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RPG Forum Contest 24

Black Six

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While most people would be angry at your not giving credit for the name, I know that anybody who really cares already saw when I posted it up. :PI demand the copyright though. Yep, you have to pay me a royalty for that name.Get rich plan, part 1: Possible success, remains to be seen.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Zarayna, I'm from the copyright office. I believe you have intimidated this man via cyber-bullying in order to avoid paying royalties due to him for using the name he copyrighted about 45 minutes ago. We'll see you in court.Luckily his copyright is only valid until 1:20 Pacific time, so after that there won't be any issues.Yes, that's right. :PGet to reading it at some point today Quiet Night.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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Zarayna, I'm from the copyright office. I believe you have intimidated this man via cyber-bullying in order to avoid paying royalties due to him for using the name he copyrighted about 45 minutes ago. We'll see you in court.
As the opposite of what you say is true, your statement must be erroneous.
Get to reading it at some point today Quiet Night.
Awesome, Leviticus.
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Zarayna, I'm from the copyright office. I believe you have intimidated this man via cyber-bullying in order to avoid paying royalties due to him for using the name he copyrighted about 45 minutes ago. We'll see you in court.
As the opposite of what you say is true, your statement must be erroneous.
Get to reading it at some point today Quiet Night.
Awesome, Leviticus.
The problem with your second statement is that I have a lot more rhymes prepared. :P-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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Well, I revised my list.-Waves-Surrender unto the Hive-Fatal ErrorAre currently my top three. Sorry Zar, but I just can't get excited over the new one.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Levacius, your question about the Kanohi Dragon got me thinking - there are plently of other amazingly dangerous rahi that the DHs could set free to wreak havoc. How about that one that Kualus accidently set free in Dwellers in Darkness during that fight with the Toa Mahri? Here's its description:

It erupted from below ground in a shower of rock and earth. Well over 60 feet high, it scanned the battlefield with its three heads. Muted light from the sunholes reflected off its brown scales as it spread its batlike wings. Its cry of triumph shattered crystal structures as far away as Ko-Metru.
Hello Dark-Hunter-with-rahi-control-powers! Edited by The Lorax


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@ PitA.T. Fields are indeed from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Throughout the series they were portrayed as force fields of sorts, though they grew more flexible in there use as the series went on. Ultimately, right before the End, we learn that it is actually what hold one's individuality together, makes them a unique being (and not just a mass of orange fluid... don't ask). Suffice to say, while a normal person's A.T. Field is nearly undetectable, that isn't the case for the Angels...vlcsnap2010061418h51m09.pngBasically I'm saying don't wield the power to destroy the world. :PSorry, fan-boying.

They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.


Come Tenno, you must join the war.

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All right, I have decided on my top three RPGs. You can see them in my Signature.KAL THE GUARDIANI made two banners for The Shifting Sand, mainly because I couldn't choice between setups. They are:copy_of_tss_title_middle.pngtss_title_bottom.png
Ok, those are awesome.


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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No Dreamland? ;_;Also, remember Deep? Well, it's improving greatly. And will continue to for several years. After seeing B&R not have a GM post for weeks, I've decided I'm waiting for a very long time to reenter it. That way, I'll be able to say "Work/College is eating up all my time," which at least sounds cooler than "School is eating up all my time." =P


Avatar by Brickeens




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No Dreamland? ;_;Also, remember Deep? Well, it's improving greatly. And will continue to for several years. After seeing B&R not have a GM post for weeks, I've decided I'm waiting for a very long time to reenter it. That way, I'll be able to say "Work/College is eating up all my time," which at least sounds cooler than "School is eating up all my time." =P
Stop reminding me that I'm an evil, evil man. >.< Edited by Toa of Dancing

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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No Dreamland? ;_;
As previously stated at the beginning of this topic, Dreamland isn't returning due to so many people who had important characters in it saying that they wouldn't have time over the summer.But it will be coming back, don't worry about that.


--------- “BRUH” -Makuta, probably ---------


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