tried to stand up but wound up needing assistance with getting up, too. She was surprisingly light, lighter than someone as tall as her should have been.

“...thank you…” she said, barely above a whisper. “...lead...the way.”

OOC: @Tarn





IC: Datrox Karvan - Po-Koro - Streets

Kohra's hesitation to use her left hand was certainly odd, but Datrox didn't think too much of it. Maybe she had injured it. For now, his mind was more on getting her some aid. The drifter helped Kohra to her feet and kept her steady, then gently began leading her to a more shaded area, and the nearest drinking fountain.

"They installed these pretty recently," he said as they approached one. The convenience of modern Po-Koro. "Have yourself a drink, you must be pretty dehydrated." Datrox thought for a brief moment. Maybe she was lost. Could have had friends or family that were missing her. "Anyone you know that might be looking for you?"

OOC: @Vezok's Friend

(shout out to max)

20 hours ago, The UltimoScorp said:

IC Luten - Fowadi - Ostia:

With a small chime, Luten dissapeared and reappeared on Praggos' left shoulder.



Alright, here goes nothing. I lifted the disk launcher up, bracing the stock securely against my shoulder as I turned towards one of the targets I'd made, lazily floating in the bay. Unfortunately, I quickly noticed that this thing didn't have any proper sights. Of course, it really is like a crossbow.

I'm terrible with those things.

Two triggers, too, which was an odd design that I couldn't entirely figure out. Why couldn't they just make a singular trigger mechanism that would apply to both limbs? I knew I should've grabbed one of the pistols instead. I leaned my head down, bracing my chin against the stock of the weapon and using the cocking piece as a makeshift sight to line up my shot, adjusting for the wind and the movement of the target...

"Alright, ready to fire. Just tell me when."

  • Like 1

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now



IC: Ember - Ostia, deck of the Fowadi

It was almost a surreal experience, walking the gangplank and seeing the Fowadi loom larger and larger as they got closer. Putting foot-on-deck and immediately feeling the subtle swaying of the ship as it bobbed around in the waters of the Bay brought up a well of emotions in her chest - a sense of nostalgia; the feeling of being home.

She reached for the Toa’s proffered hand shook.

“Pleasure’s all mine, Toa… Kale an’ Skyra, was it? An’ technically, was only in th’ Ta-Koro Guard. Fer the Marines I was naught but an instructor, or advisor, whataever ye wanna call it. Taught ‘em tae run a tight ship.”

She tore her gaze away, looking up and around at the towering masts above. Mata Nui, was she a monster of a boat…

“She’s somethin’ else, aye… I cannae fathom how she ain’t restin leagues below with all the guff ye got strapped tae the sides, lad. But then again, them sparklies shored up in Naho got vaessels made’a rocks an’ the like, so it ain’t that much a stretch for ye rock fellows to build a floatin’ fortress…” She trailed off as she continued to admire the feat of engineering around her.

___ __ _


IC: Jokaro - Po-Koro, Technology Emporium

He downed the rest of the water and tossed the cup over his shoulder into a pile of miscellaneous junk in the corner of the workshop. He’d probably use it to make a grenade or something later.

“Try to turn that thing-” he gestured to the barrel- “down on the lathe a bit. Maybe… cut the diameter in half? We’ll worry about structural integrity later.”

He picked the launcher casing back up and started to disassemble the pump mechanism.

“Meanwhile, this thing could be… no, it’s too- hm, maybe…” he began to whistle to himself, once again lost in his own world as he turned the real one out.

Posted (edited)

IC Luten - Fowadi - Ostia:

She placed a tiny hand down and upon the stock of the weapon. Her glow flickered a few times.

"You need to relax your grip a little. And aim a little more left. With the twin trigger design, you'll pull the left trigger a fraction of a second earlier, which will give your shot a slight rightward curve."

"Oh, and flip up the sights, if you want to."

She blinked, and her glow returned to normal.

Edited by The UltimoScorp
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

IC: Ra'lhen - Po-Koro, Streets

Ra'lhen gave a toothy grin. 

"I guess the new armor is serving its intended purpose," said the Toa of Lightning with a soft chuckle, "I'd hate for you to have to remember that other guy's armor and his Proto-Knuckles every time I came to visit. Hey, check out this sword!"

An an instant, Ra'lhen's two-handed longsword that was strapped to his back was now resting horizontally along his open palms. The hilt was closest to his right hand the tip was closest to his left hand. One could not ignore the bright glare that reflected off the freshly polished blade.

"Looks good as new. What do you think?"


OOC: @Caedast

Edited by Emzee
  • Like 1

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


On 8/31/2021 at 10:53 AM, sunflower said:

IC: Dehkaz [Ostia Docks, Fowadi]

Dehkaz produced an unlabeled bottle from the same cabinet, the dark faceted glass painting a kaleidoscope of color around the cabin from the desert sun. He uncorked the bottle, pouring for them both, before placing it between them as he took a seat next to the de-Toa. One elbow propped upon the desk, he swirled his glass absentmindedly as he thought.

"I know what you mean," Dehkaz agreed, taking another moment to collect his thoughts. "Things are different now, it's not just a single criminal, some petty gang leader. We're right back where we were before. Ko-Koro caught us, the island, all on the back foot, we should've been ready for that, expecting it. We got complacent, trusted that the peace would last, let down our guard."

"They're bigger now, bigger than any single person can confront on their own, or should have to confront on their own."


"Before Makuta was defeated," The glass, shifted in either direction, moved the refracted sunlight across the bulkhead next to him. "I understood exactly what I needed to do. The island wasn't perfect. But I understood how it worked. Rahi I could fight. Cultists I could find and root out, missing persons cases I could resolve. It was grim work. It didn't end. At least I could tell when I made a dent. Since he was defeated..."

Krayn took a long drink.

"I thought the world was supposed to get better when Makuta was defeated. But we've almost gone to war with each other. New threats popped up where his followers had been, and one of our Koros actually fell under their sway. If something like him is back, I'm not sure the island can handle it anymore."

  • Like 2



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


18 hours ago, Perp said:

IC: Jokaro - Po-Koro, Technology Emporium

“Try to turn that thing-” he gestured to the barrel- “down on the lathe a bit. Maybe… cut the diameter in half? We’ll worry about structural integrity later.”

He picked the launcher casing back up and started to disassemble the pump mechanism.

“Meanwhile, this thing could be… no, it’s too- hm, maybe…” he began to whistle to himself, once again lost in his own world as he turned the real one out.

IC: Farzan (Tech Emporium)

"Let's make the impossible happen, partner" I answered, taking the barrel over to the lathe to do as asked. I was also going to worry about structural integrity later.

Kreff, meanwhile, scuttled about, making sure our perimeter was clear and free of distraction. Standard procedure, the crab was under the under instructions to help ensure that ongoing work wouldn't get derailed by carelessness.

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...


IC: Dehkaz [Ostai Docks, Fowadi]

The glass suspended between his fingertips came to a stop, its contents still slowly drifting around within, the slow roll of the ship tilting its contents from side to side.

I'm not sure the island can handle it anymore.

Krayn's words echoed around his mind, their honesty and truth resonating with and reinforcing his own thoughts. They had all come to the same conclusion.

"Not alone," He said after a moment, "The world got messier, but the island isn't alone in this... we're not alone in this. Never were, it took me too long to realize that. At the end of the day we give it our best, and it that isn't enough, well-"

The toa of Magnetism rapped his knuckles against the bulkhead beside them.

"-some help doesn't hurt."

  • Like 1





Trains rock.

If someone had told him in his youth that one day, Koros throughout the island would play host to metal juggernauts that carried people and freight across distances even a Kakama user couldn't hope to catch - and he had known a few slick ones - he would have considered it something out of a fairy tale. Ko-Koro, where he'd grown up, had been stagnant and aloof; all his neighbors had been obsessed with finding the meaning in the stars, as if a look in the night sky would dictate the meaning of their lives, too. He had spent a lot of his life looking at night skies, wondering what it was they saw up there. Red stars, spirit stars...they all went over his head after a while. He didn't even know what spirit star was his. 

But trains were an unstoppable force of progress. Make life easier for everyone at all costs. Stand in front of one and get mowed down. And, if you were a real idiot, stand in front of one and see if you can halt the speed of progress too. Test what you're really made of.

He had been tempted a few times, if not for what that sorta thing would do to his body. 

The other good thing about trains was that usually, unless they were charted by a real moron or someone with a fantastic case of nepotism, they connected vital points along their route. Hubs like Koros, or the outlying villages they relied on for supplies, trade, or military development. He had been on both ends of the moron and nepotism arrangement, and the administrations of Hewkii and his successor smacked of neither; they were built on calculus, baby, ruthless calculus, and there was a pragmatism in it that even he could admire. He'd known some Po-Koro Guardsmen once upon a time, too - they were pretty improvisational people, just like him, but even they'd had a method to their madness. So following these trains would eventually lead him somewhere, closer to his nebulous goal. He just had to believe that.

Otherwise he probably woulda tried his luck with the train by now. Instead, now and again he would watch the Iron Mahi chug by - and just like a little kid, every time he heard the thunder along the dunes he couldn't help but grin and cheer. 

He'd grown to appreciate Po-Wahi a lot over the years. He'd learned to herd Rahi here.

That had been the last time he'd bothered visiting the village, though; many routes to Po-Koro were lost, he knew, in case he followed the tracks, and even since Renaka had begun opening the village to the rest of the island it would be years before some of the routes reopened. Even the routes that had become secrets of his trade were hindered in some way, undone by precise cave-ins or calculated goat path removal. So he would follow along the tracks until he reached Po-Koro, or maybe Forsi, with only periodic stops to rehydrate or stare at spirit stars. 

He wished he'd brought some bourbon from Ga-Koro.

But it was still the morning hour, and by now whatever stars were left had faded into the cloudless sky, which meant it was his favorite time of day - pull the rifle from his duffel bag and scan the dunes for any hint of the old man. It was stupid to worry about whether or not he was being pursued, he knew; the cranky old-timer would have easily fit into his bag, right between the Zamor Launcher and the sword he really needed to get around to returning already. But he owed the Turaga a bit too much to stuff him in with all the guns. Maybe he had collapsed in some dune, back near the border, and his little legs had never quite found the strength to trudge another step. Maybe he'd just thirsted himself to death. Sounds like him for sure.

That one, at least, would be his own fault. Nothing to feel guilty about there.

Whatever the case, he wasn't on any of these dunes, so the Toa followed the path down the bay to wherever his destiny took him. Once, in a definitely-uncharacteristic-for-sure feat of navel-gazing, he looked down at the ground below him, parallel to the right side of the tracks.

There are footprints.


He could be thirsty.

He could be a mercenary, too. Or worse. He could be some normal person. The last thing he wanted to do was explain himself to one of them.

He could need help.

So call a hero.


He buried his face in his hands, feeling the weight of the duffel bag's strap dig into his right shoulder, and let out a muffled yell of frustration - nay, rage. He missed the old days. Back then he knew what to do with rage.

The tracks led him to what could only be Ostia, a desert wind covering both their paths in hi wake, but the first thing he saw at the docks wasn't someone in need of help. Rather, it was all he needed to see to know it was time for him to turn around and hit the Iron Mahi tracks again. It was a boat in name only, an ugly ironclad that been modified and frankensteined again and again. It was the flagship of the most pathetic, oxymoronic 'navy' he would probably ever encounter, and it was a credit to his star-crossed life that he'd never been forced to step foot on it. 

Hi Fowadi. Bye Fowadi.

But something stopped him from taking a step backwards. He could make out a few of the people doing target practice, and in particular, one voice carried.

"Don't #### it up Praggos." 

He knew it was the right thing to do, turning around and leaving them. He wouldn't be able to stick around. They weren't really his friends. His friends were buried in the bottom of the Kumu Sea, or maybe wading across it in search of him at that moment. His friends were righteous and just, and they always found ways to remind him that he wasn't. His friends were good, gentle people who had a habit of grabbing their own arms and falling to their deaths - a real thing that happens to sloths, by the way, but here meaning a metaphor for letting him into their hearts time and time again. 

I don't want to keep doing this to people.

He knew he should turn away, but her voice had dug into his brain like a worm. Absurdly, the wind had picked up again, and sand was blowing into his eyes and making them water.

The boat won't take you all the way. You'll have to swim for the next one.

...But the boat might be a start, at least. 

The Toa shifted the duffel bag comfortably onto his shoulder again before beginning his walk to the docks. Briefly, it occurred to him that he should probably dry his eyes before he got too close to them. He pulled the desert-stained scarf up from the lower half of his face, just for a second, to wipe away his tears. Then he tucked it back into position, so that only his feverish blue eyes remained visible.


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18 hours ago, The UltimoScorp said:

IC Luten - Fowadi - Ostia:

She placed a tiny hand down and upon the stock of the weapon. Her glow flickered a few times.

"You need to relax your grip a little. And aim a little more left. With the twin trigger design, you'll pull the left trigger a fraction of a second earlier, which will give your shot a slight rightward curve."

"Oh, and flip up the sights, if you want to."

She blinked, and her glow returned to normal.


Wait, there were...sights?

I glanced down the length of the launcher. Sure enough, it took me a moment, but there were, indeed, some sights that flipped up at my touch.


"Alright, well, thanks for pointing that out to me, Luten." I took aim—down the sights, this time, which were designed to account just for what Luten had been telling me—just to hear Skyra's words of "encouragement" come forth.

"Well, how could I ever miss with you cheering me on, dear?"

I concentrated, squeezing both triggers down carefully and deliberately. Sure enough, the disk flew—well, not exactly straight, there was some wind and it was spinning after all, but as straight as disks ever really do—and impacted the target I'd set squarely, shattering through the ice, skipping once—twice—thrice on the water, before floating simply out in the bay.

I was actually surprised I'd managed to do it, only for, a moment later, the realization to set in...

"I'm going to have to go get that, aren't I?"

  • Like 3

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


On 8/29/2021 at 5:17 PM, BULiK said:

IC: Quoribay [Forsi]

So, now I'm at day... ####, what day is it?

I'm at the day it really starts to make sense.

By now I've figured out which wires are the power wires (No, gal, I will not be recounting that story today, or, now that I think of it, ever) and which are the 'wire' wires. Hook one end of the machine up to the thing and the other bob there and press some buttons and... nothing happened. I looked at the manual from the crate all those weeks ago. I triple checked it. No, that was the setup. I was so dishearted, I wasted all that time and money to install a glorified button pusher and then THATS when I nearly fell out of my seat -

The printing press from Karzahni talked to me.

Hold on, I need a refill, one sec folks.

IC: Quoribay [Forsi]

Alright, where was I?

The talker, riiiight.

So, as I was sayin', the latest gizmo spoke. Now, a savant like myself easily realized that this wasn't alive, nor was the result of magical trickery. This device was clearly electrical in nature, although I have no idea how such a machine could be made to speak - that was for someone with a far more boring life than I to discover. I had important work to do.

Now, I'm not known for my note taking skills, but for once, I was actually attentive to the conversations that passed through the wires. After some experimentation and patience, I found which wire had the most interesting conversational topics: the one going from the Sentinel outpost to Forsi's port master.

See, one of the first things you learn when you start stealing is to not steal when other people are paying attention. Well, duh, it really is that simple, when you get right down to it. That's why the real art of stealing comes in with how you ensure people aren't paying attention - that's why misdirection is key. If you can get control of someone's attention, you can get anything you want from them. I once knew a vortixx - a real sly karz####er - she could practically steal your Kanohi right off your face without you realizing it. How was that possible? Well, maybe you should be checking your pockets instead of focusing on me telling that story.

But do focus on this story. Where was I before I lead you astray? Misdirection? No, before that: misdirection is a tool to get you in the position you want to be in: someone's attention being away from their valuables. The only tool better than getting someone to pay attention somewhere other than where you want to nab is them telling you all you need to know about their security for you.

So for days, every time the port master and the guards chatted remotely with the cocky confidence of their new toys, I took notes. A little bit here, a little there, all those bits and pieces of intel as we call it in the 'biz, I could fit together like one of those puzzles Le-Koronans always try to sell Turaga. It wasn't quite full manifests, but Karz, it was close, as long as I took the time to gather the requisite context. Because they were coordinating patrols to best fit the shipments, that also meant -

Oh, right, I need to- hold on, gimme a minute to talk to this guy privately, I'll be back before you know it. That is my style, after all.

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Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)


IC: Tekmo (Ostia, Fowadi Exterior)

In the time before time steam power, Tekmo would have had to walk across the scorching desert of Po-Wahi, or ride on a domesticated Rahi, if he was lucky. Hardly befitting. Thankfully, he was so lucky that the Great Spirit had decided he should live in the time of the Iron Mahi. Ah, the wonders of public transportation. And speaking of transportation...

"Excuse me, is this the Fowadi, the ship of the Aggressors?" He asked those standing outside it.

  • Like 1

IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - Ostia -

I gave Praggos a friendly slap on the back. "Nice shot! But yeah, you should probably go get tha...a..aaa...aaaaaa...." I happened to glance towards the docks and saw someone who should not be there. 

"N-No...that's not..." I rubbed my eyes, it was a trick of the light, dust in my eye, a mirage. Whoever that was just happened to look like him. 

Calm down Skyra...he's dead, you've accepted that and moved on, when you open your eyes again he won't be- He was right there, there was no mistaking it, why was I seeing him!? 

"P-Praggos help me...I think...I think I'm starting to hallucinate...I'm seeing a very dead man and I know ghosts aren't real cause #### you Jaron...so the only explanation is I'm having a mental break down or something oh gods why is this happening..." 

I had dropped my blunderbuss on the deck at some point (thankfully I had not reloaded it), I had my hands on the rails and I think I was hyperventilating. 

I was prepared for Praggos to tell me I'd finally lost it and needed to see a shrink, there was no way this was real, destiny was not this kind. One thing I'd found I absolutely had in common with Dorian was that we were both really good at cheating death...but you only got lucky so many times right? 

I finally gathered the courage to look again and finally I just accepted what I saw, it was Dorian Shaddix, in the flesh. Naturally, I had a few things to say. 

"A letter...A GOD####ED LETTER!" I shouted as I yanked the ear plugs out. "That's all you had to do! It could have just said "Yo b####!" and that would have been fine!" My hands were squeezing the rails so hard I think they were stuck.

I felt dizzy, he was going to be the death of me, I knew it.

  • Like 7

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar



"Ow - Skyra, not so hard now," I began, before her sudden change in temperament grew obvious. "Breathe, Skyra," I counseled, putting a steadying hand on her shoulder even as I looked out at who she'd seen. Sure enough, we were looking at a ghost.

And an altogether...Nicer one to see than Jaron? Worse? Both? I wasn't sure myself. I was shocked, seeing him down there, but I didn't know what that slackwit melt-brain from Ta-Koro had to do with things.

I pulled out my own earplugs a moment later, glad I'd left them in.

"Luten, could you go inside and grab Kale? Let him know we've got an extra visitor at the plank," I said, gesturing with my free hand over towards the other one on the docks. "Skyra and I have some catching up to do with this other gentleman, if you don't mind."

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profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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